Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 237 All kinds of big moves are used together, and the opponent starts to loosen first

Chapter 237 When all kinds of big moves are used together, the opponent starts to loosen first
Chris is definitely a man who puts his best interests first.

Even though he had a good relationship with Nanshan before, but this time Nanshan was involved in an anti-dumping investigation, he had no intention of helping at all.

Even after Nanshan lost the lawsuit, he switched to buying bearings from SKF, and the cost would rise to a certain extent, but he didn't care.

If there is no story in it, no one will believe it.

However, Cao Yang didn't care about these.

He believes that he still has more cards to play in his hand, and more interests that can attract Chris.

Although the automobile industry in the United States is going downhill, as the Purchasing Director of Ford Motor, Chris still deserves some benefits from Cao Yang.

"Cao, both of you and SKF are suppliers of Ford Motors. We definitely don't want to see you fighting to the death!"

"The cooperation you mentioned just now, can you tell me what kind of cooperation it is?"

Chris stared at Cao Yang with brown eyes, as if he wanted to see through Cao Yang's true thoughts.

"At present, apart from China, Nanshan Bearing's main market is the United States."

"The share in Europe is very small, but the market space in Europe is very large."

"Just like the evidence provided by SKF in the anti-dumping investigation, the selling price of Nanshan's bearings is lower than their cost."

"All of us can completely develop our ideas. Nanshan is responsible for producing bearings and selling them to a certain trading company, and then this trading company sells the bearings to SKF."

"In this way, they can continue to earn money in Europe, and they don't have to worry about expanding their production plants."

"Even in the process, their profit margins can increase."

"Of course, this trading company needs to be familiar with the laws and regulations of various European countries. I am relatively new to this aspect, and I need Chris to recommend you."

"The best thing is that you can discuss with the senior management of SKF to see what form of trading company would be more appropriate to acquire or form."

Cao Yang's words were not particularly cryptic, and he believed that Chris must have understood his meaning.

Sure enough, after a moment of silence, Chris asked, "What about the American market? Is it also traded through this trading company?"

"Parts that are already in mass production are naturally not suitable for such operations."

"But for newly developed customers, we can make concessions and hand over the business to trading companies!"

Although Cao Yang put on a very big battle on the surface, it seemed that he wanted to fight against companies such as SKF and Aisin.

It has even begun to fight back with antitrust investigations and patent lawsuits.

However, he knew that these cases would not be easy to win in the end.

Although he is not afraid of spending money, he is afraid of spending time.

It is impossible for him to stay in the United States all the time to worry about these cases, so after letting everyone see Nanshan's fist and his own interests are guaranteed, he can consider stopping.

Obviously, the plan he just mentioned is a good plan to win over the senior management of Ford Motor, General Motors and other companies.

No one is selfless.

As long as the benefits are big enough and things are done safely enough, there will be people who will be attracted.

Similarly, SKF is also run by a group of professional managers.

They are also selfish.

No matter how bad it is, there is nothing wrong with increasing the company's turnover and making the profit margin look better, right?
"Cao, is there any risk in such a plan? Do you think it's strange to see that the bearings are purchased from a trading company?"

When Chris asked, it obviously meant that he was already moved.

"The characteristic of the bearing industry is that there are many agents. The bearings we directly supply to Ford Motor and General Motors may be a bit eye-catching if they are sold through agents."

"But there are many other various bearing needs in the market, and there are also some other not so big customers that are worth exploring."

"There is absolutely no problem in operating in this way in these places."

Cao Yang gave a very positive judgment.

At this time, whether there is a problem or not, there must be no problem.

It is not appropriate to give money directly to people, but to let people earn money through legal schemes, then there is no problem at all.

Don't think that all foreigners are clean and honest like Hai Rui, how is it possible?

"Your plan, I will seriously consider it and discuss it with them seriously!"

"But the court is about to start, do you need me to coordinate it?"

Chris at this time is completely different from the attitude he had when chatting with Metz half a month ago.

Sure enough, all the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit.

"No, I think SKF will definitely not compromise easily for such a big deal this time."

"It just so happens that everyone has gone through a few lawsuits to break their wrists, and they may be willing to sit down and talk calmly."

Cao Yang has already prepared such a huge team of lawyers, so he naturally wants to take it out for a walk.

Otherwise, the money will be wasted by then?
If you want to deter other manufacturers, so that people in the future will not always think about dealing with Nanshan through these methods, then you must let the early bird SKF suffer a bit.

You are a veteran giant, I can't kill you.

But I can give you a hard lesson.

In the end, time will slowly erode your market and surpass your technology.


"Ovid, this anti-dumping investigation must give Nanshan a little color."

"Even if there is no way to include all their bearings in the object of increasing anti-dumping duties, the hub bearings must be included, otherwise we will fall into a passive position."

Court starts tomorrow.

Johnston was not at all excited.

On the contrary, he was a little apprehensive.

Ovid was keenly aware of this, and said, "Johnston, is there any new opinion from the board of directors?"

As the CEO of SKF, Ovid feels that no one can bother him so much except the board of directors.

But this time, he obviously guessed wrong.

"You must not have surfed the Internet properly these two days, especially the websites in Europe."

"Many websites are now reporting news related to SKF. Whether it is an anti-dumping investigation, an anti-monopoly investigation, or a patent infringement case, it is now spread on the Internet."

"I didn't expect so many netizens to be interested in bearings, and some people even wondered if SKF really failed."

"The technology is not comparable to that of Huaxia Company, and it needs to infringe on other people's patents to produce parts."

"The cost is not comparable to that of other Huaxia companies, and they need to rely on anti-dumping investigations and violations of anti-monopoly laws to maintain profits."

"This public opinion is very unfavorable to us!"

Obviously, someone from the headquarters reported to Johnston some of the situation in the past few days.

This made Johnston realize that what happened this time was not so easy to deal with.

He really didn't expect things to develop into what they are now.

If he had known, maybe he wouldn't have done it.

"This matter is a bit weird. Normally, it is impossible for so many people to be interested in this matter."

Ovid also immediately felt something was wrong.

There seems to be a pit ahead!
Thinking of what happened to him in Huaxia, Ovid's mood became bad.

"Anyway, the legal team has already arrived, and we still have to attend the first court session tomorrow."

"Afterwards, you immediately contacted people from Nanshan to discuss the possibility of an out-of-court settlement." Johnston added immediately after speaking, "I'm not only talking about anti-dumping investigations, but also patent infringement cases and anti-monopoly. "

The anti-dumping investigation did not end so quickly, nor did the patent infringement.

For now, SKF's brand power in the field of bearings must still be higher than that of Nanshan.

This cannot be changed in a year or two.

Therefore, if SKF is involved in Nanshan's patent infringement case, it will definitely be a blow to SKF, but for Nanshan, whether it wins or not is a victory.

Because of his fame and brand power.

Johnston was obviously aware of this.


"Are you going to contact Nanshan so soon?"

Ovid suddenly felt as if someone brought a plate of shit to him and forced him to eat it.

As the person in charge of the Huaxia branch, Ovid's hatred for Nanshan is definitely very deep.

But now that the CEO has spoken, he has no way to refute.

"It might be a good thing for us to get in touch early."

"War, contact, and peace talks at the same time, there is no problem."

Johnston is just a professional manager. Maybe he will be fired if the business data is not satisfactory in another year or two.

Thinking of the phone call from Ford Motor Purchasing Director yesterday, his heart began to become flexible.

"Then... let's do it!"

"However, I think at least one of Nanshan's products must be included in the list of anti-dumping and tax increases, otherwise we will return completely in vain."

Ovid said something resolutely.

But Johnston was noncommittal.


Nanshan's tricks against SKF are naturally applied to the followers of Aisin and FANUC in the same way.

The public opinion in Japan soon became polarized.

Although they have everything to say, Aisin and FANUC definitely feel a lot of pressure.

In the United States, it may once again be caught in an antitrust investigation, and the patent infringement lawsuit has already set a court date, which makes Aisin and FANUC start to regret it.

At first, everyone thought that Nanshan was about to die, so they could rush up to get a share of the pie.

Unexpectedly, instead of eating the meat, it caused a commotion.

"Omura, I just saw the news that SKF is seeking an out-of-court settlement with Nanshan. Is this true?"

Hisato Yoshikawa, the president of Aisin, also came to the United States this week in person to start responding to Nanshan's counterattack.

Originally, when Okumura was reporting to him, he thought he was just following others to gain advantages, but now he needs to charge forward.

Naturally, he, the president, can't stay in Dongying forever.

"I have also seen this news. It was first reported on the Yahoo forum. It has not been confirmed by SKF or Nanshan. I don't think it is credible."

Okumura is also under a lot of pressure now.

It was he who proposed to follow suit to deal with Nanshan.

If a lot of manpower and material resources are spent, but the result is nothing, then it is definitely not a good thing for his development.

"No, I don't agree with you!"

"As the saying goes, there are no waves without wind. Since the news has spread, it means that SKF and Nanshan are discussing this matter."

"In particular, there are rumors on the forum that Nanshan has a lot of evidence of SKF's suspected monopoly and is going to hand it over to the American judicial authorities in the next step. At that time, the anti-monopoly investigation may be formally launched."

"This should be a situation that SKF does not want to see very much."

Yoshikawa did not mention patent infringement cases.

As the world's leading gearbox company, Aisin has filed patent lawsuits with many people, so it is clear that this patent infringement case is not so easy to adjudicate.

"Then...then what should we do?"

"The gearbox anti-dumping investigation has just started. If we cancel it at this time, I am afraid the US Department of Commerce will not be happy."

Okumura felt the hesitation of his own president, so naturally he didn't dare to keep going forward.

Effort is important, but the direction of effort is even more important.

Otherwise, the direction is wrong, and the harder you work, the worse the result will be.

"Slow down for a while and see how the situation develops!"

"Now that both parties are plaintiffs and defendants, things have become complicated."

Yoshikawa Hisato regretted secretly in his heart, but he still didn't hold his breath.

Should have waited and watched for a while.

At least when SKF wins the lawsuit, Aisin will rush forward.

That way you won't be passive, just enjoy the fruits of victory directly.


"Mr. Cao, SKF's attitude has changed!"

"They actually started to take the initiative to contact us."

Zeng Tingting came to Cao Yang very excitedly.

During this time, she was definitely under a lot of pressure.

If the anti-dumping investigation is implemented and Nanshan Bearing has to pay additional anti-dumping duties, then it can basically say goodbye to the American market.

"It's normal. These companies are suing for profit in essence."

"Our current attitude has made them feel that going to court may not be able to obtain the benefits they want, and they may even suffer more losses in the end."

"In this case, attitudes will naturally start to change."

Cao Yang participated in the whole process of this matter, whether it was to welcome the lawsuit in an upright manner, or some tricks to win by surprise, he personally arranged them.

In this case, he can feel any changes in the matter in advance.

"Then what should we do now?"

"Are you going to settle with them?"

Zeng Tingting is a little out of ideas now.

It was also the first time she encountered such a big scene.

Even an IQ of 155 is not enough.

"Let's let it dry first, and take this opportunity to make Nanshan famous!"

(End of this chapter)

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