Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 242 Autohome suddenly went out of the circle, and the way of welcoming Cao Yangzhanguo made

Chapter 242 Autohome suddenly went out of the circle, and the way of welcoming Cao Yang back to the country made people speechless

The spring breeze is proud of horseshoe disease, seeing Chang'an flowers in one day.

When we set off from Yangcheng to the United States, everyone's mood was actually quite heavy.

After all, the situation to be faced is full of unknowns.

Now returning to Yangcheng from the United States, the mood is completely different.

Although it cannot be regarded as a return of victory, it can be regarded as a triumphant return.

"Mr. Cao, although 2003 was quite bumpy, it can be regarded as going through smoothly."

"The finance department is organizing various departments to conduct an inventory and summary of the 2003 operating data, and the results should be available soon."

Just before Christmas, Cao Yang and his party boarded the return plane.

Half of the whole plane was from Nanshan, and it was almost time for the charter flight.

Mi Ying, the secretary, naturally sat next to Cao Yang, so that he could report to him the company's information during this time.

"Although the final data has not yet come out, the target of 300 billion this year should be achievable."

"Our Nanshan is now well-known in Yangcheng, Lingnan Province, and even the whole country."

"I heard that the progress of campus recruitment this year is much smoother than in previous years. Many 985 students have signed tripartite employment agreements with us."

Zeng Tingting also interjected from the side.

"For most graduates, looking for a job is nothing more than checking whether the money is in place and whether they have a sense of security entering the company."

"After the industry comparison, is there any sense of superiority?"

"As long as these are satisfied, not only ordinary 985 students will be willing to come to our Nanshan in the future, but also more students who graduated from top schools will be willing to come."

Cao Yang is very aware of the changes in BYD's campus recruitment in his previous life.

Before 2020, not to mention college graduates in Qingbei, even 985, few people are willing to go to BYD.

But by 2023, the situation will be completely different.

In addition to the increase in the number of graduates, the main reason for these changes is that BYD's car sales have undergone fundamental changes.

An enterprise with an annual output of more than 20 yuan will become an enterprise with an annual output of 200 million or even more.

The attraction to everyone is naturally completely different.


"Starting next year, our sales department is going to fully promote new projects, so that our various products can enter most of the OEMs."

"Struggling for sales can make a further leap forward."

Zeng Tingting is also under a lot of pressure on her shoulders now.

In the early years, it was easy to increase sales.

But now the scale has reached 300 billion, and it is much more difficult to continue to develop at a high speed.

After all, even if it increased by 30%, that would be a turnover of nearly [-] billion.

In the whole of China, there is currently only one auto parts company in Nanshan with an annual turnover of 100 billion.

"This time we have made such a big battle on the American side, and other competitors should not easily use some off-the-market tricks to deal with us."

"Taking advantage of this opportunity, it is really a good opportunity to get more orders from OEMs."

Mi Ying has experienced cases related to anti-dumping investigations throughout the whole process, and her experience is naturally very deep.

"During this period of time, I was also thinking about some things about the company's future. After returning home, the heads of various departments will find a place to have a good meeting. I plan to readjust the company's organizational structure."

"So that the next step can be better developed."

The situation that Nanshan faces is constantly changing every year, and a static structure is definitely not acceptable.

Especially this trip to the United States made Cao Yang fully realize that the company is still not making money fast enough.

The profit from engaging in industry seems to be pretty good.

But once you encounter a big expense item, it's not enough to watch.

This time, if there were not so many auxiliary tricks to make SKF manufacturers give up the protracted war, it is estimated that all the profits of Nanshan this year will be spent on litigation.

In the future, there may be similar big cases, or big projects that require a large amount of investment.

Just relying on selling parts to make money and develop in a rolling manner is already somewhat unable to meet Cao Yang's plan.

"Mr. Cao, is the company's organizational structure going to change again?"

"Now there are many new employees entering the company every year. If the changes are too fast, many people may feel that they cannot adapt."

Zeng Tingting said something worried.

She wasn't worried that her status would decline after the reform, but she felt that if the changes were too fast, others would not be able to keep up.

"Change is constant, and everyone needs to adapt to change."

"Of course, what you said is also reasonable. After this adjustment, try to avoid major adjustments in the next few years."

Cao Yang has not specifically told Zeng Tingting about the adjustment plan.

After all, he himself is still thinking about it.

But since this topic was brought up, those people sitting beside Cao Yang also joined in the chat.

In this way, the long flight time on the plane will not be so boring.


Ze Yang is a programmer in an IT company.

Although he just graduated two years ago, he likes cars and photography very much, so he bought a BYD F6 with a loan.

What makes people even more happy is that he has earned money with this car.

"Old Yang, you are amazing, you can actually get a reward of 1 yuan from Autohome."

In a food stall, Yang Ze, who had just obtained a windfall, naturally wanted to invite his friends to celebrate.

"I'm also a little surprised. Every time I went to Auto Home, I thought the channel 'Daughter-in-law as a car model' was very interesting, and I would go there for half a day every time."

"After I bought the car myself, I thought, I can also shoot those posts and articles, and I can also post them."

"It just so happened that Autohome launched another reward event, so I took a series of photos with my daughter-in-law. After uploading, it quickly became the most popular post on this channel."

Ze Yang is in a very good mood today.

In 1000, when the social evaluation salary was only more than 2003 yuan a month, receiving an unexpected reward of 1 yuan was definitely something worth celebrating.

So he is also very willing to share his experience of making money with these friends.

"Sister-in-law is so beautiful, she looks much better than professional car models."

"In addition to Lao Yang, your photography skills are so powerful, it is inevitable that this article will become popular."

As Yang Ze's colleague and friend, Zhang Kuan has also met Yang Ze's girlfriend.

Not to mention, when he thought of the other person's appearance, he felt a little restless in his heart, so he couldn't help but picked up the wine glass and took a big gulp of cold beer.

"Ha ha!"

"You have eyesight!"

"Many people commented like this on the Internet."

"Those so-called professional models at the auto show are really rare who are prettier than my wife."

"The most important thing is that even if those models are beautiful, they are not as pure as my wife."

Yang Ze has always been very proud of finding a beautiful girlfriend.

On many occasions, as long as he can bring his family, he will bring his girlfriend along.

Save face!

"Why didn't sister-in-law come today?"

Zhang Kuan asked curiously.

According to what he knew about Yang Ze, he would definitely bring his girlfriend Zhu Xinxin out on such an occasion.

He was looking forward to it when he came out.

Although it is said that a friend's wife should not be bullied, it is also possible to be seductive.

Especially Zhu Xinxin is very good at dressing herself up, and she is quite bold in her clothes.

If you don't pay attention, there will be scenery to watch.

"She told me that the company arranged for her to go on a business trip and she would not be back until a few days later."

"It's also strange. I've never heard of her going to Zhijiang Province for a business trip before."

Speaking of this, Yang Ze also felt a little weird.

My girlfriend seems to be acting a bit abnormal during this period of time.

From time to time, he would answer the phone behind his back, looking mysterious.

But they have been together for many years, Yang Ze has no other ideas.

"The 'Daughter-in-law as a car model' channel on Autohome is so popular, Lao Yang, if you publish a popular article every week, won't your income be much higher than going to work?"

"After one year, maybe you can replace BYD F6 with BMW 3 Series."

Take others' hands short, eat others' mouths soft.

Today is Yang Ze's treat, so Zhang Kuan naturally followed Yang Ze's lead.

Without him!

This is respect for the RMB!
"I'm already working hard. It is estimated that in addition to the current 1 yuan reward, it is really possible to get some other rewards."

"However, I don't know how long this way of making money will last."

"I originally planned to take my daughter-in-law to the suburbs to find a beautiful place to take a group of photos this weekend, and try to make another popular post."

"It now looks like it can only be delayed until next week."

Yang Ze drank a glass of beer regretfully.

Such a good way to make money, it would be a pity to miss it.

"It's okay, not this week, but next week."

"If you need any help then, just call me."

"I'm not as good as you in taking pictures, but I can still help with the reflector or something."

Zhang Kuan was obviously looking forward to taking pictures with Yang Ze.

Those bold moves and outfits are worth looking forward to.

However, at this moment, Yang Ze's cell phone rang.

"Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there!"

Yang Ze picked up the phone, said something to Zhang Kuan, connected the phone, and said, "Hey, daughter-in-law, do you miss me?"

That gentle tone made Zhang Kuan beside him get goosebumps.

He agreed to drink, but was caught off guard and fed a mouthful of dog food.

"Yang Ze, I've thought about it for a while, and I don't think we're suitable!"

"let's break up!"

Before Yang Ze could continue to feel numb, Zhu Xinxin's cold voice came from the phone.


"Xinxin, you...are you joking?"


"Haha, this kind of joke can't be played in the future."

Yang Ze panicked in his heart.

But he was still making excuses.

"When have I ever joked with you?"

"We are not suitable!"

"Don't contact me again!"

"So be it!"

After Zhu Xinxin finished speaking, she immediately hung up the phone.

Yang Ze was left with a confused face.

In today's mobile phones, the quality of the microphone is not known to be described as too good or too bad.

Zhang Kuan clearly heard the content of the call despite not turning on the loudspeaker.

As a result, the scene was a bit awkward.

But Yang Ze didn't care so much at this time, and immediately called Zhu Xinxin again.

Dial, hang up!
Dial, then hang up!

After several times in a row, Zhu Xinxin finally accepted.

"Yang Ze, I told you we are not suitable!"

"Please stop harassing me!"

Before Yang Ze could speak, Zhu Xinxin replied again.

"Xinxin, why?"

"Why is that?"

"What's wrong with me, you tell me, I can change it."

Yang Ze's tone suddenly became much more humble.

However, Zhu Xinxin's voice did not come over the phone, but a man's voice came over, saying, "Brother, please stop harassing Xinxin in the future."

"Now she's my girlfriend."

"You, a dick who drives an F6, don't deserve to have Xinxin like a goddess."

"In the future, she can live a happier life with me."

"If you really love her, then stop harassing her!"

"Better in my BMW 730 than in your F6?"

After the voice finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone.

Leaving Yang Ze with a painful expression.

"Old Yang..."

"You... are you all right?"

Zhang Kuan sat there awkwardly.

Zhu Xinxin broke up with Yang Ze, and he felt a little inexplicably happy.

But this joy can't be expressed naturally.

"I knew it!"

"I knew I shouldn't contact the owner of that BMW 730!"

Yang Ze took a sip of beer with a distorted expression.

Although Zhu Xinxin didn't say much just now, combined with the phone content of the man behind him, he quickly had the answer in his heart.

Since his article in "Wife as a Car Model" became popular, many people have contacted him.

One of them is the owner of the BMW 730, and he is very enthusiastic.

Not only commented on every photo he took, but also actively added his contact information.

Even his girlfriend, Zhu Xinxin, knew about this and had a few chats with her.

Originally thought it was just an ordinary thing, Yang Ze was very happy that the works he shot could be recognized by such wealthy users.

But he didn't expect his girlfriend to be pried away.

Yang Ze is definitely not reconciled to this matter!

"This...Old Yang? Could it be that Zhu Xinxin found a boyfriend who drives a BMW 730 because he hates the poor and loves the rich?"

"And you still know this man?"

Zhang Kuan is also a smart person, combined with limited information, he quickly came up with some guesses.

"No, I can't accept this result!"

Yang Ze directly picked up the beer bottle and took a big gulp, his expression became even more ferocious.

"Lao Yang, don't do anything."

"Without Zhu Xinxin, you can still have Wang Xinxin and Li Xinxin. There is no need to put your own future on this matter."

What Zhang Kuan said was quite honest.

We are still good brothers after all.

Especially the good brother is now broken in love, without a beautiful girlfriend, it will be more convenient to go to the second half together in the future.

"Yes, that's true."

"If you think about the problem from another angle, it can be considered that you have slept with other people's wives for several years."

It was fine that the other buddy next to him didn't speak, but Yang Ze became even angrier when he talked about it.


"I want to expose them!"

"This pair of dogs and men!"

"I must expose them!"


In 2003, the traffic of various portal websites was still very strong.

When everyone surfs the Internet, they will basically go to one of these places for a stroll.

However, when it comes to watching car-related news, everyone has gradually become accustomed to going to Auto Home.

To put it bluntly, the traffic of Autohome is already larger than the sum of the auto channels of several portal websites.

Needless to say, those who buy a car must take a look and compare.

If you don't buy a car, you should also find out about the situation of the car.

When women gather to talk about cosmetics, when men gather, they will inevitably talk about cars.

So even if I don't have a car, or I have already bought a car, I often go to the car home for a stroll.

Especially in recent months, Autohome has launched a channel called "Daughter-in-law as a car model", where you can often see various photos of beauties in luxury cars, which has really attracted many netizens.

Even after many netizens came to Autohome, they didn't read other news, and just wandered around in the channel of "Daughter-in-law as a car model".

There are many posts, and even more comments.

Seeing that the traffic of this channel is increasing rapidly, Autohome naturally has to give a certain layout tilt.

So now after opening the website, you can see some popular articles and pictures of this channel on the homepage.

The effect is also very good.

"Mr. Zhang, today there is a post on 'Daughter-in-law as a car model' whose views are rising very fast, which is very abnormal. Would you like to take a look?"

Zhang Fugui came to the company as usual, and her secretary Fang Ting came over with the computer.

"The amount of clicks is abnormal?"

"Did someone brush the data?"

Zhang Fugui's first reaction was that someone used illegal means to click and comment in order to get rewards.

This kind of thing is not the first time encountered.

"The technicians on duty have captured the relevant click data for analysis, and no one has been found to be swiping the data behind the scenes."

"All comments and views are normal, and the distribution is more in line with the overall data."

"Maybe it's just that this post is more eye-catching, so it became the most popular post in less than a day."

"The most important thing is the data of this post, and the historical data of the channel ''Daughter-in-law as a car model' will be refreshed soon."

"Especially the record of forwarding is higher than any article."

When Fang Ting said this, Zhang Fugui's curiosity was immediately aroused.

How can there be such a good thing?
Why does it look like Fang Ting's expression is not a little excited.

Zhang Fugui took Fang Ting's laptop in confusion, and looked at the post she said.

"The BMW man robbed the wife of the F6 owner! Is it so rich?"

"My daughter-in-law was a car model, but she was robbed!"

"The PK between BMW 730 and BYD F6, the result shocked your eyes!"


Several posts in a row, all of the same content.

Zhang Fugui immediately understood why this data broke the record.

You don't need to look at the content specifically, you can probably guess some of the information in it.

Then I will definitely go in and take a look curiously.

While Zhang Fugui was thinking, he quickly browsed through several popular posts.

Not to mention, after reading it, he was a little speechless.

This matter is definitely very good for increasing the traffic and topicality of Autohome.

But the problems exposed inside also made him feel a little worried.

"How can this BMW 730 user contact the F6 owner?"

"Also, is the BYD F6 owner's account his own or his girlfriend's?"

The protection of privacy on the Internet has always been a sensitive topic.

The channel of daughter-in-law as a car model, because many articles posted in it have pictures, the license plate and so on are often exposed.

So the topic of privacy protection has long been mentioned.

It's just that this topic has never been taken seriously.

Now that something went wrong, Zhang Fugui naturally wanted to find out the situation.

"Our users can theoretically receive dead-hearted messages from readers, and they can also leave contact information on the posts."

"The most important thing is that the F6 owner himself left his QQ number in some of the pictures, and wants to take some photography orders."

"I guess that's how the owners of the BMW 730 got in touch with each other."

When Fang Ting came to report to Zhang Fugui, she naturally did some basic work.

She herself is also a loyal user of this channel, logging in every day to browse popular posts.

So she still has a better understanding of the operation of this channel.

"The girlfriend of this F6 car owner is indeed very beautiful, very temperamental, a bit pure and lustful."

"It's no wonder that some people have their ideas on her."

Fang Ting:? ? ?
Seeing Fang Ting's weird expression, Zhang Fugui immediately realized that his words were a little inappropriate, and quickly said, "Arrange someone to watch this matter and see how it will develop in the future."

"Let's not interfere in a short time, after all, it's all traffic."

Zhang Fugui feels that this post is not necessarily a bad thing, black and red are also red.

As long as there are more users of Autohome, he thinks some things can be tolerated.

Anyway, he didn't arrange for someone to post this post.

but.Obviously, he underestimated the enthusiasm of Chinese Internet users for eating melons.

Before I got off work, this post went viral.

And BYD obviously noticed this.

I began to think about how to make F6 more popular through this matter.

"Bu Wu, look at this post, it's going crazy on Tianya and other forums."

"Conservatively estimate that at least 100 million people saw this post today."

"The photo of our F6 with a beautiful girl is reposted on many channels."

"I was wondering if I would take this opportunity to let more people know about our F6?"

Wang Kai came to Wu Huabing's office very happily, and quickly explained to him the hot topics on the Internet today.

"This F6 owner, shooting himself in the foot, will it bring a bad reputation to our F6?"

After watching Wu Huabing, he was not as excited as Wang Kai.

From these posts, he felt a little crisis.

Of course, there is nothing to compare BYD F6 with BMW 730.

One is a 10-level model, and the other is a 100 million-level model.

Everyone is not a product of one dimension.

But now the owner of the F6's girlfriend has been stolen by the owner of the BMW 730, but the F6 and the BMW 730 have been brought together.

Normally, this kind of comparison is something Wu Hua Cake is happy to see.

It is a good thing to enhance the brand power of F6.

But there is a beautiful girl in the middle...

This trend of public opinion seems to be a bit wrong.

"I don't think the reputation of our F6 will be affected, but because of the increase in popularity, more people will know its goodness."

"Advanced power, beautiful appearance, rich configuration, competitive price."

"I made a preliminary inquiry, and the number of F4-related calls received in various 6S stores today has more than doubled than usual."

"So I think we can take this opportunity to make our F6 popular all over the country."

Wang Kaicai doesn't care about public opinion or not. This is a matter that BYD did not make.

As long as it is good for sales, he thinks it can be done.

"Then let the people from the advertising company promote it, but pay attention to changes in public opinion in a timely manner."

"Try to avoid any adverse impact on our model sales."

Wu Huabing thought for a while, and felt that he had done nothing wrong, so he agreed to Wang Kai's proposal.

In this way, the speed of getting out of the circle of this topic will naturally be faster.



Baiyun Airport.

Although it is already the end of December, it is not cold at all.

As soon as we got off the plane, everyone took off their coats.

Considering that he had been away from the company for too long this time, Cao Yang did not go home, but returned to the company directly.

As a result, the news that Cao Yang had returned to China spread immediately.

"Mr. Cao, congratulations!"

"This time we successfully withstood the attacks of those international giants, and the development of Nanshan should be much smoother in the future."

Zhang Fugui's news is naturally very well-informed.

As soon as Cao Yang arrived at the office, he slipped over.

"Uncle, you are in such a good mood, is there something good about it?"

Since Zhang Fugui left Nanshan, Cao Yang called him a lot more casually.


"I really have something good to tell you!"

"During your return to China, Autohome became popular!"

"Nowadays, the entire Internet is discussing the fact that a BYD F6 owner on Autohome was robbed of his wife by a BMW 730 owner."

"The traffic of our 'Wife as a Car Model' channel has reached a record high today."

"Even today, the traffic of Autohome will be higher than that of portal websites."

Zhang Fugui's face was full of smiles.

In his view, Cao Yang asked himself to develop Autohome, so increasing the number of views and popularity of Autohome is the most important task.

Now I have done this task very well.


"Daughter-in-law is a car model, something happened to this channel?"

After Cao Yang heard this, instead of being happy, his face was full of surprise.

At the beginning, in order to increase the traffic of Autohome to a higher level, he specially gave Zhang Fugui an idea, and arranged for someone to set up a channel where the daughter-in-law is a car model.

According to his understanding, this channel will have an accident, and that will be 10 years later.

Why did things go wrong so quickly now?

"Something happened?"

"There's nothing wrong with our channel."

"That's a good thing."

Zhang Fugui didn't understand why Cao Yang said that.

However, the latter turned on the computer and directly logged into Autohome to browse.

Soon, Cao Yang figured out the situation.

Sure enough, it was the same as what I was worried about.

Only this time the victim changed from BYD's F0 owner to F6.

But the story of things is pretty much the same.

"Uncle, we have to find a way to suppress the heat of this matter, otherwise the channel of daughter-in-law as a car model may not be able to be kept!"

When Cao Yang said this, Zhang Fugui was stunned.

The channel where the daughter-in-law is a car model can't be kept?

 The story of this daughter-in-law being a car model is based on real news, any similarities are purely factual
(End of this chapter)

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