Chapter 121 Demonstration effect is quick

Li Huarong is the deputy head of the procurement department of Yangcheng Honda, so Cao Yang naturally knows him.

However, he doesn't like to go to the relationship in person, so the two parties are not particularly familiar with each other.

"Mr. Li, our molds are all for sale."

"Of course, when the production capacity is limited, it will be given priority to our partners."

Cao Yang answered Li Huarong's question without any hesitation.

Before the Nanshan Industrial Park was put into production, the production capacity of the mold center was relatively saturated.

After all, he has already received many orders from Spring City Stamping, Spring City Fourth Ring Factory and Xifeng Die Punching.

There is still some pressure to place orders for the new Accord now.

For a model, whether you sell [-] or [-] a month, the number of molds you need is basically the same.

So don't look at the fact that domestic automobile production is far behind that of later generations, but the demand for molds is actually not low.

After all, there are still relatively few qualified auto mold manufacturers, and the business is even easier.

It is like a mold factory in later generations, and the competition is as fierce as buying vegetables in a vegetable market.

How much is a pair of TDM molds per ton.

How much is a pair of TRF molds per ton.

To a certain extent, the cost of the mold is directly quoted according to the weight of the mold.

This scene is completely unimaginable for Li Huarong and Lu Xiangyang.

"Priority is given to partners, how do you understand this?"

Li Huarong is also a smart person, and he got to the key point right away.

"Li Bu, you also know that in addition to producing moulds, Nanshan also produces presses."

"For suppliers who have adopted our presses, we will give priority to ensuring their mold supply."

"Whether it's Huaqiang Factory or Chuncheng Sihuan Factory, they are all our priority objects for guaranteeing mold supply."

Cao Yang didn't go around in circles, and explained Nanshan's strategy very straightforwardly.

"Xiao Lu, stamping manufacturers in the industry such as the Spring City Fourth Ring Factory, you can also work with the technical department to do some research."

"Look at their equipment usage, mold usage and parts quality."

"In this way, we can better convince the staff of the Honda Research Institute to accept our proposal."

Li Huarong obviously supports Huaqiang Factory and Nanshan.

Otherwise, Lu Xiangyang would not be allowed to conduct such a research.

To put it bluntly, it is impossible for the Spring City Fourth Ring Factory to become the main supplier of Yangcheng Honda, and the possibility of even entering the supply system is very low.

However, through the investigation of the Spring City Fourth Ring Factory, we can further understand how Nanshan's press and mold technology is.

In this way, we can indirectly know whether the strength of Huaqiang Factory is really as strong as it is introduced on paper.

"Mr. Li, just exchanged business cards with the head of the purchase and sales department of Chuncheng Stamping Factory. I will arrange a trip to Chuncheng next week to find out their situation."

Faced with the instructions of the top leader, Lu Xiangyang naturally did not dare to make any discounts.

Li Huarong holds the right to his promotion and salary increase.

"Mr. Li, in fact, we can not only sell the molds, but also the presses."

"I heard that the equipment of Yangcheng Aiji and Yangcheng Apex will not be in place until next year. In fact, we can definitely consider using our Nanshan presses. Not only is the cost much cheaper, but the delivery cycle can also be much faster."

"In this way, the launch date of the new Accord may be brought forward."

With such a good opportunity, Cao Yang naturally wants to sell his own presses.

In the past, except for the 600-ton PRG press that had production performance, the other presses were still on the PPT.

It's different now.

In the Huaqiang factory, a dozen or so Nanshan presses are lined up, and they are producing parts "Kang Dang" and "Kang Dang".

"Mr. Cao, the supplier's equipment selection is mainly based on their own internal considerations based on various factors of QCD to select the appropriate equipment manufacturer, and our influence on them is relatively limited."

Lu Xiangyang was afraid that Li Huarong would take over the job, and he would be under a lot of pressure.

So before Li Huarong could speak, he quickly interjected.

"Lu Xi, what you said makes sense."

"Which equipment manufacturer to choose is mainly the supplier's own consideration."

"However, Yangcheng Aiji and Yangcheng Aipak now only have one customer of Yangcheng Honda, and their establishment also serves the development of Yangcheng Honda."

"Using domestic presses and domestic molds can further reduce costs while ensuring the profits of Yangcheng Aiji and Yangcheng Apex."

"The most important thing is to increase the actual localization rate."

When Cao Yang mentioned the term "actual localization rate", both Lu Xiangyang and Li Huarong were a little touched.

A few years ago, due to the localization rate threshold was set for the domestic models of the joint venture.

Among them, models with a localization rate of less than 40% will be subject to tariffs as imported models.

This is the unbearable result of all joint ventures.

So in the past few years everyone has been working hard.

Basically, there is no problem with the target of 40%.

But sometimes a part seems to have been made in China, and it is another matter if it is investigated in depth.

For example, if components are imported from abroad and then assembled in domestic factories, the parts will be regarded as localized when counting.

But if we go into it in depth, only the assembly of this part has achieved localization.

Among a 200 yuan component, only 40 yuan may be localized, and the other 160 yuan is imported.

Although the customs and other departments are not entangled in this issue.

But no one knows if people will be entangled someday.

Therefore, further improving the actual localization rate is a new topic that has emerged in the past two years.

"Mr. Cao, I will discuss your thoughts with people from Yangcheng Aiji and Yangcheng Aipak."

"However, they are still the main ones to purchase the final equipment and molds."

"If you find an opportunity, you can also visit the other party's company and get to know each other better, so that you can have more opportunities for cooperation."

When Li Huarong said this, Cao Yang felt that his goal was basically achieved.

Anyway, he didn't expect to put all his hopes on Yangcheng Honda.

As long as they can properly exert influence, the rest depends on Nanshan's own ability.

"Thank you Li Bu, I believe there will be a win-win result in the end."

"When you are free, you can also visit Nanshan. Our factory is changing every day."

Although Cao Yang knew very well that Yangcheng Honda could not be Nanshan's main customer, some business could still be done.

After all, Huaqiang Factory can affect the pace of Honda's direct suppliers entering China, so Nanshan will have no chance at all by then?
You know, the parts companies under Honda are not as competitive as those under Toyota.

At that time, Nanshan's product QCD will be fully ahead, and the technology will still have advantages. It depends on whether the other party can persist.

(End of this chapter)

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