Chapter 196 Autohome goes online, let’s start with a manufacturer
In the 30-year record of China's auto industry in later generations, many things happened in 2002.

The imperial capital Hyundai enters the venue, and the Hallyu wave strikes.

Westwind Nissan was established, and the top three of the Dongying series all entered.

The 50th car produced by Spring City Volkswagen rolled off the production line. In March of the same year, the monthly sales of Volkswagen Jetta exceeded the 3-unit mark for the first time.

The 200 millionth car of Modu Volkswagen rolled off the production line, becoming the first enterprise in the domestic auto industry to produce a total of 200 million cars.

The annual production and sales of Modu GM exceeded 10 units.

Shanghai GM Wuling Automobile Co., Ltd. was established, and a generation of magical cars Wuling Light began to appear.

The Great Wall Safe SUV was launched, and then entered the top three in the national SUV market in one fell swoop.

Chery Fengyun sedan successfully passed the first domestic vehicle side impact test at the National Automobile Testing Center, and then the test vehicle was exhibited at the Imperial Capital Auto Show, attracting countless attention.

Haima Automobile introduced Mazda 323, an internationally renowned classic model, which is the predecessor of Haima Familia.

Zhonghua Sedan finally obtained the "birth certificate". This model, which had been off the assembly line at the end of 2000, went on sale in August 2002.

German, French, American, Japanese, Korean and self-owned brands have all entered the market and started to compete.

For Nanshan this year, apart from the emergence of robots, the official launch of Autohome will also become a major event worth remembering.

After more than half a year of planning, Autohome started out in sync with the world.

The web interface setting is obviously better than the current portal website.

Although it is a professional car channel, the content of the articles in it is not boring at all.

Even ordinary netizens will check it out with great interest.

"Mr. Cao, once our Autohome goes online, we can provide car quotations, model comparisons, car purchase consultation and other services."

"We also recruited managers from several car-related forums, and diverted their customers to Autohome."

"Although it was only officially launched today, we have become the most influential automobile website in China as soon as we go online."

For an Internet company like Autohome, the address is naturally not located in Nanshan Industrial Park, but in Tianhe Software Park.

Zhang Fugui spends most of his time here now.

Now Autohome has more than 100 employees, and they didn't go there just to make trouble in the beginning.

Of course, although it was officially launched today, Autohome has already cost Cao Yang more than 1000 million.

That is to say, Cao Yang firmly believes that Autohome will give him generous rewards in the future, otherwise, the more than 1000 million yuan will really make people feel distressed.

This is more than 2002 million in 1000.

"Aren't all domestic OEMs promoting the sales model of 4S stores?"

"For consumers, they basically go to 4S stores to buy cars."

"Autohome may consider arranging local promoters to expand customers at the door of 4S stores of various automobile brands."

"I believe that most consumers are very interested in car quotations, model comparisons, car purchase consultations, car reviews and other content."

"Then you can also arrange for people to continue posting on various forums, so that more people will know about a website like Autohome."

"At that time, when traffic and influence increase, OEMs will naturally come to advertise."

Naturally, it is impossible for Autohome not to advertise.

Cao Yang is not doing charity.

It's a business.

As for advertising, if you go to pull the advertisement back, not to mention the low success rate, the style is also low.

The point is that you can't talk about a good price yet.

Therefore, we must find a way to get the OEM to take the initiative to advertise.

"Mr. Cao, I have an idea, which can quickly attract the attention of OEMs."

Although Zhang Fugui couldn't keep up with Nanshan's development pace, Cao Yang arranged for him to build a car home.

But he still knows a lot about the auto industry.

When Cao Yang mentioned the advertisement, he had a bold idea.

"What's the idea?"

Cao Yang asked in a cooperative manner.

"Instead of letting OEMs see the influence of advertising on Autohome, it is better to let them see the impact of articles on Autohome on their sales."

"Hasn't Toyota been targeting Nanshan before?"

"Can we make a special topic to publicize the shortcomings of Toyota Motor and Spring City Toyota's various models?"

"Even the brake doors encountered by Toyota in the United States before, it is necessary to popularize them with consumers in China."

"At that time, if Toyota's sales in China decline rapidly, it will be more convincing than anything else."

When Zhang Fugui said this, Cao Yang froze for a moment.

This trick has been used by many media in later generations.

Even whether some media report unfavorable news about a brand depends on whether you have advertised with me.

Going one step further, if I have your unfavorable news and you don't want me to report it, then you can come to me to advertise.

I didn't expect Zhang Fugui to comprehend this gameplay so quickly.

It seems that I don't have to worry about the car home so much.

"You have a good idea."

"However, we must be careful not to cause a backlash from other OEMs and make everyone afraid of cars."

"As long as it is properly guided, use relatively objective evaluations and reports to set the rhythm."

Zhang Fugui wanted to drive a Toyota car as a tool for Autohome to prove his influence, so he naturally had no reason to object.

Nanshan, Toyota Motor Group and its affiliated companies are destined to have many conflicts, and there will only be more conflicts in the future, not fewer.

The purpose of Cao Yang's establishment of Autohome was to have a tool that could check and balance OEMs.

Whether this tool is easy to use now, of course, you have to try it to know.

"do not worry!"

"It took me so long to set up the car home, naturally I did a lot of research and preparation."

"At that time, you can watch how the sales of Spring City Toyota have declined."

On Zhang Fugui's face, there was a rare trace of confidence.

After being the head of the purchasing department and the head of the sales department for so long, he has a clear understanding of some small tricks.

Now just take Toyota as a litmus test.

"Well, besides the Autohome itself, you can consider arranging a group and let them be responsible for contacting some forum moderators on the Internet to see who is willing to cooperate and provide a certain amount of funding."

"At critical moments, it may have unexpected effects."

Cao Yang is very clear about the power of the navy.

Whether it is to prevent problems before they happen, or to deal with the enemy.

Sailors are useful.

Regarding this point, Cao Yang talked with Zhang Fugui in detail for half an hour.

The first water army in the Huaxia automobile circle was established under such circumstances.

(End of this chapter)

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