Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 224 Differentiate 1 Group, Win 1 Group, Suppress 1 Group

Chapter 224 Divide up a group, win over a group, suppress a group

The topic of patents, along with Huaxia's accession to the WTO, has gradually been valued by everyone.

There is no way, in the past few years, Huaxia Company has suffered more and more losses from patents.

Although ArcelorMittal still has factories in China, it has no authorized partners at present.

However, their aluminum-silicon coating technology for hot-stamped steel sheets has already applied for a patent in China.

Even the other party arranged personnel to apply for related patents in major countries in the world as soon as they developed this technology.

It has to be said that these large foreign companies have indeed done a relatively good job in terms of patent protection.

It's no wonder that Liu Jianguo doesn't believe that Nanshan can produce hot-stamped and formed steel plates, unless the patent is infringed.

"Liu Gong seems to have a good understanding of hot-stamped steel plates."

After hearing Liu Jianguo's words, Cao Yang was not annoyed at all.

I'm not afraid that you are very professional, but I'm afraid that you don't know what to do.

"Xiao Liu is a top student at Shanghai Jiaotong University. In our Baosteel Southern Company, he is definitely the most skilled student."

Lai Liang couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Obviously, the subordinate gave himself a face!

"Since Liu Gong is very familiar with hot-stamped steel sheets, he must also know that ArcelorMittal has mastered the aluminum-silicon coating technology. It does not mean that other companies cannot produce aluminum-silicon-coated steel sheets at all. Steel plates within a specific parameter range within the scope of the other party’s patent are not allowed to be produced.”

"Is there any problem with my statement?"

When Cao Yang said this, Liu Jianguo immediately said again: "You are not wrong, it is indeed the case in theory. But when people study hot stamping and forming steel plates, they must have fully considered the properties of the material. In order to meet the performance of the material, the parameter interval can be satisfied.”

"Otherwise, with the same process, the tensile strength of others after molding can reach 1500MPA, or even 1800MPA, but yours can only reach 1200MPA, so how can you compete?"

As the boss of Baosteel South, watching Liu Jianguo and Cao Yangyi talk about hot stamping and forming steel plates, I always feel that I understand every word they say, but I can’t understand it together. .

However, he didn't understand the specific technique, but he still understood the meaning.

"Mr. Cao, what Xiao Liu said is also reasonable. Is Nanshan's research direction wrong?"

Lai Liang felt that it would be useless to discuss the technical details after confirming the results first.

"There are three ways to circumvent ArcelorMittal's patent on the hot-stamped steel plate that Nanshan is currently researching."

Cao Yang stretched out three fingers and continued: "One is to use galvanized coating to circumvent the patent of aluminum-silicon coating. After all, no matter which coating is used, it is essentially to prevent the steel plate from being oxidized at high temperature. "

"The second is to circumvent ArcelorMittal's process parameters and also use aluminum-silicon coating."

"The third is to use the bare board directly for processing without coating."

"Each car manufacturer has different concerns. I believe that among the three solutions, there is always one that can solve their concerns. After all, compared with ArcelorMittal's patented products, these three steel plates are There is no real performance difference!"

Since we want to cooperate with Baosteel on automobile sheets, it is natural to do a good job in hot stamping and forming steel sheets.

Otherwise, it will be embarrassing if there are no customers with half a bucket of water.

"Uncoated hot stamping steel will lead to the production of steel plate and iron oxide scale during heating, and there will also be a certain degree of surface decarburization."

"The iron oxide scale is easy to fall off in the mold, which increases the friction coefficient between the steel plate and the abrasive tool and reduces the service life of the mold. Regular cleaning of the iron oxide scale in the mold seriously reduces the production efficiency.

"And in order to meet the subsequent processing requirements of stamping parts, it is necessary to remove the iron oxide scale formed on the surface by shot peening."

"But shot peening not only leads to increased costs, but also affects the dimensional accuracy of the part."

Liu Jianguo deserved to be Baosteel's technical leader, and soon began to refute Cao Yang.

"You're right, but a small amount of decarburization is somewhat beneficial for hot-formed steels because it increases the toughness of the hot-formed part."

"As for the regular cleaning of the mold, it can actually be solved by adding a blower device to the mold structure."

"The impact of shot peening on the accuracy of parts is very limited, and its cost increase is negligible compared to the decrease in material costs."

"The more you're on a big part, the more insignificant it is."

"For example, if a B-pillar weighs 5 kilograms, the cost of shot peening will increase by about one yuan, but the cost of materials can be reduced by at least 10 yuan!"

Compared with other steel plates of the same strength, the difference in production process and production cost of hot stamped steel plate is very small.

However, if the ordinary JSC590R steel plate sells for 6 yuan per kilogram, the price of ArcelorMittal’s patented hot stamping steel plate Usibor1500 may go up to 10 yuan per kilogram.

So even if Nanshan and Baosteel's hot-stamped steel plate sells for 8 yuan per kilogram, the price advantage is still obvious.

"Mr. Cao, has Nanshan really mastered these three technologies for hot stamping and forming steel plates?"

Lai Liang's small eyes circled quickly, with a decision in his mind.

This project has something to do!

Of course, whether Nanshan's technology is really OK by then must be confirmed.

"Mr. Lai can ask, when did the bullshit that I, Cao Yang, fail?"

Cao Yang spread his hands, as if you love cooperation or not.

Anyway, it's really not that Nanshan is begging Baosteel for this matter.

"Mr. Lai, I think whether it is Shanghai Volkswagen or Shanghai General Motors, they are now struggling with whether to use hot stamping technology for their new models. The main concerns are the supply and cost of parts."

"After all, if such large stamping parts are always imported from abroad, then there is no cost advantage at all."

"If we can provide them with mature hot stamping technology solutions, then maybe European and American car companies such as Volkswagen and General Motors will use a large number of hot stamping parts in the future."

"At that time, this piece of cake will belong to Baosteel and Nanshan!

When Cao Yang said this, Lai Liang was immediately moved.

Baosteel has a production line for automobile sheets. As long as Nanshan provides technology, it will soon be able to commission and produce hot-stamped steel sheets.

According to Nanshan, they have mastered the production technology of hot stamping molds, and they have cooperative hot stamping manufacturers under their banner.

Then as long as the hot stamping production line is introduced, the production of hot stamping parts can be started.

There is something wrong with this matter!

"Mr. Cao, how do you want to cooperate?"

Lai Liang's words clearly expressed his intention of cooperation.

Naturally, Cao Yang did not go around in circles, and said, "Nanshan provides Baosteel with the technology of hot-stamping and forming steel plates, and you will pay a patent fee of 1 yuan per kilogram for the hot-stamping and forming steel plates produced by your company to Nanshan."

"As for this steel plate, how much more expensive are you than ordinary steel plates? Give it all to Baosteel, and we at Nanshan will not interfere at all!"

Cao Yang has no intention of in-depth cooperation with such a big company as Baosteel, otherwise he may have other thoughts on the other side.

It is enough to be able to take out the hot stamping technology, earn some money, and cheat ArcelorMittal, which is controlled by Tianzhu people, by the way.

It would be even better if the opportunity of promoting hot stamping technology can be used to make Toyota Motor and Honda Motor, which have not yet planned to use hot stamping parts, feel the attack of public opinion.

Well, this task will be handed over to Autohome!
"The patent royalty fee of one yuan per kilogram is really too high!"

"If Baosteel is willing, it can cooperate with ArcelorMittal!"

The current steel plate market is bleak.

Naturally, Lai Liang could not agree to Cao Yang's proposal.

"Mr. Lai, as far as I know, it's not that ArcelorMittal has not discussed technology licensing with some other steel companies, but their asking price is much higher than this."

Good technology cannot always be sold at a low price.

Especially if you meet someone who knows the goods, you can't sell them cheaply!
After Nanshan earned this money, he still kept the money in Huaxia Development Industry.

If ArcelorMittal earns this money, it will fall into the pockets of the Indians.

"Mr. Cao, we sincerely cooperate with your company, but the price must be too high."

"Of course, I also know that we can't negotiate all the details today."

"How about we eat first and talk about other things later!"

As a leader, of course, you won't go into battle in person where you pay me a penny.

Besides, although Lai Liang is the person in charge of Baosteel Southern, he does not have the final say on this project.

Fortunately, Cao Yang is also aware of this point, so he didn't get too entangled.

Next, after the two parties have a preliminary intention of cooperation, the atmosphere will naturally become better when they drink.

Even after the banquet, Lai Liang had to drag Cao Yang to play the second game.


Although Nanshan Special Steel is located in Yangcheng, Baosteel is definitely not the only one who has seen the repercussions it has caused in the steel industry.

Several large domestic iron and steel factories have resorted to various tricks in order to obtain the technology of Nanshan Special Steel.

There are those who are willing to spend money to buy, but those with low prices will not work.

Those who are willing to merge and reorganize want to be white wolves with empty hands.

Those who wanted to rely on their special status to suppress them went straight to Liu Tianwu's place and pushed back.

Cao Yang made full use of the old ancestor's policy of dividing up a group, wooing a group, and suppressing a group, which made several domestic steel mills lose their temper.

In particular, Longji special steel has become the target of killing chickens and monkeys.

"Mr. Cao, the person from Longji Special Steel has contacted me again. They want to be our agent."

"According to what they said, as long as we hand over all the special steel we sell to them as agents, we can ensure that Nanshan's profits will increase by at least 5% compared to now."

Zeng Tingting obviously felt that Longji Special Steel's plan looked pretty good.

Nanshan now has more and more businesses, and the size of the sales department has also become larger.

She also has a lot to worry about.

For things like special steel, she thinks it's a good solution to hand them over to the agent directly.

"This Longji special steel, I heard He Qingquan tell me before, is there a conflict with us in mold production?"

Cao Yang is not a generous person.

The former enemy now has the strength to attack him, so naturally he can't be soft.

Besides, in addition to acting as an agent for the special steel products of big companies such as Dongying Datong Steel, ASSAB, and ArcelorMittal, Longji Special Steel also has its own Longji Special Steel.

And Lung Kee, founded in 1975, is now regarded as a world-renowned brand formwork manufacturer.

Their business scope includes the production and sales of standard mold bases, customized mold bases, high-precision interchangeable formwork, mold base spare parts, and mold steel processing and sales.

This completely overlaps with the business of Nanshan Mold Center.

Cao Yang can cooperate with Baosteel, Anshan Iron and Steel, and even Xingcheng, but Longji Special Steel cannot.

A Hong Kong-funded enterprise had conflicts with Nanshan before, but now it is ashamed to come to Nanshan to earn money from Nanshan?

"It's true that there were some conflicts, but that's a thing of the past."

Although Zeng Tingting felt Cao Yang's attitude, she still wondered if she should try harder.

After all, she can feel that whether it is special steel or molds, these are not the main development directions of Nanshan in the future.

"In addition to Baosteel, there are so many steel mills in China who want to get our ideas."

"Especially now that we are starting to cooperate with Baosteel on hot-stamped and formed steel plates, other manufacturers will think that Nanshan is easy to bully."

"Now Longji Special Steel is willing to stand out and become that chicken, so we will fulfill him!"

"When our Nanshan Special Steel was just put into production, we didn't see them so actively wanting to be our agent."

When Cao Yang said this, Zeng Tingting would not be able to speak for Longji Special Steel anymore.

Otherwise, Cao Yang would wonder if she took money from others.

"Mr. Cao, if you don't cooperate, then just suppress them severely!"

"Anyway, I've already offended you, so let's offend harder!"

"Take this opportunity to disrupt the agency channels of overseas mold steel giants such as Yum! and Datong Steel!"

It is said that women are the most fickle.

Zeng Tingting's attitude made Cao Yang fully feel this point.

Just now they were persuading Cao Yang to accept the cooperation with Long Ji, but this turn around will severely suppress them.

However, this attitude is obviously in line with Cao Yang's intentions.

"Our Nanshan special steel, in addition to our own use, mainly competes with imported special steel for the market. In the future, there is no need to compete with domestic special steel factories for the low-end market."

None of the domestic steel plants is simple.

Although as a star enterprise in Yangcheng, Nanshan does not need to be afraid.

But Cao Yang obviously didn't want to make too many enemies!

At that time, many equipment products of Nanshan will be sold all over the country.

These steel mills can't help Nanshan in Yangcheng, but the situation is naturally different in the provinces and cities where they are located.

(End of this chapter)

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