Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 291 An Unexpected Collision Makes Great Wall Won Numb

Chapter 291 An Unexpected Collision Makes Great Wall Numb
"Mr. Cao, the crash test of Great Wall Motors is expected to start normally today."

"At that time, we will have a good show to watch."

Nanshan Group, Zeng Tingting's face is full of anticipation.

When Cao Yang and Wang Ying suggested that H6 and CRV collide, she was also there.

Whenever she thinks of this scene, she can't help clapping her hands.

This is definitely a good way to get revenge on Honda.

And it is also a good way to help H6 increase popularity and increase sales.

The H6's engine, gearbox, ESP and other parts are all supplied by Nanshan Group. If the H6 sales are good, Nanshan will naturally benefit from it.

What makes people applaud even more is that if the H6 can beat the CRV, the main contributor is the hot stamping parts provided by Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory.

Nanshan is now the only manufacturer in China that has the production capacity of hot stamping production lines and hot stamping dies.

Even the hot-stamped steel plate was jointly developed by Nanshan and Baosteel.

In this way, if H6 wins, Nanshan Group will benefit in all aspects.

I don't know if it's killing two birds with one stone or killing two birds with one stone.

"This method also occupies a first opportunity, so the effect of using it is better."

"In the future, it is estimated that few car companies will conduct tests like this."

"After all, this test is not a normal crash test."

Cao Yang's current mood is also a little excited.

If it wasn't for not wanting to make such a high profile, Honda didn't want to know that this matter was brought up by itself.

He even wanted to go to the scene to see the crash test scene in person.

"In the long run, there will definitely be fewer or no more tests like this."

"However, I think it will still be favored by many self-owned brand car companies in the short term, especially the manufacturers who plan to use hot stamping parts in the future. They definitely don't want to miss the opportunity to step on the joint venture giants."

"For example, BYD's F6 is an imitation of Honda's Accord. If the F6 is replaced with hot-stamped parts, Mr. Wang must also want to collide with the Accord."

"Similarly, Chery's Tiggo and Geely's Emgrand will all have such motives in the future."

"I even think that after Xingchen 1 goes on the market, you can also consider buying BMW 730 and Mercedes-Benz S600 and bumping them together. Maybe it will have unexpected effects."

When Zeng Tingting said this, Cao Yang couldn't help but nodded.

Xingchen 1 seems to be able to imitate H6 and find Mercedes-Benz and BMW as a stepping stone.

Anyway, after using a large number of hot stamping parts, after the collision of Xingchen 1, the integrity of the body will definitely not be bad.

"Your suggestion is good. Let BMW and Mercedes-Benz help us when the time comes, so that consumers can experience the safety performance of Xingchen cars."


The crash test field of China Automotive Industry Corporation.

Wang Ying took the microphone and prepared to give an explanation to the media participating in the event.

"First of all, I would like to thank everyone for taking time out of their busy schedules to participate in today's event. Our invitation was sent out a bit late, which caused trouble for everyone."

Wang Ying was full of joy and chatted with the reporters.

"I believe that many people will pay attention to the safety performance of a car when they buy a car."

"For a car, in addition to not losing the chain during the daily commute to and from get off work, I also hope that it can have a relatively economical cost of use."

"Of course, the security aspect is definitely very important."

"After all, in China, cars are often used by families. The person sitting in the car is the pillar of the family, and the people sitting next to and in the back are all my relatives and friends."

"So the safety performance of a car becomes very critical."

"In addition to caring about the use of various materials such as high-strength steel for the car body advertised by the OEM, everyone repeatedly talked about how strong their car body is and how good the structure is."

"In addition to various active and passive safety equipment such as ESP and airbags, it must also have a lot to do with the actual safety performance of the car."

"After all, those things just now are all unilateral rhetoric promoted by car companies."

Wang Ying's ability to control the field is very strong.

Although there were not many people in the test field, she was able to divert everyone's attention very well.

"How can we verify whether OEMs, including Great Wall Motors, have exaggerated their propaganda and implemented these high-strength materials in place?"

"I think this should be an issue that many consumers are very concerned about."

"To this question, our Great Wall Motors answer is..."

Having said that, Wang Ying paused for a moment.

After confirming that everyone's eyes were on her, she continued: "It's a donkey or a horse, just pull it out and you'll know."

"Pull the car to the test site and hit it with a real sword, and the answer will be displayed more intuitively."

"So today we invite everyone to watch the car crash test between Great Wall Motor H6 and Honda CRV."

Although everyone got the news in advance, the models placed on the test field also proved many things.

But personally speaking from Wang Ying, everyone is still looking forward to the next test.

Anyway, no matter what the result is, the media like them are winners.

"Of course, in order to avoid all kinds of controversy, the crash test must be a very rigorous test experiment."

"So it's not as simple as everyone imagined, just touch the two cars and it's over."

Although the people who came today are basically people from the auto channels of various portal websites, they can be regarded as half professionals in the auto circle.

But that doesn't mean they know a lot about crash testing.

So Wang Ying also briefly introduced the relevant situation.

"Crash testing is a destructive experiment, and the car itself is a high-value commodity."

"So every test and every item tested is necessary, meaningful and informative."

"As you can see now, the technicians of China Automobile Center have completed the precise adjustment of the test vehicle's curb weight, front and rear axle quality, and various oil fluids in the vehicle, including engine oil, transmission oil, coolant, etc. .”

"Even including the air pressure of the tires, the weight of the wheel hub, etc., they are all done very rigorously."

Great Wall Motors is not too worried about losing.

So this test, naturally, should be as formal as possible.

At that time, the persuasion will be stronger.

"In addition to the preparations I just mentioned, the test vehicle also needs to remove various decorative panels inside and outside the vehicle in order to install various crash sensors, recorders, cameras and other equipment."

"Then after the equipment is installed, these interior and exterior coverings, seats, etc. need to be put back in place."

"After these inspections and preparations are done, the dummy can be installed in the vehicle."

"Through the measurement of the seats in the car, after confirming that the steering wheel and seat belt anchor points meet the test specifications, the dummy in the car can be installed and fixed."

"And after all the sensors and dummies are installed, measure the weight of the test vehicle, front and rear axle loads and other data again, and take pictures and record them. The test vehicle will be ready for testing."

Wang Ying introduced there in a leisurely manner, and even brought the reporters to the side of the test vehicle, so that everyone could see the preparation work of the engineers up close.

"In addition to the rigorous preparation of the vehicle, the venue and other equipment required for the crash test also need to be carefully prepared."

"Then everyone can finally see the wonderful side they are looking forward to."

"Now, please prepare your video cameras and cameras. Our official test will start soon."

After Wang Ying saw that Zhu Jianbo gave her a gesture, she immediately notified the media personnel to make a record.

Of course, she did this too much.

Because there is no need for her to remind, everyone is already actively recording.


"Editor Yu, Great Wall Motors seems to be really planning to play big."

"I thought it was just a simple bump and it was done."

"I didn't expect it to be so formal and full of ritual."

He Ling looked forward to the CRV and H6 in the test field.

She very much hoped that such a test could be repeated several times in the future.

Then she doesn't have to worry about choosing the topic of today's article every day.

"Their H6 model uses 12-point hot stamping parts, all of which are produced by Huaqiang Factory in Yangcheng."

"It is said that even the hot stamping production line is provided by Nanshan Group."

"Before I came here for a business trip, I also read the past reports related to hot stamping."

"I found out that Mr. Cao wrote his undergraduate thesis."

"Using hot stamping parts, in theory, the performance of the car body is higher than that without use."

"Unless CRV also has a bunch of ultra-high-strength cold stamping parts, it is a high probability event that it will be compared with H6."

Yu Yu made a judgment in his mind based on the information he had learned and the reaction of Great Wall Motors.

"It will be interesting if the Honda CRV gets smashed by the H6."

"It is estimated that other joint venture car companies will be nervous as long as they have similar SUVs?"

He Ling thinks of various news reports on the Internet that CRV is not as safe as H6, so she can predict the reaction of other manufacturers.

After all, in her opinion, the level of CRV should be similar to that of SUVs of mainstream joint ventures.

As a new car that was launched last year, CRV will only be stronger than the models of Toyota, Volkswagen and other car companies.

So if CRV loses, other models will be even more worrying.

"What you said is really possible."

"At that time, as long as Great Wall Motors let it out, it will be able to make competitors worry."

"At that time, all kinds of public relations articles will be flying all over the sky."

Yu Yu thinks that Great Wall Motors is really a good person.

If they don't do this, the subsequent car companies will not be so active in advertising and engaging in public relations.

While the two of them were talking in a low voice, the crash test that had been prepared all morning was finally about to start.

Although the previous preparations were complicated, it seemed very serious and meticulous.

But when it really collided, it was actually a split second.






The two cars collided with each other at a speed of 60km/h. Even if there was a distance of tens of meters between them, and the front was blocked by safety glass, Yu Yu and the others could feel the tragedy of the collision.

In just an instant, the fronts of the two cars collapsed at the same time.

Then the airbags all exploded.

Among them, the A-pillar of CRV is very obviously bent.

The entire cockpit was compressed in half.

Although the front of the H6 looks a bit tragic, the entire cockpit is still relatively intact.

The A-pillar is only slightly bent, but the space in the cockpit has been relatively completely preserved.

Even people who don't understand crash tests can see that H6 has an advantage in this crash.

Sure enough, Wang Ying picked up the microphone again and began to say: "My friends from the media, have you recorded this wonderful side?"

"We have made very detailed records of this collision, from model selection and purchase to the formal collision."

"The testing agency this time is also the most authoritative China Automobile Center in China, and the results completely stand up to any scrutiny."

"Everyone knows that the safety of the cockpit is the most important consideration in car body design."

"So the front part of the car needs to be designed to be soft and hard so that it can absorb energy during a collision and ensure the safety of the cockpit."

"From the results of the current collision, you can also see that the cockpit of Great Wall Motor's H6 remains intact and hardly suffered any damage."

"However, the A-pillar of the CRV model, which claims to be synchronized with the world, has collapsed, leaving less than half of the space in the entire cockpit."

"Considering that there are steering wheels and other raised items inside, there is basically no way to ensure the safety of drivers and passengers in this space."

"The international auto giants always advertise that their own models are the safest, and they belittle the models of China's own brands."

"However, we used the most intuitive crash test to simply and crudely answer all the questions in everyone's mind."

"Great Wall H6, its safety is the best."

"Among the models of the same level, there is no other car that can compete with it."

Regardless of whether this is the case or not, Wang Ying must take this opportunity to promote H6 well.

Anyway, what she said didn't sound like a big problem.

It's just that some concepts have been slightly changed.

For example, whether a car is safe or not, we should not only look at the degree of collapse, but also analyze the state of the dummy after the collision, and also need to comprehensively compare the status of active and passive safety devices and other aspects.

"Wait a while, the engineer in charge of the test will provide more quantitative test results to everyone, so that everyone can have a more intuitive understanding of today's crash test."

"Friends in the media, I appeal to..."

Although Wang Ying is not very tall, she is very imposing.

The atmosphere of the whole scene was completely controlled by her.

"Editor Fang, this Great Wall Motor is very close to Autohome. The H6 was very safe before, and a lot of topics related to hot stamping were used to hype it in Autohome."

"This time, it is estimated that Autohome will go all out to promote this matter."

"However, in this way, Honda will definitely be offended."

"On our channel, Honda Motor is the biggest advertiser, should we talk to them in advance?"

Lin Jiayan clung to Fang Dawen's ear, whispering.

"Today's crash test, I have already disclosed it to the head of the sales department of Yangcheng Honda in advance, and he should also tell the Dongying people of Westwind Honda."

"Next, what attitude we have to take towards this matter depends on whether Honda knows what's interesting."

In Fang Dawen's mind, they would consider cooperating with whoever paid more advertising fees.

As for whether it is an Dongying car company or an independent brand, it doesn't matter at all.

All he cares about is his performance.

"I'll reveal one or two pictures in advance later. If they don't want to lose so badly, they have to take the initiative to communicate with us."

"This time the advertising fee is low, but it won't work."

Lin Jiayan is Fang Dawen's confidant, so she naturally understands Fang Dawen's thoughts very well.

Several other media also have their own ideas.

No matter which side the person's butt is finally sitting on, today's crash test is not in vain.

Their respective websites, advertising fees and traffic will definitely increase.

It's just a win.

Of course, this is just their idea.

For Great Wall Motors, they are even happier now.

Although this result was expected, everyone was somewhat worried before the collision.

In case the result really loses to CRV at that time, not to mention being slapped in the face, but also to spend money on marketing.

It's all right now, all the initiative is in my own hands.


"Mr. Cao, Yu Yu from Autohome just called me. In today's crash test, the Great Wall Motor H6 perfectly outperformed the Honda CRV."

After Mi Ying answered a phone call, she came to Cao Yang in a happy mood, bent down beside Cao Yang and whispered a good thing.

Cao Yang, who was signing the approval documents, smelled the tea language perfume on Mi Ying's body, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face when he heard such good news.

"Now, Honda is busy."

"Great Wall Motors is about to win."

The idea of ​​this crash test was proposed by myself, although I did not participate in the actual operation.

But the final result was as he expected, and Cao Yang still had a sense of accomplishment.

Whether it's Toyota or Honda, if they want to engage in the Nanshan Group, then don't blame yourself for being rude.

With such a crash test, in the future, the models of various OEMs will definitely use more high-strength steel plates faster than in history when choosing body steel plate materials.

Invisibly, I have done a good thing for Huaxia consumers.

"Mr. Cao, Great Wall Motors will not deliberately leak the news, saying that you helped plan this matter, right?"

Mi Ying was by Cao Yang's side, seeing all kinds of conspiracies and business wars every day, and thinking a lot.

"It shouldn't be."

"There are not many people who know about this matter, Mr. Wang is not the kind of short-sighted person."

Cao Yang froze for a moment.

What Mi Ying said is theoretically possible.

After all, if the matter becomes too big and Great Wall Motors cannot withstand the pressure, it will sell Nanshan Group.

"That's true. In the next period of time, the car circle will probably be lively."

"Great Wall Motors will probably put everyone in danger if they do this."

"After all, it's just a simple comparison of collisions. The average car really doesn't have the confidence to compare with the H6."

Mi Ying looked like she watched the excitement and didn't dislike the big things, her eyes were full of anticipation.

And while they were gossiping about this matter, several portal websites and Autohome rushed to release the news.

Even if it is the NetEase car channel with its butt crooked, it doesn't want to miss this wave of traffic.

After all, no matter who it is, they know that this content will definitely be very popular.

"Are you sure that the logos of the two models in this picture have not been reversed? Why is the result so surprising?"

"I love it, I love it. I just placed an order for an H6 last week, and it really deserves my deposit."

"Dongying's car is really thin steel, poor materials, so it won't be bumped."

"Who will dare to say that the quality of self-owned brand cars is not good?"

"Great Wall Motors is going to make trouble, and other car companies are probably going to tremble."

"It seems to know how the people of Xifeng Honda are feeling now? Do you have the feeling of being shot while lying down, and disaster will come from heaven?"

"It is said that Great Wall Motor's H6 is a copy of Honda's CRV. Can this plagiarism also create a feeling that the blue is better than the blue?"

"Shadow! There must be a shady here!"

"Who said that Great Wall Motors was boasting before? Now that there are pictures and the truth, who dares to say that they are boasting?"


Immediately after these articles were published online, there were various comments.

"Mr. Wang, I just confirmed with the general managers of several 4S stores. Just this afternoon, the number of consumers who called us to inquire about our H6 has increased several times compared to the previous day."

"I have a hunch that the sales of our H6 model will exceed 5000 units this month, and we don't even have to wait until the end of the year. We hope to sell 1 units a month next month."

Lian Furong came to Wang Ying very excitedly.

Originally, the crash test was conducted this morning, and there must be a banquet to entertain the media in the evening.

But for some reason, people from various websites were in a hurry to go back in the afternoon.

So they simply followed back to the company.

However, Lian Furong, who attached great importance to the consequences of this crash test, was always making direct calls to various 4S stores to learn about the latest situation on the front line.

To know whether a car company's new car is selling well, the people in the 4S store have the most say.

"So exaggerated?"

"This news probably hasn't fermented much yet, right?"

Wang Ying firmly believes that H6 will definitely be popular in the future, but he didn't expect the change to come so fast.

"You are right, but this is also related to the fact that our current H6 sales base is not very high."

"Although the news hasn't been fermented yet, all websites have edited our tweets and threw them out first, for fear of being robbed by others."

"In this case, news of the H6 and CRV crash tests naturally spread quickly."

"After all, I've never seen a test like this before."

"This wave, we definitely won!"

Lian Furong couldn't control the smile on Lian Furong's face.

He really wanted to look up to the sky and laugh three times.

(End of this chapter)

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