Chapter 197 Put a hat on you, and you will immediately fall into the whirlpool
On October 2002, 10, Spring City Toyota's first model, VIOS, was officially launched.


If this price is placed in later generations, it will naturally not have any competitiveness at all.

But in 2002, although it was a bit more expensive, it was still normal.

If there are no surprises, Vios, which is positioned as a high-end economical car, will develop very smoothly in the next few years and has won the recognition of many consumers.

But now that Zhang Fugui is going to take Chuncheng Toyota as the target of Autohome's suppression, the situation is not easy to say.

These days, all kinds of media are basically run by the public, and there is no self-media.

Therefore, Spring City Toyota invited relevant personnel from various newspapers, magazines and major portal websites for its listing.

Autohome, a new website that was just launched on October 10, is naturally not within the scope of people's invitations.

Objectively speaking, it's not that Spring City Toyota looks down on Autohome, it's because you were established too late, and the invitation letter has been sent out long ago.

However, Zhang Fugui was so happy that people would not invite them.

In this way, when the bad news about Vios is reported on Autohome, everyone may just think that Autohome is a black home because it was not invited.

The real purpose behind it was covered up.

"Ayang, the first model of Spring City Toyota has been launched, have you noticed?"

Zhang Fugui knew that Cao Yang attached great importance to Autohome and dealing with Spring City Toyota, so he wanted to hear Cao Yang's opinion before formally implementing the plan.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of having dinner with his elder sister today, he took the initiative to bring up this topic.

Anyway, his elder sister is the legal person and actual single shareholder of Autohome, so there is nothing to hide from her.

On the contrary, this matter is not easy to discuss in the company.

"Weichi's advertisements can now be seen on various portal websites. They hired Lao Mouzi and Pu Shu to shoot them advertisements, which is a big deal."

In Cao Yang's view, the Vios of this era naturally has no sense of beauty.

But for consumers in 2002, most of the entire market is old models of international giants, and the appearance of Vios is still good.

"Yes, the more they pay attention, the better the effect will be when we deal with them."

"I'm going to take it out of its high price and say Toyota is disingenuous."

Zhang Fugui tentatively proposed his own plan, but Cao Yang immediately rejected the proposal.

"The minimum configuration is 11.5 yuan. Compared with Geely and Chery, this price is naturally not competitive."

"However, the price of Jager and Passat, which is one level higher than it, is more than twice that of them. With such a comparison, consumers will not feel that they are expensive."

"It's better to change the angle, elevate the height of the matter a little bit, and directly plunge Toyota into the vortex."

To hack a car, Cao Yang could think of too many ideas.

After all, there are countless classic cases for future generations to refer to.

He also knows where to pin hats on people.

"Putting Toyota into a vortex?"

Zhang Fugui looked at Cao Yang expectantly.

If it can be done like this, then Autohome will become famous in the first battle.

"Toyota has many successful models in the world, whether in Japan or in the United States, their sales are very good."

"But no matter whether it is in Japan or in the United States, there is no such model as Vios."

"Although the new models behind them are global models, they are currently being promoted and are expected to be mass-produced soon."

"But the Vios is a special car supplied by Huaxia, and no one can doubt the fact."

"We can firmly grasp this point and say that Toyota discriminates against Chinese consumers and is unwilling to import its most advanced models."

"On the contrary, it is discriminatory to come up with a special car for Huaxia to earn black-hearted money."

When Cao Yang said this, Zhang Fugui couldn't help but gasp.

Huaxia special car?
This statement has never occurred to me before.

But when you hear it, you can immediately understand what it means.

He also immediately thought of many plans for black families.

The materials used for any special vehicles are very poor, and the material grades are not as good as other models.

The configuration of any special car is not as good as that of the global car. In China, the configuration is reduced, but the price is increased.

He can even sort out the prices of Toyota's main models in Japan and the United States, and then list them with Vios.

In order to set off the high price of Vios, this is definitely more lethal than simply spraying others with expensive prices.

As for the difference in taxes and fees involved, it is completely optional not to say.

Anyway, most consumers don't pay so much attention, they only care about whether the absolute price is higher than others.

The more Zhang Fugui thought about it, the more excited he became.

The first battle of Autohome is sure to win.

"After the hat of China's special car is given to Toyota, it is estimated that not only the Vios car will be affected, but all the models introduced by Toyota to China in the future will be affected to a certain extent."

"Ayang, if we engage in this way, it is estimated that there will be no end to death with Toyota Motor in the future."

While Zhang Fugui was excited, he was also a little worried.

After all, Toyota Motor is a giant. Is it really necessary to make the relationship so rigid?

What's more, Vios is produced by a joint venture company, and there is a big mountain behind it.

"We just told some truths, so is it wrong to tell the truth?"

"You just have to remember that our articles don't tell lies. If what we say is all facts, they can't do anything about it even if they have opinions."

Cao Yang is a person who has something to worry about. How can he be afraid of Toyota's revenge?

Even if there is Chuncheng Motor Group behind him, he is not worried.

Articles that tell the truth are the hardest to attack.

Even the more aggressive the other party is, the easier it is for public opinion to rebound.


Laid-off Reemployment of Toyota Vios

"China's special car supply, is this Toyota's sincerity? "

"Worse materials and configurations, higher prices, Vios has a bad head! "


For several days, Autohome published some related reports about "Vios".

At the beginning, because the traffic of Autohome was far less than that of portal websites such as Sohu, the influence was not very great.

But as many "enthusiastic netizens" forwarded these articles to various forums, these topics immediately became popular.

"The old models are rebuilt, and the old models in foreign countries are even removed from the shelves. They are transferred to new platforms and redesigned to become new models, so as to achieve 'layoff and re-employment'."

"I have gained more knowledge. It turns out that laying off and re-employment has such a meaning."

"Huaxia's special supply of cars? Many places have saved costs, and the quality has not been improved. Instead, the platform is old and the safety standards are low. It is really disgusting."

"The sports performance and handling performance of the Vios are poor, and the appraisal is complete!"

"Vios is indeed not a global model of Toyota Motor. The standard of car manufacturing only meets the needs of the Chinese market. Therefore, the standard is low, the workmanship and materials are poor, and the safety performance is not as high as the global car requirements."

"Without all the advanced technologies of global cars, the Vios is seriously under-equipped, not enough 'conscience'."

All kinds of comments from netizens immediately made "Huaxia special car supply" a hot word.

The topic quickly shifted from Autohome to the entire Internet.

Whether it is Sohu Auto Channel or various forums, there are related discussions.

This made consumers who had already paid the deposit immediately start going to the 4S shop of Spring City Toyota to ask for a refund.

At this time, there was finally movement from Chuncheng Toyota.

"Minister, I've found out that the article on 'Huaxia Special Supply Cars' was first published on a website called 'Car Home'."

"I went to look at the recent articles on this website. Not only did this article maliciously slander us, but there were also many other articles that slandered us either explicitly or secretly."

Chen Zhihui from the Marketing Department of Spring City Toyota Automobile Sales Department is reporting the situation he has collected to the director Miyazaki Ri with a serious face.

In the conference room, the section chiefs and department heads of the marketing department also gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

"Did anyone from the car room be invited to our launch conference?"

Although Miyazaki Hiromasa only came to China last year, he studied in China in his early years, so he has a relatively clear understanding of China's national conditions.

Every car company will invite a lot of media to the listing conference, and even before the listing, there are various test drives and other activities, and the media are invited to the big hotels in beautiful cities to hold activities.

All kinds of accommodation and air tickets are arranged in a unified way.

In addition to the need for publicity, this is actually a way to win over the media.

After all, the media who came to participate in the event hardly need to pay any money themselves, and they can ask the company for travel subsidies when they go back.

But I took the "carriage fee" and various "small gifts", and then took the official draft, changed it, or even didn't change it, just published it.

Normally, the media that participated in the event would not be so shameless.

"Minister, this car home just went online on the 1st of this month, so we didn't include them in our original invitation list."

"I guess it's also because of this reason that the other side will attack us and want to increase their influence."

Chen Zhihui quickly put aside his responsibility.

If this happened because he missed the invitation to Autohome, then his performance appraisal this year would definitely be over.

But to put it another way, the situation is different.

"Their articles seem to be telling the truth, but every sentence is very targeted to blackmail us."

"Now, according to the data fed back by various 4S stores, more than 1000 consumers have chosen to return the order."

"The impact of this incident cannot be underestimated."

"What proposals do you have to deal with?"

In Dongying enterprises, all kinds of things are more emphasis on bottom-up proposals.

Even if Miyazaki had his own ideas, he would not directly put them forward, but would look at the proposals reported by the people below.

It's best if the proposal is in line with your own ideas.

If not, then propose amendments.

"Minister, this is how we think about it. This Autohome has just been established, and it must be because it is optimistic about the development of the auto market and wants to get a share."

"For these websites, the advertisements placed by automobile manufacturers should be their main source of income."

"We didn't invite them to participate in Vios' listing activities before, and we didn't place advertisements on their platform. I guess they have grievances."

"So we want to propose to contact Autohome and ask them to delete related articles immediately, and then we will start placing a certain amount of advertisements on their platform from next month."

Chen Zhihui turned the PPT to the page of the proposal column, and reported the contents of the discussion in the department.

In the past two years, there was a conflict between the brand and the Internet company, and they all heard about it.

The root cause is essentially a matter of money.

Apparently, they thought that this incident of Autohome was also a matter of lack of money.

As long as you are willing to advertise, it should not be a big problem to solve.

"This action must be done, but many articles have already been circulated on various forums, what should I do?"

Although Chen Zhihui's proposal solved the root of the problem, the problem has already exploded and a public opinion offensive has been formed. Advertising on Autohome alone is definitely not enough.

"Internet users in Huaxia are interested in all kinds of hot news for 3 minutes. As long as no one adds fuel to the flames, after a few days, when new news comes out, everyone will naturally not care about it."

Chen Zhihui looked at his section chief and department chief, and found that none of them wanted to answer the question, so he continued to answer the question.

"The matter was caused by Autohome. When we advertised, we asked them to delete the posts on other forums."

"I don't care what method they use, it's better than ignoring them."

In Miyazaki's view, these Internet companies in Huaxia are all for money.

As long as the money is in place, everything is easy to talk about.

Although Chen Zhihui said that waiting is also a method, but the sales of 4S stores cannot be waited.

"No problem, I'll contact them."

"In fact, China's special car supply is not necessarily a compliment, but it can also be a manifestation of our great importance to the China market."

"China has a vast territory and a huge market capacity. The specific requirements of Chinese people for cars are completely different from the market demand in other regions."

"For example, the road conditions are complex, and the requirements for comfort and ride comfort are higher."

"It's hard to make money. Most families only have one car. Everyone in the family has to think about it, so the pursuit of spaciousness in the back row."

"I have to run on highways, urban areas, and mountain roads, and the level of sound insulation and vibration filtering is very important."

"I think as long as the guidance is good, there is still a way to survive this matter."

Chen Zhihui suddenly opened his mind and thought of a few good ideas.

"Then you organize an advertising company to write some articles in this regard, and then find a partner to publish them."

"We can't wait there passively, we must find a way to calm down this matter proactively."

After hearing these words from Chen Zhihui, Miyazaki finally looked better.

He felt that in this way, the matter could basically be suppressed.

It's just that it's hard to say whether things are really so ideal!
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(End of this chapter)

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