Chapter 214 Misfortune came from the sky, the depressed Baosteel
Baosteel's life in various iron and steel plants in China is quite comfortable.

Most of their steel plates are relatively high-tech automotive plates and special steels.

Ordinary rebar, rarely produced.

So even if there is excess steel production capacity this year, the impact on Baosteel is relatively limited.

Even the rise and fall of domestic steel prices are often based on the rise and fall released by Baosteel as a reference.

Under such circumstances, as the sales manager of Baosteel Southern Region, Jin Tai's life is quite comfortable.

Of course, as a sales manager, it is naturally one of his daily tasks to grasp the market situation and keep abreast of competitors' situations.

Nanshan Special Steel, a special steel plant with counter-cyclical investment, naturally entered the vision of Baosteel Southern District.

"Jin Tai, I heard that Nanshan Special Steel's bearing steel, die steel, gear steel and other special steels have very good performance. They will specifically display this information during the Nanshan Science and Technology Day held on June 6. .”

"Do you know anything about this?"

Lai Liang, the sales general manager of Baosteel Southern District, often participates in various bureaus, and is relatively well-informed.

Originally, he didn't care much about Nanshan Special Steel.

After all, they don't even have a fancy to Shaogang, so how could they have a fancy to Nanshan Special Steel Plant, which was built by Shaogang?

From their point of view, Nanshan is completely fooling around, and they don't know what it means to specialize in surgery.

"I heard that they held the commissioning ceremony of the Nanshan Special Steel Plant two days ago. In Shaozhou, it is said that the scene was relatively large, and several local team leaders participated."

"However, there is no reason why the performance of Nanshan Special Steel should be any better."

"I think the information circulating now is deliberately released by people from Nanshan, in order to attract everyone's attention and let some people take the initiative to be guinea pigs."

"Domestic special steel is good, that is, Xingcheng, Xinggang, Anshan Iron and Steel and us. No matter how they rank, they can't get Shaogang, let alone Nanshan Special Steel."

"I even think that some manufacturers can try to use Nanshan Special Steel products first, and after they use them, they find that the performance is not up to standard, not to mention wasting money and time."

"When the time comes, please obediently turn around and beg us."

Mrs. Jin is obviously very pessimistic about the future of Nanshan Special Steel.

Although the commissioning ceremony was very beautiful, what's the use of that.

"Anyway, you should pay more attention to see what's going on in Nanshan."

Lai Liang felt that what Mrs. Jin said was also reasonable, but out of caution, he still mentioned it more.

"Mr. Lai, don't tell me, Nanshan really hasn't moved at all these days."

"Normally, for the special steel demand in August, they should have placed an order for us yesterday."

"However, until now, no orders for mold steel from Nanshan have been received."

"It's just that orders for bearing steel and gear steel are the same as usual."

Mrs. Jin's attitude is arrogant and arrogant, and her work attitude and level are still very high.

For small changes in Nanshan's order, he can keenly perceive the difference.

"Nanshan Mold Center is now the largest PRG mold and TRF mold manufacturing center in China. It not only produces molds for Nanshan itself, but also produces molds for many stamping parts manufacturers."

"The demand for mold steel is relatively strong every month, but the use of mold materials by OEMs does not have specific drawing requirements like parts."

"Nanshan must have taken advantage of the loophole first and switched the mold steel."

"However, if something goes wrong at that time, it will be a lot of fun."

"Once the mold is damaged, it will take more than a month to re-open the mold, and it is easy for the OEM to stop production due to out-of-stock."

Among the special steels that Nanshan currently orders from Baosteel, the amount of die steel is relatively large.

Relatively speaking, the switch of die steel is relatively simple, or the boundaries are relatively blurred.

Unlike parts such as gearboxes and bearings, if the OEM does not agree, you must not switch them casually.

Even for the supply chain quality departments of various OEMs, change point management is a particularly important task in daily work management.

A part, whether it is a change in the origin of the component or the mold, or a change in the material or processing technology, can only be implemented after obtaining the approval of the OEM.

Otherwise, with tens of thousands of parts in a car, the quality of the whole car will be completely out of control.

In his previous life, Cao Yang heard that some stamping parts manufacturers of the main engine factory, because the cost was squeezed to the extreme, began to resort to various means.

For example, the drawing specifies high-strength steel with a tensile strength of 590MPA, which is how it is used when sending samples.

But in the mass production process, people directly use ordinary steel plates with a tensile strength of 270MPA.

This kind of change is completely invisible to the naked eye.

Even if you measure the accuracy data of the parts, not only does it not decrease, but it may increase.

Only when the collision test fails, and by analyzing the metallographic structure of the steel plate, can it be confirmed that the supplier has secretly changed the material.

It is said that the suppliers of Modu Volkswagen have done such things in a few years.

And this problem was solved with the help of the steel factory.

Because for steel mills, the specifications and parameters were clarified in the early stage, and then combined with the production plan of the main engine plant, it can be roughly calculated that a supplier needs to find himself to order all the materials.

If the steel mill calculates that it needs 1000 tons, but you actually ordered 900 tons, no one will worry about the difference.

But obviously the iron and steel factory calculated that you need to use 1000 tons of rigid steel plates, but in the end you only ordered less than 100 tons in a year.

After digging deeper, some things naturally cannot be hidden.

Of course, after discovering such a problem, the quality and procurement personnel of the main engine factory often only dare to make big things into small things.

Warn the suppliers so they don't do this in the future.

If it really makes a big mess, what about the unqualified steel plate parts used in the past cars?
It's not realistic at all!

Those parts are all welded to the body-in-white, and there is no way to repair them even if they are recalled.

Or the cost of repair is an astronomical figure!
"Mr. Lai, your analysis is really reasonable."

"I also think that Nanshan will shoot himself in the foot this time, and they will regret it at that time."

"Even if other customers are willing to buy Nanshan's special steel first, I don't think there is any need to intercede."

"When they turn around and ask us to help deliver the goods again, the scene will be interesting."

At this time, Mrs. Jin was not panicking at all.

However, at this moment, Liu Jianguo, who was in charge of technical support, walked over with a heavy expression.

"Mr. Lai, Jingong, we just obtained some data of Nanshan Special Steel, and the situation is not good."

If Nanshan Special Steel is to be sold externally, it must announce some technical parameters.

Otherwise, how do you let customers determine whether they want to order your materials?
"The data of Nanshan Special Steel?"

"They are so eager to start selling?"

Mrs. Jin was very surprised.

In his view, it will take a month or two before Nanshan starts to compete with Baosteel for customers.

Why did you move so quickly?

"Yes, the data of their various special steels are very beautiful."

"It is not only better than the various parameters of the special steel we are selling now, but it is also no worse than the imported special steel, and some parameters are even better."

"If they didn't cheat, then Nanshan Special Steel will be our biggest competitor."

Although Liu Jianguo is a technician, the technicians in Baosteel Southern District mainly do technical support and competitive product analysis, and do not participate in research and development.

Therefore, they have a relatively good understanding of some situations in the special steel market.

"How can a manufacturer like Nanshan that has never produced special steel cooperate with a local company like Shaogang to produce competitive products?"

"They must be lying, right?"

Kim Tae's first reaction was to not believe it.

It's normal not to believe.

"Although I hope it is like this, there is simply no room for falsification of some parameters."

"For example, the hardness of bearing steel is marked as HRA 85. After you get the material, you can simply measure it and you will know."

"Other indicators such as wear resistance and strength are not very complicated to measure."

"If each manufacturer wants to use Nanshan's special steel, these basic material performance comparison experiments will definitely be done."

"At that time, if Nanshan cheats, it will be exposed immediately."

When Liu Jianguo said this, Mrs. Jin and Lai Liang's expressions became serious.

"Liu Gong, show me the information."

As the general manager in charge of Baosteel Southern District, Lai Liang was born in technology in his early years. Although he no longer has the research and development capabilities, he has no problem reading some technical materials.

Not to mention the parameters of various steel materials.


After Lai Liang took the information, he couldn't help frowning after reading it for a while.

These data are too perfect, right?

It's almost like the R&D target value assigned by the company to the R&D center, all of them are very ideal.

Yes, ideal!

That means that these technical parameters are difficult to achieve.

Or after reaching one of the indicators, it may cause the failure of another indicator.

After all, some properties of special steel have certain contradictions and conflicts with each other.

In this case, it is very difficult to produce special steel with various properties that meet the ideal parameters.

Foreign special steel can occupy a large market share for a long time because they do better in this area.

Especially for special steel in some subdivided fields, the global demand is relatively small.

After a company has successfully developed a product, it is actually not worthwhile for other steel mills to make it.

Just like the steel ball of the nib of the ballpoint pen of later generations, it was rumored for a while that even such a simple special steel could not be made in China.

It needs to be imported from abroad, and then it comes to the conclusion that Huaxia's steel industry is not good, and that is not good.

In fact, this is completely misleading everyone with what seems to be the real situation.

It's not that Huaxia can't make special steel for ballpoint pen nib steel balls, but this market is just a little bit in the world.

To put it bluntly, the molten iron that comes out of your blast furnace is basically about 80 tons.

And this time of molten iron may be enough for all the stationery manufacturers in the world to use for a year.

In this case, is it necessary for you to let the domestic steel mills spend a lot of energy on researching this special steel?

This is not special steel for aircraft carrier decks, which cannot be bought in the market.

"Liu Gong, do you think these data are credible?"

Although Liu Jianguo said just now, it is impossible for Nanshan to falsify such simple data.

It's too easy to be exposed like this.

But Lai Liang couldn't help but ask back.

"Mr. Lai, I actually have a lot of questions in my heart. I really want to know how Nanshan Special Steel produces such special steel."

"Maybe their quality stability is not good, the cost is high, or the defective rate is high."

"But these data, I believe, should be true and reliable."

There is one thing to say, Liu Jianguo did not tell the truth because the objective facts are a bit cruel.

"If this is the case, wouldn't it be true that Nanshan no longer needs to order special steel from us?"

Nanshan is now also a major customer of Baosteel.

Those special steels are the most high-end and the most expensive ones produced by Baosteel.

The profits are naturally very rich.

Now that this piece of cake is going to disappear, Lai Liang is naturally very nervous.

"If it's just that Nanshan's order is gone, then it's not the worst."

"I'm afraid that Nanshan will also snatch the special steel orders from other customers. Then we will face double pressure from imported special steel and Nanshan special steel, and we will immediately fall into a state of slow sales."

"In this environment of excess steel production capacity, this situation is very unfavorable."

After Liu Jianguo said this, Lai Liang fell silent.

This is simply a person sleeping at home, and the disaster comes from heaven.

Who knew that such an auto parts manufacturer and equipment manufacturer as Nanshan would have such a big impact on Baosteel?

Lai Liang's mood, one can imagine how bad it will be.

"Mr. Lai, why don't we find a way to acquire Nanshan Special Steel Plant?"

"There is currently excess steel production capacity in the country, and the higher-ups also support a large company like Baosteel to merge a number of small companies."

"For example, Nanshan Special Steel has a total production capacity of 30, which is far behind ours and fully complies with the above merger policy."

Mrs. Jin quickly thought of a way to draw salary from the bottom of the pot.

However, Lai Liang was not so optimistic, saying: "The factory has just started production and has not encountered any difficulties. Under such circumstances, how could they consider selling it?"

"It's almost the same if we go to someone to talk about technical cooperation!"

(End of this chapter)

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