Chapter 199 Toyota's big move, the melon-eating Honda is a little confused
When any country first develops the automobile industry, it is inevitable to follow the path of reference.

Dongying began to develop the automobile industry in the 20s. At that time, Dongying’s automobile manufacturers borrowed American automobile technology, and carried out mapping and imitation of American automobiles through reverse engineering and other methods, thus rapidly improving Dongying’s automobile production capacity.

The situation in Goryeo is similar.

Don't look at Hyundai Kia's high share of the global auto market in later generations, and its ranking once rushed to No.5 in the world.

However, in the early stages of their development in the 70s and [-]s, they also copied Dongying Automobile.

It can be said that you copy me, and he copies you. It is very difficult for followers to completely innovate from the beginning.

China's auto industry naturally has no way to avoid this.

For example, the BYD F6 project cooperated with Nanshan is to imitate the Honda Accord.

In addition, in August this year, Brilliance Automobile launched a sedan named "China Junjie", whose exterior design is very similar to BMW's 8-series and 3-series.

Its front face design is very similar to the BMW 3 Series sedan, while the body lines and rear design are very similar to the BMW 5 Series sedan.

These are of course no exceptions.

The Vios model of Spring City Toyota is now at the forefront of the storm and has been labeled as a "special car for China".

This makes Toyota very anxious.

If you can't figure it out yourself, you can only ask Spring City Motor Group for help.

"Mr. Zhu, the public relations department has prepared three plans for Spring City Toyota's request for help."

"The first one is to find the right consulting firm and ask them to organize people online to reverse the unfavorable comment situation. But the effect of this solution may not be particularly ideal."

"The second solution is to let the competent authorities greet various portal websites and ask them to delete and block related keywords, so as to restore a healthy Internet space for netizens."

"The third is to throw out an eye-catching news to completely divert everyone's attention, so as to achieve the effect of cooling down the 'Huaxia Special Car Supply' incident."

Tao Wen, director of the brand public relations department of Spring City Motors, personally reported to Zhu Zhengfeng the plan to assist Spring City Toyota.

As the most important project of Spring City Motor Group this year, they naturally do not want to see Spring City Toyota fail.

"The first proposal, Chuncheng Toyota, is sure that it is using it. Since the matter has not been resolved, it means that the effect is not good."

"The second plan can be used, but it only needs to be used in conjunction with the third plan to put out the fire wherever it occurs."

"Is there any way you can divert everyone's attention?"

Zhu Zhengfeng is quite young, and he also gives people a very courageous feeling in the interior of Chuncheng Automobile.

No matter what choice he made, he was more decisive.

Of course, it will take time to prove whether the choice is correct.

If it is correct, it is a wise leader.

If you make a mistake, it doesn't matter, it's just a tuition fee.

Anyway, this kind of tuition fee is not only paid by Chuncheng Motor Group.

"I also have a few ideas in this regard." Tao Wen thought for a while, and immediately adjusted his expression according to Zhu Zhengfeng's reaction just now, "The first is to make a big news in the entertainment industry. Interested in."

"The second is to continue to make big news in the auto industry. The new model of Brilliance Automobile is not rumored to have copied BMW. Then Great Wall Motor's just-launched model copied Honda CRV, and Chery Automobile's A3 is also caught in the trap of plagiarism. In the rumors."

"We even found out that a new model that Great Wall Motor is launching is a copy of Toyota's domineering."

"We can definitely make a fuss about 'plagiarism' and divert everyone's attention."

Tao Wen was able to become the head of the brand public relations department at a young age, of course because of his own background, and his personal ability is also very good.

The plan he proposed was quickly approved by Zhu Zhengfeng.

"You have a very good idea, but apart from communicating with the regulatory authorities, it is suitable for us to let them greet the website."

"Other things are not suitable for us to jump out directly. We can let people from Toyota Motor or Spring City Toyota do it."

"You don't need to report the specific plan to me, just think about it and execute it."

Zhu Zhengfeng is very smart.

If some things are reported to him by the people below, he will say whether it is good or bad.

It's best if you don't report to me.

Well done, I am the leader.

If it's messed up, it's the people below messing around.

At that time, I will have room to maneuver no matter what.

Tao Wen, who has a strong comprehension ability, naturally understands the meaning of leadership.

Then I started to brainstorm with people from advertising agencies.

A few days later, several big news broke out on the Internet at once.

Tao Wen and the others reheated the cold rice in an ingenious way.

In particular, a few photos of her in prison occupied the headlines of various forums.

At the same time, news related to "BMW sues Hwaseong for plagiarism", "Toyota sues Chery for plagiarism", and "Honda sues Great Wall Motor for plagiarism" also appeared on the headlines of various portal websites on the same day.

Spring City Toyota, Toyota Motor Huaxia Company, Spring City Motor Group and other parties worked together, and the situation on the Internet changed immediately.

First of all, various websites have received warnings, and all articles containing sensitive words such as "Huaxia Special Vehicles" have been removed from the shelves.

Including Autohome, they were also warned, and Zhang Fugui obediently had several articles removed from the shelves.

In this way, the popularity of "Huaxia Special Supply Vehicles" will naturally go down.

Under normal circumstances, the screen name would definitely be discussed in response to the suppressed situation of this hot word.

However, there have been a lot of melons in the past two days. Before everyone could react, they were stuffed with a big mouthful of new melons.

Originally, the screen name didn't have any firm stance, so naturally, it ran to chase other hot spots.

"Minister Kimura, it's a bit sudden that Honda sued Great Wall Motors."

"Actually, I think the current development of the company is very good, there is no need to cause trouble at this time."

Li Huarong, the deputy director of the purchasing department, chatted with Kimura Kawaguchi very gossip in the office.

The past two years of Yangcheng Honda have been very nourishing.

Accord models are still in short supply until now. If you want to buy a car, you even need to find a relationship to ask the leader to approve a note.

It is not an exaggeration to say that you are lying there to make money.

So Li Huarong doesn't understand why Honda Motor is going to file a lawsuit with a domestic company at this time.

If someone plagiarized the Accord, it would be considered a big lawsuit.

What is plagiarized is that there is no model produced by Yangcheng Honda at all, so what's the point of filing a lawsuit?

"Li Bu, I only heard about this matter yesterday."

"I specifically asked the people from Honda Huaxia Investment Company, and they were also a little confused."

"Because no one, whether it is our company's legal department or the legal department of Honda Huaxia Investment Company, knows about this matter."

What Mu Chuankou said stunned Li Huarong.

No one inside Honda knew that he had sued Great Wall Motors?
How did the media on the Internet know?
How did those articles come out?
Could they be prophets?

"Could it be directly produced by the Honda headquarters in Japan?"

Apart from this reason, Li Huarong couldn't think of any other possibility.

"Certainly not!"

"Let's not say that the headquarters will not skip the Huaxia branch to do this kind of thing. The key is that people from the legal department have also contacted the headquarters, and the other party doesn't know anything."

Li Huarong: ...? ? ?
"Li Bu, there have been so many plagiarized models on the Internet in the past few days. I think someone may be playing a prank."

"Of course, behind this prank, I think there should be ulterior motives."

"It's just that we don't know the exact situation yet."

Seeing Li Huarong's unbelievable expression, Mu Kawaguchi explained again.

Although it was hard to believe, Li Huarong could only accept Kimura's explanation.

The world is full of wonders.


"Mr. Wang, I have confirmed that this news is fake news."

"I just don't know why in such a short period of time, it has been spread everywhere, and there are people with nose and eyes."

Zhu Jianbo, Director of the Research Center of Great Wall Motors, personally explained the plagiarism to Wang Ying.

Although there is no plagiarism, Zhu Jianbo knows best.

However, no matter whether it is the court in the imperial capital, the court where Great Wall Motor is located, or the court in Yangcheng, there is nothing related to Honda Motor suing Great Wall Motor for plagiarism.

He even arranged for someone to pretend to be a reporter and contact the staff of Honda Motor's Huaxia Branch, but the other party had never heard of the company's plan to sue Great Wall Motors.

Obviously, this report must be problematic.

"False news?"

"Who is so bored to come up with such a fake news?"

Wang Ying frowned, feeling that this matter was not that simple.

"Mr. Wang, the current online news about model plagiarism not only involves us, but also has relations with several car companies such as Chery Automobile and Brilliance Automobile."

"But until now, apart from the fact that BMW sued Brilliance Auto, everything else is false."

"I feel that someone deliberately released these news to confuse the public."

As soon as Zhu Jianbo put forward his analysis, Wang Ying immediately thought of something, and said, "Is the topic of 'Huaxia Special Supply Vehicle' and Toyota Vios models still hot on the Internet?"

"No! There are almost no reports about the 'Huaxia special car supply'. The topic of Vios models is also obviously a soft article released by Spring City Toyota Motor. Those controversial reports before seem to have disappeared."

Hearing what Zhu Jianbo said, Wang Ying knew it all.

"It seems that there are also experts behind Toyota Motor."

"It suppressed public opinion so quickly."

"At first, I thought it would take at least a month before this matter would subside."

Obviously, Wang Ying has already guessed that these things must have something to do with Toyota.

Whoever benefits is the biggest suspect.

This requires little proof.

"You mean that these things were done by people from Toyota Motor, in order to divert everyone's attention?"

Zhu Jianbo is not stupid, he reacted quickly.

"Nine times out of ten it is."

"But this incident also reminded us that when the research center develops models, don't copy them completely."

"Anyway, you make some minor changes in some irrelevant places to reflect our independent innovation."

"Otherwise, if he is really sued by then, the lawsuit will be very difficult."

Taking precautions, Wang Ying knew that even if Great Wall Motors was not accused today, it would definitely be accused in the future.

This is almost inevitable.

No way, who made the cost of developing a new model so high, you can COPY to develop three or four new models.

In this case, self-owned brands already have very low profits, so how could there be so much R&D expenses to develop new models of their own?

"no problem!"

"Our research center has changed to hire an expert on patents, and let him guide us to avoid this problem as much as possible."

"At the same time, I also suggest that the company's legal department properly recruit some talents in this area."

Zhu Jianbo is very clear about the situation of the models currently being developed by the research center.

It is said that it is a research center, and it is more in line with the actual situation to replace it with the name of "Tape Measure Department".

If we really want to embark on the road of independent development, it will take at least another seven or eight years.


"Ah Yang, I'm sorry, this matter is messed up."

Zhang Fugui kept in mind Cao Yang's instructions at the beginning, not to contradict the regulatory authorities.

So when the above said hello and asked to delete the article, he asked people to delete it without any hesitation.

Even though he was very reluctant in his heart, his movements were more agile than anyone else.

If you are an expert in this kind of thing, if you are targeted by the regulatory authorities in the future, it will be fatal.

"Uncle, I think the result is pretty good now."

"Not only did it not fail, but it was even better than I imagined."

"Things were a little out of control before, and Auto Home will easily become the target of public criticism."

"Now that the task of hitting back at Toyota is done, it's a success."

"The name of Autohome has been established in the automobile industry completely, so there is no need to worry about no advertisements in the future."

"Starting tomorrow, you don't have to be polite if customers contact you to place advertisements."

Zhang Fugui was a little surprised by Cao Yang's attitude.

"Didn't we say before that this year we are not planning to place advertisements for the sake of customer experience?"

"It's only been less than half a month..."

When Zhang Fugui said this, Cao Yang immediately retorted: "The OEMs are also our customers. In order to respond to the needs of customers, we help put some advertisements so that more consumers can know the models on the market. Isn't that what we should do? ?"

 Continue to ask for a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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