Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 222 The steel tycoon's cheese was touched, the consequences are unpredictable

Chapter 222 The steel tycoon's cheese was touched, the consequences are unpredictable
When BYD's F6 model attracted a lot of attention in the automotive industry, there was another big event, which also caused a lot of shock in the segmented field.

It has been more than two months since the official commissioning ceremony was held in June this year.

Many material properties of Nanshan Special Steel have final test results.

As a result, many companies naturally began to take further actions.

"Mr. Lai, the special steel orders we received this month have dropped by 50% compared to the same period last year. If this situation continues, we will basically have no business in South China for our special steel."

Mrs. Jin was in a very bad mood during this time.

Although the special steel business is not the main business of Baosteel, this business has the highest profit margin.

It can be said that the money earned from selling [-] tons of special steel is equivalent to [-] to [-] tons of ordinary steel.

This is why he is very concerned about changes in special steel orders.

"Is it still falling?"

"Did all these orders go to Nanshan Special Steel?"

Lai Liang naturally has a good understanding of the special steel market in South China.

Last month, orders for Baosteel's special steel dropped significantly.

It's just that he didn't expect it to drop so sharply this month.

"Although some customers did not tell us directly, it is basically certain that Nanshan Special Steel has seized this part of the market."

"Even the orders I heard from the agents of Dongying Datong Steel, Kobe Steel and Nippon Steel have dropped a lot."

"These orders were basically taken away by Nanshan Special Steel."

"What I'm most worried about now is the orders for next month, which will drop further."

Jintai's bonus is linked to sales performance.

Nanshan Special Steel seized Baosteel's market, which meant robbing Jintai's bonus.

Of course, he attaches great importance to this matter.

"Have all the test results of Nanshan's special steel in our technical center come out?"

"Did you find out about Nanshan's deception?"

As a sales manager with technical background, Lai Liang has a good understanding of the various properties of special steel.

It is not so easy to improve the performance of special steel.

According to the parameters provided by Nanshan Special Steel before, whether it is bearing steel, gear steel, or mold steel, the performance of Nanshan Special Steel is very good.

Even better than imported materials.

Lai Liang has great doubts about this.

"Most of them have already come out. So far, these test results are almost consistent with the parameters announced by the other party."

"Some small deviations are basically within the allowable range of tolerance."

"This incident is said to have caused a great shock in our technology center. I even heard that some state-owned enterprises that produce special parts have begun to order special steel from Nanshan."

"It's just that people may order through traders or other channels."

There are too many uses for special steel.

It can be said that all walks of life will use it.

Especially in some special fields, there is a very high demand for the performance of special steel.

"We can't wait passively for this matter."

"Otherwise Nanshan Special Steel will bring us a huge impact!"

Lai Liang felt ruthless, and felt that it was time to consider dealing with Nanshan Special Steel.

Regardless of whether it is an acquisition or a merger or reorganization, in any case, with the size of Baosteel and the current development of the domestic steel industry, it is in line with the general direction.


The area of ​​Panyu District is quite large.

Almost across the entire Yangcheng.

Nanshan is located in the east, which is considered a relatively underdeveloped area.

And Liu Tianwu's office is in the north of the middle.

Sitting in the office, Liu Tianwu, who had just finished talking for a while, had a complicated expression on his face.

"Xiao Luo, please sort out the information of Nanshan Special Steel, especially their recent sales and main customers. I will use it later."

Although I was a little tangled in my heart, let's figure out the situation first.

On this point, Liu Tianwu's thinking is still very clear.

"Leader, wait a moment, I have ready-made materials in my computer, I will print them right away!"

Luo Yi, as Liu Tianwu's secretary, naturally knows what his leaders care about.

As Nanshan is a star enterprise in the district, it can be said that Luo Yi spends time every week to sort out and understand the development of Nanshan.

To some extent, Luo Yi is the general manager of Cao Yang, and he still needs to know part of the current situation of Nanshan.

"The capacity utilization rate of Nanshan Special Steel has reached [-]% this month?"

"Climb so fast?"

Not long after, Liu Tianwu finished reading the report materials compiled by Luo Yi.

Although he is not from a technical background, he is not a person who knows nothing.

It often takes a long time for a steel plant to go from commissioning to full production.

Especially in the context of the sluggish steel market as a whole, the capacity utilization rate of new factories is often very low.

"Yes, this is because Nanshan's own gearbox and other parts have not been completely switched to Nanshan special steel materials. If they complete the switch, it is estimated that the production capacity utilization rate of Nanshan special steel can reach [-]%, or even full production. "

"I heard that their special steel has very good performance, and the price is much cheaper than imported ones. Many factories are now considering ordering their special steel."

When Luo Yi said this, Liu Tianwu couldn't help but said: "No wonder people from Baosteel want to annex the business of Nanshan Special Steel. It turns out that it is because Nanshan Special Steel is too strong."

Obviously, the phone call just now must have something to do with Baosteel.

As a large steel mill with an administrative rank in China, the leadership of Baosteel is even higher than that of Liu Tianwu.

This is why Liu Tianwu feels the pressure.

"Leader, according to the current situation, Mr. Cao may not give up on Nanshan Special Steel. Not to mention mergers or acquisitions, even technical cooperation is very difficult."

Luo Yi carefully put forward his own opinion beside him.

He is also very aware of the importance of Nanshan to the district.

Even to a certain extent, his future has something to do with Nanshan's development.

"I know!"

"You make an appointment with Mr. Cao's secretary later, and I'll go over and have a chat with him in person!"

When Liu Tianwu said this, Luo Yi couldn't help showing a worried expression on his face: "The leader..."

"I heard that many people in other places have done the work of attracting investment to Nanshan."

The meaning of Luo Yi's words is naturally obvious.

He was afraid that Liu Tianwu would not be able to withstand the pressure and would do something that was not conducive to the development of the district.

But he couldn't speak so bluntly!

(End of this chapter)

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