Chapter 144 A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops come to meet each other (two in one)

Zhang Sheng moved quickly.

That evening he appeared in the workshop of Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd.

Cao Yang personally took him to visit the research of various numerical control systems in Nanshan.

Not only the CNC system on the 600PRG that is working in the workshop is Nanshan’s own, but even the stamping equipment that is being prepared for Yangcheng Apak and other customers, the CNC system is also Nanshan’s.

The most important thing is that Zhang Sheng actually saw that a lathe had been assembled in Nanshan Equipment Center, and the CNC system on it was also Nanshan's.

This gave him a lot of confidence.

At this time, he didn't worry about how Nanshan's numerical control system came about.

Anyway, it can be used.

At least the stamping equipment should be usable.

After all, there has been a period of production performance until now.

"Mr. Cao, the most urgent task is to appease the anger of our domestic counterparts."

"The most direct way to appease the anger of other Eighteen Arhat factories is to tell them that there are better CNC systems available, and the price is much cheaper than that of Fanuc and Siemens."

"In this way, the storm is immediately reduced to a controllable range."

"Otherwise, it is really possible that the people from Shule and Huitian will succeed and bring down our two families."

"When I just got off the plane, people from Qiyi Machine Tool Factory and Qier Machine Tool Factory were calling me, and there were all kinds of complaints inside and out."

"I even heard that people from FANUC and Siemens have disclosed to them in private that this incident was caused by Nanshan, and Nanshan should be responsible for everything."

Zhang Sheng did not deliberately exaggerate.

Numerical control system is too important.

In addition, FANUC and Siemens sent "mass" price increase letters to Chinese machine tool manufacturers, and the scope of influence became larger at once.

"Mr. Zhang, you should be very familiar with these airport manufacturers."

"At the beginning, there was a saying in China's machine tool industry that there were eighteen arhats. Although several companies have merged now, the domestic machine tool industry is mainly supported by these old foundations, and the others are not yet successful."

"We simply hold a CNC system technology exchange meeting next Monday, and let everyone come to Nanshan to visit our CNC system."

"Whether it is stamping equipment or milling machine, planer, grinder, boring machine, lathe, CNC machining center or other equipment, we can provide some cooperation plans."

"If everyone is willing to use Nanshan's mature plan, then the delivery can be made next month."

"If targeted development is required, it can also be completed within this year."

"In short, it won't let everyone have no CNC system to use."

Cao Yang thinks this is a good time to demonstrate Nanshan's technical strength.

Some time ago, Nanshan has attracted a wave of attention in the industry through cooperation with various universities.

Some time ago, I grabbed the order from Aida, and I am completely famous in the stamping industry.

It also has a certain reputation in the entire machine tool industry.

This time, it is necessary to thoroughly establish its reputation and let everyone know that Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. is the mainstay in the Huaxia machine tool industry.

"It's a good idea, it's the most efficient."

"Otherwise, so many equipment manufacturers are making troubles everywhere, and it will be very troublesome to deal with."

"Even if you contact them one by one, the efficiency seems to be very low."

"By the way, Mr. Cao, can you give Jier a preferential price for the CNC system of the stamping equipment?"

"We are an old state-owned enterprise with heavy historical burdens, and costs are rising every year."

Zhang Sheng naturally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to benefit Ji Er.

After all, I have been under a lot of pressure these days.

"No problem, if Jier Machine Tool Factory takes the lead in using Nanshan's CNC system, I can give an additional 5% discount."

"Of course, these discounts cannot be directly mentioned in the selling price, otherwise we will not be able to explain to other equipment manufacturers."

"The specific implementation method, I will ask the company's sales department director Zhang to communicate with you in private later."

Cao Yang showed a meaningful expression on his face.

There are some things that he won't care about so much.

Whatever the industry rules are, so be it.

Isn't it because the old uncle with average qualifications is left in the company because he can reassure himself of a lot of vague things?

Otherwise he would have been replaced long ago.


Jier Machine Tool Factory is relatively well developed among Eighteen Arhats.

Now that Zhang Sheng has stepped forward to assist Nanshan Zhangluo CNC system, the effect is naturally very good.

Although many people feel that this matter is a bit unreliable, but you can't stand it. Nanshan has already started using it on stamping equipment.

Moreover, Jier Machine Tool Works also stated that it will fully verify and review the use of Nanshan's CNC system.

In addition, the CNC systems of Siemens and Fanuc are too expensive now.

Everyone, whether they are willing or not, has arranged for people to participate in the CNC system technology exhibition in Nanshan.

Even some slightly larger private machine tool companies showed their talents and appeared in this exhibition.

It's quite a bit like a cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops and horses come to meet each other.

"The operation interface of this numerical control system is very similar to that of FANUC. If no one reminded me, I thought it was the interface of FANUC."

"There is nothing special about the general operation steps after the CNC system is turned on, and everyone should get used to it."

"I just don't know whether the settings of these important parameters are reliable or not. If there is a small problem, there may be a big problem. It is like the setting of tool wear, which has a great impact on accuracy and the like. .”

"This hand-written program also uses familiar operation methods."

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with this CNC system."


A lot of people came today. Hundreds of people gathered around a row of CNC system interfaces for display and several machine tool prototypes, with great interest.

Since it is related to the subsequent procurement of CNC systems, each company has arranged for professional technicians to come and participate.

In this way, everyone can immediately feel the level of Nanshan's CNC system.

"Old Pan, this numerical control system is even better than what you developed in Shenyi Machine Tool Factory."

"You didn't hide it on purpose at that time, did you?"

Han Yang, the general manager of Shenyi Machine Tool Factory, and Pan Jinxing are old acquaintances.

Today he brought the company's chief engineer, head of purchasing department and secretary to the CNC system exhibition in Nanshan.

Seeing that a private enterprise like Nanshan can produce such an excellent CNC system, he is very pleased.

In recent years, Shenyi Machine Tool Factory has not less in the name of researching CNC systems, and has applied for funding from higher authorities.

But judging from the results, [-]% of the CNC systems of Shenyi Machine Tool Factory are purchased from Siemens and Fanuc.

What I researched can only be used on some very low-end lathes and drilling machines.

The situation of other machine tool manufacturers is similar to this.

"Mr. Han, this numerical control system can produce research results, I dare not be greedy for credit."

"As you know, CNC systems are not my area of ​​expertise."

"After arriving in Nanshan, I have been in charge of the development of the mechanical mechanism."

There is no conflict between Pan Jinxing and Han Yang.

But he didn't make any progress as a deputy chief engineer for more than ten years, which also showed that Pan Jinxing was not from Han Yang.

At least Han Yang didn't think he was his own.

Whether it is a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise.

Once the leader feels that you are not one of your own, it will be very difficult for you to get promoted.

"These numerical control systems in Nanshan are all developed by ourselves?"

"Could it be that you put on the cloak of FANUC and Siemens and did some pompous work?"

Han Yang obviously still felt that it was impossible for Nanshan to develop such an excellent CNC system.

Even Shenyi Machine Tool Factory can't handle things, but Xiao Nanshan can handle them?

"Isn't it, you'll know if you use it?"

"Some machine tools whose delivery cycle is not so urgent, Mr. Han can see the development of the situation before making a decision."

"However, the delivery date of some equipment will soon be reached. You might as well purchase Nanshan's CNC system and have a try."

Although Pan Jinxing has some worries about his own CNC system in his heart.

After all, it has not been tried on a large scale.

But in front of Han Yang, he must be more confident and promote his own products.

To some extent, the CNC system will also be one of the flagship products of Nanshan Equipment Center.

Unlike selling equipment to make hard-earned money, selling CNC systems to make money is just like stealing money.

Although the price released by Nanshan is the same as that of FANUC and Siemens before the price increase.

But that is also a very profitable price.

Just like Microsoft's WINDOUS system, how high do you think the cost can be?

As long as the sales volume goes up and the main costs are amortized, the profit margin will be huge afterwards.

"We will ask our chief engineer to confirm again to see if the system is reliable."

"If it is really as good as you introduced, then we will definitely use it."

Han Yang doesn't have much choice now.

But when he was talking, he still had Pan Jinxing's appetite.

The performance of other manufacturers is also different.

Some are very fortunate that Nanshan was able to come up with a numerical control system and win glory for Huaxia enterprises.

But there are also some who feel that these CNC systems look like plagiarism from Siemens and FANUC, so there will be no problem, right?
Deep down in some people's hearts, they always feel that localization is unreliable.

This state will not begin to slowly change until more than ten years later.

At that time, everyone will no longer feel that wearing Adidas Nike is a very face-saving thing, and wearing Hongxingerke and Anta will not be a matter of falling in price. The self-confidence in treating domestic products will be gradually established.

"Dean Xiang, I heard that Lingnan University of Technology also cooperates with Nanshan on these CNC systems?"

For such an important event, Cao Yang naturally wanted to invite Xiang Changle.

This is a good opportunity to improve everyone's confidence in Nanshan's CNC system.

"Our school's School of Automotive Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering and several other schools have cooperated with Nanshan."

"We are very confident in Nanshan's technology, and I think domestic companies should also have confidence in it."

"I'm really worried. You can try to order a few sets and go back to try it out. If you are not satisfied, you can return it."

Xiang Changle also turned into a salesman at this time.

Help Nanshan promote the CNC system.

The same words, spoken from different people's mouths, have completely different effects.

Even if Nanshan's sales staff tried their best, they might not be able to listen to them.

But what Xiang Changle, the dean of Lingnan University of Technology, said, the situation is different.

"Can I return the product if I'm not satisfied?"

After hearing this, Fu Qianye immediately turned her head to Cao Yang.

"What the teacher means is what I mean."

"These CNC systems, as long as everyone is not satisfied, there is no reason to return them within seven days."

"If you want to return the product within one month, we can also refund [-]% of the payment."

Cao Yang is very confident in the CNC system he developed.

These gadgets were originally upgraded products of Siemens and FANUC in later generations, so it is no wonder that everyone is not satisfied.

"Okay, with Mr. Cao's words, I can rest assured."

"But it's okay, I'm a villain first and then a gentleman."

"These contents will be included in the order contract at that time."

Fu Qianye felt that this business could be done.

Seven days is enough for Beiyi Machine Tool Factory to figure out the situation.

"no problem."

"In addition to the CNC system, Nanshan's bearings, gears, bolts and nuts are also very good."

"At present, our own presses also use these parts produced by ourselves."

"Boss Fu can order a batch to go back and try it out, and there is no reason to return it within seven days."

"And our price is [-]% cheaper than what we bought from international giants such as SKF and NTN before."

The CNC system Cao Yang sold for a high price.

It is obviously unrealistic if you still want to sell these parts at a high price.

However, compared with the [-]% discount of SKF's imported bearings, it is actually a high price for Nanshan.

The profit margin here is at least 50%, or even 100%.

After all, the parts on the machine tool are not sold in large quantities, and the price is much more expensive than those on the car.


Fu Qianye thought about it for a while, and felt that this matter was not harmful to Beiyi Machine Tool Factory.

As long as the quality passes the standard, why not use it if there are cheap ones?
"Now that Siemens and FANUC can raise prices at will, no one knows whether the bearing giants such as SKF and NTN will follow suit."

Cao Yang made a big move, and immediately made Fu Qianye make a decision.

"No problem, I'll let the people from the purchasing department connect with Nanshan later."

"As long as there are no problems with the technical requirements and quality of Nanshan's products, Beiyi Machine Tool Factory will give priority to purchasing Nanshan's parts in the future."

Fu Qianye made this decision based on the situation, and other manufacturers naturally did the same.

In this way, Nanshan has completely opened up the situation in the machine tool industry.

As long as these manufacturers try it out, Cao Yang is not worried that they will give up.

Do you really think they have no cost pressure?
Bearing manufacturers such as SKF and NTN will not give them too good conditions.

Against Shangnanshan, it can be said that it is weak in all aspects.

(End of this chapter)

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