Chapter 143 What About Giants?Same fight! (two in one)

Standing on the moral high ground and accusing others is often difficult to refute.

Although most of the time this trick may not have actual effects, it is definitely enough to disgust you.

Now Cao Yang felt disgusted.

However, he wasn't too worried.

"The main negotiations for WTO accession are basically over."

"Those major contracting parties, especially those related to the machine tool industry, whether it is the United States or Germany, France, England, or Japan, have completed negotiations."

"It is completely nonsense to say that this matter will affect China's accession to the WTO."

"However, with such a price increase method for the CNC system, Siemens and Fanuc will earn all the money from the Huaxia machine tool industry. This is definitely not acceptable."

Cao Yang did not expect that the two giants Siemens and FANUC would also end.

It seems that Shule and Huitian hate Nanshan to death.

Cao Yang absolutely does not believe that there is no operation of Schuler and Huitian behind this matter.

"We can understand this truth, but those netizens on the Internet may not understand it."

"They just think we're going backwards, and that's why we've made so many things happen."

"The most important thing is that after such a price increase, it has indeed greatly affected the domestic machine tool industry."

Zeng Tingting now feels that Nanshan is really too difficult.

Good development can also be blocked by so many obstacles.

None of those international giants hope that Nanshan can develop and grow.

"The CNC systems of our own presses are all self-developed. I didn't expect to conflict with international giants so quickly in the field of parts of these equipments."

"Now it seems that Siemens and FANUC think that we really have nothing to do with them."

For Nanshan's CNC system, the hardware part is purchased from domestic manufacturers, and the design work is all completed in Nanshan.

Relevant software is also purchased from the market or made by yourself.

Of course, because he was afraid that some things would not be clear when he got to the bottom of it, Cao Yang has always been adhering to a low-key approach to these matters.

Originally, I thought that after a few years, when Nanshan's strength was strong enough, I would sell these things one by one.

In this way, even if everyone has doubts, they will not think it is too abnormal.

"Siemens and Fanuc account for [-]% of the CNC system share in the domestic machine tool industry, although universities and research institutes such as Huaqing University and Lingnan University of Technology have all done some research on CNC systems."

"But very little has been put into practical use."

"This time they have found the lifeblood of China's machine tool industry, and they probably want to use this to force China to cancel the tariff increase."

The more Zeng Tingting analyzed, the more she felt that the situation was very bad.

Nanshan seems to have provoked a lot of opponents.

"Although the CNC system requires different systems on different machine tools, the requirements for the same type of products are basically similar, and they can be used directly after modification."

"Since Siemens and FANUC want to take advantage of China's machine tool industry, let them regret it."

"Call Old Pan over, and I'll discuss something with him."

At this moment, Cao Yang is going to make a big deal.

Let Siemens and FANUC feel the feeling of lifting a rock and shooting themselves in the foot.


"Mr. Cao, this is a big mess."

When Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. was discussing the CNC system, Zhang Sheng called Cao Yang again.

When he heard the news before, Zhang Sheng had already communicated with Cao Yang about the situation.

At that time, everyone's reaction was to wait and see for a few days to see how the situation develops.

Zhang Sheng didn't expect the situation to change so quickly, so he immediately went to find Cao Yang again.

"what happened?"

"Did someone find you again?"

After making a decision in his heart, Cao Yang did not panic.

Isn't it just a numerical control system?

Do you really think that only Siemens and FANUC can do it?
"Shenyi Machine Tool Factory, Beiyi Machine Tool Factory, Jiyi Machine Tool Factory and more than a dozen other machine tool factories are making trouble now."

"They either went to the top to respond, or they called me."

"The matter of raising tariffs on stamping equipment, they knew after a little inquiring that it was proposed by our Jier Machine Tool Factory."

"Then I don't know who stabbed it behind the scenes, saying that Nanshan encouraged Ji Er to come up with this plan."

"This matter has a great impact, and I can't hold it back."

Zhang Sheng really didn't expect that the increase in tariffs on stamping equipment would bring such a big reaction.

He had a feeling that Schuler and Huitian took this opportunity to deliberately suppress Jier Machine Tool Works and Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd.

After all, there are many machine tool manufacturers in China, and many of them are state-owned enterprises like Jier.

The combined power of these companies is enormous.

There is even a way for Jier and Nanshan to be suppressed and punished by policies in this industry.

That's why Zhang Sheng couldn't stand it anymore.

"Mr. Zhang, when companies purchase CNC systems for machine tools, they purchase them when they need them."

"Overall, the price increase plans of Siemens and FANUC have not yet brought much substantive impact on the industry."

"As long as we solve this problem before various companies need to purchase a large number of CNC systems after the price increase, the situation is still under control."

When Zeng Tingting showed Cao Yang the online reports, Cao Yang knew that there was a pusher behind this incident.

Combined with the people Nanshan offended this year, it can be determined with certainty that Schuler and Aida are behind the scenes.

Because Cao Yang asked people to find out about it later. There are a few other manufacturers of CNC systems in the market, and they have no intention of raising prices.

I even thought about taking this opportunity to expand the market.

In this way, the reasons stated in the previous price increase letters of Siemens and FANUC can be proved to be nonsense.

These two manufacturers who have almost monopolized the CNC system of machine tools are making huge profits by taking advantage of their monopoly position.

However, Huaxia does not yet have an anti-monopoly law, and it is difficult to sue others even if they want to.

However, thinking of the anti-monopoly law, Cao Yang had an idea, thinking that he could scare Siemens and FANUC by pulling it out again.

If their behavior is placed in the United States, they will definitely be taught by the anti-monopoly law.

"By the way, Mr. Zhang, you should pay attention to the anti-monopoly of auto parts in the United States, right?"

"I think we can use this opportunity to mention the legislation of the Anti-Monopoly Law to the higher authorities again."

"Then we also launched some public opinion campaigns on the Internet to let everyone know that the reason why Huaxia wants to implement the "Anti-Monopoly Law" is the price increase of Siemens and FANUC this time."

Cao Yang sensed that Zhang Sheng was a bit entangled, and immediately offered another means of counterattack.

Didn't Siemens and Fanuc use the increase in stamping machine tariffs as an example?

There is also a group of people standing on the moral high ground and angering Nanshan.

It seems that Nanshan did something wrong, which caused the domestic machine tool manufacturers to suffer.

Then I will make you Siemens and FANUC uncomfortable.

Although the "Anti-Monopoly Law" may not be promulgated so easily in the end, this public opinion offensive is definitely enough for them to drink a pot.

Countless international giants that have actually formed a monopoly in China are probably going to scold Siemens and FANUC.

Especially Siemens, they themselves involve monopoly in some other fields.

At that time, it is estimated that there will be several quarrels among the various internal business departments.

Let's see if the people in charge of the CNC system can live comfortably.

"The Antitrust Law?"

"Mr. Cao, do you want to use this thing to deal with Siemens and FANUC?"

Zhang Sheng's mood quickly changed.

He didn't expect Cao Yang to come up with some new ideas so quickly.

The point is that this new idea, used against Siemens and Fanuc, seems to be very effective.

"Yes, there was no "Anti-Monopoly Law" in China. If we push it behind the scenes, it will definitely touch the interests of many people."

"At that time, Siemens and FANUC will be responsible for this pot."

"It is estimated that they will ask for forgiveness after the trouble becomes serious."

Cao Yang didn't feel that the international giants were so superior.

As long as they find the right method, Nanshan can also make them uncomfortable.

"But if the "Anti-Monopoly Law" is really going to be implemented, I am afraid that many domestic companies in our country will have opinions."

"Strictly speaking, areas such as tobacco, telecommunications, and petroleum have something to do with monopoly."

As the general manager of a state-owned enterprise, Zhang Sheng thinks about issues much more comprehensively than Cao Yang, and has a lot more scruples.

He didn't want to become a thorn in the side of a bunch of companies again.

In that case, his position will be lost.

"Mr. Zhang, you are right."

"So the "Anti-Monopoly Law" should not be so easy to promulgate in a short period of time."

"But it doesn't prevent us from using this thing to deal with international giants, so as to save them from doing anything unscrupulous."

"At that time, you can also reveal this meaning to the above. If you just cooperate with acting in a scene, I think the difficulty will be much lower."

"Or just issue a draft of the "Anti-Monopoly Law" for comments."

"At that time, it will be said that the demands of the parties are too different and further research is needed, and this matter will be postponed."

Cao Yang sensed Zhang Sheng's hesitation and was doing work for him.

At this time, he didn't want Jier Machine Tool Factory to be a shrinking turtle.

"If you make it clear that it's just for show, then you can give it a try."

"Other companies won't have much reaction after they know about it."

"But the most critical problem now is that the price of CNC systems has risen too much."

"Even if we come up with the "Anti-Monopoly Law" drama, it may not be reduced in a short time."

"We have to find a way to solve this problem."

What Zhang Sheng is most concerned about now is the price increase of the CNC system.

Jier has a lot of equipment to buy from Siemens and Fanuc.

If this price does not come down quickly, life will be difficult.

"Mr. Zhang, in terms of CNC system, I have an alternative solution for everyone to use."

"Nanshan's presses now use their own CNC systems, and they do not purchase from Siemens and FANUC."

"In order to prevent everyone from being squeezed by Siemens and FANUC, Nanshan is willing to sell the CNC system that has been exclusively researched for nearly ten years."

"The price will be the same as that of Siemens and Fanuc before the price increase."

When Cao Yang said this, Zhang Sheng was stunned.

Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. has a history of only ten years, right?
Where is the exclusive research on the CNC system for nearly ten years?

He really didn't know that Nanshan's presses used his own CNC system before, thinking that he bought Siemens or FANUC like everyone else.

This situation is a bit surprising.

"Mr. Cao, do you use a CNC system developed by yourself for your press?"

Zhang Sheng couldn't help but confirm it again.

This matter is really not in line with his cognition.


"In terms of numerical control systems, Nanshan has not only studied for many years, but also established joint research projects with Huaqing University, Lingnan University of Technology and other universities."

"In the future, we will strive to achieve localization of all control-related parts."

"If Mr. Zhang has any doubts, he can come to Nanshan for a visit and see how our CNC system is installed on each press."

When Cao Yang said this, although Zhang Sheng still had many doubts in his heart, he believed that Nanshan really had his own research on the CNC system.

In particular, Cao Yang also dragged Huaqing University and Lingnan Ligong University into it.

This makes the story seem a little more real.

If he knew that the cooperation between Nanshan and these two schools had just begun, new questions would probably arise again.

"Siemens and Fanuc make a wide variety of CNC systems, and there are various models."

"Even if Nanshan can meet the needs of CNC systems for stamping equipment, there is no way to meet the needs of other machine tools?"

Zhang Sheng raised a new question.

In his view, the most important thing now is to make the majority of machine tool companies have cheap CNC systems available.

Otherwise, this matter cannot be resolved so smoothly.

"Nanshan's variety is definitely not as complete as theirs."

"We have to admit that."

"But we don't only have CNC systems for stamping equipment. We also have some CNC systems for milling machines, grinding machines, and boring machines."

Cao Yang was not so full of words.

It would be strange if Nanshan had everything.

"However, don't you think that as long as Nanshan can take out a part, that's enough?"

"When Siemens and FANUC see this scene, can they continue to sell CNC systems at a high price?"

"Aren't they afraid that all the Huaxia markets will be swallowed by Nanshan?"

When Cao Yang asked such a rhetorical question, Zhang Sheng was stunned for a moment.

If Nanshan's strength is really that strong, it won't be long before Siemens and FANUC withdraw their price increase letters, right?

Then what reason do they find to lower the price?
Chip problem solved?
"Mr. Zhang, are you sure what you just said was not a joke?"

"If this disappoints all machine tool companies again, things will really get worse."

Zhang Sheng, who was slightly relieved, felt that this matter needs to be confirmed again.

He even planned to lead the team to Nanshan himself.

(End of this chapter)

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