Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 280 Reporting is not, and not reporting is not

Chapter 280 Reporting is not, and not reporting is not
Nanshan is not a listed company and does not need to publish reports to the public.

However, each main engine factory will find suppliers to investigate the data related to the operating conditions every year, so there is no way to completely conceal the situation in Nanshan.

Of course, there is no need to hide it.

Even for the tax bureau, you have no way to hide it.

At the beginning of each year, Liu Tianwu would ask someone to come and take a look at the financial report reported by the Finance Department of Nanshan Group to the tax bureau.

This year is no exception.

Since January 2005, 1, he has been asking questions for several days, which put Luo Yi under a lot of pressure.

"Leader, Nanshan Group has sent the financial report to the tax bureau just now."

Looking at the few A4 papers in his hand, Luo Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is it really over 500 billion?"


Liu Tianwu is not a professional financial person.

He actually couldn't understand a lot of data on the report.

But he can still understand basic data such as turnover and profit margin.

"Leader, I just confirmed that this turnover is firmly in the No.1 position among the private enterprises in the whole province."

"Even Warwick Company in Shencheng has been left behind by Nanshan Group this year."

"Even if it is compared across the country, except for a few private enterprises such as Lenovo, which are larger than Nanshan Group, there are not a few manufacturers that can compete with Nanshan."

"After Xingchen Motors is put into production, it is estimated that the turnover of Nanshan Group will continue to surge upwards. It is not impossible for the turnover to reach 1000 billion a year in the future."

Luo Yi naturally knew very well that Liu Tianwu attached great importance to the development of Nanshan Group.

In 2004, the GDP of Yangcheng was only 5000 billion.

Among them, Panyu occupies nearly 800 billion yuan, and has successfully surpassed the traditional industrial powerhouse, and even surpassed the No.1 Tianhe.

Such achievements, the biggest contributor is the Nanshan Group.

How could Liu Tianwu not pay attention to it?

Luo Yi even heard some rumors recently that the leader's leader is going to put more burden on his own leader.

No matter whether I continue to follow Liu Tianwu or delegate to which bureau, I definitely hope to see Nanshan Group continue to grow and develop.

"In 2004, there was only a shortfall of 20 billion yuan to get the first place in the city. As long as Nanshan Group does not lose the chain, it will definitely surpass Tianhe this year."

"Xiao Luo, please help me arrange. During the Spring Festival, I will go to Nanshan Industrial Park to inspect and condolences."

Liu Tianwu's mood at this time was as sweet as drinking honey.

There are such powerful enterprises in the jurisdiction, it is simply that God has sent political achievements to his hands.

In his opinion, the most important task in the district is to promote the continuous and rapid development of Nanshan Group, so that Nanshan Group can drive the entire industrial chain, so that the industrial town can become famous in the whole province and the whole country.

"No problem, I will implement it later!"

"Nanshan now has many gearboxes and other parts that are exported overseas."

"And their factory production capacity has always been in a relatively tight state. During the Spring Festival, many people should continue to stay and work overtime."

"Boss Cao probably will stay."

Luo Yi knew that this Spring Festival he would not be able to go home to spend time with his family again.

But he didn't regret it at all.

It's not that we don't want to work hard, but that hard work should be valuable.

Obviously, Luo Yi's efforts are to make him feel valuable.


"Ayang, your company's performance last year was so good, why don't you let the main station's financial channel (actually it was still called the economic channel in 05, I think everyone should still like the name of the financial channel, so this book is called the financial channel) channel) over there to report properly?”

In a private restaurant on the edge of the Pearl River, Cao Yang and Fang Sisi found a new food base.

Many people think that Cantonese cuisine is bland and not as delicious as Hunan and Sichuan cuisines.

But Cao Yang and Fang Sisi both liked it.

Whether it's plain white-cut chicken, or all kinds of steamed sea fish and various old hot soups, you will never get tired of eating it.

"People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. Nanshan Group can be more high-profile when promoting products."

"But when talking about your achievements, it's better to keep a low profile."

"Over the years, we have offended many people."

Cao Yang has no special pursuit of fame.

If you are really famous, you will be easily recognized no matter where you go, and life will lose a lot of fun.

"You are obviously only in your twenties, why do you feel like an old man in your 50s or [-]s?"

Fang Sisi felt a little speechless.

The truth is this, but I always feel that the style of painting is a bit wrong.

"Four and fifty years old?"

"Then you call 'Dad' first."

Cao Yang really wanted to say that the combined souls of his two lifetimes are more than four or fifty years old.

But that's certainly not the case.

So I just made a joke to change the subject.

"Screw you!"

Fang Sisi rolled her eyes, "If you have the ability, you can say it again in front of my father next time!"

"In the future, our Xingchen Motor will be launched, and when we need to promote the new model, we can ask the financial channel to help us report it."

"Let's talk about it now, they have made several appointments and wanted me to appear on the show, but I have been rejected by others."

Entrepreneurs like Cao Yang must be invited by various TV stations to do programs.

For example, Huaxia TV also has its own long-form character interview program "Face to Face" and other columns, which need to invite some celebrities or entrepreneurs to do exclusive interviews.

"You think beautifully."

"The people in the advertising center are very smart. Now many car companies are advertising on Huaxia Taiwan."

"They won't let you take advantage."

Although Fang Sisi has been away for a long time, she still has a good understanding of the internal situation of Huaxia TV.

The two casually chatted about some gossip about Huaxia TV, which gave Cao Yang a wave of insight.

Even talking about the entertainment circle, Fang Sisi burst a bunch of melons for Cao Yang to eat.

However, this actually made Cao Yang a little more curious about female stars.

If Fang Sisi knew that her words would have this consequence, she probably wouldn't discuss this topic in life or death.


"Mr. Xu, I just heard the news that the turnover of Nanshan Group surpassed that of our company last year."

Huawei, Lian Zhitian told Xu Jun something that made everyone unhappy.

"Our company achieved sales of 2004 billion yuan in 462, an increase of nearly half compared to 2003. I didn't expect it to be surpassed by Nanshan Group. It really makes people feel emotional."

Xu Jun obviously heard the news earlier than Lian Zhitian.

After all, Huawei is also cooperating with Nanshan Group now.

Several chips on Nanshan auto parts are entrusted to Huawei to help design.

"It is indeed surprising. Our NGN system has a global market share of 18%, ranking first; the global shipments of switching access equipment have ranked first for three consecutive years; the optical network market share has ranked second in the world."

"After comparing the results, I found that Nanshan doesn't seem to be bad."

"Their gearboxes are quite famous all over the world, and are used by Ford Motor and General Motors."

Before Lian Zhitian reported to Xu Jun, he naturally did a lot of work.

Otherwise, he just mentioned the turnover of Nanshan Group to the leader, and he didn't know anything else.

At that time, if people ask a few more questions, you won't be able to answer anything, which doesn't seem to be very good.

At least Lian Zhitian didn't think it was very good.

So he rolls himself ahead of time and rolls up.

In Warwick, the last thing everyone is afraid of is roll.

"It seems that in the future, we can appropriately increase our cooperation with their chips."

Xu Jun originally thought that Huawei and Nanshan did not have much intersection.

Even if the other party proposed to cooperate on semiconductors, he didn't pay much attention to it.

But seeing the current size of Nanshan, combined with some rumors about BYD Nanshan Semiconductor and Nanshan Semiconductor Business Unit, Xu Jun feels that it is not impossible to cooperate with Nanshan to develop semiconductors.

"I heard that Nanshan has always wanted to find a partner to build a chip factory, and we Huawei and BYD should be the objects they most want to cooperate with."

"I estimate that this topic is likely to be formally raised this year."

Lian Zhitian once again told Xu Jun something he was not sure about.

Normally speaking, if you are uncertain, you must avoid reporting to the leader.

Otherwise, it is easy to be misunderstood by the leaders, and it is easy for you to be questioned to death yourself.

But some cases, obviously, are exceptions.

Obviously, Nanshan wants to attract partners to engage in chip factories, which is such an exception.

"It's not that easy to build a chip factory."

"Not to mention spending a lot of money, you can't do it with others."

Xu Jun couldn't help frowning after hearing Lian Zhitian's words.

The chip factory, he hasn't thought about it yet.

In other words, in the general direction of Huawei's development, as long as the chip design is done, it will be fine.

It is enough to hand over the production to other foundries.

"Car-grade chips do not have such high requirements for chip factories, but have higher requirements for design."

"It is estimated that the other party also took these factors into consideration."

Lian Zhitian made a rare explanation from the perspective of Nanshan Group.

"For this matter, we can arrange people to do some research first. Whether we want to cooperate with Nanshan to build a production plant for automotive-grade chips will be discussed later."

There is no way to make a decision now, so let's procrastinate.


"Mr. Fang, Nanshan Group's turnover exceeded 500 billion last year."

"This is considered big news, should we report it?"

NetEase Auto Channel, Lin Jiayan came to Fang Dawen years ago with a bit of entanglement.

"Aren't they just over 300 billion last year?"

"Why is it 500 billion this year?"

"Is there any moisture in this data?"

"If we can find out what they are falsifying, we can report it well."

The Nanshan Group is now like a thorn stuck in Fang Dawen's throat.

Especially now that the development of Autohome is getting better and better, and the old subordinates have gone to Autohome as the editor-in-chief.

This made him feel like a stick in his throat.

"There is a high probability that this data is true. Otherwise, we can go directly to the tax bureau to report it. Maybe there will be a case of tax evasion."

"The most important thing is that I can't find the motive for them to cheat."

"After all, they are not listed companies, and there is no point in falsely reporting these things."

When Lin Jiayan said this, Fang Dawen couldn't help showing a disappointed expression on his face.

"If that's the case, then we don't need to report it."

"Otherwise, it's doing publicity for Nanshan Group for no reason."

As soon as Fang Dawen finished speaking, Lin Jiayan asked back, "Then what if Autohome starts to report this news on a large scale, should we follow up?"

"Nanshan Transmission is now the largest transmission manufacturer in China, and it also exports a large amount of it."

"Nanshan Engine and Nanshan Auto Parts are also well-known in the domestic auto industry."

"If all our reports about them don't appear, maybe Autohome will arrange for the navy to stab the knife in the back."

"At that time, if netizens feel that our channel is not objective and fair, we may lose a group of customers."

When Lin Jiayan said this, Fang Dawen became depressed.

The domestic auto industry looks big, but the circle is actually not that big.

Even if you don't report on Nanshan Group, then you can't even report on the manufacturers that use Nanshan's engines and gearboxes, right?

If that's the case, then their channel can be cancelled.

But when you report on other manufacturers, such as BYD, don't you talk about its powertrain usage?

Among the three major parts of a car, the engine and gearbox are the two most important things.

If you don't say anything, what should you say?

Talk about the appearance of BYD F6?

"Are you sure about the attitudes of the other portals towards these things?"

When you don't know what to do, look at what other people are doing.

This method of doing things is applicable no matter what field you are in.

"Judging from the current situation, although they will not focus on reporting on the Nanshan Group, they have not completely blocked the news in this regard."

"After all, their conflict with Nanshan is not as deep as ours."

"In the past two years, the advertising investment of automobile OEMs has been increasing. On the whole, everyone's advertising business is still increasing."

"In particular, everyone is also worried that if their website continues to hack Nanshan Group, it will affect the advertising orders of some OEMs."

"After all, there are very few OEMs in China that do not use parts from Nanshan Group."

When Lin Jiayan said this, Fang Dawen was also very helpless.

Obviously he is the existence of the uncrowned king, why does he feel that he is being checked and balanced in reverse now?

Regarding news related to Nanshan, they don’t report it, and they don’t report it.

"Let's keep an eye on the movements of Autohome and several other portal websites."

"If they don't report it, then we certainly don't report it either."

"If they reported it symbolically, then we don't know."

"If they are promoting this matter on a large scale, then we should follow up appropriately, and just make sense."

In the end, Fang Dawen adopted a relatively simple plan.

Take one step at a time.

If you make a mistake in one step, you will be limited in every step.

(End of this chapter)

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