Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1246 1218 Joint Casting

Chapter 1246 1218. Joint Casting

"Yeah." Lan En said as he picked up a shrimp from the seafood cheese risotto and picked off the rice grains on it with a fork.

"This is exactly what I want to ask you for help. The dwarves of the Lonely Mountain Kingdom have roughly processed Smaug's dragon scales, but I don't have a set of suitable armor designs at hand."

"The Lonely Mountain dwarves, don't they have the right armor styles? Their technology seems pretty impressive to me."

The leader of the second group asked curiously.

The truth is revealed in the details.

Although the dwarves of Lonely Mountain showed him and Berengar only roughly processed dragon scale armor.

But when they measured the dragon scales, they were surprised to find that even with the most sophisticated measuring tools at hand, the sizes of the scales were still accurate to within a fraction of a second.

The terrifying depth revealed in the subtleties of technology is just like the depth of the world of Arda.

On the surface, it seems like a group of people are struggling on the battlefield of cold weapons, but in fact, if we dig deeper into history, we will find that thousands of years ago, everyone was about to destroy the world itself.

Today's magnificent mountains and rivers are just remnants of the battlefield after the war.

“Yes, but the style of use doesn’t suit me.”

The witcher put the shrimp into his mouth, held the fork and spread his hands, and responded to the question of the one-eyed bald man across the table.

"Their armor is more suitable for warriors on the front battlefield, but I am a demon hunter, or a hunter. The environment, opponents and situations I have to face are much more complicated than a simple battlefield."

The leader of the second group nodded in agreement: "That's true."

This is the truth, ever since Winder, the ace of aces of the Hunter Guild, came to the New World.

The high-quality armor forged in the workshop area is basically made from materials taken from the opponent's prey.

In order to deal with various monsters, Winder's storage boxes and armor display racks are basically full.

There are armors that are resistant to fire, armors that are resistant to cold and ice, and armors that protect the wearer from lightning and electric currents.
This was one of the reasons why the commander-in-chief gave Winder independent accommodation as an encouragement—he really had no place to store so many sets of armor and weapons.

It is necessary to change the armor according to the different hunting targets.

This is what hunters need to do.

Demon hunters, on the other hand, have to face more frequent accidents and unpredictable opponents, and can only spend time and effort on a set of armor to increase their tolerance rate.

"We were just discussing how to design this set of armor."

Berengar pointed at the one-eyed bald man who was rubbing his hands together and said.

"I wanted to see if I could channel the essence of these scales and dragon skin to give this armor some unique abilities, but unfortunately, I failed."

The leader of the second group waved his hands helplessly.

It even seems a little unbelievable.

"A dragon that's over 140 meters long! How could it die so easily? Its skin and scales aren't alive at all!?"

Berengar and Lan looked at each other and shrugged at the same time.

That is, the monsters in this world have such incredible vitality that even after they die, the materials they stripped off can still remain active and be "alive"ly placed on weapons or armor to exert their effectiveness.

It even carries the [essence] of the monster in its lifetime.

Not all monsters in other worlds, but at least most of them are not so exaggerated.

"Well, Smaug is indeed dead."

As the person involved, Lan En said something.

"I used a very special method to kill it in a targeted way, cleanly and thoroughly, eradicating it completely."

The second group leader showed regret on his face: "That's such a pity."

The three of them chatted and ate, and soon finished lunch.

Getting his own set of armor done was originally one of Lan's two main goals when he returned to the New World, so of course he took it very seriously.

After having dinner with the leader of the second group and Berengar, we immediately walked down the wooden stairs built along the mountain and headed towards the workshop area.

At this time, Berengar was also walking while putting on clothes similar to those of the leader of the second group, that is, a fire-proof apron for working in the workshop area.

There are also fireproof gloves made of fireproof cotton, similar to the gloves that come with ovens.

He didn't bring this with him when he came. It seems that he has quickly integrated into the group of craftsmen in the Star Stronghold.

The workshop area is still bustling with activity.

The huge furnaces and blowers are working in a reciprocating cycle, relying on the power provided by the waterfall.

The molten iron in the furnace illuminated the entire hall in orange-red.

The rough weapons are constantly circulating on the conveyor belt. Each piece of weapon is passed by the conveyor belt and must pass before the second-phase regiment leader's exclusive stool inside the conveyor belt circle for him to inspect and approve.

The leader of the second group has actually been away from his job as a blacksmith swinging a hammer for a long time.

He sits here mainly to ensure the normal operation of the workshop area and to control the quality of equipment.

It was similar to Berengar's blacksmith workshop in Gos Velen, and in the end it was actually a management position.

But the hearts of craftsmen are always burning, and when they encounter new and challenging goals, they will both stand in front of the furnace again, holding the blacksmith's hammer in their hands.

"Master! Master Berengar!" Because the machines in the workshop were constantly in use, they adopted a shift system. At this time, the craftsmen who were still sweating in front of the stove with their headscarves wrapped around their heads, greeted the two people who came in.

The leader of the second group is the master chef of the workshop area, so it is normal for these craftsmen to call him.

But Berengar.
After hearing Tishaya's age, everyone basically assumed that he was an elderly person, and the craftsmen were reluctant to let him work in the workshop area.

But when I heard that the base material of the [Muddy Flow·Destruction] that had caused such a big stir among the craftsmen in the workshop area was actually forged by this person in recent years, there was no doubt about it.

At that time, in order to prevent his disciples from coming into contact with dangerous and difficult-to-control ancient dragon materials too early, the leader of the second group took the materials outside to start the furnace separately, but this made his disciples dissatisfied for a long time.

Later, considering that this was a new and enterprising world, he revealed his unique techniques and the information about the legendary weapon to his disciples, which calmed the public anger.

This is knowledge that is blocked in the Old World. If you don't have the necessary skills, don't even think about listening to it.

But the leader of the second group said at the time that he used the occult rituals that he only half understood and was ignorant of, to successfully carry out the forging process, and finally obtained the ferocious sword - [Turbid Flow·Destruction].

And now, a person who truly understands mysticism and is also a master of forging has appeared.

As soon as Berengar's professional skills were revealed, he immediately won the respect of all the craftsmen.

He is also known as 'Master Berengar'.

"Let me make it clear first, our discussion has already formed a basic idea about this set of armor."

Berengar said to Lan after he came to the workshop.

"But since it is a custom-made armor, the user must personally coordinate with us to get a satisfactory result."

Lan En readily agreed: "Of course, we can start now."

"Okay, let's get started."

Berengar said, walking towards Lan and raising his hand to signal him not to move.

Berengar began to remove Lan's master-level Bear School armor with ease.

After all, that’s what he does.

Every time Berengar took off a part, he put it aside in a row, and it seemed very organized.

Soon Lan was left with only his breeches, silk shirt, and the long sword at his waist.

The leader of the second group was also busy. Every time Berengar took down a part, he would measure the size for Lan.

Although a craftsman of his level could roughly judge a person's body shape at a glance, perhaps inspired by the precision of the dwarves of Lonely Mountain, he was particularly careful this time.

I guess it would be possible to make a suit of armor that would fit perfectly.

"You don't mind skirt armor, right?"

The one-eyed bald man measured the size while looking up at Lan En seriously.

The young witcher responded: "Of course."

Since Lan En's first set of armor, he has been accustomed to the skirt armor.

After all, the style of the Bear School Demon Hunter is to wear heavy armor relying on their extraordinary physique, and the most basic version of the school's armor is a robe.

With the upgrade of the school's armor, the material of subsequent robes became increasingly thicker, and the grandmaster level robes were directly made of heavy skirt armor that was a mixture of leather armor, cotton armor, and chain mail.

"Very good." The leader of the second group muttered, "It does not violate the outline of our design."

"Outline of the blueprint?" Lan En asked with interest as he opened his arms to facilitate the movement of the two masters. "Is there a skirt armor on it?"

"Smaug's dragon hide," Berengar answered. "Dragon scales have cracks, but if used in large quantities, dragon hide will have outstanding fireproof properties."

After saying this, Berengar seemed to have just reacted and added another sentence.

"Because of the limitations of Smaug's dragon scales and dragon hide, this will be a set of armor with good fire resistance. Is that okay?"

As he spoke, he pulled out a piece of draft paper from the counter of the workshop and handed it to Lan En. Then he continued to work.

"Here are the blueprints. Any comments on the shape?"

"First of all, the painting skills are amazing."

"Nonsense, have you ever seen a master craftsman who couldn't draw a blueprint?"

Lan's words almost made Berengar laugh.

This was painted by the two great craftsmen working together.

After joking, Lan En began to look at the preliminary drawing carefully.

At the same time, Mentos also began to import the parameters of this blueprint into the database, and based on Lan's previous combat environment, conducted attack analysis under various conditions.

There is also an analysis of the forces exerted on the wearer inside the armor.

A stream of data flashed across Lan En's retina like a waterfall.

"There's nothing wrong with thicker shoulder armor, but you should remove the spikes on it. It affects the flow of force after external forces press on the inside."

Lan En flicked his fingers on the draft paper and said with a smile.

"It's so fierce, it's obviously a local style."

(End of this chapter)

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