Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 233 Wan Xiang, who was shot lying down, fainted from crying

Chapter 233 Wan Xiang, who was shot lying down, fainted from crying
Accompanied by the reports of various Internet portals, Nanshan was involved in an anti-dumping investigation in the United States. Although it cannot be said that it is a household name in China, the entire auto industry and even most netizens already know about it.

Under such circumstances, the Wanxiang Group, which was originally planning to eat melons, was completely dumbfounded by a fax.

"Jiang Cong, are you sure this document is real?"

"Didn't it say that it was Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. that was caught in the anti-dumping investigation?"

"Why is our Wanxiang name on it?"

As the general manager of Wanxiang Group, Lu Jiansheng naturally knew that Nanshan was caught in an anti-dumping investigation.

After all, this is a big deal in the bearing industry.

Originally, his mood was more complicated.

On the one hand, he hopes that Nanshan's development speed can be slowed down so as not to further occupy Wanxiang's development space.

On the other hand, he hoped that Nanshan could survive this challenge in the United States. Otherwise, without Nanshan rushing forward, the pressure would be on Wanxiang.

After all, Wanxin's bearings have been exported to the United States for many years.

Naturally, it has a competitive relationship with local American bearing manufacturers such as Timken.

So if they don't engage in Nanshan, they are likely to engage in Wanxiang.

"Mr. Lu, I checked. This time, the other party has included Nanshan, Renben, and Wanxiang in the anti-dumping investigation at once."

"It's just that Nanshan's anti-dumping investigation was the first to be filed and received the most attention."

"The other party obviously wants to wipe out Huaxia's bearing industry this time!"

Jiang Cong's face was also a little ugly.

As the largest enterprise in domestic bearing production, Wanxiang's export business accounts for more than [-]% of the group's business.

This proportion is still increasing.

Once it is identified as dumping in the American market, it will basically lose this market.

If other places follow suit, Wanxin's export business will be abolished.

This is absolutely unacceptable.

Leaving aside the importance of earning foreign exchange through exports in this era, the decline in turnover alone is not acceptable to me.

"Have you figured it out, who is behind this matter?"

"In anti-dumping cases, shouldn't there be plaintiffs?"

Lu Jiansheng frowned, a little worried that the situation was going out of control.

Although their development in the United States is relatively smooth, they generally make low-margin products that Timken and others are not very interested in.

So although we have competition, but the intensity of competition is not high.

It can be said that Wan Xiang was shot while lying down.

"Basically, it's clear that this incident was made by people from SKF."

"In the past few years, the competition between Nanshan and SKF has been very fierce. In the Chinese market, SKF has basically been beaten by Nanshan and has no power to fight back."

"In the American market, SKF lost most of the orders for Ford's gearboxes from its largest customer, and it also gritted its teeth against Nanshan."

"So this time, they just turned the tables and wanted to drive Nanshan out of the United States."

When Jiang Cong said this, Lu Jiansheng also felt a chill.

Nanshan can be regarded as one of the best companies in the international market among Chinese companies.

We are all under such pressure now, will Wanxiang face the same situation in the future?
It seems that the matter of anti-dumping should be taken seriously by oneself.

"So, this time, SKF is mainly heading towards Nanshan, and we and Renben Bearing were included in the investigation objects by the way?"

When Lu Jiansheng asked, Jiang Cong nodded immediately.

At this moment, Lu Jiansheng felt that he wanted to cry and faint.

The company started to build a branch factory in Shanghai this year, and is preparing to make a big splash in the international market.



While Wanxiang was depressingly discussing the anti-dumping issue, Renben Bearing, who is also from Zhijiang Province, was also worrying about this issue.

"Mr. Zhang, I think it's okay to take the initiative to contact Nanshan to see if everyone can discuss how to deal with this situation?"

Renben's best bearings are high-precision and low-noise bearings used in home appliances such as washing machines and air conditioners.

The share of bearings in the automotive market is relatively low in the company.

Therefore, the competitive relationship between them and Nanshan Bearing is relatively weak.

After all, bearings such as hub bearings and engine crankshaft bearings are not the core business of Renben Bearings.

This is an important reason why Wang Zhijian, director of the sales department of Renben Bearing, suggested this to his boss.

"It is indeed necessary to discuss it. Otherwise, when the case fails, our entire Huaxia bearing industry in the United States will suffer heavy losses. If we want to re-enter in the future, it will be more difficult."

"It's just that the relationship between our two parties was not very good before. Is Nanshan willing to cooperate with us to respond to the lawsuit?"

As the founder of Renben Bearing, Zhang Xiucai is also a very powerful and insightful person.

Although Renben has a competitive relationship with Nanshan Bearing and Wanxiang, he is willing to stand up and cooperate with Nanshan when facing the anti-dumping investigation of the United States.

"Nanshan Bearing's opponents are international giants such as SKF, NTN, and NSK, and they have never regarded us as competitors."

"As long as we take the initiative to approach, I don't think the other party has any reason to refuse."

"No matter how bad it is, we have been in the bearing industry for nearly 20 years longer than them. We should still be able to help in preparing litigation materials."

Wang Zhijian thinks that Nanshan can develop to its current scale in just a few years, and the relevant leaders should not have such a bad vision.

At this time, it is obvious that we must pay attention to unity. If Nanshan does not do a good job, the media may expose it at that time, which will bring great pressure to them.

After all, the Nanshan Bearing anti-dumping case has become hot news on the Internet for several days in a row.

"If that's the case, then go get in touch."

"Taking this opportunity, let's also see how Nanshan deals with such things. Maybe it can be used in the future."

Zhang Xiucai soon made a decision.

"Well, I even think that following this opportunity to discuss the procurement of bearing steel with Nanshan Special Steel, there may be unexpected gains."

As an industry benchmark, Nanshan's bearings and special steel have naturally been bought by Renben Bearing and studied over and over again.

Therefore, many people in Renben are well aware that there is a huge gap between their company and Nanshan Bearing.

In this way, there will be less pressure and obstacles to cooperate with the other party.

"You connect with the other party first, and then talk about the tone!"

Zhang Xiucai did not refuse, but he felt that this matter might not be so easy.

(End of this chapter)

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