Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 232 A group of opponents like vultures besieged Nanshan

Chapter 232 A group of vulture-like opponents besieged Nanshan

The orders for Schuler presses in China have basically fallen to less than 20 units a year.

If it weren't for the reluctance to give up China's huge market, layoffs would have already begun.

As the sales director, Lucas is also very worried.

However, Xu Dacheng made a very constructive proposal to him today.

"Lucas, Nanshan Bearing is involved in the anti-dumping investigation of the United States, and it is said that the court will officially start next month."

"As a Chinese company, they have absolutely no experience in litigation overseas, and nine out of ten they will lose the lawsuit."

"At that time, we will not only face high anti-dumping duties, but also more problems may emerge."

"I think we should take this opportunity to let Schuler's American branch also file an anti-dumping investigation against Nanshan and Jier, accusing them of dumping the compressors they exported!"

Xu Dacheng's resentment towards Nanshan is very great.

Although his basic salary has not dropped in the past two years, it is still over [-] a month.

In 2003, it was definitely a high-paying class.

But last year he didn't get a penny of the bonus, and even this year's bonus is hopeless.

In this case, he must think that Nanshan has affected his bonus.

If there was no Nanshan in this world, then his bonus would not be in danger.

"Anti-dumping investigation?"

"You mean to start an anti-dumping investigation against Nanshan Press?"

Lucas' eyes lit up, and he was immediately intrigued by the idea.

In Huaxia, he felt that he had tried his best, but there was nothing he could do with Nanshan.

Even with hard work, Schuler's sales in China were actually lower.

It made him lose his temper completely.

"Yes, I feel that this matter has something to do with SKF, and I can ask the people at the headquarters to inquire about it."

"I believe that SKF should also welcome Schuler to join the army against Nanshan."

Xu Dacheng is quite familiar with the situation in Nanshan, and he also knows which enterprises are most affected by Nanshan.

"You're right, I'll contact you right away, and let Nanshan fall into the ocean of anti-dumping investigations."

"At that time, their presses will no longer be able to be exported, and we can be regarded as making some contributions to the headquarters."

Although this matter has no way to increase Schuler's sales in China, it may even lead to more intense domestic competition due to the decline in exports of Nanshan presses.

But he is very willing to do it.

There is no way, his resentment towards Nanshan is too deep.

As long as he has the chance to deal with Nanshan, he doesn't want to give up!

Schuler is definitely not the only one who thinks of dealing with Nanshan like a model.

In FANUC far away in Japan, Yoshida Yongzheng was also talking about his proposal with his minister Kawashima Yutaka.

"You mean to let the people in the American branch collect the evidence of Nanshan CNC system and Nanshan robot dumping as soon as possible, and then submit it to the US Department of Commerce, so that they can initiate an anti-dumping investigation against Nanshan?"

Dongying people are actually not people who like to litigate.

In this respect, they are a little bit like Huaxia.

When encountering business disputes, everyone sits down and discusses more.

However, this time, the situation is obviously different.

"Yes, even if the evidence we have collected is not so sufficient, there is no way to win the lawsuit in the end, and Nanshan can waste a lot of time and energy, delaying their development speed."

When Yoshida Yongzheng said this, Kawashima Yutaka couldn't help but nodded.

"What you said makes sense. Although the sales of Nanshan's CNC systems and robots in the United States should not be very high, they have already begun to fully develop the international market."

"If we don't do something, we will soon be beaten by Nanshan just like Huaxia Market!"

"I'll report to the president later, and then notify the American branch to let them act as soon as possible."

Kawashima was easily persuaded by Yoshida.

No way, this proposal came too timely.

"Minister, I suggest that Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Yaskawa, and Fujikoshi can be recruited, and their American branches can also help collect evidence. Otherwise, if we rely solely on ourselves, I am worried that it will take too long in the middle."

Yoshida did a good job as the head of the sales department in the Huaxia branch at the beginning. It was because of the sudden rise of Nanshan that FANUC's business in China was in a state of collapse, and he was transferred back as an ordinary employee. .

Everyone's treatment as a master is gone.

There is no future!

In the past, every day after get off work, he would have an appointment, so he could have a good drink before going home.

But now I can only suffer in the office, or stay alone in the izakaya until midnight before going home.

After all, in Japan, if a man returns home too early, he will be laughed at.

Your wife will also think you are useless.

I don't know if this culture is one of the reasons why Japanese housewives have a high cheating rate.

"A few other robot manufacturers?"

Kawashima understood Yoshida's meaning as soon as he heard it, and immediately said: "I think it's okay, but we can't contribute, they can sit back and enjoy the benefits!"


"Omura, just now Toyota took the initiative to contact us, and asked us to arrange personnel to collect evidence against Nanshan gearbox dumping in the United States."

"This time, Nanshan's bearings were launched an anti-dumping investigation by the US Department of Commerce. We didn't think about following up before, so we were careless!"

Aisin's president, Yoshikawa Hisato, called Okumura, the head of the sales department, to the office and arranged for him to start working.

If there are many victims in the development of Nanshan, Aisin is definitely one of the most hurt ones.

Today, Aisin's gearboxes, apart from supplying Spring City Toyota, have almost lost [-]% of the market in China.

This impact is very huge.

Even Aisin's stock has fallen by [-]% in the past two years.

It's no wonder that Aisin, and even Toyota Motor, have very strong opinions on Nanshan.

"President, should we wait for the conclusion of Nanshan's case and then follow up and work hard?"

Okumura didn't want to let Nanshan go, but he wanted to see how others did it, so that he could learn from others and he would be much more relaxed.

After all, Yoshikawa obviously meant to let him take responsibility for this matter.

"Don't wait, I asked specifically. As long as the anti-dumping investigation is started, it will fail a few times."

"It is a recognized fact that Nanshan relies on low prices to snatch orders for various products in the international market."

"Whether it is us or other manufacturers, we can see this situation."

"I believe Gates and other gearbox manufacturers in the United States have already felt this threat."

"Since the U.S. Department of Commerce has launched an anti-dumping investigation against Nanshan in the field of bearings, there is no reason for them to give up efforts in other fields such as gearboxes."

Yoshikawa's analysis made Okumura irrefutable.

However, this can be regarded as making Okumura more confident.

"Then I will fly to the United States in a few days, and personally arrange personnel to advance this matter. I must make Nanshan fall into a big fall!"

"If it is really successful, maybe we can re-expand our market share in the United States."

As soon as Yoshida finished speaking, Yoshikawa couldn't help but said: "How many days will be left, arrange someone to book tickets now, and fly to the United States early tomorrow morning!"

"For this matter, if you act one day earlier, you will be able to enjoy the fruits of victory one day earlier!"

Yoshikawa's long-suffering attitude naturally made the actions of various departments very fast.

A big storm is coming towards Nanshan.

These opponents are like vultures. They feel that Nanshan is going to be turned into a corpse in the American market, and they are ready to besiege it and get a piece of it!


"Chris, I heard a piece of news, you must be interested!"

At the Ford Motor Headquarters, Design Director Metz held a cup of coffee and sat with Chris in the coffee shop to taste the coffee.

Although it is working hours, their work rhythm is not tight at all.

European and American companies are generally enjoying the dividends of the times, even if the work intensity is much lower, the income is also high.


"Is it possible that any supplier has something that fell into your hands?"

Mace and Chris are old acquaintances.

Talking to each other is naturally very casual.

"That's not true. I don't usually deal with suppliers very much."

Chris said that even he didn't believe it, and said, "Huaxia's Nanshan has fallen into an anti-dumping case. Have you heard about this?"

"There are many anti-dumping cases every year, and it is normal for Nanshan to encounter them."

"I have arranged for someone to collect information about this case, and we will see what impact it will have on us then."

Chris was a little surprised by Metz's attitude, and couldn't help asking: "Aren't you worried that Nanshan's bearings will be subject to anti-dumping duties after the anti-dumping investigation, and then the cost will rise sharply?"

"Even if the cost of other parts such as Nanshan's gearbox has risen sharply because of this situation, wouldn't the procurement center be under greater pressure to cut prices this year?"

Anti-dumping is essentially to punish dumped goods through additional ultra-high tariffs.

This part of the tax will definitely be passed on in the end, otherwise sales will drop significantly.

Of course, under normal circumstances, this cost cannot be passed on, so the purpose of anti-dumping by the importing country is achieved.

It's like a bearing of 50 yuan. If you are levied 200% anti-dumping tax, it will immediately become 150 yuan.

What cost competitiveness is there at this time?

No matter how bad your opponent is, it won't be that bad.

"You worry too much!"

"Nanshan is not the only one that can make our gearbox bearings. There are several suppliers such as SKF and Timken before, and even SKF recently contacted us proactively, hoping that their bearings can be used in large quantities on 6AT. .”

"So as long as Nanshan is really ruled as dumping, we can immediately switch the bearing order to other manufacturers."

"As for the gearbox, there is no need to worry."

"Before we were for the technology of Nanshan 6AT, so we promised a part of the order."

"If the cost of imported 6AT is too high due to anti-dumping issues, then we just use our own 6AT instead, and Nanshan can't say we're wrong."

When Mace said this, Chris opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

This remark makes sense.

He had no way to refute it.

Sure enough, the people who are engaged in purchasing are the darkest.

"According to what you said, wouldn't it be better for Ford to push behind the scenes and let Nanshan lose the lawsuit as soon as possible?"

Although Chris has a good relationship with Nanshan, if he had to choose between the interests of Ford Motor and Nanshan, he would naturally choose to protect the interests of Ford Motor without even thinking about it.

This is the true thought of many Ford employees who have contacted Nanshan.

"Cao Yang from Nanshan knows some things about us quite well."

"He was the one who single-handedly pushed the brake door against Toyota."

"In the subsequent anti-monopoly investigation, he also stood up to encourage us."

"If he knows that there is a shadow of our Ford Motor behind the anti-dumping investigation, he may not know what kind of reaction he will make."

"Chris, you don't want the headlines on Yahoo's auto channel one day that Ford is behind the scenes with Toyota Brakegate?"

When Metz said this, Chris immediately understood his concerns.

Emotional Ford Motor really has a small tail in the hands of Nanshan.

"You're right, we just need to be spectators."

"Nanshan has been developing very fast in the past few years, grabbing the shares of many manufacturers. Presumably by this time, the news that Nanshan has been involved in an anti-dumping case has already spread in the industry."

"At that time, there will definitely be many manufacturers following suit!"

After thinking for a while, Chris understood Mace's thoughts.

A group of opponents besieged Nanshan, and Ford was watching the excitement. This scene is also worth looking forward to.


"Lu Bu, do you think we have any way in Huaxia to sue Nanshan for low prices and intentionally sabotage the market?"

Inside Aerospace Mitsubishi, Yonekawa Taro looked at the news about Nanshan anti-dumping on the computer screen, and discussed things with Lu Bin next to him.

As an engine manufacturer used by many domestic independent brands, Aerospace Mitsubishi has actually had a very good life in recent years.

There is nothing wrong with saying that you are lying down and making money.

Although Toyota and Honda have built factories in China, Mitsubishi Motors has not made any big moves.

However, the money Mitsubishi Motors earns in China in a year is not necessarily less than that of Toyota and Honda.

After all, their engine products are still very competitive in the market.

It's just that this situation has completely changed after the Nanshan 1.5T turbocharged engine came out.

"This is a bit difficult!"

"Let's not say that anti-dumping investigations are not popular in China, even if they are launched, they are still aimed at importing manufacturers."

"To deal with Nanshan, it may be more difficult for us to use policies and regulations."

"After all, the local government of Yangcheng will never allow a parts company like Nanshan, which has mastered its core competitiveness, to fail."

Lu Bin naturally has a very clear understanding of the domestic situation.

What can be done and what can't be done can be judged at a glance.

"Now our orders have begun to lose. If we continue to develop at this pace, the company will start laying off employees in less than two years!"

Yonekawa Taro was in a bad mood.

As the head of the sales department, orders have dropped, so he is naturally under the greatest pressure.

"We can only let Dongying Mitsubishi speed up the introduction of new engines!"

"Otherwise, the situation will indeed become more and more troublesome."

"There are still some self-owned brand car companies using our engines, and they will not immediately switch to Nanshan's products."

"But after two years, the situation will be completely difficult to say."

"Especially the BYD F6, which uses the Nanshan engine, is selling so well. It has set a very bad example."

When Lu Bin said this, Yonekawa Taro couldn't help but nodded.

The truth is this truth.

However, Mitsubishi also has concerns about whether to import the most advanced engine technology into China.

 It seems that I haven't asked for a monthly pass for a few days, how about rewarding a few?
(End of this chapter)

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