Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 247 Open the door to receive customers, business is booming

Chapter 247 Open the door to receive customers, business is booming
Yu Yu has joined Auto Home.

The position is deputy general manager and editor-in-chief.

Zhang Fugui originally had objections to this arrangement.

However, Cao Yang simply explained a word, and he had no opinion at all.

Of course, regarding Zhang Fugui's arrangement, it will definitely not be announced until the internal meeting of Nanshan is completed, and now continue to let him escort Yu Yu.

However, after the news that Yu Yu joined Autohome spread within Netease, Fang Dawen's mood became complicated.

"Old Fang, you are good enough to send talents to Autohome."

"This time our game section has been rectified, is it because of Autohome?"

Pan Wei is the project director of "A Chinese Journey to the West". He joined the company in the same year as Fang Dawen, so they are quite familiar with each other.

So after he heard that someone from the Auto Channel had switched jobs to Auto Home, he specifically inquired about it.

In the end, it was okay not to inquire, but when he inquired, he became a little angry.

"He has not signed a non-compete agreement with the company, and he is free to go wherever he wants."

"Speaking of which, the responsibility this time cannot be completely blamed on him."

Although Fang Dawen felt uncomfortable, he must explain a few words from Yu Yu's point of view.

Otherwise, he, the editor-in-chief of the car channel, would also lose face.

"That's what I said, but it's still hard for people to understand how he came up with a stupid trick to deal with Autohome, and then joined the other company's behavior."

This time, Pan Wei's game sector was the most affected, so the opinions were also the biggest.

As for the car channel, on the whole, the traffic has increased.

After all, the section "Wife as a car model" is really awesome.

Some of the original users of Autohome were attracted.

It made the car channels of several other portal websites a little bit excited, hesitating whether to create sections such as "Wife as a car model", "Girlfriend as a car model", and "Baby as a car model".

"There are not many Internet companies here in Yangcheng. Apart from us, the most famous one is Autohome."

"In the past year, the number of employees in the company who switched to Autohome may have been more than a dozen if not a hundred."

"This can be regarded as a normal flow of people, you don't have to think too much."

Fang Dawen would never accept Pan Wei's accusation anyway.

Otherwise, it would be like the car channel really did something wrong.

Fortunately, Pan Wei just complained and didn't chase after him.

But oh, the car home has completely entered his field of vision.


After the New Year's Day holiday, Cao Yang began to enter a new round of busy work.

This time, he was not busy with the internal affairs of the company, but busy with receiving customers.

On the schedule, for several days in a row, the bosses of various OEMs brought their teams to visit.

As a supplier, you can't say no.

The first to come was BYD, which has a geographical advantage. Wang Fu personally brought more than a dozen people in R&D, procurement, and sales to Nanshan Industrial Park.

After visiting the production line of F6 engine and gearbox parts in the industrial park, I returned to the conference room.

"Mr. Wang, I'm a little curious. Does the name BYD have any special meaning?"

Many people think that the conversations and chats between high-level people must be very serious, and the topics discussed are all very high-level topics.

Actually not.

Everyone is human.

Normal greetings are no different from ordinary people.

Like now, after entering the meeting room, after everyone had a brief sip of tea, Cao Yang and Wang Fu, the two bosses of both parties, began to exchange pleasantries.

In fact, in many negotiation scenarios, at the beginning, the bosses of both teams would chat for a few minutes.

Then slowly enter the theme.

This can be regarded as a process of getting acquainted with each other, sorting out ideas, and brewing speeches.

"Mr. Cao, do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

Although Wang Fu was born in technology, he is actually very talkative.

Otherwise, there is no way to grow the enterprise to its current scale.


"So what about the truth, and what about the lie?"

Cao Yang looked at Wang Fu with interest.

"The lie is that this name is a good-sounding name that I selected after careful consideration."

"As for the truth..."

"Mr. Cao, as you know, there are many enterprises in Shencheng. It is not easy to get a name with two characters. Five names have been registered. Then you can only choose three characters. 'BYD' is weird and easier. pass."

After finishing speaking, Wang Fu added, "It was difficult to start a business at the time, and I don't know if I can survive."

"Now that the company has grown, has Mr. Wang thought about repackaging it?"

Since Wang Fu came to visit him today, Cao Yang was naturally going to give some feedback.

It also makes people feel that this trip to Nanshan is worthwhile.

"Mr. Cao, your statement is related to our internal thinking. During this period of time, we have taken out the initials of BYD and changed it to 'BYD'. We plan to focus on promoting this brand name in the future."

"It also prevents everyone from always thinking that the word BYD is neither Chinese nor foreign, which is a bit weird."

Wang Fu was very frank on this matter.

At his level, there is no need to hide anything about such "little things".

"The three letters BYD seem to be a little bit better than the three words BYD, but I think it can actually be done better!"

When Cao Yang said this, not only did Wang Fu become interested, but BYD's sales director Wu Huabing and R&D director Liang Chuanqing and others also looked at Cao Yang very curiously.

"Mr. Cao, I would like to hear the details!"

"BYD, by extension, is Build Your Dream, which is to achieve your dream!"

Cao Yang didn't hesitate, and directly moved over the gadgets used by later generations, anyway, it was just returning to the original owner.

"BYD, Build Your Dream, make your dream come true!"

Wang Fu muttered a few words in succession, the more he muttered, the more excited his expression became.

This interpretation is many times better than the previous internal proposal of my company.

"Boss Cao, amazing!"

"You are really amazing!"

"This sentence alone is worth [-] million yuan!"

"You saved us BYD [-] million!"

"This year's annual business price reduction, Nanshan does not need to lower it!"

Wang Fu is a man of knowledge.

Although Cao Yang just said a simple sentence, this sentence is really invaluable to the current BYD.

The importance of a good name is beyond doubt.

At the beginning, in order to give Lexus a good name, Toyota Motor spent at least more than 1000 million US dollars in the back and forth, and finally a generation of classics was born.

Now BYD has sublimated its name so easily and looks very fashionable. This benefit cannot be simply measured by money.

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Wang!"

"The various factories in Nanshan have just started production in the past two years, and the investment in various equipment is far from being recovered. The pressure to reduce prices is really quite strong."

Hearing that Wang Fu said that Nanshan would be exempted from this year's annual price reduction, Cao Yang naturally agreed without hesitation.

This is not the time to be modest, it's all real money.

Besides, Cao Yang's positioning of Nanshan has always been to take the route of relying on technology.

It is not impossible to cooperate with the annual price cuts of car companies.

But the kind of annual price reduction of five points or ten points at every turn, so it's out of the question.

His goal is to get closer to Bosch and Denso, and he will give you a symbolic price reduction of one or two points every year, which is considered very cooperative.

If the VA project is promoted, then at most 3% will be given to you, at the top!

At the same time, in the first year of mass production, the annual drop request is not accepted.

These rules are now relatively well enforced by Zeng Tingting.

Although some enterprises were not so satisfied, considering Nanshan's products, QCD is still the most advantageous, and finally everyone accepted it.

Even slowly, the industry has formed a feeling that Nanshan's prices are relatively reliable and will not be reported indiscriminately, but there is no way to give you the feeling of additional price cuts by a large margin.

This is actually good for the long-term development of Nanshan.

"By the way, Mr. Cao, BYD is planning to develop an SUV and an entry-level mini-car. Do you have any suggestions?"

BYD, which has already tried the sweetness from the F6 model, obviously still wants to listen to Cao Yang's suggestion.

But this time, Cao Yang didn't stand up and say anything.

The case of F6 is there, and BYD just copied it.

It is nothing more than the choice of benchmark models.

"Mr. Wang's aesthetics for complete vehicles must be higher than mine."

"I believe BYD's R&D personnel will be able to develop a model that satisfies everyone."

As soon as Cao Yang heard about the miniature car, he knew that the engine of this car had nothing to do with him in all likelihood.

This aspect is the world of Dongan Power, and there is no need for Nanshan to compete with others for price.

As for SUVs, the hottest ones on the market are those from Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Chevrolet, Ford and other automakers. They just look for the sales volume.

Sure enough, Wang Fu just asked casually this time, and didn't really get too entangled.

Next, the two sides had some directional conversations on some specific parts development cooperation and in-depth cooperation on powertrain solutions.

Although BYD wants to establish a complete industrial chain of parts and components, it is obvious that it still needs to continue to rely on Nanshan.

Therefore, the atmosphere of the conversation between the two parties is relatively harmonious.


After seeing off BYD and his party, Cao Yang immediately welcomed the visiting delegation from Great Wall Motors.

Fortunately, the process is similar, visits, introductions, exchanges, and meals.

Cao Yang knew that Great Wall Motors would develop rapidly in the next ten years.

In order to make its own parts business bigger and stronger as soon as possible, it is not harmful for Nanshan to properly promote the development of Great Wall Motors, only good.

Anyway, he is confident that through the parts business, he can earn more money than the complete vehicle.

After a few years, when Nanshan enters the automotive industry again, just avoid their track, and we can still be partners.

"Mr. Wang, Great Wall Motor's pickup truck business is doing very well, but due to policy restrictions, the domestic market for pickup trucks is relatively limited."

"I think you can focus on SUV models, and launch several more SUV models in the future, or even just make SUV models."

"From compact SUVs to small and medium-sized, medium-sized, medium-large, large, and full-size SUVs, it is enough for Great Wall Motors to achieve sales of more than 100 million units."

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, taking the opportunity of Wang Ying taking the initiative to exchange views on the auto market with Cao Yang, Cao Yang expressed his thoughts.

Wang Ying, who had this kind of thought vaguely at first, immediately felt enlightened in his heart.

Great Wall's H3 model is the most successful model this year.

If we continue to follow this path in the future, it will be very consistent with what Cao Yang said.

However, she was still a little doubtful, and said: "Mr. Cao, your suggestion is very reasonable, but most of the sales on the market are sedans. If we fully bet on SUVs, will it take a process for consumers to accept them?" ?”

"In the past, SUVs had little to do with ordinary consumers, mainly because those SUVs were positioned as off-road vehicles, which were not suitable for driving on urban roads, or in other words, driving on urban roads could not give full play to their advantages."

"That doesn't mean consumers don't like SUVs."

"Honda's CRV, I think you must know it?"

When Cao Yang said this, Wang Ying's face changed a bit, but he soon returned to normal.

The blockbuster new car they plan to launch this year is based on the CRV.

"Of course I know about CRV. I heard that the sales in the United States are very good. It is the first mass-produced model of West Wind Honda."

Wang Ying quickly let go of other thoughts in her mind and listened carefully to Cao Yang's analysis.

"Although this CRV is also an SUV, it is essentially a sedan with the appearance of an SUV, which can be regarded as an urban SUV."

"It fully satisfies people's pursuit of bigger and higher, but perfectly inherits the advantages of sedan."

"I think the SUV route of Great Wall Motors in the future can refer to CRV."

"Same size as CRV, one size smaller than CRV, one size larger than CRV, or even a circle larger than CRV, can be considered to be launched at an appropriate time."

Cao Yang felt that he had made his words clear enough.

If Great Wall Motor still doesn't know how to develop like this, he doesn't know what to say.

"Thank you Mr. Cao for your suggestion. We must think about it after we go back."

"However, in terms of powertrain, we want to discuss the cooperation model with Nanshan. Based on the 1.5T turbocharged engine, we can develop a 2.0T turbocharged engine for large SUV models and a 1.0T turbocharged engine for small SUVs. T or 1.2T turbocharged engine?"

Originally, Wang Ying wanted to let the brothers in the "Tape Measure Department" do the copying.

But seeing Nanshan's attitude in patent litigation, she felt that it would be better to discuss it.

(End of this chapter)

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