My daily mountain driving, I met a fox at the beginning and got married

Chapter 722: Opening the Coffin and Seeing the Evil Spirit

"Who did this? They smashed the gun into pieces?"

"That's right, I've only seen this kind of scene in movies!"

After entering the morgue, they saw coffins again and were shocked again:

“So many coffins!”

"I remember now. Didn't the old man say that this inn specializes in the business of dealing with the dead?"

"Damn, is this the kind of business?"

Lin Jiu listened from the side and laughed secretly in his heart.

It seems that these people don’t know what the Yin Yang Inn is?

So he explained:

"The Yin Yang Inn is not the ordinary inn you imagine. It is a special inn that provides services such as driving corpses, parking corpses, retrieving corpses, storing remains, and exorcising evil spirits."

"This is an industry that has existed since ancient times, but nowadays, very few people are engaged in this industry. No! It should be said that in modern society, Yin-Yang Inns are almost extinct, and Manager Chen's is the last one."

Wang Zhanyuan looked at Lin Jiu with confusion, and couldn't help but start to doubt in his heart.

Driving corpses?

Does such a thing really exist?
I've heard of it, but I've never seen it with my own eyes!

As soon as he finished speaking, a faint voice suddenly came from behind Wang Zhanyuan:

"I remembered!"

"Captain Wang, this must be the person I told you about this morning!"

"In the early morning, I saw him entering this inn with several people!"

Wang Zhanyuan looked back and became even more confused.

At this time, Lin Jiu pointed at the coffin in front of him and said:
"The person you want to see is in here."

"But I suggest you don't get too close, let alone touch them, so as not to be contaminated by evil spirits and bring misfortune!"

Wang Zhanyuan walked to the coffins half-doubtfully, looked at them with a frown, and then pushed open the lid of one of the coffins.

The next moment, his eyes widened and he took a step back, obviously frightened.

Even though he is a special forces soldier and is used to seeing life and death on the battlefield, at this moment his scalp tingles, his hair stands on end, and his face turns pale!
Inside the coffin, there was a dried corpse that looked like it had been dead for many years. Its body was pitch black like skin and bones, and in its arms was a dead person in camouflage clothes.

The mummy is hugging the dead person!

And this person is the number one figure of Hawkeye!
Seeing the scene inside the coffin, everyone in Zhang Hao's team widened their eyes and exclaimed in surprise.

Wang Zhanyuan, in particular, was so shocked that he was speechless.

I saw two bodies hugging each other tightly in the coffin, which made people's scalp tingle.

Because it was obvious that the person being hugged had a face full of fear, his eyeballs bulged out, and the originally red bloodshot eyes had turned black due to death.

Its body was trapped in a ball, and its open mouth seemed to be making a silent cry.

The expressions of everyone in Hawkeye were frozen at the most terrified moment before death.

This scene makes people feel the chill deep into their bones.

"Oh my god!" Someone couldn't help but frown and said, "This death is too scary! If you don't know, you would think it was a ghost!"

"Yeah, it made me almost throw up my lunch! I've never been so scared watching a prisoner being executed before!"

"It's really strange. Except for the man with the eagle eyes, these bodies look like they have been dead for a long time. How did he hold them?"

"Could it be that the people with the eagle eyes got in by themselves? That doesn't make sense, unless they are completely crazy!"

"If the people with Eagle Eyes didn't get in by themselves, then these ancient corpses hugged them by themselves? This... is too unreasonable!"

Wang Zhanyuan felt uneasy as he looked at the remains of Eagle Eyes while also looking at the ancient corpses that he thought would not move.

God knows what happened here before.

However, no matter how the situation develops, Wang Zhanyuan knows that there must be something fishy.

Because the person who died was the one with Eagle Eyes!

Hawkeye has a long-standing grudge against them, and the clashes have been more than once or twice.

Especially the person they called boss, perhaps even the top executives of Eagle Eyes did not know him as well as Wang Zhanyuan.

The Boss was well-known for his cunning, steadiness and ruthlessness. In the Golden Triangle, he was the only one who caused trouble for others and never suffered any loss himself.

Even the Night Wolf Squadron where Wang Zhanyuan was located suffered several setbacks at the hands of the boss.

It can be said that the boss is a hero of his generation.

However, who could have expected that such a hero would be lying in his coffin in such an embarrassing manner!
"What a surprise!" Wang Zhanyuan frowned and whispered, "Boss has always been cautious, I didn't expect that he would die here."


Wang Zhanyuan glanced at the equipment of the Eagle Eye members and continued.

"Even if they didn't bring more convenient weapons this time, the equipment they have is not bad. The pistols they are equipped with are almost as powerful as small submachine guns!"

"With their firepower, they shouldn't be completely wiped out."

"How could they... be completely wiped out?"

Wang Zhanyuan had no sympathy for their deaths, but he was confused by the fact that Hawkeye, his old rival, was suddenly wiped out.

Because the power that can defeat Hawkeye can also defeat their Night Wolf Squadron.

Although their current armed forces are stronger than Hawkeye, if they really encounter that power, they may end up like the boss, lying in the coffin.

"This is not surprising!" Lin Jiu suddenly explained.

“Human power is always limited.”

"Although you have good physical fitness, you seem to be unable to cope with such mysterious things."

"Luckily, Mr. Yin Yang took action today. Otherwise, not only these unlucky intruders, but even I and you might die here!"

After saying that, Lin Jiu once again looked at Chen Lijiu with respect.

Although he is much older than Chen Lijiu, he feels inferior to him in terms of achievements.

Today, Lin Jiu not only witnessed the methods of Mr. Yin and Yang, but also experienced the power of the legendary Zhengqin official position!

For him, this trip to the Yin-Yang Inn was the most valuable adventure in his life.

If it weren’t for Chen Lijiu, Lin Jiu might still not know the depth and height of the corpse-driving industry.

But Wang Zhanyuan and others did not witness what happened before and were full of doubts.

"Uncle, I don't understand what you mean. How did these people... die?" Lin Jiu glanced at Wang Zhanyuan and shook his head, "Killed by these corpses."

"A corpse kills people?!" Wang Zhanyuan exclaimed, "How can a corpse kill people?"

"Can they move?"

Lin Jiu seemed to have anticipated their reaction and did not explain much. He just checked the eight bodies he brought one by one.

Although they had just experienced a thrilling corpse transformation, these corpses absorbed the yang energy and death energy of the Eagle Eye members and were not damaged.

Chen Lijiu only suppressed their violent evil spirit but did not destroy them.

Therefore, the eight bodies he brought were safe and sound.

However, these corpses have undergone abnormal changes. If any problems arise during the subsequent corpse-driving process, Lin Jiu may not be able to handle it alone.

At the same time, Wang Zhanyuan and members of the Night Wolf Squadron once again examined the wounds on the boss and others.

Only then did they discover that there were no signs of bullet wounds on these people.

The wound was bloody and difficult to identify the source.

But fragments of internal organs could be seen next to the wound, as if the body had been pierced and the internal organs had been taken out.

"Captain Wang!" someone exclaimed, pointing at a corpse.

The wounds on the body were distinctive, with five finger marks visible.

The deceased seemed to have escaped the fatal blow, but marks were still left on his body.

Wang Zhanyuan immediately compared the bodies with other ones and found that there were fingerprints on the wounds of the Eagle Eye members.

"Oh my God!" Wang Zhanyuan took a deep breath and had an uncertain answer in his mind.

"Were these people gouged to death?"

"How can this be?"

"They all carry guns. Are the guns useless?"

Lin Jiu snorted coldly: "The person has died once. How much of a threat do you think the gun poses to the dead?"

Wang Zhanyuan looked at Lin Jiu in astonishment, and a picture emerged in his mind: the man with the eagle eyes was facing these dead people, but shooting was useless.

Watching them approaching step by step, the bullets passed through the body but not a drop of blood flowed.

In the end, they could only watch helplessly as these corpses dug themselves to death with their claws.

"Hiss..." Wang Zhanyuan felt his teeth go cold and his scalp go numb.

"Then these corpses won't get up again, right?" he asked fearfully.

Lin Jiu shook his head and glanced at Chen Lijiu in the courtyard. "Mr. Yin Yang has already frightened them. As long as they are not provoked, they should not act recklessly again."

"But don't get too close, or the person in the coffin will be your fate!" he warned.

Wang Zhanyuan looked at Chen Lijiu in confusion, "Mr. Yin and Yang?" There was no doubt that the Mr. Yin and Yang that Lin Jiu mentioned was Chen Lijiu.

Such a young man, can he handle the things here? They are more willing to trust the experienced Lin Jiu.

Moreover, so far, the cause of death of the Eagle Eye members is entirely based on Lin Jiu's words and their own speculation, and there is no conclusive evidence.

So Wang Zhanyuan was also worried. Could it be that there really were corpse drivers in the world? Could corpses really be controlled by people? This was unbelievable!
"Oh right!" Lin Jiu suddenly turned to Wang Zhanyuan and said, "You seem to know these bodies. Now that they are dead, what are you going to do with them?"

"Although this is not my responsibility, I have to remind you that this is the Yin-Yang Inn and there is a fee for storing corpses!" he added.

Wang Zhanyuan suddenly looked up and finally understood the meaning of this Yin Yang Inn. No wonder they were not taken in yesterday! Looking at the body of Eagle Eyes, he sighed and said, "Hey, although these people are our hostile forces, they may have clues on them. At least we should verify their identities."

"But we have a mission to complete and cannot handle these matters. We can only report to our superiors and ask them to come and collect the bodies." He shook his head and began to think about how to explain this bizarre incident to his superiors. After all, this matter was too bizarre, even they themselves could not believe it. When he was about to ask if the body storage fee could be paid on credit, he suddenly felt the communicator in his pocket vibrate. He reached out and took out the communicator. Although this device was different from an ordinary mobile phone, it had similar functions and could only be used to communicate with superiors. In the entire Night Wolf Squadron, only Wang Zhanyuan had this kind of communication device.

At this moment, Wang Zhanyuan frowned and looked at the caller ID, feeling suspicious. "It's the chief of staff."

The special forces soldiers all cast inquiring glances, seemingly wondering if there were any new instructions.

Wang Zhanyuan quickly picked up the phone, and a steady voice came immediately.

"Wang Zhanyuan! Where are you now?"

Wang Zhanyuan glanced at the morgue and responded, "Chief of Staff, we have arrived at Fengmen Village and are preparing to move on."

"The progress is so slow?" The chief of staff's voice revealed some dissatisfaction, as if he was quite disappointed with their speed.

Wang Zhanyuan glanced at the body of Hawkeye in the coffin and explained: "We encountered an inn on the way and some unexpected situations occurred."

"Inn? What inn?" The chief of staff obviously didn't understand.

"It's the kind of place where corpses are handled, and something unusual happened." The more Wang Zhanyuan spoke, the more he found it difficult to explain. After all, this kind of thing sounded too bizarre.

As expected, the Chief of Staff seemed a little impatient. "Alright, stop making up stories. We have a new mission now. You need to rush to the border within three days and conduct strict inspections on all people who have recently entered the country."

"This is an order from above. I don't know the specific reason, just execute it. Don't delay this time, go to Luocheng immediately, someone will take you to the border. Do you understand?"

Wang Zhanyuan and all the special forces responded in unison: "Understood!"

The voice of the chief of staff on the other end of the phone gradually faded. "Why are you still making up stories about the inn? Can you find a more reliable excuse? Toot toot toot."

Wang Zhanyuan hung up the phone in embarrassment. He had already expected that the chief of staff would not believe such a bizarre thing.

He turned to the team members, "Everyone has heard the new mission. We have to get to the border within three days. So, what should we do with these Hawkeye bodies?"

One person asked, "Captain, what should we do with these bodies?"

Wang Zhanyuan looked around and his eyes fell on Chen Lijiu. He walked up to him and said, "Manager Chen, I'm really sorry to trouble you. Do you have a service for transporting corpses?"

Chen Lijiu looked at Wang Zhanyuan, thinking that this might be a good deal. "Our inn specializes in this kind of business. Where do you want to transport these bodies to?"

Wang Zhanyuan explained his needs. "We have an urgent mission and cannot take the bodies with us. But their identities are very important to us. I hope you can help. As for the compensation, we will definitely satisfy you."

Chen Lijiu nodded and agreed, "10,000 per person within the province, 20,000 per person across provinces. Is that acceptable?"

Although Wang Zhanyuan thought the price was high, he had no choice but to accept it considering the special nature of the corpse. "Okay, it's settled."

Lin Jiu next to him interrupted, "You should thank Shopkeeper Chen, this price is already very fair."

The members of the Night Wolf Special Forces looked at each other, confused by this unusual situation.

Although Wang Zhanyuan had his doubts, he still chose to trust. "Thank you, Manager Chen. Can we pay on delivery?"

Chen Lijiu was about to refuse when the system's voice suddenly rang in his mind.

[Ding, a new mission is generated: transport all the bodies of the Eagle Eye Killer Organization to the central war zone of Dragon Country. After completing the mission, the inn may be upgraded. ]

Chen Lijiu touched his chin. Considering the mission reward and the possibility of upgrading the inn, he decided to accept the mission. "Okay, I can pay on delivery. But I have to prepare some talismans just in case."

He turned to Zhang Hao, "Zhang Hao, how is your corpse-driving technique going?" (End of this chapter)

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