Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 239 The Choice of Swords, Guns and Fine Wine

Chapter 239 The Choice of Swords, Guns and Fine Wine
Cao Yang arranged so many showy operations, the effect is naturally beginning to bear fruit.

It is said that money can turn ghosts around. Although this is a bit exaggerated, as long as the money is in place, many things will be easy to handle.

Especially in America.

Whether it is a headhunting company or a team of lawyers, the work is very powerful.

These effects soon began to be seen by SKF.

"Cruise, at the current pace, how long will it take us to win this anti-dumping investigation?"

Ovid is under a lot of pressure right now.

CEO Johnston has been in the United States for a while now, and he can directly see whether his work is done well.

This is related to my own future in the future.

"Ovid, Nanshan is much smarter than we imagined, and it is also very different from the Huaxia companies I knew before."

"They actually knew that they hired lawyers from a law firm closely related to the Ministry of Commerce in the United States to join their responding team, and even pointed out many problems in court."

"Like our SKF, except for a small number of bearings, most of them are imported from Europe."

"Since we and Nanshan are both importers, we are not qualified to promote anti-dumping investigations at all."

"So now we can only focus on a small number of parts that are locally produced in the United States."

"However, Nanshan has now prepared a lot of cost-related materials. Although some of the materials are questionable, the jury will see his positive attitude in responding to the lawsuit."

"In addition to the fact that many people are on the side of Nanshan on the Internet in the United States, it may not be so easy for us to win the anti-dumping investigation case."

"Even if they win in the end, it may be a year later, or even two or three years later."

"At that time, our SKF probably had no market in the United States."

"It's bound to be impossible to survive in Huaxia."

"At that time, it will be cheaper for local American bearing manufacturers like Timken."

"Maybe after these local manufacturers develop, they will come to Europe to compete with us in the market."

The words of Cruz, the legal director of SKF America Branch, made Ovid's mood drop to the bottom.

Obviously I have worked so hard, why is the result so unsatisfactory?

He had stayed in China for quite a long time before, and he felt that the Chinese people said that as long as you are willing to endure hardships, you will definitely succeed.

But he gradually felt that as long as you are willing to suffer, there will be countless hardships waiting for him.

This discovery is very disappointing.

"Now this case has attracted the attention of a lot of people, and the eyes of the entire auto industry are here."

"And in Europe, public opinion is also paying attention to this matter."

"So we must not lose, and it is best to end this case and other cases with Nanshan as soon as possible in the next few months."

Ovid felt vaguely shooting himself in the foot.

At first, I thought that I had seized Nanshan's handle, and could rationally use WTO rules to drive Nanshan out of the American market.

Unexpectedly, the situation is completely different from what I imagined.

Now he's a little stuck.

Do you want to compromise so early?

Do you want to arrange for someone to contact people in Nanshan in private?
Ovid was very confused.

"It's definitely not that easy to lose. Generally speaking, in anti-dumping investigations, the responding party rarely wins. We naturally have an advantage."

"But if you want to win, I'm afraid it's not that easy."

"Nanshan's posture clearly shows that they will not compromise. Even if they are punished for dumping in the first instance, they will definitely appeal again in the end."

"The back and forth can't be settled in a month or two."

Cruise felt that he couldn't give Ovid any expectations that he shouldn't have, otherwise he would be the one who would feel uncomfortable at that time.

No matter what company you are in, it is almost human instinct to put aside your responsibilities first.

"Then, can our patent litigation be dealt with in this way?"

Ovid immediately thought of other cases.

SKF originally thought that with a wave of its arms, many bearing manufacturers would jump out to fight side by side with it and deal with Nanshan together.

But the result was not so optimistic.

Many companies are willing to enjoy the fruits of victory, but when they are asked to contribute, they often become selectively deaf.

"Of course it is possible!"

"But if we want to go on like this, I suggest that we determine a special budget within the company as soon as possible to pay various legal fees, and this amount may be relatively large."

When Cruz said this, Ovid became entangled.

He had to pay money, and still pay a lot of money, and his will immediately became less firm.

"How much will it cost?"

SKF's American branch is close to losing money.

If it costs a lot of money to go to court, Ovid is worried that this year's financial report will directly become a deficit.

Then his position is in danger.

"The specific figure is hard to say now, but at least 1000 million US dollars is needed, or even more!"

After Cruz said this, Ovid fell silent.

How expensive is it?

"I'll contact the people in Nanshan again and find out what they say!"

Ovid thought of the task Johnston had arranged for himself.

It seems that he can be the CEO, but he is only the head of the American branch. Everyone's vision is really different.

If it continues to fight hard, SKF does not seem to be able to take advantage of it, and may be fined heavily for anti-monopoly matters.

At that time, even if they grab some orders from Nanshan, they don't know when they will be able to earn back the 1000 million US dollars.

Besides, 1000 million US dollars is still at least!
That is, more is possible.

The American branch absolutely can't afford the extra expense!


"Teacher, the attitudes of those companies seem to be changing now, and our lawsuits have begun to have their effects."

"I heard that Schuler originally also pushed the Ministry of Commerce to launch an anti-dumping investigation on Nanshan Press, but now they have taken the initiative to withdraw it."

"SKF is the instigator, and I feel that the attitude will change soon."

In Zhou Yuan's room, Xiao Rong, her favorite student, was preparing materials for her while talking about the latest ideas.

Although Xiao Rong is only a senior student this year, she has already decided to study under Zhou Yuan's family.

So now he also came to the United States to help Zhou Yuan.

Of course, it can be regarded as coming to help Zhou Yuan.

Although Zhou Yuan is an academic authority, she has excellent professional knowledge.

But as far as the domestic atmosphere is concerned, she was inevitably affected.

For all kinds of relationships, squeeze graduate students, that is also a must learn.

In this kind of environment, she can become famous and have a lot of academic achievements. Zhou Yuan's comprehensive ability is obviously extremely strong.

"I thought Mr. Cao's countermeasures were a bit of a joke at the beginning, but after the real implementation, the effect is really beyond imagination."

"Not only are some manufacturers in the back afraid to make new moves, even SKF, which is at the forefront, has obviously begun to change its attitude."

"This shows that the current plan is correct and effective."

"At the same time, after cooperating with those colleagues in the United States, I also realized that domestic legal workers still have far less understanding of international law and WTO-related laws and regulations than American lawyers."

"In the future, our teaching should be adjusted as much as possible in conjunction with international trade."

"Only by applying what we have learned can we better allow everyone to apply the knowledge learned in school to future work."

Zhou Yuan originally thought that she would be the speaker in Nanshan's responding team. Nanshan must rely on herself to hope to win the lawsuit.

But the development of the current situation is very different from what she thought.

Not only did Nanshan not fall into a passive state, but on the contrary, after using many tricks, they had already begun to take effect.

"Teacher, this case has made new progress so quickly, can it be used as a case to share with the younger brothers and sisters in the future?"

"If other companies encounter this situation in the future, they can directly use it as a reference."

Xiao Rong looks innocent and romantic, with fair skin.

But she is obviously still not completely out of the category of silly white sweet.

"Xiao Xiao, the case of Nanshan is naturally worth entering the classroom."

"But their case doesn't necessarily have much reference value."

"After all, no company can go to court regardless of the cost like Nanshan, and even take all the company's profits to go to court."

"In particular, Nanshan has provoked a lot of lawsuits on his own initiative, trying to drag his competitors into trouble."

"This trick is very expensive, and ordinary companies can't learn it at all."

"So if you say that other companies copy it, that's not realistic at all."

"Unless it can be as powerful as Nanshan and launch a very competitive product."

Zhou Yuan saw it very clearly.

Some tricks seem simple and easy to use, but not everyone can learn them.

Just like some people now want to arrange for their children to go to work in the bank, and they can directly deposit 1000 million to solve the problem.

This way of saving money to solve children's employment problems can be learned by ordinary people?

"That's true, but at least Nanshan has given us a more direct understanding of international anti-monopoly investigations and anti-dumping investigations, as well as the impact of patent infringement."

"The next step, I don't know where the situation will develop."

It has been more than half a month since I came to the United States, but the case still has no signs of ending.

So Xiao Rong was also a little confused at this time.

Of course, this means that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry.

While she was discussing things with Zhou Yuan, the little secretary Mi Ying was also talking to Cao Yang.

"Mr. Cao, the Internet in China now regards Nanshan as a hero, thinking that we dared to file lawsuits with so many international giants in the United States, and even provoked many lawsuits on our own initiative. practice."

"But now we are actually working on multiple aspects. If some other actions we have jointly carried out with the senior management of Ford Motor and SKF are exposed, will it affect the company's image?"

As Cao Yang's secretary, Mi Ying was by Cao Yang's side all day long, and she was very clear about the various methods Nanshan used.

Whether it's hiring sailors to do things on the Internet in various countries, or meeting people from Ford Motor and SKF in private.

Behind these whereabouts are rich meanings.

"We provided SKF with knives and guns, as well as good wine. It's up to them to choose what they want."

"As for public opinion, I'm not particularly worried."

"After all, for domestic netizens, as long as Nanshan's lawsuit is not defeated and the product is not subject to anti-dumping duties, everyone will not particularly mind other things happening."

Cao Yang is not worried about whether the reputation of the company or himself will deteriorate.

Doing business has never been about just working honestly.

All kinds of silent contests are not simple at all.

"But the people who support us on the Internet are generally young people. These people don't have a comprehensive view of the problem. If they are guided a little bit, they may bring backlash to Nanshan."

Mi Ying's reminder was obviously not nonsense.

The higher you stand, the harder you fall.

Mi Ying naturally didn't want Cao Yang to fall from a height.

"If it's really like this, then it's just a lesson for everyone, let everyone know that commercial wars are just like battlefields, and any means may be used."

"As long as the final result is developing in a good direction, that's enough!"

"Nanshan will develop more and more new technology parts in the future and become the largest auto parts company in China."

"In the future, these things will soon become a case where Nanshan knows how to be flexible and Nanshan knows how to do things in the United States."

Cao Yang spread his hands, feeling that Mi Ying's worry was completely unnecessary.

"Then continue to implement the previous plan?"

"People from SKF have already started to contact us proactively, can some plans be put aside?"

Mi Ying is obviously still relatively simple, and feels that everyone is already in contact, so it is not appropriate to be too aggressive.

But Cao Yang would not accept this.

"If you beat them hard enough, they will be able to recognize the reality faster and better if they hurt them."

"Otherwise, there will always be expectations that shouldn't be there, which is not conducive to the solution of the problem!"

"So what we should do, don't stop at all!"

"Let companies such as SKF and Aisin feel the pain caused by Nanshan's swords and guns, and then hand them fine wine to see if they are willing to come down the steps."

Cao Yang's thoughts are obviously very clear.

Before those opponents completely retreated, Nanshan's attack could not stop!
(End of this chapter)

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