Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 292 The Nervous Auto Giants Are Looking For Excuses

Chapter 292 The Nervous Auto Giants Are Looking For Excuses
Westwind Honda.

Although it only started rolling out its first model last year.

However, the first CRV is a hot model. If the price in the 4S store does not increase by [-] to [-], the car will not be available at all.

This makes the employees of West Wind Honda live a very comfortable life.

Especially those people in the sales department, they are served like uncles by the people in the 4S shop.

Send a few more cars to your store this month, and you can earn an extra 10,000+.

Conversely, you can’t get the car all the time, and consumers place an order and have to wait for several months before delivery. It is estimated that people turn around and go to other 4S stores to buy cars.

However, tonight, the leaders of the sales department of West Wind Honda are still working overtime in the company.

This is a very rare thing.

"Minister Arakawa, everyone has watched this video several times. I want to confirm that the CRV developed by Honda is really not as strong as the H6 of Great Wall Motors?"

Although everyone's ultimate goal is the same, Liu Wensheng, as the deputy director of the sales department, still feels that it is necessary to figure out the situation before making the next step.

They have already seen the articles about the crash test of Great Wall H6 and Honda CRV published on Autohome and various portal websites.

Even now, a few people are specially arranged to stare at various portals and forums to see if there are any hotter topics popping up.

"Liu Bu, I also called the project leader of the Tochigi Research Institute responsible for the design of the CRV body on this issue."

"If we simply compare the material strength of the parts announced by Great Wall Motors, our CRV is definitely not as good as others."

"After all, hot stamping parts are only used in a few high-end luxury models in Europe."

"Parts of this technology have unique advantages in terms of weight reduction and strength improvement of the body."

"However, because the technology is not very mature, it has not really become popular on a large scale."

Arakawa Ichiro's words made Liu Wensheng's heart drop to the bottom.

Although he believes that Honda can definitely find various reasons to explain that there is no problem with the safety performance of CRV.

But Great Wall Motors will be very passive as long as they grasp the high strength of hot stamping parts to promote.

After all, the performance of hot stamping parts is there, and no one dares to deny it.

"Great Wall Motors didn't say that it copied our CRV, but now they say that our safety performance is not good."

"Can Honda consider suing them?"

"At least in this way, the water can be muddied first?"

Liu Wensheng felt very aggrieved.

After more than a year of good days, now suddenly gone.

He must be a little bit unacceptable.

"This work is already being prepared, and the Great Wall Motor will be formally sued soon."

"But how to deal with the situation on the Internet is the main task now."

"Otherwise, I estimate that CRV sales will drop significantly this month."

As soon as Arakawa Ichiro said this, everyone fell silent.

After a while, someone suggested: "Can we first question the rationality of this test?"

"Then promote a concept to everyone, that is, the parts of the car are not as strong as possible."

"Some people can even be arranged to question the H6 models that participated in the test, which may be specially made by Great Wall Motors."

"Or the CRV that participated in the test was tampered with."

"Anyway, we can't let this fact be hammered."

"This proposal is not impossible, but many consumers probably will not accept it."

"Or let people contact various platforms and increase advertising investment, the premise is to let them stop promoting this matter."

"After a few days, the heat of the matter will go down, so naturally it won't matter."


Someone started, and some other people who participated in the meeting also expressed their opinions one after another.

However, Arakawa Ichiro and Liu Wensheng were not very satisfied with everyone's proposal.

"If we rely on ourselves to argue with Great Wall Motors alone, it is estimated that it is very difficult to win."

"For us, as long as you don't win, you lose."

"So can we respond in a different direction?"

Liu Wensheng was dissatisfied with the plan proposed by the people below, so he directly stood up and expressed his thoughts.

As soon as he said that, everyone immediately turned their attention to him.

"We should be able to understand the main usage of body materials of various OEMs such as Spring City Toyota, Spring City Volkswagen, Shanghai Volkswagen and Shanghai General Motors."

"Except for Great Wall Motors, which has already started using hot stamping, the mass-produced models of other car companies should not be used yet."

"Then we just need to prove that the body material of CRV is not worse than these peers, or even better than their peers."

"In this way, the pressure on us will drop a lot."

"To put it bluntly, we want to change this matter from a dispute between Westwind Honda and Great Wall Motors to a dispute between Great Wall Motors and the entire auto industry."

"At that time, all OEMs should put pressure on the media and handle this matter in a low-key manner."

"What we want to achieve can basically be achieved."

I have to say that Liu Wensheng's idea is very special.

Although it seems a bit shameless, the effect is definitely good.

If things go on like this, even if Westwind Honda cannot prove that its CRV has better safety performance than the F6 in the end, its reputation will not drop significantly.

Combined with the promotion of popular science knowledge such as explaining the comprehensive judgment of automobile safety, this level is probably passed.

"If everyone has no other ideas, just follow Liu Bu's idea?"

"I'll work hard tonight, write out all kinds of soft articles, and ask the various websites to help distribute them early tomorrow morning."

Arakawa Ichiro thinks Liu Wensheng's idea is good.

So I immediately stood up and expressed my support.

Although it's already ten o'clock in the evening, I usually don't see everyone working overtime. If I think about it today, no one dares to have an opinion.


"Ma Sang, go find out if Geely Emgrand uses hot stamping parts?"

These days, the Internet is full of news about the collision between the Great Wall Motor H6 and the Honda CRV.

As long as it is a person in the car circle, no one does not pay attention to this topic.

Under the show operation of Xifeng Honda, this topic has gradually spread from between Honda and Great Wall Motors to the contest between mainstream joint venture car companies and Great Wall Motors.

The first model of Yangcheng Toyota is CAMRY, and it stands to reason that it has nothing to do with CRV.

But the Geely Emgrand, which has just been launched, is completely designed according to CAMRY.

Although the company was established last year, the domestically produced CAMRY will not be available until next year.

However, as the deputy head of the sales department of Yangcheng Toyota, Mu Linsen is still very worried that Geely Automobile will learn from Great Wall Motors and pull Emgrand out to collide with CAMRY.

Especially when CAMRY goes on the market next year, if Geely conducts such a crash test, it is estimated that things will be completely messed up.

Although this approach is equivalent to tearing apart the faces of the two companies, under normal circumstances, it will not be for that reason.

After all, the domestic auto market is still increasing, and everyone's life is still good.

However, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

If something like that happened, Mu Linsen felt his heart would tremble.

"Judging from the publicity of Geely Emgrand, there is no mention of hot stamping."

"If they do use the technology, there's no reason why it shouldn't be advertised."

"Especially Great Wall Motors has brought the topic of hot stamping to the fire, and Geely has no reason to hide it."

After Ma Hongjian's analysis, Mu Linsen's worries did not decrease much.

"Our CAMRY will be launched next year. In this year, if Geely upgrades the Emgrand's body materials, wouldn't we be passive?"

The more he said this, the more likely Mu Linsen felt that this was possible.

No, I have to have a good communication with Toyota's resident staff to see how to deal with this situation.


"Mr. Yin, according to the feedback from the 4S store, many customers have recently asked whether our Tiggo has used hot stamping technology."

"Some customers even heard that Tiggo did not use hot stamping technology, and immediately lost interest in continuing the chat."

"I feel like this is not the way to go."

"Can you ask the research institute to think about it, and urgently change some parts materials on the drawings to hot stamping materials?"

As the head of the sales department of Chery Automobile, Wang Ze was originally in a good mood this year.

Because in the first quarter of this year, Chery's sales increased by 1% year-on-year.

April is about to pass, and the sales volume is also very good.

However, the crash test of Great Wall Motor's H6 and Honda CRV pushed many SUV models to the forefront.

In particular, both Tiggo and H6 have borrowed the appearance of CRV, so everyone likes to put them together for comparison.

"It's too late to change now."

"And in theory, hot stamping technology is not necessarily required."

"I only need to use a thicker 590 steel plate, and I can also achieve the strength effect of hot stamping parts."

"After all, the strength of a part is not simply based on the material, but also related to the shape and thickness of the plate."

"Even some opinions on the Internet that refute Great Wall Motors are justified. The design of the car body is not simply a matter of stacking high-strength steel plates on top, it is an overall structural design."

"I heard that the production efficiency of the hot stamping parts is very low, and the cost must not be cheap."

"Although in the long run, more and more models should use this technology, but there should be a process."

"We can find a model and try to install some hot stamping parts first, but if all of them are used in large quantities, we still need to think carefully."

"After all, Toyota and Honda have not yet used hot stamping technology, and there are still some reasons."

"Besides, the CRV sold by Honda Motor in the United States does not use hot stamping parts."

"They may cut corners in the Chinese market, but there is no reason to cut corners in the American market, right?"

Yin Chuan's reaction was relatively calm.

He is a person born in high technology, and he has a relatively good understanding of many parts technologies.

So it won't be completely messed up because of some news on the Internet.

Of course, Tiggo is Chery's blockbuster model this year, and now consumers have doubts, and they must find an excuse to explain it.

Otherwise, how much it will affect sales.

"That's true."

"I think if I refute it from this perspective, many consumers should agree."

"At that time, other car companies should also learn to promote this insight."

Wang Ze also knew that it was impossible for his company to change the design immediately, so he could only go to public relations at this time.

Fortunately, the public relations this time is not so jerky.

This gave him a little more confidence.


"Bu Defan, it seems that the designers at the headquarters are still very foresight."

"The new models we will launch next year will all be equipped with hot stamping parts."

"As far as I know, this speed is definitely considered fast in a joint venture."

Dr. Hassan has been in China for many years, and now he can speak Chinese fluently.

Of course, he also read those contents on the Internet.


“At first I thought hot stamped parts were too expensive.”

"Bentler reported that the investment of a production line is more than [-] million yuan."

"For the same B-pillar, the cost of ordinary cold stamping may be more than 100 yuan, but it will cost 300 yuan to turn it into hot stamping."

"At that time, I was still hesitant to persuade the designers at the headquarters to give up using hot stamping technology in Huaxia."

"Fortunately, this proposal was not adopted in the end."

Bu Defan was also a little lucky.

Although the current mass-produced models of Modu Volkswagen do not have hot stamping parts, they will have them starting next year.

Even for the new generation of Passat, the number of hot stamped parts used in the whole car is a few more than that of Great Wall's H6.

At that time, you can perfectly enjoy this wave of dividends created by Great Wall Motors.

As for whether the sales of current models will be affected by not using hot stamping, he is not worried at all.

In the entire Chinese auto market, only the H6 has hot stamping parts, and none of the others.

Are consumers going to buy H6?

How can it be!

Whether it is the Passat, POLO, or Santana of Modu Volkswagen, they are not in the same market position as the H6.

There is no competition at all.

"I'm going to go to Yangcheng Huaqiang Stamping Factory next week to see if their hot stamping technology is really no problem."

"If the verification is passed, then you can consider using a large number of hot stamping parts produced by Huaqiang Factory in the future, and the cost should be much lower than that of Benteler."

Dr. Hassan has been in China for so many years, and he has witnessed the growth of many Chinese parts companies.

So relatively, he will not particularly discriminate against local parts companies in China.

In particular, Huaqiang Factory's hot stamping technology still comes from Nanshan Group.

This made Hassan more confident.

"I'll go with you then."

"If you want to use their products, I want them to come to Modu to build a factory."

"Otherwise such a long distance, transportation is a problem."

"The most important thing is that as far as I know, their current production capacity may not be able to meet our future needs."

Bu Defan didn't pay much attention to hot stamping technology at first, so the situation is naturally different now.

(End of this chapter)

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