Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 279 One is bolder than the other, and all 1-cylinder engines are proposed

Chapter 279 One is bolder than the other, the 12-cylinder engine is proposed

Various OEMs are vigorously holding the supplier meeting at the end of the year, and Nanshan Group also has a year-end summary.

The group's headquarters ministers and branch vice presidents and above all attended the meeting.

Of course, some specific revenue data will definitely not be announced at this meeting.

However, we can still explain to you the development situation and turnover information of each business segment, as well as the arrangement for 2005.

"Mr. Cao, in 2004, the turnover of the whole group reached 502 billion innovatively, a year-on-year increase of more than 60%. This figure is expected to be No. 1 in the turnover of private enterprises in Lingnan Province."

"Specifically, Nanshan Transmission continues to be the largest presence of the group in terms of business scale, with sales of various types of transmissions reaching a record 280 million units and a turnover exceeding RMB 196 billion."'

"Nanshan Special Steel has also fully utilized its own advantages. The annual turnover has reached 105 billion yuan, and it is still expanding the share of high-end special steel. There is room for further increase in turnover."

"The performance of Nanshan Auto Parts this year is also very outstanding. Among them, the bearing and gear business has created a turnover of 68 billion because it has provided Ford with a large number of gearbox components."

"Other auto parts have also benefited from the rapid increase in sales of self-owned brand models this year, contributing a total turnover of more than 52 billion."

"Nanshan Engine has provided more than 35 engines to various customers, contributing a turnover of about 42 billion."

"Nanshan Mold has provided PRG molds, TRF molds and other molds, fixtures and inspection tools to various customers this year for more than 12 billion yuan."

"Nanshan Equipment has also sold a total of 18 billion complete sets of equipment to customers within the group and customers outside the group."

"In addition, Nanshan Robot also contributed more than 2 million in turnover."

"In addition, Autohome and Nanshan Investment have also contributed several hundred million in turnover to the group."

"In the end, whether in terms of turnover or operating profit, the group has achieved the goals set at the beginning of the year."

After Dong Shengnan finished speaking, the participants couldn't help applauding and celebrating.

This achievement is not easy.

If it weren't for the powerful Nanshan gearbox, a large number of international and domestic orders, and the expansion of the factory, the goal of 500 billion this year will definitely not be achieved.

Even when the goal was set at the beginning of the year, 500 billion itself was a challenging goal, and there was a conservative goal of 450 billion internally.

Now that the best expectations can be achieved, it is naturally worth celebrating.

Everyone's year-end bonus and salary increase are also closely related to this indicator.

"In fact, the domestic auto market in 2004 was relatively complicated. Overall, it can be said to be a period of low tide."

"Modu Volkswagen's annual sales are even tens of thousands less than last year."

"Under such circumstances, the group's continued growth is inseparable from everyone's efforts."

"However, we must also be aware of the seriousness of future development. If we want to continue to maintain this rapid growth, it must be very difficult, or even impossible."

"However, starting from 2005, the engines we supply to various independent brands will be expanded to 2.0T turbocharged engines and 1.0T turbocharged engines."

"The engine business is expected to further expand."

"In terms of transmission, the latest 8AT automatic transmission will also be officially launched to continue to maintain our technological leadership."

"This year, the gearbox will still be the most important driving force for the group's growth. In addition to continuing to expand users in the international market, the domestic market share should also be expanded as much as possible."

"Which type of gearbox the customer wants, we will do our best to develop that type."

"The domestic auto market will soon exceed 600 million units, and there is a lot of room for us to play."

Dong Shengnan introduced the overall situation, and Cao Yang naturally had to stand up and say a few words.

"Since China's economy joined the WTO, it has entered a stage of rapid development."

"Although the auto market in 2004 was not so prosperous, that was only relative."

"Overall, the auto market was still growing last year, and it will continue to grow this year, and it will be the same next year."

"Even in the next ten years, the auto market will continue to grow rapidly."

"Each factory must plan its production capacity in advance, so that there will be no situation where the market needs more parts, but we can't supply them."

"In the next ten years, the production capacity planning of each factory can be appropriately bold, and it can be done one or two years in advance."

"Wait until the auto market develops to a certain stage, then consider controlling production capacity."

Cao Yang gave a very radical order to the executives.

Generally speaking, it is very irrational to expand production blindly, which is not conducive to the development of enterprises.

But for the Huaxia auto market, before 2015, it is really not afraid to expand production boldly.

Don't wait until 2009, under the incentive of 4 trillion yuan, consumers can't wait for a car if they want to buy a car.

That would be a pity.

"In 2005, I hope that the group's turnover will exceed 600 billion yuan, challenge 100 billion US dollars, and strive to enter the world's top 500 within the next three years."

Cao Yang set a goal that was not particularly exaggerated.

After all, this year's turnover has exceeded 500 billion yuan, and the growth rate in 2005 can be said to be the lowest in the past few years.

Of course, there are also reasons for the lack of strong growth projects in 2005.

In 2005, Star Motors was basically in the stage of burning money.

If you want to contribute to the turnover, you need to wait until next year.

"Mr. Cao, the newly acquired 2000 mu of land next to the third phase of our Nanshan Industrial Park in the district has now completed the relevant procedures and has begun to enter the land leveling stage."

"Can we use this land in advance next year, and after reserving the land for the new factory of Xingchen Motors, other supporting parts factories can be built first."

"It happens that our 8AT automatic transmission factory can be directly built there."

Ji Hua first stood up and put forward his own suggestion.

Nanshan Gearbox contributed the most turnover to the company last year, and he speaks confidently.

I chose Nanshan at the beginning, and now it seems that it is the most correct choice in my life.

"The 3.0T twin-turbocharged engine production line can also be built on that piece of land."

"And I think that in addition to the 3.0T twin-turbocharged engine, we can directly produce a large-displacement 6.0T W12 twin-turbocharged engine on the basis of this engine."

Since Cao Yang has already said that the future plans can be bolder, Cheng Tao is naturally unwilling to lag behind.

Obviously the engine is also a core part that is not inferior to the gearbox, but the turnover of Nanshan Engine last year was much lower than that of Nanshan Gearbox.

And there is no possibility of surpassing it in the short term.

In this way, Cheng Tao naturally wanted to find a way to increase the influence of Nanshan Engine.

"6.0T W12 twin-turbo engine?"

Cao Yang froze for a moment.

Cheng Tao really dared to think about it.

I never planned to produce an engine with such a large displacement before.

This is not the way of the future after all.

But it seems that it is not impossible?

"The W12 engine is an engine first developed by Volkswagen. It adopts the structure of a twin V6 engine, that is, two V6 engines are connected together through a crankshaft to form a W-shaped structure."

"This structure can make the engine more compact, and it can increase the power and torque output of the engine."

"Our 3.0T twin-turbocharger is a V6 structure, and its performance is a bit better than Volkswagen's 3.0T."

"So we can also develop the W12 engine in a similar way, and use it in other models of Star Motors in the future."

"For example, a sports car or a full-size SUV model, powered by a W12 engine, is definitely worthy of our high-end positioning."

Cheng Tao felt that everyone did not understand the W12 engine very well, so he added an explanation.

"President Cheng's proposal is not impossible."

"And building on existing engines, there are a lot fewer problems to overcome."

"At present, Bentley and Lamborghini should both be equipped with W12 engines."

As the vice president of research and development of Xingchen Automobile, Yongxiang Yuan naturally expects the company to have more and more new models.

If Cao Yang wanted Star Motors to take the high-end route, it would be very necessary to produce a sports car in the future.

"We can even modify Xingchen 1 at that time. After installing the W12 engine, we can go to the New North Circuit to brush up the results. Maybe we can break the record."

Obviously, everyone is very interested in Cheng Tao's proposal.

If the W12 engine is made from scratch, it is estimated that few people will agree.

Because this is obviously a business with unequal inputs and outputs.

But now there is an extremely excellent 3.0T V6 engine. Referring to the design logic of Volkswagen W12, putting two 3.0T V6s together will reduce the difficulty a lot.

Nanshan Engine has done a lot of engine modification in the past year, and the 1.0T and 2.0T are basically done.

In this way, everyone is more confident about the modification of W12.

"As a representative of high-performance vehicles, the 12-cylinder engine has always been one of the important development directions of the automotive industry."

"Everyone wants to develop a 12-cylinder engine belonging to Xingchen Automobile, and I support it."

"However, the W12 and V12 engines are representative products among 12-cylinder engines, and they both have excellent performance and driving experience."

"Which one should we choose as the direction, do we need to think about it?"

For Cao Yang, whether it is W12 or V12, the technical threshold is the same.

After all, he has a way to get out of the excellent W20 and V12 engines of a dozen or 12 years later.

So figure out which one to do.

"The W12 engine adopts a double V6 engine structure, while the V12 engine adopts a V-shaped structure. Since the W12 engine adopts a W-shaped structure, its engine is more compact, which can improve the handling performance and stability of the vehicle."

"But in terms of smoothness, the W12 is not as good as the V12."

"The V12 engine can be said to be one of the smoothest engines on the market at present, because its ignition interval is 60 degrees, which means that one cylinder is ignited every 60 degrees of crankshaft rotation. It itself is a combination of a relatively smooth L6 engine, so The output of the V12 engine is extremely smooth."

"Of course, it also has disadvantages, which are high cost, large size, high number of parts and high weight."

"But for high-end models, this is actually not a disadvantage, because the V12 engine is either a sports car, a high-end sedan, or a large-sized SUV, which is itself very large."

"In this case, it doesn't matter if the engine bay is a little wider, and the price of the model can also support the high cost of the V12."

"From the current W12 and V12 products of other companies, the power performance of W12 will be a little worse than that of V12, but the fuel economy will be better."

"Because W12 generally uses a turbocharged engine, and V12 is mostly naturally aspirated."

"In addition, the V12 engine can produce a very harmonious and elegant sound due to the uniformity of its ignition interval, while the sound of the W12 engine will appear rough and intense due to the unevenness of its ignition interval."

"So V12 is very suitable for high-end executive cars like the Mercedes-Benz S600, and I think W12 is more suitable for large-size SUV models."

Although the W12 engine was proposed temporarily by Cheng Tao, as a veteran of engine production and design, he has in-depth research on the world's mainstream large-displacement engines.

After all, very car lovers can resist the abundant power brought by large-displacement engines.

"According to your statement, in fact, V12 and W12 engines have their own advantages."

"But if you want to do laps in Nurburg or create a sports car with top-notch acceleration performance, is V12 more suitable?"

From Cheng Tao's analysis, Cao Yang came to such a conclusion.

"Mr. Cao, there's nothing wrong with you saying that."

"The V12 engine and the W12 engine are both excellent top-level engines. They each have their own advantages and disadvantages. There is no absolute good or bad."

"If you are pursuing the ultimate smoothness and sound, then the V12 engine may be more suitable; if you are pursuing compact space and flexible layout, then the W12 engine may be more suitable."

"I propose to develop the W12 engine because for us, the development threshold of W12 is lower."

When Cheng Tao saw that Cao Yang seemed to agree with him to develop a 12-cylinder engine, he was very excited and his tone trembled a little.

12-cylinder engine ah!
If Nanshan Engine can get it out, it will do a good job.

Then it is definitely the first-class engine factory in China, and even the world's first-class engine factory.

At that time, it will definitely indirectly promote the sales of engines with other displacements.

"Mr. Cao, why don't we start the research and development of the W12 engine this year, and if there is a demand later, we will develop the V12?"

Rao Yongxiang felt Cao Yang's interest in V12, so he flexibly adjusted his statement just now.

It's not that we don't want to do V12, we just do it a little later.

"Okay, then get out the W12 engine first this year, and then install it in Xingchen 1 and let it refresh the data."

"At that time, we can also launch a performance version on top of the existing two versions, maybe some consumers will like it."

Cao Yang didn't struggle so much.

Since everyone thinks that it is more appropriate to engage in W12, let's engage in W12 first.

Anyway, as long as W12 is produced, it can basically meet the needs of Xingchen Automobile in the next few years.

"Mr. Cao, most of the initial design drawings of our Xingchen 1 have been completed. When the production of each sample starts, the research institute can free up some time to do other things."

"Can we plan in advance, what can we do with the second model of Xingchen Motor?"

Luo Hongxing is now concurrently serving as the vice president of production of Xingchen Automobile, so he naturally hopes that there will be more models to increase the production.

Otherwise, the planned number of 1 units of Xingchen No. 1 is not enough to watch.

"The early market research and car company positioning can indeed be carried out in advance, and when the right time comes, the design of new models can be launched in time."

Regarding Luo Hongxing's proposal, Yue Yongxiang naturally had no objection.

It's not about starting the design now, but just doing the preliminary planning.

When the engineers in the research institute are not so busy in the second half of the year, they can propose to officially launch the new model.

"Star Motors will definitely produce a sports car in the future, as well as an SUV."

"What kind of sports car and what kind of SUV will be produced, we can indeed start research."

Although Cao Yang already had a clear plan for Xingchen Motors in his mind.

Even the reference objects of each model have some ideas.

However, if Nanshan Group's automobile business wants to grow in the future, it is naturally impossible to rely entirely on itself.

Therefore, it is not a bad thing for the company to slowly cultivate its own R&D team and let everyone think about how to develop a new model from scratch.

So he set the general direction smoothly, but the specific research work was handed over to the people below.

At that time, I only need to choose a model that is destined to be popular based on the results of everyone's research.

"To make the group's automobile industry bigger and stronger, it is of course necessary to develop more new models, but I think it is worth investing more resources in the field of equipment."

"Our various machine tools have made many breakthroughs one after another."

"Especially all kinds of grinding machines, CNC machine tools and other machine tools used in Nanshan Mold Factory, most of them are provided by Nanshan Equipment."

"In the next step, I think we can focus on bringing these machine tools to the market and compete with international machine tool giants."

"Although Nanshan Equipment's turnover last year was not particularly outstanding, I think that the equipment industry has done a good job, and there is every opportunity to achieve an output value of 100 billion a year."

"Even one day in the future, it is not impossible for the annual output value of our Nanshan equipment to reach 200 billion."

Seeing his old classmate Ji Hua becoming more and more prosperous in the past two years, Pan Jinxing felt a little aggrieved.

Nanshan equipment can be regarded as one of the important pillars of Nanshan Group when it started.

But up to now, it has lagged far behind Nanshan gearbox and Nanshan special steel.

Even Nanshan Engine and Nanshan Auto Parts are better than it.

This is different from what Pan Jinxing expected.

"What Mr. Pan said makes sense. The equipment industry has great potential, and there is still a very broad space waiting for us to explore."

"Whether it is a variety of machine tools or other equipment, it is actually worthy of our in-depth research."

"It's like the thermoforming factory invested by Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory. In addition to winning the press, we also broke through the production technology of the heating furnace."

"Is it possible to break through the laser cutting equipment in the next step?"

"In addition, last year, the group took the semiconductor industry as a direction for future research and development."

"In the semiconductor production plant, a lot of special equipment is involved, and I think it is worthwhile for Nanshan Equipment to do a good job."

Cao Yang could naturally feel Pan Jinxing's loss.

In addition, the equipment industry is indeed an area that he attaches great importance to, so he immediately stood up to express his support.

"That's right, compared to other industries, our Huaxia is actually the weakest in the equipment industry."

"Like producing cars, other countries can produce them, so can we. It's nothing more than a difference in technology and quality."

"But in the field of equipment, there are some niche equipment, and we haven't even solved the problem of whether they are available or not."

"In the field of high-end equipment, it relies heavily on imports."

"If our group can make a big breakthrough in this area, no matter what industry we are in in China in the future, it will not be bad."

Pan Jinxing felt Cao Yang's support for him, and his confidence became stronger.

"Nanshan Equipment can build a large-scale machine tool factory in the next step to produce various machine tools."

"At the same time, I think there will be more and more thermoforming production lines in China in the future."

"So laser cutting equipment can also be focused on, and a special laser cutting equipment factory will be built in the future."

"Other equipment related to the production of electronic appliances is definitely a sunrise industry, and a factory can also be specially built to produce machines in this area."

Following Pan Jinxing's words, Cao Yang planned three major development directions for Nanshan Equipment.

As long as it is done well enough, after ten years, Nanshan Equipment's annual turnover can reach 500 billion, and he believes it.

"President Cao, don't worry!"

"I will organize personnel to formulate specific development plans as soon as I go back, and strive to gradually implement them this year."

"After the Spring Festival, we will also start some big moves in the field of machine tools, so that Okuma Machine Tool, Mazak and other manufacturers can feel the pressure we bring."

Seeing that the scene turned into a speech by himself and Cao Yang, Pan Jinxing also realized that it was not suitable to continue to discuss the development of Nanshan equipment in depth at this kind of meeting.

But being able to achieve this goal, he is already very satisfied.

"China's next ten years will definitely be a decade of miracles."

"Many things that we didn't even dare to think about will be realized slowly."

"I hope that all departments and companies of the group can keep up with this pace of development and not be left behind!"

Cao Yang swept around the executives present.

After years of accumulation, the talent team of Nanshan Group has finally been improved.

Although there is still a lack of high-tech talents who are famous all over the world, it is enough for the current Nanshan Group.

In other words, for Cao Yang, such a tool person is enough at this stage.

 It’s a new month again, veterans support me with a monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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