My daily mountain driving, I met a fox at the beginning and got married

Chapter 723 You have successfully received the task

Zhang Hao nodded confidently, "Don't worry, boss, I'll take care of these bodies."

At this time, Wang Zhanyuan saw that Chen Lijiu had not responded yet, and mistakenly thought that his request was too harsh, so he smiled awkwardly:
"Boss Chen, I know this request may be a bit excessive."

"But don't worry, I will notify the troops in advance to ensure everything goes smoothly."

"It's just that we are short of funds right now, so we usually don't carry too much cash when we go on missions."

Wang Zhanyuan’s words brought Chen Lijiu back to his senses. He glanced at Wang Zhanyuan and laughed secretly in his heart.


"Just pay cash on delivery."

"But I have to remind you that these bodies cannot be preserved for too long."

"Please process it as soon as possible after it is delivered."

Wang Zhanyuan looked at Chen Lijiu in surprise, thinking that he was not as cold as he appeared.

So he nodded his thanks:

"Thank you, Boss Chen!"

"I will report to my superiors regarding the remuneration."

"I'll leave the corpse to you. We have a new mission now and need to leave immediately. I won't bother you any more!"

After the matter was settled, Wang Zhanyuan did not dare to delay. After all, he had been severely criticized by the chief of staff before.

However, just as he was about to lead his team away, Chen Lijiu stopped them.

"and many more!"

Wang Zhanyuan and his team members turned around in confusion.

Chen Lijiu took out a dozen yellow talisman papers from his arms, walked up to them, and said calmly:
"Since you have placed an order at my Yin Yang Inn, I cannot watch you fall into danger."

"Although these trespassers are dead, they seem to have a deep grudge against you."

"Everyone should carry a piece of talisman paper when you are on the road. If you are traveling at night, remember not to look back if someone calls you after midnight!"

Wang Zhanyuan took the talisman paper half-believingly and looked at Chen Lijiu with a blank face.

"Boss Chen, what is this for?"

After Chen Lijiu distributed the talismans to the members of Liu Zhaosi's squadron, he explained:

"You are stained with the resentment of these corpses, and you may be haunted and become a scapegoat."

"Of course, I hope these things won't happen. Just use this talisman as a self-defense tool."

Wang Zhanyuan repeatedly looked at the yellow paper in his hand, and couldn't help wondering: Can this protect me? If I really encounter something, it would be better to just shoot.

"In this case, if someone calls me at night, won't I be able to look back?" Wang Zhanyuan asked casually, finding it a little unbelievable.

Chen Lijiu shook his head and replied:

"Once you leave this area within ten kilometers, there will be no problem."

"Within this range, just do as I say!"

Wang Zhanyuan nodded and took the talisman, thinking it was Chen Lijiu's kindness and gift. As for whether to believe it or not, he still had doubts in his heart.

As time was running out, they didn't say anything more. They simply thanked him and hurried on their way.

On the way to Luocheng, it was just after midnight. The team members couldn't help but recall Chen Lijiu's instructions.

However, the more they thought about it, the more curious they became. Would someone really call them in this desolate mountain?

"Captain, Boss Chen told us not to look back for fear of being possessed. Is this true?" someone couldn't help but ask.

Wang Zhanyuan shook his head and smiled faintly:

"To be honest, I don't really believe it. It's too mysterious."

"That boss even said that we were tainted by Hawkeye's grudge. What grudge could a dead person have?"

"We have killed countless enemies on the battlefield. If every dead person has grievances, how can we complete the mission?"

At this time, another voice came from the team, "But the Eagle Eyes' people died tragically, Captain, do you think they were really killed by those corpses?"

"I saw that old master named Lin Jiu bring a group of corpses into the inn. I saw it with my own eyes when I was on duty that day!"

"Ah? Does the profession of corpse driver really exist? I thought it was just a legend!"

"What I'm curious about now is that Boss Chen said that Eagle Eyes' body must be removed and disposed of by professionals from their inn. Could he be going to take the body to our army?"

"Isn't it possible? Can he really do it?"

Wang Zhanyuan did not participate in their discussion, but just lowered his head and walked forward. At the same time, he could not help but think of the shocking wounds of the Eagle Eye members.

Those wounds were indeed scary. If they were gunshot wounds or explosion wounds, it would be fine, but the wounds that looked like they were bitten by wild beasts were really terrifying!
Wang Zhanyuan shook his head and was about to urge everyone to speed up when suddenly a cold wind blew, making him shiver all over.


After the sound of the wind, a faint voice was heard, which seemed both far away and close at hand.

"Captain Wang!"

"Captain Wang, save me!"

Although the sound was faint, every member of the Night Wolf Squadron heard it clearly.

Hearing this voice, they felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, their bodies becoming stiff and unable to move.

Wang Zhanyuan suddenly heard a rustling sound, which seemed to be the sound of clothes rubbing against each other. He immediately reminded:

"Don't look back!"

Although they were skeptical about Chen Lijiu's words before, when they really encountered this situation, they followed Chen Lijiu's advice without hesitation.

Wang Zhanyuan was walking in the front and couldn't see the situation of the teammates behind him, so he couldn't help feeling worried.

However, just as he finished his reminder, a scream came from behind him.

"Ah! Damn it!!"

Wang Zhanyuan didn't care about anything else and hurriedly turned back to check. He saw a shadow lying on a team member, tightly strangling his neck and refusing to let go. The team member's face was livid, his hands were tightly pinching his neck, and his eyes were almost popping out!
However, the phantom was extremely excited and even showed a strange smile when he saw Wang Zhanyuan.

Wang Zhanyuan's heart tightened, and he secretly thought it was not good. As expected, what Boss Chen said was right. He really encountered such a weird thing!
He suddenly remembered the talisman paper that Chen Lijiu gave him when he left, and hurriedly shouted:
"Hurry up and take out the talisman paper that Boss Chen gave me!"

After saying that, he quickly took out his own talisman paper.

At the same time, there are more and more phantoms, and there will be a new phantom next to each team member who looks back.

Soon, the number of phantoms was equal to the number of Night Wolf Squadron.

These phantoms pounced on the team members without hesitation.

"damn it!"

Some team members didn't have time to react and raised their rifle butts to smash over, only to find that their smash seemed to miss and the phantom climbed onto them instead.

Wang Zhanyuan hurriedly took out the talisman paper given by Chen Lijiu, stuck it on his chest, and then faced the rushing shadow.

"Go to hell!"

Seeing the shadow about to pounce in front of him, he gritted his teeth and faced the talisman paper head-on. Then, a scream came from his ears.

"My God!"

"What is that sound?"

Wang Zhanyuan was startled by the sudden roar. He opened his eyes suddenly and found that the phantom in front of him was gradually dissipating.

"Is it effective?"

Seeing this miraculous effect, Wang Zhanyuan felt like he had found a life-saving straw and hurriedly shouted to his team members.

"Hurry up and take out the talisman that Chen Lijiu gave me!"

"Move quickly!"

Hearing the order, the team members quickly took out the talisman given by Chen Lijiu. In an instant, the phantoms around seemed to be frightened, and they just screamed shrilly and stared at them resentfully.

Seeing that the phantom did not dare to approach, Wang Zhanyuan hurriedly led the team to evacuate and whispered:

"Don't look back this time!"

"According to what Chen Lijiu said, let's escape from this weird place first!"

"Captain!" a team member shouted, "We have already run ten kilometers, can we take a break?"

The soldiers of the Night Wolf Squadron were sweating on the country road as per their daily morning exercise habit. Before they knew it, they estimated that they had run ten kilometers.

Wang Zhanyuan nodded slightly, then ordered loudly: "All team members, stand at attention! Rest where you are now!" After he said that, he drank a sip of water and wanted to look back, but when he thought of those vague shadows just now, his back couldn't help but feel a chill.

"Captain, have we gotten rid of those things?" a team member couldn't help but ask.

"What are those, Captain? We can't touch them or hit them!" another team member asked in confusion.

"Could it be a ghost?" someone said half-jokingly.

Wang Zhanyuan glared at them, but couldn't help but look back. "Huh..." He took a deep breath and found that the phantoms did not appear again, so his tense nerves relaxed a little.

"Don't talk nonsense!" he said sternly. "Don't talk about things you don't know."

The team members turned away awkwardly and took a rest, but they couldn't help but think back to the strange scene they had just seen.

Wang Zhanyuan saw that the topic was a bit heavy, so he continued: "It's good that everyone knows about this matter, don't tell anyone yet."

The team members nodded one after another, but someone couldn't help but ask, "Captain, can't we even tell the Chief of Staff?"

Wang Zhanyuan shook his head, thinking that the chief of staff didn't even believe in driving corpses, let alone seeing ghosts. "After the mission is completed, let's ask Boss Fang." He said, "He may have anticipated that we would encounter such a thing. Otherwise, he wouldn't have given us the talisman when we set out."

The team members looked at each other in silence, and then someone said, "Captain, I heard that phantom say before... this seems to be some kind of amnesty talisman? Could it be that because we have this talisman, those phantoms dare not approach us?"

"I saw it. As soon as those symbols got close to the phantom, they looked very painful, as if they were hurt!" another team member added.

"This kind of mysterious thing cannot be dealt with by conventional methods. It seems that this Shopkeeper Fang is really not simple!" Someone sighed, "Didn't Master Lin Jiu say that those bodies killed by the nine-headed bird were handled by this Shopkeeper Fang."

Wang Zhanyuan also took a look at the talisman paper in his hand. A small hole had been burned on it. He didn't know if the talisman could still be used, but after this incident, his opinion of the shopkeeper did change. Perhaps there really was a power in this world that they couldn't understand.

"Ah..." Wang Zhanyuan sighed, "I am grateful to Manager Fang for his kindness this time. After the mission is completed, let's go back to the inn to thank him."

As soon as these words came out, the team members showed surprise on their faces. They rarely saw Wang Zhanyuan so generous.

"We should really thank Shopkeeper Fang!" someone echoed, "If it weren't for him, we might have really been killed by those phantoms!"

Wang Zhanyuan shook his head and stood up: "Let's leave it at that. Remember my words, don't mention it to anyone else. Wait until you see Manager Fang and ask him about it." He looked at the neat team and continued, "Hurry up, the Chief of Staff is serious this time. If we delay any further, we will all be punished!"

After that, the Night Wolf Squadron quickly arranged their formation. Wang Zhanyuan glanced in the direction of the Yin Yang Inn, then turned around and shouted, "Run!"


Meanwhile, in the Yin Yang Inn, Lin Jiu had packed his bags and was ready to leave. When paying, he took out a purple gourd and handed it to Hao Xie. Hao Xie and Zhang Hao both looked at him.

"Master Lin Jiu, what's going on..." Hao Xie asked puzzledly.

Lin Jiu smiled and explained: "This is my reward for keeping the body. The extra money can be regarded as my respect to Mr. Yin Yang."

Zhang Hao narrowed his eyes and nodded, saying, "Master Lin Jiu is too polite. Since you are willing to give it to me, I will not refuse it!" Hao Xie and Chen Jiuli looked at each other, thinking that a gourd is enough? And from the look of Lin Jiu, it seems to be very precious!

Lin Jiu handed the gourd to Hao Xie, patted his shoulder and said enviously: "It's really enviable that you can meet such a master! Cherish it." After that, he bowed to Zhang Hao again and said goodbye, then rang the corpse-driving bell and left the Yin Yang Inn with the corpse. Hao Xie looked at the gourd in his hand, turned to Zhang Hao and asked: "What does this gourd mean? How much is it worth?" Zhang Hao retracted his gaze, nodded with satisfaction, took the gourd and said: "This gourd itself is not worth much, but the things inside are valuable. Master Lin Jiu is giving me his hidden virtue!" "Hidden virtue?" Hao Xie and Chen Jiuli looked at each other in shock, wondering if there is any treasure in this gourd?
"Is there really any secret hidden in this gourd?" Hao Xie looked at the purple gourd curiously, his face full of confusion.

Zhang Hao tapped the gourd gently, a meaningful smile on his face. "Who said there's nothing in the gourd? Inside, there's a ghost that's about to complete its training and start a new life cycle."

"Sending it to a safe reincarnation is a good deed that far outweighs worldly gold, silver and treasures." Zhang Hao's tone revealed an indescribable depth.

Chen Jiuli and Hao Xie looked at each other. Even though they had been running the Yin-Yang Inn for a long time and had witnessed many strange phenomena, the concept of facing ghosts still shocked them.

"Is there really a ghost in this gourd?" Hao Xie's voice trembled slightly.

Zhang Hao nodded, his eyes deep. "His Yin age is about to be complete, we should not disturb him. But if you really want to see it, it's not impossible."

He motioned for Hao Xie to find two pieces of garlic skin. Hao Xie quickly retrieved them, and Zhang Hao gently placed the garlic skin over the mouth of the gourd, instructing the two on how to observe.

Chen Jiuli tried it first. He followed Zhang Hao's instructions and peered into the gourd through the garlic skin. At first, his vision was blocked by the garlic skin, but as the gourd got closer, the garlic skin gradually became transparent, and the scene inside the gourd was vaguely visible.

A shadowy figure sitting cross-legged appeared and disappeared in the center of the gourd, mysterious and unpredictable. Chen Jiuli was excited, this was the first time he had witnessed such an existence.

Hao Xie couldn't wait to take the gourd and saw the mysterious shadow. "Is this the legendary ghost?" he exclaimed. (End of this chapter)

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