Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 265 Benchmarking against the BMW 7 Series, is this whimsical?

Chapter 265 Benchmarking against the BMW 7 Series, is this whimsical?

[In response to everyone's call, the name of the dream car has been changed! 】

Star Motor Co., Ltd.

After the name was confirmed, Nanshan Group immediately arranged for someone to be responsible for the relevant registration procedures.

At the same time, Cao Yang and Xie Lingyun also paid a formal visit to Liu Tianwu, and briefed him on the new car plan of Xingchen Motors.

Although Cao Yang said that Xingchen Motors was just planning to take the high-end route and the output would not be very high, he was a little disappointed.

But after all, it is a complete vehicle production project. Nanshan has such a strong technical accumulation, and Xingchen Automobile is still worth looking forward to.

"Mr. Cao, as long as the relevant procedures of Xingchen Automobile are involved in Lingnan Province, I can tell you that I will take care of them, and there will be no problems."

"However, the complete vehicle project needs the approval of the National Development and Reform Commission and other ministries and commissions, and the work in this area also needs the help of related departments in Lingnan Province to coordinate."

"I will personally take Mr. Xie to run together, and try to get all the procedures done within this year."

"Besides, the district plans to requisition another 2000 mu of land next to the third phase of Nanshan Industrial Park as the future reserve land for Xingchen Automobile."

"Relevant land acquisition procedures and three links and one leveling work will be carried out in advance in the district, and all work in this area is planned to be completed within next year."

Although the first model of Star Motors is limited to 1 units, the production line is also a small-batch production line in the third phase of Nanshan Industrial Park.

But Liu Tianwu definitely doesn't want Xingchen Motors to stay in the third phase of Nanshan Industrial Park.

So even before Cao Yang mentioned that he needed land, he had already started to think about it in advance.

At that time, maybe they can force Xingchen Motors to speed up the launch of other new models.

Liu Tianwu thinks that as long as Cao Yang is willing, Star Motors can do better than other domestic independent brands.

At that time, let alone hundreds of thousands or millions of sales, even if there is an additional car company with an annual output of 10 units, the GDP of the district will increase by more than 100 billion.

This increase is definitely very attractive.

Because of the existence of Nanshan Group, Panyu has ranked first in Yangcheng for several consecutive years in terms of economic growth.

Liu Tianwu definitely hopes that this growth rate will continue, and it is best to be able to sit in the top three or even the first position in the GDP of all districts and counties in Yangcheng one day.

Then the position under his buttocks can definitely be moved.

And if he moved any further, he would be able to achieve a leap in his life.

After all, it was a huge breakthrough from the side hall to the main hall.

"Then I will trouble the leader to help you worry about it."

"Our Star Automobile is aspiring to become the largest automobile company in the country in the future. We also hope that from the beginning, all procedures will be approved in an upright manner in accordance with the process."

"When introducing the company's development process in the future, we can also avoid some criticisms."

Cao Yang did not comment on the land expropriation mentioned by Liu Tianwu.

People are doing it for their own good, so it is definitely inappropriate to jump out and object.

But if they blindly agree, it will disrupt the development rhythm of Xingchen Automobile.

So leaving it alone is the best way.

Anyway, in the district, it is only the first land acquisition and the work of three links and one leveling.

In the future, if Star Motors really needs to build a brand new factory, then the speed will be very fast.

"Your idea is also very reasonable."

"It is indeed easy to criticize the acquisition of automobile production qualifications by beating around the bush, and it also seems that the development of the enterprise is not confident enough."

"In this regard, our district must do our best to promote it."

Liu Tianwu made a very positive promise.

For such an important project, whoever dares to block it will just make things difficult for him.

He was even more anxious than Cao Yang.

Economic development is not empty talk.

Instead, it needs many real projects to support.

Now that Xingchen Motors is such a high-quality project, it must not be ruined because of the problem of production qualification.


Cao Yang is very busy!

But no matter how busy you are, there is always something to eat.

In the White Swan Hotel, in a box overlooking the Pearl River, Cao Yang, who had been working all day, invited Sisi to have dinner together.

The relationship between the two of them is more than friends, not lovers.

There is still a layer of paper in the middle that has not been pierced.

"Mr. Cao, I heard a rumor that your Nanshan Group is going to build a car?"

As a reporter for Huaxia TV Station in Yangcheng, Fang Sisi's sources of news are naturally very rich.

Not to mention that she still has contact with some people in Nanshan.

"Yes, our car manufacturing project has officially started, and even the name of the new company has been decided, called Xingchen Automobile."

Sooner or later, the news will be fully spread in the industry, and naturally there is nothing to hide.

"Star car?"

Fang Sisi tasted it, "Could it be your real dream to build a car?"

Having more in-depth contact with Cao Yang, Fang Sisi still understands his thoughts very well.

This is a man with big ambitions.

Making Nanshan Group the world's largest auto parts company should be just one of the dreams.

In the end, it will definitely enter the vehicle manufacturing industry.

After all, a component giant like Bosch, no matter how famous it is, cannot compare to Volkswagen and Toyota.

"It's my dream to make parts, equipment, or cars!"

"Even in terms of importance, I think parts and equipment are more important."

For China's auto industry at this stage, Cao Yang's statement is definitely no problem.

China is already considered a big car country, but there is still a gap of [-] miles from the car power.

Looking at the whole world, every automobile power must have its own automobile supply chain.

America, Germany, Japan, Korea...

In extreme cases, people can build cars even without using any foreign suppliers.

Of course, this refers to the L1 supplier.

If you go deep into the L2 layer, or even the components of the L3 and L4 layers, it will involve raw materials, chips and other electronic components. It is definitely impossible to handle all of them 100% in one country.

"There are already a lot of domestic auto companies, but I don't think they are worth looking forward to."

"Nanshan Group, which has mastered the world's leading powertrain technology and component technology, will build cars. I think it is the most worth looking forward to."

Fang Sisi naturally knew how to talk.

Leaving aside the fact that what she said is itself true, even if it is not, she can still find a lot of entry points to praise Xingchen Automobile.

When two people are together, if they want to get along harmoniously, they must not stare at each other's bad side every day.

"Building a car looks very simple, but it is not so difficult to build it."

"But it's not so easy to make it well."

"It's easy to produce one car, but it's not so easy to produce 1000, 10000."

"After the official launch of Star Motor's car-making project, I deeply felt the difficulty of building a car, especially a good car."

In front of his subordinates, Cao Yang is definitely not suitable to discuss difficulties there, discuss how much pressure he has.

But it was different in front of Fang Sisi.

Those who should complain can still complain.

"You are right. The automobile industry can become a pillar industry of economic development in many places. There must be some unique thresholds in it."

"Like the United States, there are only three or five auto companies. Germany is similar, and France and Korea are even fewer."

"But we Huaxia now have at least 100 various car companies, right?"

"The competition situation faced by Xingchen Motors must be completely different."

"If you want to stand out, for example, you have to do something different from other car companies."

"However, you have mastered the core engine and gearbox technology. In this alone, I think it is better than any other domestic car company."

Fang Sisi's words were not purely flattering, but from the heart.

Whether it is the old Chuncheng Motors or the Xifeng Group, which is also expected to be high, there is a huge difference in technology accumulation in engines and gearboxes from Nanshan Group.

Even Great Wall Motors and Chery Automobile, which have been working hard to develop their own engine and transmission technology, are not at the same level as Nanshan.


"But now a production qualification is stuck in front of us, so we have to go to the district and Yangcheng departments at all levels to help."

"Although the leaders are also very active and take the initiative to help advance, but I think this kind of restriction is actually very unnecessary."

"As you said, there are at least 100 domestic companies qualified to produce automobiles, but less than one-third of them occupy the mainstream position in the market."

"Rather than let some zombie companies occupy resources and think about relying on one qualification to make money, it is better to completely let go of this piece of qualification."

"With so many domestic auto companies, the competition is definitely fully market-oriented. It is also speechless to continue to be stuck with production qualifications in this field."

Such words, Cao Yang will definitely just complain in private, it is not suitable to say in public.

In fact, it's not that he can't understand such an approach at all.

After all, if it is completely liberalized, a bunch of companies will rush to build cars, and the quality will be uneven, and there will be accidents.

"Is Xingchen Motors stuck in the production qualification?"

Fang Sisi confirmed it again.


"It is estimated that the most ideal situation is that it will be possible to get these things done by the end of this year."

"If it is not ideal, it will not be solved next year. In the end, we still have to rely on the acquisition of qualified companies to solve this problem."

Cao Yang is not a stingy person.

But he is not willing to spend wronged money.

He is really reluctant to acquire a company without any technology and talents just for a production qualification.

"I can help you with this matter, maybe the problem is not that big."

"If Nanshan Group can't even get approval to manufacture cars, then there is no reason for other car companies to get approval."

Cao Yang didn't pay much attention to Fang Sisi's words.

After that, the two chatted all over the world.

The night view of the Pearl River outside is getting more and more beautiful.

While sipping fine wine and chatting with the beauty, Cao Yang couldn't help but drink a little too much.

Fang Sisi's alcohol capacity is not bad, but she doesn't drink much at ordinary times.

Today, Cao Yang and Cao Yang killed two bottles of red wine together.

In the end, both of them were a little dizzy, so they opened a room at the White Swan Hotel and stayed there.

Good day, beautiful scenery, beauty, handsome guy!
We have known each other for so long, some things happened naturally.


At the regular meeting of the Xingchen Automobile Project the next day, Cao Yang rubbed his temples while reminiscing about the scene of last night.

During the meeting, it is rare to be distracted.

"CEO Cao!"

"CEO Cao!"

The little secretary Mi Ying hurriedly reminded her and said, "For our new models, which models should we choose as the benchmark models?"


"BMW Series [-]!"

Cao Yang was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that he was distracted.

But in his mouth, he said his target model like a conditional launch.

However, when he said this, the participants immediately couldn't help discussing.

"Wouldn't it be too niche for the BMW Seven Series?"

"I feel that SUVs seem to be getting hotter now. Wouldn't it be better to make SUVs?"

"From a publicity point of view, it seems like a good idea to use the BMW 7 Series as a rival."

"The positioning is so high, will it be sold by then?"

"The power configuration of our 3.0T twin-turbocharged engine + 8AT automatic transmission can compete with the BMW 7 Series."

"I feel that it will be very difficult for consumers to accept that we are a model at the same level as the BMW 7 Series."

"Either don't do it, do the best if you want to do it, this is really Mr. Cao's style."


There are all kinds of arguments and opinions.

However, in addition to worrying that the positioning is so high-end, it will not be easy to sell at that time, there are not many people who oppose the BMW 7 Series as a benchmark model.

Of course, Cao Yang also heard some constructive opinions.

For example, is it a large SUV?

This vision is obviously good.

However, he had already "selected" the appearance of the first model of Xingchen Motors in his mind, so naturally he would not change his mind.

With enough stunning appearance and power, even the BMW 7 Series will feel the pressure in front of it.

In this regard, Cao Yang has a confidence that no one else can match.

"I know that everyone must have all kinds of questions, but this is normal."

"The first new car of our Star Motors will be at the same level as the BMW 7 Series, but with a coupe style, and the price will be close to the price of the BMW 7 Series in the European and American markets."

"I will personally be responsible for the design of the new car's appearance, and I will personally take the team to confirm the interior style."

"If you don't make a song, you're done, it's a blockbuster!"

"Nanshan Group is different from domestic auto parts companies, and our Star Automobile is even more different from other domestic auto companies."

"I'm very confident in doing this!"

Cao Yang directly made the final decision and determined the positioning of the model.

Next, start to enter the specific design work.

(End of this chapter)

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