There was a look of horror in Liu Zhaosi's eyes, and he finally realized that he seemed to have done something wrong.

The man in front of him was not someone he could afford to offend.

"You, what do you want to do..."

Liu Zhaosi stammered, his body moving backwards.

However, Chen Lijiu had no mercy at all. He strode up to the other person and grabbed his neck.

"My master asked me not to kill you, but I think it's better if you die."

Chen Lijiu said in a cold voice, gradually exerting force with his hands, intending to crush the other person's throat directly.

However, at this moment, a roar suddenly came from the nearby forest, followed by the ground shaking, and a terrifying giant beast suddenly rushed out of the forest.

This was a giant beast that was three meters tall, with black scales all over its body. It had a pair of scarlet eyes, staring at Chen Lijiu intently, and making angry roars from its mouth.

"Is this... a black-armored beast?"

Chen Lijiu was stunned for a moment, and immediately recognized the origin of this giant beast.

This giant beast has extremely strong defense and immense strength, making it extremely difficult to deal with.

However, this giant beast suddenly appeared here, and from the looks of it, it seemed to be coming towards him.

"Could it be that this giant beast was called here by these people?"

Chen Lijiu's heart moved and he immediately thought of a possibility.

No wonder these people are so confident, it turns out they have this trump card.

However, facing this giant beast, Chen Lijiu did not feel the slightest fear, but was instead filled with fighting spirit.

He released Liu Zhaosi's neck, threw him aside, and then strode towards the giant beast.

"Well done!"

Chen Lijiu shouted loudly, jumped up, and chopped down with the big knife in his hand.

The knife flashed and directly chopped the giant beast, but it only made a sound of metal clashing and did not leave any scars on the giant beast's body.

"Such tough scales."

Chen Lijiu was secretly shocked, but did not give up. He jumped up and attacked the beast again.

The man and the beast immediately started fighting, and the terrifying air waves continued to spread around.

The girls stared at the scene in a daze, with shock in their eyes.

They didn't expect that this plain-looking man actually possessed such terrifying strength that even this giant beast was no match for him.

The battle lasted for more than ten minutes. Chen Lijiu became more and more courageous, while the giant beast gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Suddenly, Chen Lijiu chopped the giant beast's neck with a knife, directly chopping off its head.

The beast's body fell to the ground with a loud bang, and the ground shook.

Chen Lijiu put away his knife and stood up with a victorious smile on his face.

"Okay, it's safe now, you can leave."

Chen Lijiu said lightly, turned around and walked down the mountain road.

The girls looked at each other, but did not leave immediately. Instead, they followed Chen Lijiu silently.

They have been conquered by this man.


Under the leadership of Chen Lijiu, the girls quickly walked out of the mountains and came to the nearby road.

This place is not far from the city and can be reached quickly by car.

Chen Lijiu sent the girls to the car, paid the fare, and then turned and left.

He has more important things to do.

However, shortly after he left, a black shadow suddenly rushed out from the woods next to him and pounced directly towards Chen Lijiu.

This was a dead body, covered with black hair, and with a pair of scarlet eyes, staring at Chen Lijiu.

"dead body?"

Chen Lijiu was stunned for a moment, but he was not afraid at all.

He had practiced Taoism in Longhu Mountain and knew how to deal with this kind of evil creature.

"The sky and the earth are boundless, the universe borrows the law, command!"

Chen Lijiu muttered something, then slapped out with his palm, hitting the corpse directly.

A golden light flashed, and the corpse suddenly let out a shrill scream and quickly retreated.

However, Chen Lijiu had no intention of letting the other party go. He jumped up and attacked the corpse again.

A man and a corpse fought again. The terrifying air wave continued to spread, and the surrounding trees were broken in half.

However, although this corpse was terrifying, it was no match for Chen Lijiu.

A few minutes later, Chen Lijiu slapped the corpse on the chest, breaking it into pieces.

At this time, Zhang Hao also came over.

Zhang Hao witnessed Chen Lijiu's skillful manipulation of the corpse just now, and suddenly realized that he still had a long way to go.

He originally thought that being able to drive corpses around would be enough to keep a foothold in this industry.

But today, Chen Lijiu told him with his actual actions that he was still far from the peak of the industry, not to mention the vast world beyond the peak. At least, he had not mastered any of the spells, Taoist techniques, and magic...

So, he looked at Chen Lijiu with a firm gaze and asked in a deep voice: "Shopkeeper, I want to learn these."

This sentence has almost become Zhang Hao's catchphrase, although Chen Lijiu is still a little uncomfortable with it. This is not like Hao Ge's style. Mainly, it is rare to see Hao Ge so concerned about something, of course, except for exploring the mystery of his life experience.

The reason why Brother Hao was attracted to this business was to tell him that this might help solve the mystery of his life. Although this was all made up by Chen Lijiu, after receiving the black gold ancient sword as a reward from the system last time, he found that it was not impossible to solve the mystery of Brother Hao's life. Looking at Zhang Hao, Chen Lijiu smiled slightly, patted him on the shoulder and said, "We are all brothers. If you want to learn, I will definitely teach you. When you are proficient in the art of driving corpses, I will teach you to draw talismans."

Chen Lijiu's words were sincere. Learning really needs to be done step by step. One cannot rush for success, no matter how smart Zhang Hao is. As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Jiu turned around and looked at Zhang Hao with a hint of envy. Who wouldn't want to learn this kind of skill?
If Chen Lijiu was willing to teach, he would even want to become his disciple, even though he was a Taoist priest from Mount Mao. A fourth-rank official seal! This is a big boss's trick! If he could learn it, let alone the fourth rank, even the ninth rank would be enough to make people laugh in their dreams.

Even if he doesn't learn this, it would be good if he could learn Hao Xie's corpse sacrifice order. In other words, if he could teach him any spell in this inn, Lin Jiu would feel that he had made a big profit! At this time, Chen Lijiu's voice sounded again, and he said to Zhang Hao: "But with your current proficiency in corpse-driving skills, it will be very difficult to learn." "So, you should practice corpse-driving skills more proficiently first."

"Don't worry, I will always be here. When you become more proficient in corpse-driving, come to me anytime and I promise to teach you!" Zhang Hao nodded slightly, his eyes full of gratitude. The four of them have known each other for a long time, and he believes that Chen Lijiu can do what he says, and he also believes that what he said must be right.

Although he now has the talent to drive corpses and can drive corpses alone, he still lacks experience after all because of too little practice. Even Lin Jiu, who has been driving corpses for a lifetime, couldn't comprehend it, let alone him? So he said firmly: "Okay!" Seeing that Zhang Hao had reserved another move from Chen Lijiu, Hao Xie also came over and looked at Chen Lijiu with a smile and asked: "Brother Lijiu! What about me?" "Can you teach me another move?" "I definitely can't learn the official seal move, but I see that there are many more talismans you drew in the morgue."

Chen Lijiu smiled. He thought that the spells in the morgue could be taught to Hao Xie. After all, Hao Xie was now responsible for the storage, resurrection and care of corpses in the Yin Yang Inn. There was no harm in learning these. So he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll teach you this when I get a chance." "Really?!" Hao Xie's face was full of smiles. He felt that after learning these tricks, first of all, he would be more confident in running the store, and secondly, he would have a special skill in archaeology in the future.

If Fatty Wang was here, he would be so envious that his eyes would turn red. Everyone has learned a skill! Only Fatty Wang is still soliciting orders everywhere, because Chen Lijiu promised that as long as Fatty Wang gets an order, he will teach him the corpse-retrieving technique and let him become the corpse-retrieving man of the Yin Yang Inn. "Brother Lijiu, I won't say anything more!" Hao Xie looked at Chen Lijiu gratefully, and said excitedly in his heart, "With me here, things like today will never happen again!"

Chen Lijiu nodded slightly, and just when he was about to say that today's incident had nothing to do with him, he heard footsteps outside the door, and then several figures appeared at the gate. It was Wang Zhanyuan and his team members from the Night Wolf Squadron who finally arrived. "Hey?" Wang Zhanyuan ran to the door and did not come in without permission, but stood at the door and looked at everything inside. Because he met Zhang Hao and Chen Lijiu on the way and saw them rushing back to the Yin Yang Inn, plus the gunshots he heard before, he thought something had happened. As a result, he saw a scene of peace and prosperity in the yard of the inn, but the yard was filled with a strong smell of blood.

So Wang Zhanyuan couldn't help but ask: "Boss, we just heard gunshots here, are you okay?" "Is there anything we can help you with?" Chen Lijiu glanced at Wang Zhanyuan, thinking that they probably didn't know about the intruders. But the intruders must have come to find them. There was only one Yin-Yang Inn in Fengmen Village, and the intruders must have found this place like the people from the Night Wolf Squadron, thinking that this was a place to stay. But Chen Lijiu didn't let the Night Wolf people stay here, because their Yin-Yang Inn only deals in dead people.

So he glanced at Wang Zhanyuan indifferently, then threw the armband in his hand over and said indifferently: "That's not necessary, just don't cause me trouble." Wang Zhanyuan caught the armband thrown by Chen Lijiu with one hand, and at the same time wondered in his heart, why does this boss look like he is angry?
And it seems that they seem to be somewhat dissatisfied with the behavior of Zhang Hao and others?

What is going on here?
It's really confusing.

So, he lowered his head and glanced at the sign that Chen Lijiu threw over, his eyes immediately widened, and he blurted out:

"This is!"

"Eagle Eyes!"

"How come the guy with Eagle Eyes appears here?" Zhang Hao's question made the whole team nervous. They began to look around vigilantly, looking for any suspicious signs.

"Hawkeye? Shouldn't they be active somewhere else? Why did they come to this closed village?"

"It's really strange. This place is so far away from their activity area. What are they doing here?"

"Everyone, be careful. There may be people with Eagle Eyes lurking here. We need to set up secret sentries as soon as possible!"

"All teams on alert, get ready for battle!"

At this time, Wang Zhanyuan looked at the sign in his hand in confusion, waved his hand and said:
"Manager Chen, can you explain what's going on?"

Chen Lijiu glanced at Wang Zhanyuan and was secretly surprised to see that they actually recognized this logo.

Sure enough.

These uninvited guests were indeed coming for Zhang Hao and his group.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many sudden intruders.

At this time, Lin Jiu began to explain:
"Manager Chen just came back as well. Actually, I was the one who stayed in the inn the whole time."

"But I don't know the details. These people came very strangely and their voices were very low. At first I thought they were corpses, so I didn't pay much attention to them."

"Who would have thought"

Before Lin Jiu finished speaking, he saw Wang Zhanyuan looking at him with confusion and asked:

Similarly, Zhang Hao's entire team looked at the people in the inn with confusion.

Is there a dead body here?

Chen Lijiu waved his hand and said:

"Those people came to look for you, but now they are gone."

"Gone?" Wang Zhanyuan looked at Chen Lijiu with confusion.

Although the villagers had warned them not to investigate the affairs of the Yin-Yang Inn.

But isn’t this Yin-Yang Inn too weird?
It is said that the people with Eagle Eyes are no longer around?

Looking at the logo, it is undoubtedly the Eagle Eye.

Judging from the expressions of Chen Lijiu and Lin Jiu, they probably weren't lying.

But that's the eagle eye!
Even special forces like Zhang Hao are troubled by this existence, but it is gone?

Or in this inn?

What exactly is going on?

Wang Zhanyuan and his team members looked at Chen Lijiu, and their doubts grew even more intense. Finally, Wang Zhanyuan couldn't help but ask:

"Shopkeeper Chen, you said they are gone?"

"Where are their remains?"

"Can I take a look?"

"This Eagle Eye is an internationally renowned assassination organization. They are unpredictable and extremely sinister and cunning."

"I'm a little worried"

Wang Zhanyuan was worried that this inn would be targeted by eagle eyes.

If that's the case, then they have really brought a big trouble to the inn.

Chen Lijiu pointed in the direction of the morgue and said calmly:

"In the morgue, go and see for yourselves. These bodies happen to be related to you, so you can deal with them yourselves."

Wang Zhanyuan looked at Chen Lijiu in surprise. Morgue?
This inn also has a morgue?
Without time to think about it, Wang Zhanyuan nodded slightly to Chen Lijiu, then led the team members into the yard.

At this time, Lin Jiu volunteered to say:
"It's time for me to leave."

"We just need to deal with the remains, why don't I take you there!"

After saying that, Lin Jiu took Wang Zhanyuan and the others into the morgue.

As soon as they entered the morgue, Wang Zhanyuan and others were stunned.

The floor of the morgue was covered in blood, the Eagle Eye logo was everywhere, and there were also smashed guns and crushed communicators. (End of this chapter)

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