Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1245 1217 Theoretical Research is Unlucky

Chapter 1245 1217. Theoretical Research is Unlucky

While putting the gloves back on his hands, Lan pushed open the door of Tishaya's room and walked out with the sorceress.

Both of them looked normal.

Although the demon hunter's body recovers magic power quickly, special cases like Lan have extraordinary reserves and extraordinary recovery speed.

But compared with a sorceress of Tisha's level, it still seems shallow.

After lowering the sensitivity of her entire body, Tishaya drained Lan En more than twenty times.

But this only restores one's magic power to a few tenths or even one percent of the level before casting the spell.

She still felt empty, but at least it wasn't like before, as if she had a high fever, and even her brain was several beats slower to react.

To the outside world, it seems barely normal.

This also made the researchers and scholars who had originally noticed that something was wrong with Tishaya, but had been cautious and didn't say anything because they didn't understand magic, and now came over to show concern, feel relieved.

"I'm starting to doubt whether this is a good place for a vacation."

Tishaya and Lan walked together up the wooden stairs to the Weapons and Lynx Pavilion for lunch, smiling and nodding at the scholars who occasionally passed by and greeted them.

"It's an uncomfortable feeling to lose the chaotic magic that can be replenished at any time. If it was Margarita just now, she would not be satisfied until she squeezed you until late at night."

As she began to feel better, Tishaya even felt like teasing her students.

"Wow." Lan En praised with a deadpan expression.

In fact, the period of low magic power is not very tiring for him, and he recovers quickly, so he doesn't take it too seriously.

"Then do you still need my help?"

Lan asked Dishaya.

"You've recovered so little right now, so I don't have any pressure. I just need to eat more."

If an ordinary demon hunter had his magic power drained in this way, he would most likely appear empty and weak even if he maintained adequate nutritional intake to maintain his body functions.

Because the conversion rate of nutrients in the body cannot keep up with the pace.

But Lann has modified high-energy blood, and the conversion rate and storage rate of nutrients after entering the body are very high, which can keep up with the needs of the sorceress.

But after taking two more steps, Tishaya stopped, thought for a while, and shook her head.

"Still not."

"Tishaya." Lan En called her name and scratched his head helplessly. "You don't have to worry about what happened before. This is related to your physical condition. It was just a minor accident before."

"Do not."

Even though Lan said this, the sorceress still insisted on her opinion after a little hesitation.

"The chaos magic in my body is now enough to keep me in normal physical condition, but this state prevents me from casting magic."

"But it just so happens that I want to use this time to limit my instinct to rely on magic. This may allow me to make progress in some more theoretical research areas."

"In my previous life, magic always seemed too convenient to me."

"A field that is more theoretical?" Lan En became interested. He looked at the sorceress with some surprise. "For example?"

Tishaya raised her eyes and looked at the young witcher. It felt like she was rolling her eyes, but with her flushed face, it made her look even more charming.

"For example, the elf beacon you use to record the world you pass through. No matter who the elf is who made this beacon, the research on teleportation and positioning from the perspective of the 'world' has been of great help to me."

"I'm looking forward to getting more inspiration from the idea of ​​this Elven Beacon."

Lan En didn't say anything more about the areas he didn't quite understand.

He shrugged and made a dramatic, pompous gesture: "Your body, you have the final say, ma'am."

After saying that, they just happened to finish walking up the wooden stairs and climbed up to the weapons and mountain cat pavilion on the third floor of the Star Stronghold.

Tishaya found a stone table and sat down alone.

Lan En, who felt that he was being avoided deliberately, didn't worry about it. They had just experienced an awkward situation, and it would be good for them to keep their distance now.

He went to share a table with Berengar and the leader of the second group who was hanging out with Berengar.

Today's set menu is seafood cheese risotto, paired with a large piece of braised herbivorous dragon steak, and pineapple-flavored beer.

If you don't want to eat the daily standard set meal, you can pay extra or use your accumulated survey points to ask the chef to make a special set meal for you.

Lan En did have some investigation points, which were accumulated from his last series of missions.

But he felt that there was nothing wrong with the daily set menu, especially since all the ingredients were fresh, coupled with the chef's craftsmanship, and the almost overflowing vitality of the plants and animals in the New World.

What more could you ask for?

Lan En, who queued up to get three sets of today's meal, took his plate and sat at the table of the other two.

There were three "bangs", and the sound of the plates falling was loud enough. The meals of the New World Survey Team were as rough as ever, but also as durable and substantial as ever.

"You have a good appetite today." Berengar was holding an empty scallop shell in his hand and raised his eyebrows at Lan En.

As he spoke, he moved his plate to the side of the second group leader to make room.

Lan En didn't hesitate and immediately spread out his three servings, saying as he ate, "I've consumed too much today." The one-eyed, bald, dark-skinned man smiled as he held up a large wine glass.

"It would be ridiculous if the consumption of fiddling with the corpse of a 40-meter-long Tyrannosaurus Rex was not small."

Although the word "consumption" mentioned by the other party was somewhat different from what he wanted to express, Lan En just shook his head and pulled out the skewer of meat on the plate and started eating.

When the chef prepares the steak, he usually sprinkles liquor on the stone slab of the bar, lights it, and then covers it.

After the simmering is over, cut the soft and juicy dragon steak into mahjong-sized pieces, put them on iron skewers and grill them for a while over an open flame.

When serving, the skewers are placed on the plate.

"After dealing with the corpse of the [Mist Nest Master] today, I think there will be no problem."

Speaking of corpses, Lan En mentioned it to the leader of the second group.

"Are you interested in those materials? You can leave some more when the time comes."

Lan En originally thought that the other party should be very excited about this rare monster material that many craftsmen would probably never have the chance to see in their lifetime.

But after he finished speaking, Lan En saw the leader of the second group put down his wine glass with some hesitation, and then touched his steel-brush-like beard.

"Hey, Deinosaurus material." He sighed first, then sighed again, "Hey, [Mist Nest Master]!"

A look of both disgust and desire.

It turns out that the material of Tyrannosaurus Rex has always been unlucky in the circle of craftsmen in this world.

Its dark green skin is smooth and tough, covered with messy scars from old wounds and blood scabs from brutal predation.

Not only does it smell bad, it's also difficult to handle.

Coupled with the destructive power of Tyrannosaurus Rex on the ecology and its terrifying hunting posture, craftsmen generally regard it as a material that only the unlucky ones will take over.

"Oh, the symbolism is unlucky." Berengar understood the unspoken rules and practices in the blacksmith industry.

He nodded happily: "Then let me handle it! It's a good opportunity to practice with this thing. You can help me and just be a guide."

The old witcher turned his long face towards the leader of the second group.

After arriving in this new world, he found the monsters on this continent incredible. He also thought the technology that could "truly utilize" these monster materials was amazing and wanted to learn it.

As an apprentice, you should first take on the dirty and tiring work that the master is unwilling to do, so that you can become familiar with it.

Berengar still understands this.

The leader of the second group was also very happy. Someone could help him do the most troublesome preliminary processing of a bunch of Tyrannosaurus Rex materials. Of course he was happy.

They burst into laughter and the two blacksmiths clinked their glasses together.

The aroma of pineapple wafts through the swaying of the wine.

"You two seem to know each other well. I thought you two disliked each other."

Lan En watched their interaction, and he also took a sip with interest while talking.

"You two have only known each other for half a day."

"Craftsmen don't have that much trouble talking." Berengar wiped the beer foam from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, "Especially for pure craftsmen like us."

Lan En tilted his head speechlessly.

"Besides, don't think I don't know why you dragged me here."

The old demon hunter sneered at Lan.

"Just to introduce a resort? That's a lot of effort."

"Hehe." Lan En shrugged and smiled, "I really can't hide it from you."

As soon as he smiled, Berengar, who had been sneering at him, could no longer laugh.

The old witcher had habitually turned his head and looked away.

However, the thick-skinned leader of the second-term group was not affected much.

"We two have spent the whole morning studying the spoils you brought here." The one-eyed bald man's eye glowed when he spoke like that!

"What a great thing! It's very strong in physical defense, and also has good resistance to high temperatures."

"But time is limited, and we haven't tested its resistance to lightning, low temperatures, and water. By the way, who polished these scales and dragon skin? Their craftsmanship is excellent!"

"Berengar told you about the owner of these dragon scales and dragon skin, right? He is the dwarf whose country was conquered by it."

Lan En said this as he put a spoonful of rice that was dyed yellow by the seafood juice and covered with melted cheese.

"They helped me make this. They said the scales were so strong that they were difficult to process. To prevent others from being helpless, they simply ground them into pieces that can be used directly."

"Oh, who are you looking down on?"

Berengar curled his lips and said something stubborn out of habit. But he added something sincerely in the end.

"But their level is indeed high. These roughly processed dragon scales can be processed again and then formed into various structures."

(End of this chapter)

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