Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 238 Domineering exposed, deter peers

Chapter 238 Domineering exposed, deter peers

Cao Yang is considered a celebrity at Lingnan University of Technology.

As the largest private enterprise in Yangcheng, Nanshan's popularity is also rising very fast.

This time, there has been a lot of excitement on the Internet about Nanshan being caught in an anti-dumping investigation in the United States.

Originally, some new headlines had overwhelmed the heat of this matter.

But soon, Nanshan sued companies such as SKF, Aisin and Fanuc in the United States, claiming that they had infringed their patents.

At the same time, reports of violations of anti-monopoly laws by these manufacturers and the promotion of American judicial agencies to launch anti-monopoly investigations on these companies have also been exposed on the Internet.

As a result, the heat of the matter exploded again.

"This Nanshan is tough enough!"

"How dare you resist someone's anti-dumping investigation, and sue the other party backhand."

"No wonder so many people came to their lecture yesterday."

In a dormitory of Lingnan University of Technology, Liang Hualong was blowing water with his roommate while surfing the Internet.

With the continuous increase in the number of university graduates and the rising influence of Nanshan, people's vision of Nanshan has undergone great changes.

For example, students of Lingnan University of Technology, many of them no longer object to going to work in Nanshan.

If it were three years ago, it is estimated that few people would have participated in Nanshan's presentation, let alone how many people would eventually be willing to go to work in Nanshan.

"Aaron, are you ignorant?"

"I heard that Professor Zhou Yuan from the law school took a group of teachers and graduate students to the United States with Cao Yang from Nanshan."

"It is said that Nanshan's team of lawyers in the United States to deal with these lawsuits has exceeded 200 people."

"The money spent every day is not a small amount."

"This time, Nanshan is ready to confront those international giants."

Zhang Yingdong's girlfriend is from the law school, so he knows more about the situation than Liang Hualong.

"Do you think Nanshan can win the lawsuit this time?"

In an international lawsuit, no matter which side the reason is on, Liang Hualong is definitely on the side of Huaxia Enterprises, hoping that Huaxia Enterprises can win.

"I've discussed this matter with my daughter-in-law, I'm afraid it's not that simple."

"From the past history, as long as the manufacturers included in the anti-dumping investigation, most of them cannot win the lawsuit."

"To put it bluntly, the probability of Nanshan winning does not exceed [-]%."

"However, their unyielding attitude is really impressive."

"If you sue me for anti-dumping, I will use the anti-monopoly law to sue you, and then I will file a patent infringement lawsuit with you."

"As long as Nanshan is really determined to fight with them to the end, it will definitely make those manufacturers feel uncomfortable in the end."

"After all, no matter what kind of case it is, filing a lawsuit requires a lot of preparation and a lot of money."

"In the end, it depends on who can't hold on first."

I have to say that Zhang Yingdong's opinion is very convincing.

Of course, he can only be a talkative fighter.

If you really want him to come up with some ideas, in fact, he has no good way.

"Anyway, I think Nanshan is very different among domestic enterprises."

"If other companies encounter such a thing, there is a high probability that they will not even respond to the lawsuit."

Liang Hualong said while thinking about job hunting this year.

Nanshan's campus recruitment this year started later than in previous years.

Now Liang Hualong has got several offers.

There is also an offer from Nanshan.

Whether to go to Nanshan or not, he had been struggling before.

Now I feel like I can think about it.

"You're right. I've heard that many domestic companies that seemed to be large in scale before encountered anti-dumping investigations in Europe, and most of them ignored them."

"In the end, we can only bear high anti-dumping duties, and then completely lose the market."

"After all, the products that can be included in the anti-dumping are certainly not unique and irreplaceable."

"In this case, as long as anti-dumping duties are imposed, basically there will be no market."

"At least in the years when anti-dumping duties are imposed, the market share will drop rapidly to close to zero."

Just after Zhang Yingdong finished speaking, he immediately thought of something, "Did Nanshan's HR tell our counselor before that as long as our major students are willing to go to Nanshan, as many as they want, all interviews and written tests can be omitted?"

As a graduate student, Zhang Yingdong is not very concerned about finding a job.

After all, it will be another two or three years before he needs to find a job.

"It's like this, so I'm equivalent to getting an offer from Nanshan."

"Now I'm debating whether to go or not."

When Liang Hualong said this, Zhang Yingdong immediately expressed his opinion, saying: "If you want to live comfortably, you must go to a foreign company."

"But if you want to take a challenge and have greater achievements in the future, I think you can try to go to Nanshan."

"Now the wages offered by Nanshan should not be low, even higher than some joint ventures."

With Zhang Yingdong's persuasion, Liang Hualong's balance began to tilt.

"Let's think about it, there are still a few days anyway."


Wang Fu's lunch is basically settled in BYD's cafeteria.

The food they eat is also ordered from the same window as ordinary employees.

Basically, where he sits every day is relatively fixed.

After Zhong Qiang finished cooking today, he sat opposite Wang Fu with a plate.

"Mr. Wang, I have asked someone to collect and sort out the situation of Nanshan's lawsuit in the United States in the past few days. The current situation seems to be getting more and more complicated."

Nanshan is a supplier of BYD, and Zhong Qiang, the head of the procurement department, is naturally very concerned about their situation in the United States.

Even if Nanshan wins the lawsuit in the United States, it will not affect the domestic parts supply.

But he is still very concerned about whether it will affect Nanshan's business conditions.

The most important thing is that this case is also a warning and reference for BYD.

After all, BYD's notebook batteries, mobile phone batteries and other products are also exported to the United States.

If the opponent uses the same anti-dumping investigation to deal with BYD, what should they do?

This definitely needs to be considered in advance.

At least after experiencing Nanshan, BYD will start to consider this issue internally.

"What kind of complicated method?"

"Isn't it just that there are more opponents who want to take advantage of the fire? The essence is the same."

Wang Fu knew something about Nanshan being caught in an anti-dumping investigation in the United States.

However, his daily work is very busy, and various reports require him to attend.

So naturally it is impossible to stare at it all the time.

"In addition to the situation you mentioned, Nanshan is now taking the initiative to attack. Not only has a large number of lawyers from home and abroad been hired to form a responding team, but it has also begun to sue SKF, Aisin and other companies for infringing on Nanshan. patent."

"Even they are collecting evidence and reporting the anti-monopoly behavior of rivals such as SKF to the American judiciary again."

"The next lawsuits they will fight are not only anti-dumping cases, but also anti-monopoly cases and patent infringement cases."

"And it's not just the SKF family, but several companies are involved in several cases at the same time."

"This kind of practice is simply unheard of and unseen."

Zhong Qiang admired Nanshan a little at this time.

There is no one who dares to stand firm against so many competitors in the United States.

"In this case, Nanshan estimates that it will cost more than 1 million yuan to file a lawsuit this year."

Wang Fu has also heard about the high legal fees in the United States.

A lawsuit of this level involves a lot of manpower and material resources, and it is definitely a waste of money.

"I've also heard about this. I heard that Mr. Cao has said harshly that no matter how much money it costs, the lawsuit must be fought until it wins or the other party withdraws the lawsuit on its own initiative."

"That is to say, Nanshan has mastered the core technology, the rate of return is not bad, and the scale of the company is large. Otherwise, ordinary enterprises really cannot sustain it."

Zhong Qiang imagined in his mind, if BYD was involved in this matter, would he have the courage to spend such a high price to deal with it?
The result is really hard to say.

"Mr. Cao probably made this decision because he wanted to let his competitors know that Nanshan is not easy to mess with."

"Nanshan has developed rapidly in recent years, and there are many competitors at home and abroad."

"If every competitor is thinking of various ways to deal with them, then Nanshan will not want to develop properly."

"It's better to let go of the stance once and for all, so that everyone will not dare to easily sue Nanshan in the future."

Wang Fu, as the general manager of BYD, naturally sees the problem at a very different level.

But when he said this, Zhong Qiang couldn't help but said: "Mr. Wang, then our future engine and gearbox research should continue to be based on the one used on the F6?"

Hearing what Zhong Qiang said, Wang Fu fell into silence.

After a while, he said: "Find a suitable opportunity, I'll have a chat with Mr. Cao, and see if there can be a satisfactory result for both parties."


"Mr. Wang, this Nanshan's style of doing things is a bit aggressive!"

Inside Great Wall Motors, Liang Chuanqing reported to Wang Ying the progress of the self-developed engine project.

After the meeting, by the way, we talked about Nanshan's lawsuit in the United States.

In the entire Huaxia auto industry, there are few companies that do not pay attention to Nanshan's anti-dumping case in the United States.

After all, Nanshan is now the supplier of most OEMs.

At the same time, other auto parts companies in China, and even companies in other industries, may face the same situation in the future.

So everyone's attention to this matter is naturally different.

"Mr. Cao is so staunch, which has wiped out my previous understanding of him."

"When I met him before, his speech and conversation were very elegant, without the impatience of young people at all."

"It seems that this rabbit will bite people when it is anxious."

Nanshan's actions in the United States were obviously beyond Wang Ying's expectations.

In other words, Nanshan's action exceeded the expectations of most companies in China.

"Indeed, although Nanshan's action this time was a passive counterattack at the beginning, it quickly became very aggressive."

"The kind of initiative to fight patent infringement cases with other international giants, and go to the American judiciary to report that these international giants have violated the "Anti-Monopoly Law."

"This matter is definitely not something that ordinary Chinese companies can do."

"They are so tough in the United States, and they will definitely not be afraid of troubles in China in the future."

When Wang Ying said this, Liang Chuanqing nodded desperately beside him, and then said, "Yes, in the future, no company in China will dare to provoke Nanshan easily."

"Especially in terms of patent infringement, Nanshan is very determined to safeguard its own interests."

Liang Chuanqing said pointedly.

Wang Ying is a smart man.

She naturally understood Liang Chuanqing's meaning immediately.

Domestic self-owned brands are more or less using or planning to use Nanshan's turbocharged engines.

In this process, it is inevitable to think about developing its own engine on the basis of Nanshan's engine.

After all, no aspiring auto company will purchase engines from outside for a long time.

Great Wall Motors is naturally very thoughtful.

"Are there many patents registered in Nanshan now?"

After a moment of silence, Wang Ying took the initiative to mention the topic of patents.

"There are quite a lot. They are now applying for more than [-] patents every month, and this number is still increasing."

"Whether it is in terms of auto parts or equipment, Nanshan should have the most patents in the domestic auto industry."

"If we develop our own engine based on Nanshan's turbocharged engine, then there must be no way to circumvent some patents."

"Or the cost of evasion is very high and difficult to accept."

Liang Chuanqing didn't expect to think of a solution when he fell into the pit.

Make it clear to the company in advance that if you want to continue, the responsibility is not yours.

"The parts on the engine, many technologies should have passed the patent protection period, right?"

"Otherwise, Nanshan would infringe on the patents of many international parts giants by developing its own engine."

Wang Ying is obviously not a novice, she still has a good understanding of the situation in the automobile industry.

"You are right. The patents on many parts have indeed passed the patent protection period."

"However, Nanshan's 1.5T turbocharged engine uses some of its own unique technologies, and the patents in it have not been registered for a long time."

Wang Ying could understand Liang Chuanqing's explanation.

Nanshan's engine has achieved such a great response as soon as it was launched, obviously it has its own uniqueness.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to achieve today's results.

In this case, it is inevitable that Nanshan has some patents in his hands.

"Your research institute sorts it out carefully to see which parts cannot evade Nanshan's patents."

"At that time, we can consider purchasing these parts from Nanshan."

"In this way, they shouldn't be so resistant to the engine we researched ourselves."

"After all, Mr. Cao is also a smart person, he can understand the behavior of our own research engine."

Wang Ying quickly gave a solution.

No matter which company it is, it is impossible to produce all the engine parts by the factory itself.

Now it is nothing more than selecting some parts and specifying to buy them from Nanshan.


"Then will Nanshan set the prices of these parts very high?"

Although Liang Chuanqing was in charge of the design, it was impossible for him to ignore the cost.

Eighty percent of the cost of a part depends on the design.

As long as the specifications are determined, the cost is basically determined.

There is actually very little room for the purchasing department to work hard.

"Judging from the current situation, Nanshan should not be such a short-sighted company. They should also know that the engine business cannot continue forever."

"At most, it will be sold for another three to five years. Most of the independent brand car companies will start to use their own engines."

"Unless they can continue to launch engines with better performance, otherwise this result is almost inevitable."

When Wang Ying said this, Liang Chuanqing couldn't help but nodded.

The truth is this truth, and he has no way to refute it.

But the feeling that this key component technology is in the hands of others is still very uncomfortable.

However, think about it, there are certain parts that the Great Wall cannot make by itself.

Even if some parts are not in the hands of Nanshan, they will be in the hands of component giants such as Bosch and Denso.

What are you struggling with?


Detroit, USA.

The first trial of Nanshan's anti-dumping investigation obviously has no final result.

A team of lawyers who spent a lot of money to hire naturally has to show their value.

So for the first time in court, the two sides will argue separately, and after the debate is over, they will wait for the next time.

The subsequent patent infringement case between Nanshan and SKF was similar.

However, through these two cases, everyone has fully realized that Nanshan is really preparing to file a lawsuit with you in all aspects.

And the kind that is well prepared.

"Mr. Zhang, this time we came here, we have learned a lot."

"Nanshan really paid a lot of money."

Wang Zhijian and Zhang Xiucai came to the United States with the large troops from Nanshan.

Originally, as a manufacturer that was included in the anti-dumping investigation, Renben Bearing didn't know how to deal with it, and wanted to lie flat directly.

Later, when I saw the report that Nanshan was going to respond to the lawsuit, I took the initiative to contact him to see if I could get a ride.

I didn't expect to know him for a long time.

"I've always heard that Nanshan's prices are very competitive, and they are also urging themselves to master the core technology, but I think their profit margins should not be very high."

"Now it seems that Nanshan also has its own uniqueness in cost control."

"Or their gearboxes have a very deep rate of return, or they can't afford this kind of toss."

"An anti-dumping investigation costs a lot of money. If we take the initiative to file patent cases with various manufacturers, it will cost even more."

"I feel that Nanshan has spent at least tens of millions of RMB so far."

"And now it's just a beginning."

Zhang Xiucai has always felt that he is a very courageous person.

But compared with Cao Yang, he found that he was still behind.

He really doesn't have the courage to take the initiative to file a lawsuit with a bunch of big international companies.

Even in the depths of his heart, he feels guilty about going to court with a major international company.

"That's true. Nanshan gives people a feeling of wealth and wealth, and the accommodation is directly in the local five-star hotel."

"The cost of that alone is not a small amount."

"I heard that they have a larger team in China doing auxiliary support work, and at least 500 people inside and outside are busy with this matter."

Wang Zhijian didn't learn much other things during this period, but his understanding of Nanshan has definitely reached a new level.

"So we need to think carefully about how we get along with Nanshan in the future."

"Fortunately, there are not so many intersections between us, and the competition is not so fierce."

"Otherwise, maybe one day Nanshan will attack us."

Zhang Xiucai couldn't help but feel the sadness of the rabbit dying and the fox in his heart.

Nanshan is not even afraid of international giants, but will it be afraid of local companies like Renben?


"Xiao Luo, you have to keep an eye on the situation at Nanshan during this time, and if anything special happens, remember to report it to me immediately."

Cao Yang has gone to the United States now, and there are no surprises in the operation of Nanshan Industrial Park.

However, Liu Tianwu is still worried that under such circumstances, the development of Nanshan will be affected.

This is definitely not what he wants to see.

In the past two years, every time he went to a meeting in the city, he was full of confidence because there was such a powerful company as Nanshan in the district.

Even because of the rapid development of Nanshan Industrial Park, the ranking of GDP in the district is expected to be further improved in the city.

"Leader, don't worry, I keep in touch with people from Nanshan every day, and I also go to the Internet to follow news reports related to Nanshan."

"So far, the public opinion on the Internet is still more favorable to Nanshan. Most people think that Nanshan's actions have relieved everyone."

Luo Yi naturally knew what Liu Tianwu was most concerned about.

The development of Nanshan is not only related to Liu Tianwu's official career, but also related to his future.

In this case, whoever hinders Nanshan's development will hinder the progress of the two of them to a certain extent.

"This time, if Nanshan can withstand the various means of competitors, then it will definitely enter a more rapid development stage in the next few years."

"Look back and find out more about it, and see if there are any funds in the city or district that can be used to support the Nanshan anti-dumping investigation case."

Under reasonable and legal circumstances, Liu Tianwu obviously wanted to help Nanshan.

After all, he also heard about these cases in Nanshan, which cost a lot.

"No problem. There should be some surplus in the district's budget this year. I'll contact you at that time to see if there is a special fund for supporting enterprises in the district to deal with international disputes related to anti-dumping."

Luo Yi is a smart man.

Got an idea very quickly.

The leader asked you to investigate, but the meaning is already obvious.

If you have these items, go for them.

If there are no such projects, then you create them.

In the case of reasonable compliance and legality, just boldly let go and do it.

 Today, I started merging chapters into two chapters, seven in the morning and seven in the evening. Let me tell you, it’s still daily~
(End of this chapter)

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