Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 234 Don't be afraid of spending money, don't be afraid of trouble, otherwise it wi

Chapter 234 Don't be afraid of spending money, don't be afraid of trouble, otherwise it will be more troublesome
Cao Yang has no time to respond to the discussions on the Internet or the reactions of his friends and competitors.

Xiang Wei had already taken some colleagues from the legal department to fly to the United States first, and Cao Yang came to the Law School of Lingnan University of Technology to find someone to support him.

"Mr. Cao, anti-dumping response refers to the act of defending one's legitimate rights and interests by using relevant laws and regulations in international trade against foreign anti-dumping complaints."

"In the process of responding to the anti-dumping lawsuit, accounting proof is a very important link."

"Whether you can win the lawsuit head-on, the accounting evidence will play a big role."

"For example, Article 2 of the WTO Anti-dumping Agreement stipulates that the cost shall generally be calculated on the basis of records kept by the exporter or producer under investigation, as long as such records comply with the generally accepted accounting principles of the exporting country and reasonably reflect the The production and sales costs related to the product can be judged as reasonable costs.”

"In this case, if we want to prove that Nanshan Bearing has not been dumped, we have to prove that the cost of Nanshan Bearing is so low."

"The current selling price is already a price with a certain profit."

Zhou Yuan, a senior professor of the law school, vice president of the Lingnan Law Association, and a well-known expert in international law, is currently analyzing countermeasures for Cao Yang.

As Cao Yang is a graduate student in the School of Automotive Engineering of Lingnan University of Technology, Xiang Changle is naturally very concerned about the development of Nanshan.

After he knew that Nanshan stall was involved in an anti-dumping investigation, he immediately took the initiative to contact Zhou Yuan to match Cao Yang.

It can be said that his teacher is still very good.

"Professor Zhou, what does this generally accepted accounting principle mean? How do you understand this sentence?"

Although Cao Yang did not study law, he believed that this matter must not be that simple.

So if he had any doubts, he had to ask them one by one.

"Mr. Cao, you've got the point!"

"Under normal circumstances, in accordance with international practice, the financial statements of enterprises are independently audited by intermediaries every year, and audit reports are issued by certified public accountants."

"But you are also very clear that the cost information provided by domestic enterprises has not been independently audited in many cases, or a certified public accountant is hired to conduct a surprise audit in order to cope with the verification. It is naturally difficult for the accounting information to be adopted by the anti-dumping investigation agency."

"I believe that Nanshan's performance is definitely better than that of ordinary companies, but there is still a certain gap to fully meet the requirements of the anti-dumping investigation agency."

"Especially judging from past cases, some companies may manipulate costs and distort production costs, which has left a bad impression on anti-dumping investigation agencies."

"Production cost is the key standard in the anti-dumping agreement. Enterprises' manipulation of costs will inevitably lead to unobjective cost data of enterprises and cannot fairly reflect the financial status of enterprises, thus making these enterprises in a passive position in responding to the lawsuit."

Zhou Yuan's willingness to participate in Nanshan's anti-dumping response team is due to Xiang Changle's matchmaking role on the one hand, and Nanshan's company is different from ordinary companies on the other.

This is a private enterprise that attaches great importance to research and development and masters core technologies.

She doesn't want to see such an excellent company fall into the sand in the international market.

Of course, Nanshan paid her attorney fees based on the market price in the United States.

Although Zhou Yuan felt that this factor was irrelevant, but...

"The accounting system and accounting standards will be internationalized and in line with international standards. I am afraid that this will not happen overnight, nor is it simply a matter of Nanshan's willingness or unwillingness."

"I don't think it's that easy to find a breakthrough from this perspective."

Although Cao Yang doesn't understand the law, he still has some understanding of financial knowledge.

If the boss doesn't know a little financial knowledge, maybe the company is sold and still counts the money.

"You are right. There are big loopholes in my country's accounting internal control and internal accounting practice management. We cannot prove the validity of our information while providing accounting information."

"Therefore, our enterprises urgently need to establish their own accounting system, which can regulate our accounting control on the one hand, and on the other hand, can also provide us with some expected anti-dumping information, which can greatly improve the possibility of us winning the anti-dumping response. sex."

"Of course, these are things for later."

"What we need to do now is to be familiar with WTO rules as much as possible, and make full use of the three protection clauses of WTO, namely protection clauses for infant industries, protection clauses for balance of payments and safeguard clauses."

"If our Nanshan Bearing can be related to these terms, it is also possible to win the anti-dumping victory."

"Rules are made by people, and WTO rules are not invulnerable."

"For example, the import quota restrictions mentioned in it are generally prohibited by WTO rules, but there are many exceptions to the rules, such as allowing developing countries to reserve certain quotas, and there is no room for it at all."

"The key now is to see if we can find loopholes within the rules and win the anti-dumping lawsuit..."

Zhou Yuan talked with Cao Yang very carefully for more than an hour, and analyzed her own anti-dumping investigation cases of past Huaxia companies.

"Attacking opponents within the scope allowed by the rules is what international giants like to do most."

"For this Nanshan bearing anti-dumping investigation, we must also find a countermeasure within the rules, and let those international giants and commercial departments of developed countries know that Chinese companies are not so easy to bully."

"Otherwise, it will be Nanshan bearing today, Nanshan gearbox tomorrow, and Nanshan press the day after tomorrow. Endless investigations have exhausted us!"

Just as Cao Yang finished speaking, the Motorola cell phone in his trouser pocket rang.

"Hey, call me so late, what happened?"

The call was from the United States. When Cao Yang heard that the voice was Xiang Wei, he knew there must be something wrong.

After all, there is a twelve-hour time difference between the two places, and it is exactly twelve o'clock at night there.

"Mr. Cao, just got the news that the United States is not only targeting our bearings, but also companies are planning to launch anti-dumping investigations against our other products."

"This matter is likely to become a reality in the next half month."

"If this is the case, then we need to prepare more things."

When Xiang Wei said this, Cao Yang couldn't help frowning.

The situation facing Nanshan suddenly deteriorated.

"Now I've heard that which companies are still planning to jump out and deal with us?"

Although his heart was full of anger, Cao Yang knew that this was not the time to lose his temper.

"Aisin, Fanuc, Schuler, and perhaps other companies should all be preparing to file an anti-dumping investigation against us."

"Mr. Cao, the anti-dumping investigation this time is actually not aimed at Nanshan, but at China's corresponding industries."

"In this case, do I think it is necessary to join other companies to respond to the lawsuit?"

Xiang Wei obviously felt a lot of pressure.

This anti-dumping investigation, she is also the first time to face.

According to the information she has learned, it is not that easy to win this lawsuit.

In particular, the legal department of SKF is very strong.

Now that there are more accomplices, the situation in Nanshan is even more serious.

"I see!"

"I will consider this matter!"

After Cao Yang hung up the phone, Zhou Yuan, who was next to him, also immediately interjected, saying, "Mr. Cao, I think what I said to the minister is right. At this time, we should unite with other domestic enterprises."

"In this regard, we have suffered a lot. I even compiled a case in my anti-dumping course."

"In 88 and 92, the European Union accepted two anti-dumping cases against China's color TVs. Because my country's color TV companies adopted a passive and non-resistance attitude, China's color TVs are basically expelled from the EU market."

"Although the story here is very complicated and there are many reasons, the most important reason is that Chinese companies lack a consistent external awareness, and they all want to free ride and let other companies respond to the lawsuit in order to keep their foreign markets."

"In this way, individual responding companies will have to act as spokespersons for all color TV companies and face all problems by themselves."

"Due to lack of cooperation from other companies and limited financial resources, the result is naturally predictable."

"It seems that it is just a disastrous failure of the responding companies, but it is actually a disastrous failure of the entire China color TV industry. The losses suffered by this are not only the individual responding companies, but also the entire China color TV industry."

"Although the anti-dumping investigation by the U.S. Department of Commerce this time is mainly aimed at Nanshan Bearings, domestic bearing manufacturers such as Universal Bearings and Renben Bearings are also the targets of anti-dumping investigations."

"It's just that everyone is focusing on Nanshan now, as if this matter belongs to Nanshan's family."

Cao Yang did not refute Zhou Yuan's analysis.

Although he feels that those domestic teammates may not be reliable, it should still be possible to help collect some information.

"Mr. Cao, I think what Professor Zhou said is quite reasonable. The person from Renben Bearing also contacted me yesterday, and the discussion was also on this topic."

"Why don't you just take this opportunity and arrange for people to go to the United States to deal with the lawsuit?"

Zeng Tingting also interjected from the side.

"If Nanshan Bearing is defeated in the lawsuit, other countries may follow suit. In recent years, a Chinese product has often been anti-dumped, and other countries have quickly proposed anti-dumping for the same product."

"So for Nanshan, this case really can only be won, not lost!"

When Zhou Yuan said this, she also felt the pressure.

However, the more so, the more passionate she became.

"Well, Professor Zhou's analysis makes sense."

"For this case, we at Nanshan are not afraid of spending money and trouble, otherwise it will be even more troublesome in the future!"

Cao Yang had no intention of compromising.

Now it's even more uncompromising.

Soon, he personally flew to the United States with a huge team.


"Mr. Cao, are you confident of winning this lawsuit?"

On the plane, Zhang Xiucai of Renben Bearing was sitting next to Cao Yang.

Renben offered to cooperate with the United States in Nanshan District to file a lawsuit, Cao Yang naturally had no reason to refuse.

Zhang Xiucai is at least a senior in the industry and deserves his respect.

As for Wanxiang, although they also expressed their willingness to cooperate, they only arranged for Jiang Cong, the head of the sales department, to take a few people to the United States to join in the fun.

"Confidence is naturally confident."

"I am very clear about the cost of our bearings and whether there is dumping, and I am very confident."

"Now it's nothing more than that we are not so familiar with some WTO rules. As long as you are willing to spend money on this aspect, you can't find a lawyer to cooperate with in the United States."

Although Cao Yang didn't have a very clear plan in his heart, he couldn't see any worried expression on his face.
As the general manager of Nanshan, if Cao Yang is in a mess, then this case will be serious enough.
"That's right. This time it was mainly the anti-dumping investigation initiated by SKF. Although Timken from the United States also participated, Timken's influence in the United States is not that great."

"So even though it's an overseas battle, it's not like there's no chance of winning."

Zhang Xiucai knew very well that if he wanted to win this case, he had to rely on Nanshan.

Now that Cao Yang is so confident, he can at least breathe a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, we really have to consider how to deal with the increase in anti-dumping tariffs.

"The complexity of anti-dumping investigations is much higher than other cases. We must also prepare for a protracted battle this time."

"Of course, it's best to be able to make a quick decision."

"It may not be so easy to directly sue the US Department of Commerce."

"However, it would be the best if we can find out the strengths of those companies and let them withdraw the lawsuit on their own initiative."

Cao Yang was not afraid of trouble, but if he could do less of such unproductive things, then of course he would do less.

As long as everyone sees that Nanshan is not so easy to mess with, and take this opportunity to build a huge team of lawyers to deal with various situations in the future, then even if the case ends up being closed, it is acceptable.

After all, doing business is mainly about making money!
"Mr. Cao, I'm actually thinking, these companies are so crazy to sue us for anti-dumping, don't they have no problems at all?"

The little secretary, Mi Ying, majored in foreign languages, so naturally she didn't dare to intervene in legal matters.

However, during this period of time, she had a better understanding of anti-dumping cases, and just now she heard Cao Yang say that again, so she couldn't help turning around to look at Cao Yang and expressing her doubts.

"Hearing what Secretary Mi said, I suddenly thought of something. Didn't the American judiciary launch anti-monopoly investigations against various auto parts companies?"

"Can we continue to make a fuss about this?"

Fang Sisi, as a reporter from Huaxia TV, came to the United States with Nanshan's team this time as a reason to follow up on Nanshan's news.

(End of this chapter)

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