Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 259 Holding BYD with the left hand and Haisi with the right hand

Chapter 259 Holding BYD with the left hand and Haisi with the right hand

Cao Yang is now looking more and more like a capitalist.

He just pulled Zhang Jing into his chariot yesterday, and he started telling him to work with him before he even completed the resignation procedures.

"Mr. Cao, Huawei's technology accumulation in the semiconductor field is indeed relatively good, but because of this, I am not very optimistic about this cooperation."

"Mr. Xu is very skilled, but his style is also very tough."

"It should be difficult for them to accept a layman from Nanshan to cooperate with them on chips."

On the way to Warwick, Zhang Jing directly expressed his opinion.

As a professor of the Department of Microelectronics of Lingnan University of Technology, his original work has overlapped with the Huawei Semiconductor Division.

Therefore, the understanding of Huawei's semiconductor business unit is obviously deeper than that of Cao Yang.

"There are not many companies in China that are serious about chips. Huawei is down-to-earth and serious about chip design."

"It is naturally unrealistic for them to take out the semiconductor business unit and set up a joint venture with us."

"However, if the two parties carry out some technical cooperation, or even some commissioned research and development projects, I think it should not be a big problem."

When Cao Yang said this, Zhang Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

This goal is not outrageous.

"If it's just technical cooperation, or let them help develop chips used in some auto parts, there will definitely be no problem."

"Until now, the chips designed by the Huawei Semiconductor Division are all for their own use."

"If they can develop the market outside the company, it will be considered a performance for them."

"Even I think we can let them produce ASICs used in ECU and other auto parts first, and they already have some experience in this regard."

"The results will be very fast, and it will also allow our people in the Nanshan Semiconductor Division to follow and learn quickly."

Zhang Jing soon began to put forward some ideas of his own.

Nanshan Group has invested so many resources in semiconductors, although Cao Yang said that it does not matter if there is no result in the short term.

But Zhang Jing definitely hopes to come up with something.

Otherwise, he would feel embarrassed at the year-end summary every year.

The bosses of other branches probably will also look at him differently.

"Your suggestion is good. ASIC is the specialty of Huawei Semiconductor Division, so we will cooperate with them in this regard."

"No matter what kind of cooperation method is adopted, as long as we can cooperate, as long as the ASIC we need can be produced in China, it is a progress."

Although Cao Yang is very optimistic about the future of Huawei's semiconductor business unit.

It would be the best if Nanshan can step in when the other party spins off the semiconductor business unit to form HiSilicon this year.

Soon, a group of people came to Warwick.

The relationship between Zhang Jing and the other party is obviously much more familiar than Cao Yang.

In this way, it saved Cao Yang a lot of trouble.

After all, it can't be that he, the boss of the group, takes the lead in everything.

"Professor Zhang, I have invited you to the Huawei Semiconductor Division many times before, but none of them succeeded."

"As soon as you turned around, you went to the Nanshan Group. You are a bit biased."

The relationship between Xu Jun and Zhang Jing is obviously not bad, otherwise they wouldn't be joking like this.

"I can't help it. I've already settled down in Yangcheng. It really takes courage to change cities."

Zhang Jing couldn't say that Cao Yang gave too much, so he could only change a reason.

The teams on both sides chatted like this for five or six minutes before getting into the topic.

"I have also heard about Nanshan being cut off from supplying chips by Infineon."

"However, I heard that NXP and STMicroelectronics are very willing to provide you with chips. It stands to reason that you can just switch the chips directly. Why do you have to work hard to make chips yourself?"

"It's like we want to eat pork, but there's no need to raise pigs ourselves."

"I'm a bit unclear about your thoughts, Mr. Cao."

Through the pleasantries just now, Xu Jun has roughly understood what Nanshan is asking for this time.

Cooperation can naturally be considered.

However, if it is a joint venture, it needs to be carefully considered.

"Mr. Xu, Huawei is a leader in the electronic technology industry, and each device uses a large number of chips."

"After 13 years of development, Huawei is now able to produce most of its chips by itself."

"But some chips should still need to be imported from abroad?"

Cao Yang did not answer Xu Jun's question directly, but asked a question in reverse.

This can be regarded as another way to seize the initiative in negotiations.

"That's right, there are too many types of chips, and our semiconductor business department is still relatively weak, so it is impossible to develop all chips by ourselves."

"And even if it is a chip developed by ourselves, it is only a good design work, and subsequent production is handed over to foundries such as TSMC."

"Strictly speaking, none of our chips are completely designed and produced by ourselves."

Xu Jun is not afraid of exposing his shortcomings.

It's no secret anyway.

Besides, Zhang Jing, Director of Nanshan Semiconductor Division, is still an old acquaintance, and knows the situation of Huawei Semiconductor very well.

"Yes, the gap between the domestic chip industry and foreign countries is too great."

"Huawei is already the best batch of manufacturers, but it can only reach the current level."

"Besides, the amount that Huaxia spends on chip imports every year should be a very exaggerated figure."

"The foreign exchange we earn from one shirt to another is exchanged for chips made from pieces of sand."

"This situation shouldn't continue forever!"

On the way here, Cao Yang also got to know Xu Jun's character with Zhang Jing.

I know that this is a character with heavy family and country feelings.

In this way, he naturally knew from what angle to discuss cooperation with others.

"Mr. Cao can think this way, and his vision is much stronger than other domestic auto parts companies and self-owned brand car companies."

"China's auto industry has developed very fast in the past few years, and the mainstream international auto companies have basically established joint ventures in China."

"It seems that Huaxia's auto industry has grown a lot, but it hasn't become much stronger."

"If they all attach importance to technology and the research and development of core technologies like Mr. Cao, the situation may change in the future."

"However, the research and development of chips is very expensive."

"Frankly speaking, Huawei's semiconductor business unit has not been profitable these years, strictly speaking."

"From 1991 to now, it has been more than ten years, and it has not yet made a profit."

"Although this is due to our internal price accounting and R&D cost accounting, it can also be seen that chips are not so easy to operate."

Basically, everyone who discussed chip research and development with Cao Yang would mention that this industry is not easy.

On the one hand, it is to let Cao Yang have a correct understanding of chip research, and on the other hand, it is to inoculate Cao Yang.

"Mr. Xu, I naturally understand what you said."

"Nanshan has now established a joint venture with BYD to specialize in the research of semiconductors."

"The company has also set up a semiconductor business department, and plans to make it the focus of development in the next ten years."

"I'm ready for Nanshan Semiconductor to be unprofitable for ten years!"

Cao Yang gave his reply very firmly.

This made Xu Jun couldn't help but take a high look.

Go ahead to dangers.

At least Nanshan Group now has the courage, which is worthy of recognition.

"Our current semiconductor business department mainly serves the company's internal services, but we are also discussing spinning it off."

"If there are no surprises, this work will be completed in the second half of this year."

"At that time, our newly established semiconductor company is willing to cooperate with Nanshan to develop some car-grade chips for Nanshan."

Xu Jun obviously did not consider establishing any joint venture company with Nanshan.

BYD is BYD, and Warwick is Warwick.

In the field of semiconductors, Xu Jun obviously still looks down on BYD and Nanshan.

But as a customer, it is a good customer.

Knowing that the chip is not easy, and the price will be more expensive in the future, it should be understandable, right?
"As Mr. Xu said, chip research is very expensive."

"After becoming independent, without the direct blood transfusion from the parent company, and needing to be responsible for its own profits and losses, the pressure must be even greater."

"Mr. Xu, have you considered letting Nanshan participate in the formation of the new company?"

Although Cao Yang already knew that the hope was not great, he still wanted to work hard.


This is definitely a Dana-level existence, and it is worth looking forward to.

"terribly sorry!"

"Mr. Cao, our new company is very happy to cooperate with Nanshan, but this cooperation method does not include joint ventures!"

Xu Jun rejected Cao Yang very directly.

Warwick is not very short of money, and will not introduce investors purely for money.

Otherwise, capital from Shencheng would have already entered.

"Mr. Cao, in fact, I think the cooperation model of entrusting car-grade chips is also good. If you get in touch with each other slowly, maybe your thoughts will change in the future."

Zhang Jing was worried about the collapse of Tan, so he quickly interjected.

"Yes, Professor Zhang is right. We are willing to help Nanshan develop automotive-grade chips."

Xu Jun also realized that his reply just now was a bit too blunt, so he quickly added a sentence.

Cao Yang is not so small.

Don't get mad at this.

But somewhat disappointed.

Nanshan's current strength is still not enough.

It seems that we need to get something out as soon as possible so that everyone can see the level of Nanshan.

(End of this chapter)

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