Chapter 200 Liwei succeeded!A bunch of OEMs come to pay "protection fees"

For all kinds of media, big advertisers are guests.

In 2002, real estate advertisements were not so crazy. In addition to the advertisements of wine manufacturers and food and beverage manufacturers, the advertisements of automobile manufacturers had the largest increase.

Compared with other companies, auto manufacturers are generally big and big, and they are generous.

One year's marketing expenses are always in the unit of [-] million.

A large part of these costs have been invested in various media for advertising.

As an advertising platform that has emerged in recent years, the Internet is now receiving more and more attention.

When a car company's new model is launched, at least it needs to place an opening advertisement on one of the major portal websites, which can be regarded as setting off the atmosphere.

Even some more bold manufacturers advertise on several major portal websites at the same time.

Although the current traffic of Autohome cannot be compared with that of the portal website, it is definitely more than enough compared with the car channel under the portal website.

The most important thing is that the probability of netizens browsing Autohome being car consumers or potential consumers is much higher than that of users browsing portal websites.

After such an analysis, various OEMs immediately took action.

It doesn't matter whether it is spending money to buy Ping An's Spring City Toyota, or the old joint ventures such as Shanghai Volkswagen, Shanghai General Motors and Spring City Volkswagen.

Or the newly established joint ventures such as Changan Ford and Imperial Capital Hyundai.

Even among independent brands such as Great Wall Motor, Geely Automobile, and Chery Automobile, if one counts as one, there is no one that does not contact Autohome.

"Ayang, Spring City Toyota's ad, shall we accept it?"

Naturally, Zhang Fugui would not be courteous about the money from other wealthy households.

But he was a little unsure whether Chuncheng Toyota would accept the money.

After all, the conflict between Toyota Motor and Nanshan is no secret in the auto industry.

"pick up."

"Why don't you accept it?"

"People want to send money to Autohome, we have no reason to refuse."

Cao Yang gave the answer without any hesitation.

Autohome wants to create a relatively fair personality, so naturally it can't make some things so obvious.

To deal with Toyota, it is necessary to use a knife at a critical moment.

Now you refuse people to advertise, what's the point?

Earn more money from other people, and when the time comes to the black family, wouldn't it be more effective to use this money to hire more sailors?
Sugar-coated cannonballs are coming, I eat the sugar-coating, and the cannonballs are returned to you.

"That's fine, I understand."

"According to the current pace, we will definitely be able to turn losses into profits in the first quarter of next year."

"These car companies spend a lot on advertising."

Now Zhang Fugui understood what Cao Yang meant, and knew how to run the car home in the next step.

As the general manager, he often plays the role of a big housekeeper.

Cao Yang had pointed out the way forward for him.

"In addition to receiving advertisements, our Autohome also has to find a way to drain traffic on each tire and place advertisements appropriately."

"Only by quickly making Autohome a well-deserved overlord in the professional field of automobiles can we stop the rise of other professional websites."

"Otherwise, when people see that Autohome is profitable so quickly, they will immediately attract a bunch of capital to enter this field."

Cao Yang has some understanding of the Internet industry.

This is definitely a world of capital.

Look at how many group buying websites appeared in the market when group buying websites became famous in 2009?

The level of insanity is simply terrifying.

Cao Yang didn't want new websites such as "Car Home", "Autobot", "Auto Friends", "Car Love" and so on to pop up all of a sudden.

At least not to make big capital interested in this kind of professional website.

Even if someone wants to come in, the threshold must be raised high.

"We estimate that we will turn losses into profits in the first quarter. If we want to advertise externally and expand expenses, we may not be able to make profits."

Zhang Fugui obviously still hasn't fully adapted to the Internet model, and feels that it is difficult to accept not being able to make money.

"Within three years, Autohome does not need to make large-scale profits, or even make profits, as long as it maintains a slight loss."

"We first make the website bigger, stronger and more comprehensive, and become the most professional media in the automotive field."

"And then think about other things."

The Internet is an industry that can easily create wealth.

If Cao Yang is going for money, he can naturally go deep into the Internet industry.

After all, at this time, whether it is BAT or other websites, they are still weak after all.

It's not like Nanshan didn't have a chance if he wanted to intervene.

But a person's energy is limited, and the money Nanshan earns is enough for Cao Yang.

For him, in order to make his life better and more stable, he doesn't need to rely too much on the Internet.

Take the road of industry, and the ability to resist wind and waves will be stronger.

For a rich man with no background, industry is obviously more reliable than the Internet.

In this regard, Cao Yang would not talk too much with Zhang Fugui.


The end of the year is a popular time for consumers to buy a car.

After a year of hard work, many people hope to return home in a car.

Faced with such an important car purchase window, all car companies will naturally increase their publicity efforts.

Be it the Internet, newspapers, or TV stations, there have been a lot more car advertisements during this period.

It is impossible not to see car advertisements as long as you are online.

Autohome also took this opportunity to advertise.

Let consumers know that before buying a car, there is such a website that can provide you with a comprehensive platform for articles such as configuration comparisons of various models and price comparison analysis.

Cars are something that most men are very interested in.

Even if I don't buy it for the time being, I would like to find out from time to time.

If you have your own car, you will be even more interested.

So soon, the number of views of Autohome has entered the top 10 of China's website.

Although after entering the TOP10, it is very difficult or even impossible to continue to rush to the TOP5.

But this is definitely a very good result.

Some venture capitalists have even contacted Autohome to see if they have any funding needs.

The biggest change brought about by this result is that the enthusiasm of various car companies to go to Autohome to pay the "protection fee" is even higher.

That's right, in addition to the role of publicity, the car company advertisements on Autohome also have the role of protection fees.

In fact, the advertising fees of most websites have this effect.

When did you watch the 315 event, did the exposed brands advertise on Huaxia TV?

Everyone is going out to have a meal.

When people come to your platform to advertise, they are your food and clothing parents. In most cases, the platform will not make life difficult for your food and clothing parents.

Of course, this is only the majority of cases.

Autohome does not want to become a mere advertising platform. If it wants to keep attracting users, it must not go too far.

This requires the following operations.


"Minister, according to the latest statistics from various 4S stores, sales in the first week of December have slowly begun to return to the expected level."

"The topic of 'Huaxia's special car supply' on the Internet has basically disappeared."

"Autohome, which has never accepted advertising before, has let go now. Our formal advertising agreement can be signed this week."

Spring City Toyota, Chen Zhihui can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

For the past two months, he felt like he was going crazy.

The most important thing is that the pressure is extremely high.

The Vios is the first model of Spring City Toyota, and it has pinned the hopes of the company.

If this messes up, someone must stand up and take the blame.

"I've seen that since this week, there have been advertisements for Modu GM's new cars on Autohome."

"It seems that this car home is not unreal."

"It sounded so good before, but now after seeing the advertising fee, I chose to compromise."

Miyazaki seemed to have forgotten the scene where he was forced to do nothing, and took the initiative to ask the minister of Huaxia to seek help from Spring City Motor Group.

"It's true. Most of the current Internet companies don't make money. If they don't accept advertisements, they will lose even more."

"After all, with the expansion of the scale, the number of servers and other resources they need will also become more and more."

"It's going to take more money to sustain it."

"However, Autohome's advertisements can only be signed on a quarterly basis at most, and the price must be renegotiated every quarter according to their traffic conditions."

"Or pay the final price directly according to the number of clicks. Overall, their advertising price level is not much lower than that of portal websites."

"This aspect is also where they are relatively dark."

Chen Zhihui obviously still has resentment towards Autohome.

"Let's wait and see for a year before we talk."

"This kind of media, if other manufacturers choose to place advertisements, we have to do so."

"But if the car home is not working, of course it doesn't matter much."

With Miyazaki's words, Chen Zhihui naturally had nothing to say.

The boss agreed, so why is he still struggling?
It wasn't his money anyway.


Mi Ying has been employed for three months.

Slowly, it can be regarded as entering the working state, and I have a certain understanding of Cao Yang's work style and personality.

For some things, she also began to express some opinions slowly.

"Mr. Cao, can we consider taking advantage of Autohome's current advantages and cooperating with OEMs so that they can give us more support in parts orders?"

Mi Ying feels that Autohome is such a good platform, but Nanshan has not fully utilized its value now.

In her opinion, it is either taking Autohome as an opportunity for Nanshan to enter the Internet and allowing it to develop.

Or let it serve Nanshan well.

"For parts that have already been launched, if we want to make another breakthrough in orders, we cannot rely on Autohome alone."

"Parts that are still under development need to be mass-produced with companies like BYD before they can be better promoted."

"I have another important role in Autohome, which is a nuclear weapon, which can only be used at critical moments."

"Premature exposure of our purpose will not be beneficial to future development."

It's rare that today's meeting is not so full, Cao Yang doesn't mind chatting with the secretary in the meeting room.

"Nuclear weapons?"

"Mr. Cao, do we need to use Autohome to check and balance OEMs in the future?"

Mi Ying is very smart, and she caught the point right away.

Then she said, "Do we need to build cars in the future?"

"This matter is not suitable for discussion now, let's talk about it later."

Cao Yang glanced at Mi Ying, unexpectedly, the little girl was quite clever.

"By the way, the arrangements for the World Robot Conference have been prepared by the Robot Division?"

The robot is an important product of Nanshan this year, and it will also be a star product in the future.

Although FANUC and KUKA have been messed up in China, they have not done anything internationally.

Taking advantage of this World Robot Conference, Cao Yang is ready to show off Nanshan's technical strength.

Go directly to Dongying to participate in this conference, so that robot giants such as FANUC, Yaskawa, and Kawasaki feel the complete pressure.

"Li Shigui has already flown there with his men and horses. After we pass by tomorrow, we can just take a look at the situation of the exhibition on the spot."

Mi Ying now has some understanding of Nanshan's products.

She will specialize in clarifying the various things on Cao Yang's schedule.

It can be said that her work in Nanshan during this period must be much more tiring than when she was in ICBC.

Of course, the harvest is naturally much more.

Someone once analyzed that as long as a person spends a week intensively researching a product, he can be more professional than 90% of the practitioners in this field.

It sounds a bit unbelievable, but there must be a reason behind this statement.

Take cars for example. Most people in the auto industry are familiar with the various configurations of cars.

And a layman who studies seriously for a week can really suppress the so-called industry insiders when chatting.

Of course, when it comes to specific technology research and development, this rule is definitely not applicable.

"Okay, remember to follow up on all kinds of reports on the Internet at that time."

"Whether our robot can become a hit and completely walk out of the automotive industry depends on the performance of this exhibition."

In the past year, Cao Yang plans to do something good in the equipment industry.

The various machine tools in the Nanshan Equipment Center have made obvious progress, but apart from the presses, there are no outside customers.

These things can all be done well.

Then starting from the second half of next year, the promotion and application of various new parts will start to be put on the agenda.

The International Robot Exhibition is a charge.

Nanshan is ready to make trouble in the equipment industry!

 Add another chapter, continue to ask for a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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