Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 248 After becoming famous, Nanshan is surrounded by good people

Chapter 248 After becoming famous, Nanshan is surrounded by good people
Powertrain is definitely the weakness of independent brands.

In addition to the energy security considerations of imported oil, the reason why we have been pushing new energy all the time is that in terms of transmission power, we really can't compete with those foreign giants.

Now Great Wall Motors has actively proposed to cooperate with Nanshan to develop other engines, because the facts have proved the excellence of the 1.5T turbocharged engine.

Great Wall Motors had previously cooperated with Nanshan on 1.5T turbocharged engines. Except for directly purchasing a certain number of engines, the others were handed over to Great Wall Motors’ engine factory for production by way of technical authorization.

Originally, they also wanted to develop a new engine based on this engine.

But now I feel that the technical difficulty is very high, and they may not be able to handle it in the short term.

The most important thing is that some patents of Nanshan will definitely be involved during the period.

Great Wall Motor does not want to fight a patent lawsuit with Nanshan in China.

When the time comes to make a big fuss, they may not be able to reap the benefits.

Coupled with Cao Yang's suggestion that Great Wall Motors will focus on urban SUVs in the future, it is in line with Wang Ying's idea.

This also made Wang Ying feel the sincerity of Nanshan's cooperation.

Then naturally we want to simply deepen the cooperation.

"Mr. Wang, in fact, Nanshan is already researching various displacement engines including 2.0T and 1.0T."

"According to the current progress, development can basically be completed in the first half of this year, and mass production can begin in the second half of this year."

"Even our next step is to consider developing a 3.0T V6 turbocharged engine for use in some full-size SUV models."

"Developing a new engine requires a lot of manpower and material resources. I think Great Wall Motors should now focus on the overall development of new models."

"Professional parts production should be handed over to professional manufacturers."

"Nanshan is willing to become a trustworthy partner of Great Wall Motors!"

When Cao Yang mentioned this, Wang Ying didn't know how to respond.

From the bottom of her heart, she definitely hopes that Great Wall Motors can have its own engine technology and use the engine produced by its own factory in the future.

Otherwise, when competing with other OEMs, it always feels that it lacks core competitiveness.

But in the short term, Cao Yang's statement is still very reasonable.

Nanshan already has ready-made products for you to use, so you have to study again.

If you say that the products you research will be more advanced, forget it. The key is that the products they research are probably not as good as Nanshan.

In this way, when Great Wall Motor uses its own researched engine, and then BYD, Chery, Geely and other competitors use Nanshan's engine, it will be more embarrassing to compare the parameters.

Not to mention that if Nanshan's engine output is large, the cost can be lowered.

At that time, QCD has no advantage, it seems to be in vain?
Great Wall Motors, do you still want to research the engine yourself?
"Mr. Cao, objectively speaking, your words make sense."

"But I believe you also understand that as a complete vehicle company, if you can't even produce engines, it will be a great harm to our brand power."

"Great Wall Motors is willing to cooperate closely with Nanshan all the time, but if 100% of the engines are purchased from Nanshan in the future, it will be detrimental to the stock price and brand development of Great Wall Motors."

"So we will definitely have a part of the engine to adopt the model of our own production to correspond."

If it was replaced by another supplier, Wang Ying might be fooled.

But for Nanshan, she thinks it would be better for everyone to communicate frankly.

This can also avoid some misunderstandings to the greatest extent.

"Thank you Mr. Wang for your candid sharing. I completely understand what you mean."

"Actually, Nanshan doesn't mind other displacement engines in the future, and adopts the current 1.5T turbocharged engine model."

"Great Wall Motors can purchase a batch of engines from Nanshan first. In the future, Nanshan will gradually supply some engine parts, and Great Wall Motors' own engine factory will assemble them."

"Even our engine team can adjust and modify the engine parameters based on Great Wall Motor's complete vehicle needs, so that your company's engine can be different from other manufacturers."

"In the future, we can also highlight some differences in publicity."

Cao Yang naturally knew that it would be impossible to purchase 100% of Great Wall Motor's engines from Nanshan in the future.

But he must find a way to maximize Nanshan's interests.

"This direction is not impossible to consider, but the matter is too big, and we need to discuss it internally."

"Now that there are more and more models on the market, the need for differentiated competition is indeed becoming more and more important."

"I don't know if Mr. Cao has any good suggestions in this regard?"

Since it was an exchange, Wang Ying fought three poles based on whether he had dates or not, to see if he could get some different suggestions from Cao Yang.

In the Huaxia automobile industry, Cao Yang's name is definitely well-known.

Although Nanshan is only a parts company, sometimes parts companies have much better knowledge in certain places than vehicle companies.

"The models of each company often give consumers an overall impression."

"Like Volvo, when people think of it, the first reaction is that this car is safer."

"When it comes to Dongying's cars, consumers will feel that they are more fuel-efficient and the quality is more stable."

"I think these attributes are the result of many years of marketing by the manufacturer."

"Great Wall Motors can also refer to other people's practices to give people the impression that Great Wall's SUV models have good power performance and high safety."

"Of course, to achieve this, it must be done from many aspects, and there must be some special publicity points."

Cao Yang didn't mind pushing Great Wall Motors.

Anyway, these self-owned brands are developing faster, and Nanshan's parts business can also grow significantly.

It's a win-win thing.

"Your company's engine performance is unquestionable, and there is absolutely no problem in describing it as sufficient powertrain."

"However, many domestic car companies are using it, so our advantage is not obvious."

Wang Ying was not polite at all, and pointed out the problem directly.

"Mr. Wang, your concern is justified, but compared with other manufacturers such as Dongying Motors who do not use our engine, the power is still different."

"Of course, it is indeed a bit difficult to do a good job in this publicity."

"However, in terms of safety, I think we can find a breakthrough point ingeniously."

When Cao Yang said this, Wang Ying and others immediately stared at him, wanting to see what he could say.

"Generally speaking, when it comes to the safety of a car, it is nothing more than the comparison between the strength of the car body and how many airbags there are."

"Compared to the number of airbags, it is obviously of little significance, and the cost is relatively high."

"So it is very necessary to find a breakthrough in terms of body strength."

"Compared to other places, the increase in body strength will lead to an increase in costs, but the increase is very limited."

"As long as the cost of an extra 1000 yuan is spent, the strength level of the body can be completely raised to a higher level."

When Cao Yang said this, Wang Ying was a little disappointed.

Although this proposal is reasonable, it is nothing new.

Besides, the improvement of the strength of the body is not completely that simple.

Whether 1000 yuan can really handle it by then is also a question.

Besides, other manufacturers can follow suit. .

"Mr. Cao, although this is a breakthrough point, the international auto giants are already ahead of us."

"We just promote it, but it may not be able to achieve much effect, right?"

Naturally, Wang Ying is not suitable to always stand up against Cao Yang.

So at this time, Zhu Jianbo, who is in charge of research and development, came out to speak.

"Mr. Zhu, what you said is very reasonable. The strength level of the body steel of the newly launched Jager, Passat and other models on the market is indeed improving."

"But at most they used high-strength steel plates with a tensile strength of 590 MPa. We can find another way to make the body of Great Wall Motors completely different from others."

After Cao Yang said this, Zhu Jianbo and others became even more curious.

Find another way, what do you mean?
But at this time, no one continued to say anything, but looked at Cao Yang curiously.

"In terms of stamping of car body bone parts, in addition to the traditional cold stamping that is widely used now, some models in Europe have already begun to use hot stamping."

"It is reported that the next-generation Passat and other models will also consider using hot stamping parts for some key parts."

"Mr. Zhu, you must also know that the tensile strength of hot stamped parts can reach 1500mpa, which has a great advantage compared with the current mainstream high-strength steel."

"Especially in terms of publicity, many consumers don't know much about the body structure. They simply think that Great Wall Motors, which uses more parts at 1500 MPa, is definitely safer than other manufacturers."

When Cao Yang said this, Wang Ying's eyes lit up immediately, and he said, "This is indeed a breakthrough point."

However, soon, Zhu Jianbo quickly interjected: "Mr. Cao, hot stamping does have the advantages you mentioned, but there is no domestic manufacturer that has production records of hot stamping parts, even domestic manufacturers. There is no production line for this.”

"If we want to use hot stamping parts, we need to import them from overseas. At that time, the cost of a part may be five or six times that of now, or even higher."

"It is simply not possible to deal with a 1000 yuan cost increase for a car."

"Furthermore, if hot stamping parts are used for only one or two parts, the impact on consumers is very limited, and it is difficult to form a feeling that Great Wall Motors is safer."

"However, if it is used in large quantities, the cost issue just mentioned will become even greater."

"Even in addition to cost issues, there will be a series of other issues such as supply issues."

Zhu Jianbo was obviously knowledgeable, and he was afraid that Wang Ying would easily agree to this direction, and he would be very passive at that time, so he explained it quickly.

"Mr. Zhu, what you said is not wrong. There is indeed no hot stamping production line in China."

"However, the hot-stamped steel plate project that Nanshan Special Steel cooperated with Baosteel last year has basically achieved results. In the future, hot-stamped steel plates can be produced domestically."

"As for the hot stamping press, Nanshan has been researching it for more than a year, and it will be able to produce it by itself this year."

"Not to mention hot stamping dies. I mentioned this thing in a paper the year before last. Nanshan Mold Center is fully capable of producing it by itself."

"The rest is nothing more than the heating furnace and laser cutting equipment need to be purchased from outside or be researched and developed by Nanshan Equipment Center."

"It can be said that the domestic production line of hot stamping has already met the conditions, and this kind of parts is also fully capable of 100% domestic production."

What Cao Yang said made Zhu Jianbo very surprised.

Has Nanshan's technical reserve already reached this level?

"Mr. Cao, is Nanshan ready to invest in a thermoforming production line?"

Zhu Jianbo quickly weighed it in his mind. If hot stamping can realize the processing from raw materials to molds in China, then it is really a good choice.

The higher the strength of the material, the thinner the part can be made.

Although the cost of hot stamping parts will definitely be higher than cold stamping no matter how they are done.

But it can still be considered when the overall cost rise is not much.

"Nanshan itself has no plans to make hot stamping parts, but the Yangcheng Huaqiang stamping plant we invested in can correspond to the production line investment in this area."

"If Great Wall Motors has this demand, we can ask Huaqiang Factory to invest and build a hot stamping factory near your company."

In the next ten years, hot stamping parts will still be very interesting.

As the first manufacturer in China to invest in the construction of a hot stamping production line, Huaqiang Factory can immediately raise its reputation to a higher level.

And it will also get ready for hot stamping parts orders from Volkswagen, GM and other OEMs in the next step.

In the future, relying on hot stamping parts, Huaqiang Stamping Factory will become a parts and components company with an annual output value of more than 100 billion, which is still very promising.

At that time, there will be another Chinese company on the list of the world's top [-] auto parts.

"Mr. Wang, your proposal is very constructive, and we agree in principle."

"However, can the two sides discuss some details in detail?"

After listening to the conversation between Zhu Jianbo and Cao Yang, Wang Ying also had a general judgment on the situation of hot stamping parts.

Obviously, this is a good publicity point for Great Wall Motors' next step.

If the cost increase is not too much, you can definitely consider taking it out and doing it well.

After obtaining cooperation intentions on engine development and hot stamping parts one after another, the subsequent chats naturally became smoother.

Great Wall Motors is obviously an OEM, but it doesn't have any pretensions of Party A.

The participants in Nanshan also fully felt the goodwill of the Great Wall Motors team.

It seems that after becoming famous, the attitudes of various customers towards Nanshan have changed.

If we say that everyone had this vague feeling when receiving BYD and Great Wall Motors, then when Changan Automobile, Chery, and Geely Automobile visited, everyone felt this feeling even more strongly.

"Mr. Cao, Geely is willing to give priority to using Nanshan parts for all parts on the new model."

"As long as Nanshan can produce, even some parts that Nanshan has not produced, but we are confident in researching and producing, we are willing to consider adopting them."

"Of course, we also hope that Nanshan can provide Geely with the best price."

Geely Automobile, which has always had a lot of ideas about the auto industry and wants to make a name for itself, is obviously preparing to make a big move this time.

Normally, any OEM does not want to be too closely tied to a certain supplier.

This approach is very risky.

But Geely is obviously ready to take a gamble this time.

Nanshan's excellent performance in the past few years is an important reason why they are determined to take a gamble.

Geely's supplier strategy is different from that of Great Wall Motors and BYD.

Most of the time, Geely takes the European and American route. After designing the whole vehicle by itself, most of the parts are purchased from suppliers.

However, Great Wall and BYD are thinking about leaving the main parts for their own production in the future, and only buying some not very critical parts from outside.

In other words, our own production capacity is not enough, so we buy from outside.

This difference in concept will also lead to differences in the methods when the two parties adopt cooperation plans with Nanshan.

"Mr. Li, thank Geely for trusting us in Nanshan. Naturally, we hope that Geely's models can sell well, so that our parts can sell more."

"Nanshan's parts aim to be QCD No.1 in the industry."

"So I am very confident that the price of parts that Nanshan supplies to Geely is definitely lower than other manufacturers in the industry."

"In the future, we will also devote ourselves to providing products with more advanced technology and more competitive cost."

Naturally, Cao Yang would not simply pat his chest and say no problem.

Of course, he definitely supports Geely Automobile's plan.

Under the same circumstances, it is true that they will not sell higher than other manufacturers.

After all, it is also what Cao Yang is doing to promote the sales increase of several domestic independent brand car companies.

In the era when the average profit margin of a self-owned brand is only 3000 to [-] yuan, Nanshan can earn even more money by making parts.

I have no reason not to help others increase sales.

"The previous cooperation between us was mainly focused on the engine and gearbox. Except for bearings, there was not much cooperation on other parts."

"In the future, we hope to have in-depth cooperation on more electrical parts and interior parts."

"Especially in terms of instrumentation, audio navigation, chassis systems, etc., the R&D teams of both parties can directly connect and jointly develop parts for some new models."

After taking stock, Li Su found that there is no domestic manufacturer with stronger technical strength than Nanshan.

Unless you go to foreign component giants such as Bosch, Continental, and Denso, but they are hard to afford in terms of price.

That's why I came here this time to have an in-depth exchange with Cao Yang about future cooperation.

"no problem!"

"I think that in the future, Geely Automobile can further promote the comprehensive localization of parts."

"If all the parts of those international parts giants are replaced, the cost of the whole vehicle will drop by another 10%, and the completion will not be a problem."

"Current consumers are still very sensitive to prices. As long as the price of the car drops and the appearance is decent, the sales will not be bad."

For each manufacturer, Cao Yang gave different suggestions.

I have to say that in this regard, Cao Yang really put his heart into it.

Both parties can feel the sincerity, and the communication will be much smoother.

At the final dinner, it can be said that the guests and the host had a great time, and they all felt that today's communication was very valuable.


"Mr. Cao, there are quite a lot of criticisms of self-owned brand car companies on the Internet, but I feel that after getting in touch with them during this period of time, these people are quite easy to talk to."

"Everyone listens to reason, and there are no special requirements for cooperation with us."

"Delayed support for the payment of goods, payment of acceptance bills and other things, people even mentioned that they didn't mention it."

Seeing that several waves of reception work were almost completed, Cao Yang finally had time to deal with work properly in the office.

Mi Ying, who participated in the whole process of these exchanges, couldn't help but share her views with Cao Yang.

seeing is believing.

Mi Ying felt that what she saw online was very different from what she saw with her own eyes.

"A few days ago, I saw a star talk show. The man introduced that before he became famous, he would be bullied and suffered various kinds of losses every time he was filming."

"At that time, he felt disgusted by people's hearts, and thought how could people be so realistic."

"But after he became famous, he found that the attitude of the people around him was completely different."

"It's teacher XX at every turn, and Brother XX yells, making him feel as if he has come to a different world."

"As a component manufacturer and equipment manufacturer, Nanshan, if our technology is mediocre and we simply rely on price to grab orders, then we will have to face all kinds of difficulties from Party A's father."

"Anyone can make us suffer for a long time."

"But the situation is different now. Any of our parts and equipment, not to mention the most advanced in the world, are at least industry-leading."

"The technology is better than ours, and the price is much, much more expensive than ours."

"The price is lower than ours, and the technology is much, much worse than ours."

"Even our technology is better than others, and the price is lower than others."

"In this case, naturally there is no need to beg others blindly."

"Even to put it in a bad way, sometimes other people need to come and beg us."

"In this case, do you think those OEMs don't have a steelyard in their hearts?"

"You really think that these OEMs are benevolent, so they obey the rules?"

When Cao Yang retorted, Mi Ying found that she had nothing to say.

I really complied with that sentence, I am strong, and there are good people around me.

When I was weak, the people around me looked hideous!
(End of this chapter)

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