Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 281 Car Home Overturns Again, 3 Generations of Autobots

Chapter 281 Car Home Overturns Again, Three Generations of Autobots

Every year before the Chinese New Year, all walks of life have to make some summaries.

Many articles in the media also have a lot of related content.

"The Lost 2004: Changes in the Sales of Volkswagen Models in Shanghai"

"Dark Horse in the Car Industry: What is the Reason Behind the Explosive Growth of Imperial Capital Hyundai? "

"Owned brands have begun to explode, but the market share has declined? "


All kinds of articles related to the annual summary are also very popular among netizens on various car channels.

If everyone is willing to read it, there will naturally be more related articles.

As a professional automobile website, Autohome naturally has no shortage of articles in this regard.

Even many OEMs will take the initiative to provide some soft-text articles to Autohome.

As an advertising funder, as long as it is not a particularly strong advertisement, Autohome will still send it out.

Even purely advertising articles can be published as long as the money is in place.

For different articles, Autohome also arranges technical staff to track and count information such as the number of hits and comments.

For articles that are obviously more popular with readers, they will also be automatically adjusted to a more important display position.

This was just a very common thing, and no one ever thought that there would be any problems.

However, as soon as Zhang Fugui came to the company today, Yu Yu walked over with a solemn expression holding the computer.

"what happened?"

"Is something wrong?"

Seeing Yu Yu's expression, Zhang Fugui knew that nothing good would happen.

It's just that Zhang Fugui has experienced more wind and rain, and Zhang Fugui's psychological endurance is also constantly rising.

Seeing Yu Yu's expression didn't cause him to panic.

An automobile professional website, what happened would not make him flustered.

After all, it's not like auto parts. If you are not careful, there will be large-scale recalls or accidents that affect life safety.

"Mr. Zhang, we posted an article from Spring City Motor Group yesterday evening, and now something unexpected happened."

"Let's see if we want to take this article down or leave it alone."

Yu Yu said while putting the computer in front of Zhang Fugui.

"Three Generations of Autobots Pass the Torch, Relay Watch"

A seemingly positive headline appeared in front of Zhang Fugui.

What's wrong with this article?

Just by looking at the title, you can probably figure out what is written, so there should be no problem.

With a trace of curiosity, Zhang Fugui watched carefully from beginning to end.

"In Chuncheng Automobile, there is such a family. The family has passed the torch for three generations, relaying watch, interpreting the spirit of 'making cars for Chinese consumers and contributing to the development of Huaxia Automobile' with practical actions..."

Zhang Fugui quickly read this moderately long article, and didn't think there was any problem.

He thought he had missed some key point, so he went through it carefully from the beginning to the end.

However, he still didn't see any problem.

Although the content is a bit clichéd and a bit sensational, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Editor Yu, I think this article is well written, the writing is good, and the writing is very sincere."

Unable to find the problem, Zhang Fugui gave up the idea of ​​continuing to read for the third time.

"Mr. Zhang, you are right. There is nothing wrong with this article."

"But if you look at the comments at the back of this article, the situation is more complicated."

"It's basically cynicism, and it's a bit ugly to say."

Under Yu Yu's prompt, Zhang Fugui scrolled the mouse and pulled the article to the end.

"I also want to pass on the torch for three generations, can you give me a chance?"

"This torch is said to be worth passing on. If others snatch it, it is probably worth fighting with others."

"I thought it was my classmate, three generations of Spring City Autobots, and all three generations of family members."

"Three generations of border guards or three generations of afforestation will be used for publicity, I will be very moved. Three generations of Autobots..."

"If you don't want to do it, don't force yourself. Three generations of my family are willing to stand guard for you."

"Three generations are not enough, five generations come together."

"Who doesn't want to be in the iron rice bowl for three generations? I am also willing to be ten generations."

"Social wealth does not suffer from scarcity but inequality."

"I'm also willing to suffer a bit and take root for three generations. Let alone three generations, my family can take care of it."

"I am a third-generation farmer with three degrees, and I want to contribute."


Although all kinds of words are not necessarily swearing, anyone can see the sarcasm in his tone.

This time, Zhang Fugui knew why Yu Yu came to look for him.

"This article was sent out by Spring City Motors after we didn't go through it and added it, right?"

Although Zhang Fugui knew that such soft-text articles were all contributed by OEMs.

But now this article is a bit unexpectedly popular, and he feels that it is necessary to confirm it.

"Yes, it was an article sent by the Brand PR Department of Spring City Automobile Group. We reviewed it and found that there was nothing wrong with it, so we sent it without changing the word."

"I didn't expect this article to become popular after only one night."

"Not only is this article on our site the most viewed and commented today."

"In various places such as Tianya Forum and Maopu Forum, this article has also become popular."

"Even this morning I found that the QQ group I belong to has several groups discussing this topic and article."

"Obviously, this article is out of the circle."

Yu Yu anxiously explained the current situation.

Although most of the people on the Internet satirize Spring City Motor Group, there are also quite a few netizens who scold Autohome.

So Yu Yu didn't know what to do now.

This was the first time he encountered such a strange thing.

"Is there someone on the Internet with the rhythm?"

"I think the topic of three generations of Autobots is quite normal."

"After all, in the early years, it was even possible for the parents to retire early and let their children take over. Isn't this a relatively normal thing?"

"Besides, automobile companies are not particularly high-tech industries, are they?"

Obviously, Zhang Fugui still didn't fully realize how difficult this year's netizens are to deal with.

He thinks it's normal, but many people think it's abnormal.

"At the beginning, it might just be a spontaneous complaint from netizens, but it's hard to say whether there will be competitors who will take the lead after it becomes popular."

Competitors of Autohome and Spring City Motors all have motives in this regard. '

When Yu Yu said this, Zhang Fugui felt that it was better to kick the ball to Chuncheng Motors first, and let the other party see what to do first.

After all, they are just a platform, the article is provided by Chuncheng Motors, and Chuncheng Motors is the most affected.

Autohome just got scolded a few times.

"You should contact the contributors of Chuncheng Motors, and listen to their thoughts before speaking."

"If they don't care, then neither do we."

"It doesn't seem like a bad thing to get a lot of traffic after being scolded a few times."

After Zhang Fugui said this, Yu Yu didn't get entangled anymore, and immediately contacted the other party.


Tao Wen bought a cup of coffee at a coffee shop near the company as usual before coming to the office.

The work of the brand public relations department is very busy when it is busy.

There is nothing to do all day when I am not busy.

Of course, most of the time it is not busy.

The same is true today.

After drinking the coffee slowly, Tao Wen turned on the computer, first entered the Autohome page, and checked whether the article given to the other party yesterday had been sent out, and whether the page position was good.

As a result, as soon as I entered the website, I found that the best position of Autohome was actually my contribution from yesterday.

Although she is not completely clear about the typesetting of Autohome's articles, she still knows some general logic.

In addition to artificial adjustments, articles with a large reading volume will be displayed in a better position.

Obviously, this article of my own should be read a lot now.

As the opening battle of the brand public relations department this year, it seems to be very successful.

Tao Wen, who was in a good mood, put down his coffee directly, went to the general manager's office next to him, and talked about this matter with Zhu Zhengfeng.

"From what you've said, Autohome is quite interesting."

"If only Nanshan Group was so sensible."

As the largest auto parts company in China, Zhu Zhengfeng also has a certain understanding of the situation of Nanshan Group.

But he always remembered very clearly that the general manager of Nanshan Group hadn't taken the initiative to visit him until now.

Although he also heard that the other party often does R&D work with engineers in the company, and rarely visits customers.

But no matter what the reason, the other party didn't even come to visit.

In Zhu Zhengfeng's view, this was a sign of lack of sincerity in cooperation.

"Master, call!"

"Master, call!"

At this moment, Tao Wen's phone rang.

But she didn't even look at the screen, she just pressed it off.

"Master, call!"

"Master, call!"

The other party didn't give up, and immediately called again.

This made Tao Wen a little embarrassed.

I was chatting with the general manager.

He took it out and took a quick glance, only to find that it was his subordinate.

Tao Wen's mood became even more depressed.

This Zhao Wenning is usually very sensible.

Why are you so fussy today?
I have already hung up the phone, indicating that it is not convenient to answer the phone.

Why does he keep calling?

Tao Wen didn't think much, hung up the phone again, and then showed Zhu Zhengfeng an apologetic expression.

Zhu Zhengfeng, who was in a good mood, waved his hand generously and said, "I guess he has something urgent to do with you, so you should settle it first."

"Master, call!"

"Master, call!"

At this moment, Tao Wen's phone rang again.

Tao Wen, who was extremely upset in his heart, pressed the answer button with a dark face, and said, "I am reporting work to Mr. Zhu. If there is anything, I will come back to you later."

After saying this, Tao Wen was about to hang up the phone.

However, Zhao Wenning's urgent voice came from the microphone, "Bu Tao, something has happened! Come back quickly and I will report to you."

Hearing that his boss was reporting to the general manager, Zhao Wenning became even more nervous.

Don't report work related to the articles on Autohome.

Otherwise it would be dead.

"Xiao Zhao, you have to be more prudent in your work and don't be frizzy..."

Tao Wen couldn't help but want to teach him a few words.

It's so ignorant of the times.

How could I have such subordinates.

His face was lost!
"Taobu, something happened to the promotional article that was sent to Autohome yesterday!"

"Now the content of this article is being circulated all over the Internet. Just now, Autohome specifically called to ask for our opinions."

Not sure when his minister will return to the office, Zhao Wenning couldn't wait for a minute.

Just now he had a quick glance at the questions that Autohome responded to.

As a propagandist, he was keenly aware that something really happened this time.

"problem occurs?"

"What happened?"

"It was fine just now, and it's already in the most prominent position of the car home?"

Tao Wen, who was about to hang up the phone, couldn't help asking a few more questions.

"The article is very popular, but the online comments are almost one-sided to satirize us."

"There are no good words inside or outside the words."

"Taobu, Autohome asked if we want to take this article down?"

"And then are we going to take some redemption measures?"

When Zhao Wenning said this, Tao Wen couldn't sit still.

This matter obviously has a big deviation from my own understanding.

I just boasted to Mr. Zhu about yesterday's article.

If something goes wrong...

Thinking of this, Tao Wen couldn't sit still.

"Mr. Zhu, there is an emergency. I will deal with it right away."

"I'll come back later and report back to you."

With today's mobile phones, the microphone volume is very powerful.

Zhu Zhengfeng obviously also heard something.


"Report in time if there is any situation."

The smile on Zhu Zhengfeng's face also disappeared.


"In my hometown, let alone three generations, there are also many families with ten generations of farmers. Why haven't there been reports?"

"I actually have the nerve to brag about this matter. You have a thick skin."

"Does this Autohome have any enmity with Chuncheng Motors? It's such a scam!"

"Where is the gate of Chuncheng Motors? I want to go too."


Tao Wen returned to the office, under the guidance of Zhao Wenning, quickly browsed through various articles and comments on various forums.

At this time, when she saw the article she contributed again, it turned out to be like this, and she felt extremely depressed.

Although the template for the three generations of Autobots is not her own, her family's situation is actually in line with it.

From her point of view, this is normal and there is nothing that cannot be said.

After all, some things are made of the times.

Can't simply say who has a problem.

When she was able to join Spring City Motor Group, she also went through the normal recruitment process.

Thinking of this, Tao Wen felt aggrieved.

But at this time, it is obviously not the time to think about whether you are in a good mood or not.

"Let Autohome take down this article first."

"Then on various forums, see if someone can be arranged to guide netizens and explain this matter."

"Try to guide people in a positive direction."

As the head of the brand public relations department, Tao Wen still has a few tricks.

Although it is a bit unexpected to encounter this kind of thing, there is basically nothing special to worry about how to deal with it.

If the article is not withdrawn, wait for things to continue to ferment?
Can public relations people not know that there are trolls on the Internet?
"I'll arrange it right away!"

"However, this matter is spreading very fast now, and our actions may not necessarily have any effect."

"Maybe in the next few days, this matter will be as hot as ever."

Zhao Wenning felt that it was necessary to give his minister a vaccination.

Otherwise, if the matter is not handled satisfactorily, it will become your own fault.

"Take one step at a time!"

"Do it first and then talk."

It was rare for Tao Wen to show his straightforwardness.

After finishing speaking, she added: "Contact with the people in Auto Home, tell them our requirements, and see if they have any good plans."

"As long as this matter is handled properly for us, next year our advertising investment can be properly tilted towards them."

Tao Wen also has self-knowledge.

Knowing this kind of thing, Autohome must be more professional than them.


"Mr. Cao, Autohome seems to have overturned again!"

Such a piece of out-of-circle news related to the auto industry came out on the Internet, and it naturally spread quickly.

There is no need for Cao Yang to browse the Internet by himself, Mi Ying will tell him these important news.

Don't look at her as a secretary who doesn't seem to have any particularly difficult jobs.

In fact, Mi Ying wakes up on time at six o'clock every day, spends an hour washing and making up, and then comes to the company to have a simple breakfast.

Started working in the office.

The first is to clean Cao Yang's desk and chairs, and then browse the latest news online.

By the way, browse through today's newspapers and newly arrived magazines, and post some articles that Cao Yang is recommended to read with tags.

The next step is to reconfirm Cao Yang's itinerary for the day to see what needs to be contacted and arranged in advance.

I kept busy until about 08:30, when Cao Yang came to work.

She followed Cao Yang's rhythm to work again.


"Did they make some big mistake?"

On the Internet, there are some out-of-circle news every now and then, Cao Yang doesn't find it strange at all.

It would be abnormal if there were no news.

"They pushed an article in the most prominent position called "Three Generations of Autobots Pass the Torch, Relay Watch", which tells about the three generations of Spring City Automobile Group's ancestors and grandchildren passing the torch and making contributions."

"Originally, this should be a good thing. It is about the deeds of generations of people working hard for the development of Chuncheng Motors."

"But after this article was published, netizens' comments quickly became distorted."

"Now the popular posts on several forums are related to this."

"Some netizens even imitated this article and wrote some articles about similar situations in the fields of tobacco and electricity, which attracted a lot of enthusiasm on the Internet."

"An article that started out as a good thing ended up ruining the reputation of this field."

"It is estimated that Autohome is now thinking about how to put out the fire."

When Mi Ying said this, Cao Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

This kind of article is obviously not written by the editor of Autohome.

It was the materials provided by the people at Chuncheng Motors, or even directly the manuscripts provided by the other party.

In the end, it was Spring City Motor Group that was most affected.

Autohome is only being scolded temporarily.

Even because of being scolded, the traffic can still increase a wave.

Nothing to worry about.

"Chuncheng Automobile Group is more anxious about this matter than Autohome, just let them handle it by themselves."

"We don't need to pay special attention."

"After a while, after there are other news, no one will pay attention to this news."

Cao Yang is well aware of the reason why this kind of article is overturned.

Right now, the wages of ordinary people in China are not high.

For example, in some second- and third-tier cities, the salary of waiters is still at a few hundred yuan a month.

What's more, here in Yangcheng, there are many factory workers whose basic salary is only a few hundred yuan.

Relatively speaking, the automobile industry is considered to be an industry with relatively good remuneration in this era.

Isn't Spring City Motor Group's publication of such an article at such a time stimulating everyone?
No wonder so many people complain about it online.


"Tao Wen, what's going on!"

"Several groups of people called me just now, talking about the article "Three Generations of Autobots Pass the Torch, Relay Watching"."

"When will this matter go away?"

Zhu Zhengfeng looked very displeased and called Tao Wen to him.

Early yesterday morning, he still praised the other party.

But now it has turned into this scene, and it is definitely not the situation he wants to see.

But things were messed up by Tao Wen's people.

He must have no choice but to chase after Tao Wen.

"Mr. Zhu, I have already contacted the automobile channels of several major portal websites, and they have all taken down the relevant comment articles."

"Some hot posts on the forums have already asked Autohome and advertising companies to help coordinate and deal with them."

"However, there are many posts made by ordinary people, and it is troublesome to delete these posts."

"The most important thing is that some articles have already spread through the QQ group, and they can't be deleted at all."

Tao Wen explained there with a haggard face.

Last night, she almost stayed up all night.

All parties have been coordinating forces to quell this matter.

But in the end, things still didn't work out.

"I don't care what the process is!"

"What I want is the result!"

"Everyone pays so much attention to this article because there is nothing more worthy of their attention or discussion these days."

"Won't you think of a way to let people from the advertising company look for it and see if there are any other better breaking news materials in the auto industry?"

Zhu Zhengfeng quickly provided Tao Wen with an idea.

With the influence of Spring City Automobile Group in the automobile industry, as long as they have a clear idea of ​​how to advance, they can definitely implement it.

"Mr. Zhu, I'll go to someone to discuss it right away."


"No, this afternoon, tonight at the latest, I will definitely find a way to find a more interesting news for everyone to discuss."

Tao Wen took a deep breath and issued a military order for himself.

If this matter is not done well, her position as the head of the brand's public relations department will probably come to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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