Chapter 136 Cao. Old Double Standard Dog. Yang (Two in One)

The strong rise of Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. has brought a very big impact to the domestic press equipment industry.

In particular, Nanshan was able to get the press order from Dongying Enterprise, which is even more rare.

As the original leader in the press industry in China, Jier Machine Tool Factory naturally attached great importance to this matter.

In particular, I heard that Nanshan can actually make 1000 tons of PRG presses and 3000 tons of TRF presses.

This is something they have not been able to do until now.

Or they think they can do it, but they haven't gotten an order.

Now Nanshan took the initiative to extend an olive branch and wanted to talk to Jier Machine Tool Factory, and the other party immediately agreed.

After all, if they hadn't felt guilty, they wouldn't have tried their best to poach people from Nanshan.

"Mr. Cao, Jier Machine Tool Factory is one of the few well-developed machine tool factories in the 'Eighteen Arhats', and the ministries and commissions also attach great importance to them."

"It's best to be able to live in harmony."

"Otherwise, it may have some adverse effects on our development."

After Pan Jinxing made an appointment with Ji Er's people, he still felt the need to communicate with Cao Yang.

In case my boss is not afraid of tigers when he is a newborn calf, and offends people to death.

At that time, people can completely restrict you from the aspect of industry policy, which will be disgusting.

"Old Pan, don't worry."

"Fighting against Ji Er will only make foreign equipment giants such as Huitian and Schuler happy, and the benefits for us are limited."

"As long as they are willing to sit down and have a good talk, and share the cake with everyone, so as to avoid disorderly competition and benefit others, I am still willing to have a good talk with them."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't let you come forward to ask their boss."

Cao Yang is not afraid of Ji Er, and he doesn't mind teaching them a lesson if necessary.

But if there is a better way, that would be the best.

"Mr. Cao, we poached some people from Ji Er before, and now they are here to poach our people."

"This matter can be said to be evened out."

"I think the two sides can have a good talk about cooperation, they still have something."

Pan Jinxing is now in charge of the equipment center, although all kinds of machine tools now have some clues for research and development.

But it would be best if we could cooperate with Jier Machine Tool Factory.

After all, in addition to making presses, Ji Er is also good at making large-scale gantry milling machines and planers.

"Well, you can first find out what they want and what they can offer us."

"When we meet in Magic City the day after tomorrow, we will all open up and talk about it."

The two companies are negotiating, and they are not happy to go to the other one.

So this time, Nanshan and Jier chose the middle city, Shanghai, for the meeting.

This is also a city with the most potential in the press market in the next few years.

"No problem. I have known Mr. Zhang for many years. He is very courageous and thoughtful."

Sensing Cao Yang's attitude, Pan Jinxing breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't be impulsive, that's the best.

Otherwise he will have a big head.


There are not many exchanges between Nanshan and domestic counterparts.

The past two years can be regarded as Gou's low-key development in Yangcheng.

This time, Ji Er accepted the private negotiation so happily, which actually meant that the other party recognized Nanshan's position in the press industry.

No way, no matter which company is able to produce 1000-ton PRG and 3000-ton TRF presses, others have to ignore it.

They even wished that Nanshan could communicate with him in private to see how to deal with the future situation.

So when Cao Yang brought Pan Jinxing, Zhang Fugui and Zeng Tingting to the Shangri-La Hotel in Shanghai, the other party had already been waiting in the box in advance.

That's right, the venue for the negotiation was not in the meeting room, but directly in the box of the hotel.

Everyone talked while eating, which can be regarded as very Chinese.

It is obviously unrealistic to expect things that cannot be discussed at the dinner table to be discussed in the conference room.

"I heard that Mr. Cao from Nanshan is young and promising. I didn't expect to be able to understand this more truly after we actually meet."

Zhang Sheng, the general manager of Ji Er, is a man who can speak well at first glance.

In such a state-owned enterprise, Zhang Sheng is obviously a capable person who can move forward with so many burdens on his back and still achieve very good results.

If he hadn't known that it was unrealistic, Cao Yang would have thought whether to poach this capable man.

After all, they have an administrative level, which is at the same level as the general city leaders.

In Nanshan now, no matter how much salary you pay, you can't win people.

"Ji Er is a senior in the domestic press industry, the big brother, who has been alone against the impact of international giants such as Aida, Schuler and Komatsu."

"I also wanted to learn from Big Brother for a long time, and I finally have the opportunity today."

I haven't even started drinking, so I definitely won't talk about business now.

Cao Yang is quite used to this rhythm.

"Don't dare to do it. Over the years, international equipment giants have been encroaching on our domestic market, and I haven't done my job well."

"Some time ago, I heard that Nanshan had snatched press orders from several Dongying stamping factories from Aida. I was so happy that I drank most of the bottle of wine that night."

"It's really satisfying."

Zhang Sheng spoke "what's on his mind" half-truthfully and half-falsely, which made people feel very comfortable.

"It's a fluke, it's a fluke, it's just a chance by chance."

"In the future, Huitian will set up factories in China, and it will be difficult to grab orders from Japanese companies."

What Cao Yang said was absolutely true.

But from what Zhang Sheng heard, it was Cao Yang who was being modest.

After all, he didn't know about the deal between Nanshan and Honda.

Of course, Zhang Sheng is happy to see Cao Yang's "humility".

He was afraid that what he met would be a stunned young man, and Ji Er would feel uncomfortable when he brought Nanshan to mess around in the press industry.

After all, in terms of cost, it is difficult for a state-owned enterprise like Jier to compare with Nanshan.

Compared with technology, it seems that there is no advantage.

What should I do?
Now it's easy to handle. Let's discuss in private how to carve up the market and how to cooperate with each other.

As for whether this will violate the anti-monopoly law?

Does Huaxia have an anti-monopoly law at this time?
Even if there is later, so what?
Who would think that China's press manufacturers can have anything to do with monopoly?
"I've also heard about Huitian's joint venture with Guangduan. I guess it's almost settled."

"Even Schuler is said to be building a factory in the Yangtze River Delta, and their costs will definitely drop significantly by then."

"Domestic press manufacturers should cooperate sincerely."

Although Ji Er's current status in the industry is still higher than that of Nanshan, Zhang Sheng's attitude is not high at all.

The information about Huitian and Schuler building factories in China still brought him a lot of pressure.

For a long time, Jier's products were at most close to the technology of Huitian and Schuler. Even Zhang Sheng didn't believe it in his heart if he said it surpassed others.

We have been able to get a lot of orders in these years because the cost is lower than others, the delivery is faster than others, and the after-sales service is better than others.

Once these advantages are gone, Ji Er will be in trouble.

"Mr. Zhang is right. All of us should cooperate sincerely to deal with the oppression of international equipment giants."

A group of people sat down one after another, eating and talking.

Since Nanshan Press mainly produces PRG and TRF presses, and Jier mainly produces TDM presses.

Jier's PRG technology is basically negligible, and the TRF technology is not bad in China, and even exported one this year.

But generally speaking, the TRF press market is mainly dominated by Huitian and Schuler, and the competition between Jier and Nanshan is not yet fierce.

In this way, when people from both sides get together, the atmosphere will be more pleasant to talk about.

Poaching or something, this kind of past unpleasantness, naturally no one would bring it up with such a low EQ.

"Mr. Cao, the anti-monopoly investigation on auto parts in the United States has been raging a lot these days."

"I heard that SKF was fined 1 million U.S. dollars, and Yazaki will be fined a similar amount."

"The practice of these international parts giants provides us with a good reference case."

"The two of us can also form a certain tacit understanding, divide our respective markets and major customers, and cooperate with each other to avoid vicious competition."

Obviously, Zhang Sheng is not worried about the anti-monopoly investigation on himself.

Instead, he found inspiration in the monopoly practices of others.

So without waiting for Cao Yang to say anything, he took the initiative to bring up this topic.

"Mr. Zhang, it seems that the two of us have completely thought of going together."

"These international giants can join forces to carve up the market, and so can we."

"At that time, our opponents will only be Huitian and Shule, and we don't need to fight our own people."

Originally, the purpose of coming today was to talk about this, and Cao Yang naturally took up this topic very actively.

"Large covering parts such as four doors and two covers of automobiles require the use of large-tonnage TDM presses, which are the most advantageous products of Jier."

"As far as I know, Nanshan has not yet entered these fields. Can you cooperate with Ji Er in these fields to deal with Schuler in the future?"

After toasting and drinking, everyone felt a little drunk.

Zhang Sheng began to put forward his own request.

"The presses used in the stamping workshops of automobile manufacturers are indeed the best made by Jier in China at present, and they can compete with Schuler for orders internationally."

"Although Nanshan can also produce similar products, if Jier can give enough support in terms of PRG presses, we can try not to enter this field."

"Unless the customer specifically appoints us to supply equipment."

If you want the market for TDM presses, then I want the market for PRG presses.

It's fair for everyone to focus on one of each.

As for how many orders can be grabbed from international giants in the future, it will not be disturbed by other domestic counterparts, so it depends on its own ability.

"No problem. In terms of PRG presses, our technical accumulation in Jier is indeed not very much."

"In this regard, only Nanshan is the leader."

Seeing that Zhang Sheng had easily reached a consensus in the field he cared about most, he was also relieved.

He is not worried about other domestic press manufacturers.

No one can compare with Ji Er.

So Nanshan is a variable.

As for the PRG press, this is not the direction of Jier's key development.

In Zhang Sheng's view, in the current domestic press market, PRG has excess technology.

The equipment price is high, and the mold price is high.

Although the processing efficiency is also high, the cost is not necessarily lower when the equipment and mold costs are amortized.

Therefore, most domestic stamping manufacturers have not yet started using PRG presses.

"Nanshan has now received an order for a 3000-ton TRF press from Yangcheng Apex, and has already produced 1000-ton and 2000-ton TRF presses."

"This business is one of the next development priorities of Nanshan Equipment Center."

After dividing the two cakes, there was a multi-station press left, which was obviously the focus of dispute between the two parties.

Both Jier and Nanshan are optimistic about the future of TRF presses.

This combination of the dual advantages of TDM and PRG is an important equipment for processing many medium and large parts.

The key is that TRF equipment generally has a relatively large tonnage, and the price is tens of millions, or even tens of millions, at every turn.

So Cao Yang immediately expressed his attitude.

I will not make the same concessions as TDM on the TRF press.

Zhang Sheng obviously understood the meaning of Cao Yang's words.

"At present, TFF presses can reach 3000 tons, mainly Schuler, Huitian and Nanshan."

"We have just broken through the 2500-ton technology."

"So it is obviously unreasonable for Nanshan to give up this piece completely, and I can understand this."

"However, within Ji Er, the research and development of TRF presses with larger tonnages is already underway."

"Even we are in contact with some clients internationally, so it is very difficult for us to give up."

"I hope Mr. Cao can understand this point."

Following Zhang Sheng's words, the atmosphere in the private room changed slightly.

People on both sides felt a little bit of pressure.

"Ji Er's situation is completely understandable to me."

"How about this, in terms of TRF presses, let's divide the area and deal with Huitian and Schuler separately?"

As long as he is not fighting with his own people, Cao Yang is still very motivated.

Delineating their respective spheres of influence is also an acceptable solution when no one is willing to give up the TRF press.

"Dividing areas?"

"Mr. Cao, can you tell me how to divide it specifically?"

After hearing this, Zhang Sheng looked at Cao Yang eagerly.

Obviously, in the general direction, he can accept this point of view.

It depends on whether the regional division is acceptable.

"Aida's main customers are Japanese companies, Schuler's main customers are European companies, and other companies are scrambling for orders."

"Since this is the case, why don't Huitian be handed over to Nanshan to deal with it, and Shule to rely on Jier?"

After Cao Yang finished speaking, Zhang Sheng did not speak immediately, but thought for a while before adding: "In principle, I agree with this division. But can we go further and divide the situation of other customers in North America and China? One point? So that everyone will not be unhappy in the future?"

"One thing I want to say beforehand is that the nature of Jier's business determines that export orders are very important to us."

"So can the export business of North American customers be dominated by Jier?"

"The domestic business can be handed over to Nanshan."

Zhang Sheng knew very well that Nanshan had the upper hand now.

The other party was willing to discuss with him, but he didn't ask too much.

The market division of TRF presses is basically carried out on the basis of the principle of half and half.

Of course, whether everyone can eat the meat in their own bowls will depend on their own ability.

"Mr. Zhang, happy cooperation!"

Cao Yang directly raised his wine glass to answer Zhang Sheng's words.

In this way, the atmosphere in the private room suddenly became relaxed and happy.

This kind of thing that violates the "Anti-Monopoly Law" is actually so happy to do.

No wonder everyone loves double standards.

(End of this chapter)

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