Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 301 An unusual inspection, friends and businessmen did not respond 1

Chapter 301 An unusual inspection, friends and businessmen reacted differently
Although there is no way to compare the information transmission in this year with that in 2023.

However, mobile phones have basically become popular among adults, and managers of various companies also work on computers at work.

During this period of time, Nanshan Group refused all customer visits, which naturally caused various speculations.

BYD, which has a very close relationship with Nanshan Group, felt the difference first.

"Mr. Wang, I originally planned to visit Nanshan Group's machine tool workshop in two days to confirm the progress of some equipment for the OEM production line they produced for us."

"But they said that they did not accept visits from customers for the last week, and they did not give a specific time when they would start normal visits."

"There seems to be something wrong with this situation."

In BYD's cafeteria, Zhong Qiang and Wang Fu had lunch and chatted together.

Although the sales volume of the S6 model did not meet expectations due to various reasons.

But they have already started preparing for the launch of the annual facelift model, which will also use hot stamping technology at that time.

And this time they are not using 12-point parts, but 14-point parts.

In any case, it must be a little more than the H6 model.

"It really doesn't feel like a normal thing to refuse to deal with clients."

"For so many years in the past, it seems that nothing has happened, right?"

Wang Fu soon had some guesses in his mind, but he didn't say them directly.

At his level, it is natural that he can quickly judge the real reason behind some things through the superficial phenomena.

"We have cooperated with Nanshan Group for several years, and we have never encountered such a situation."

"The key is that the workshop we visited was not a secret workshop, but they refused any visits."

"Mr. Wang, Nanshan Group probably has some heavyweights to investigate this time."

"It seems that their development momentum has been recognized by the above."

Zhong Qiang naturally thought of the problems that Wang Fu could think of.

After all, this is the only reason that can explain it.

"Objectively speaking, the development of Nanshan Group in the past few years is indeed very competitive, and various new technologies are emerging one after another."

"The most important thing is that their new technology has really caught up with or even surpassed the level of their international counterparts."

"Not something to fool people."

"On this point, there is still a gap between our BYD and them."

Wang Fu is very confident in himself.

But not to the point of arrogance.

If you don't engage in automobiles, you don't know. After doing it, you will be able to realize the power of Nanshan Group.

So far, the engines and gearboxes provided by Nanshan to BYD, as well as these parts provided by Nanshan to other OEMs, have not heard of any major quality defects.

This is very rare.

After all, for a car, the most prone to problems is the powertrain.

Even in various recalls or complaints, more than [-]% of the problems are related to the powertrain.

Now Nanshan Group can almost see that there are no complaints in this regard, which is very rare.

BYD has only really produced cars in the past two years, but car companies such as Chery and Geely have many years of experience.

Comparing the models using Nanshan powertrain and other solutions, the difference in data is even more obvious.

"Nanshan is indeed very powerful. I heard that they have developed a 3.0T twin-turbocharged engine and an 8AT automatic transmission."

"Star Motors will use such a powertrain. If there is no problem, it will be very remarkable."

"In the entire automotive industry, although I heard that Aisin and ZF are both developing 8AT automatic transmissions, they have not been equipped on mass-produced models so far."

As the head of the procurement department, Zhong Qiang has a deeper understanding of the auto parts industry.

Sometimes, he even felt that the difficulty of producing some parts would not be easier than producing a complete vehicle.

Like the engine and gearbox.

"Nanshan can develop so many parts in such a short period of time, we also need to increase research on parts."

"Even if we can't achieve the level of Nanshan Group, at least we must have the research and development and production capabilities of most of the key components."

"Otherwise, when everyone adopts the powertrain and components of Nanshan Group, it will be difficult to differentiate."

Although BYD and Nanshan Group are now in the honeymoon period of cooperation, Wang Fu is also very aware of urgency.

In particular, the sales of the S6 model fell short of expectations, which made him realize the importance of differentiation.

Of course, that's not to say the S6 was a failure.

Just because the F6 model was so successful in the past, everyone has higher expectations for the S6.

Now this expectation has not been fulfilled, so I am a little disappointed.

"Mr. Wang, can we consider developing two manufacturers at the same time for some models with relatively good sales in the future."

"In this way, everyone has more direct competition and should open up more technical design details to us."

"Our R&D personnel can also learn more in the process, and the final purchase can also reduce costs."

Zhong Qiang boldly proposed a new plan.

In the early days of a company like Nanshan Group, the purchasing department must have liked it very much.

Because it can help you solve most of the parts supply problems.

However, with the development of the company, Zhong Qiang will definitely feel that a powerful supplier like Nanshan Group is actually not that obedient.

It's not like the kind of private enterprises with an annual turnover of only tens of millions.

"After the number of units rises to a certain number, we can consider such an approach."

"But except for a few parts that use multiple parts in one car, such as rims and hub bearings, other parts should not be suitable for such a solution."

Wang Fu was naturally aware of the benefits of Zhong Qiang's plan, but the timing was not yet ripe.

Seeing that his initial goal had been achieved, Zhong Qiang naturally stopped entangled in this topic.

Instead, it started to talk about the performance of new cars launched by other OEMs in the auto industry during this period.

However, they didn't talk about the Nanshan Group any more. In other OEMs, many people were discussing the Nanshan Group.

"Mr. Zeng, I heard a news that some leaders are going to inspect Nanshan Group."

"The time should be in the recent period."

Yangcheng Automobile Group, Zhang Jiaqi took the initiative to share a piece of news with Zeng Guangda.

As the person in charge of the Yangcheng Automobile Group, he is obviously well informed.

"Go to Nanshan Group for inspection?"

"Basically, people from Lingnan Province, Yangcheng City, or brother provinces and cities come to visit every week. Is this normal?"

Zeng Guangda was a little surprised how Zhang Jiaqi told himself this matter today.

When did he care so much about Nanshan Group?
"If it's an ordinary inspection, it's nothing."

"However, the situation is different this time. Now, people from Nanshan Group go to confirm safety issues every day."

"You should understand what that means."

When Zhang Jiaqi said this, Zeng Guangda finally came to his senses.

It seems that Nanshan Group is really different.

"Mr. Zhang, is it possible to invite the leaders to Yangcheng Honda or Yangcheng Toyota for inspection?"

"If we develop our own brand, there is no problem with this proposal. But let's forget it now."

Zhang Jiaqi won't be in trouble at this time.

"The establishment of the Yangcheng Automobile Research Institute is already in progress. There are also several teachers at Lingnan University of Technology who expressed their willingness to join formally or handle some related business part-time."

Zeng Guangda is now in charge of Yangcheng Automobile Group's independent brand affairs, so he is naturally very clear about the relevant progress.

"Is there any progress on the purchase of another company's platform?"

"We want to build a car, at least the engine must be made by ourselves, and we cannot buy it from outside."

Zhang Jiaqi's opinion is very clear.

In his opinion, the production of engines may not be so difficult.

After all, Nanshan Group has never produced engines before, isn't it producing well now?
"We are already in contact, and there is a company in Europe whose platform is more suitable, and we are currently in contact."

"However, our current manpower is a bit short, and we need to continue to increase our recruitment efforts."

"Otherwise, it is necessary to design the whole vehicle and develop the engine, which may not be able to cope."

Naturally, Zeng Guangda wanted to take this opportunity to raise some resource requirements with Zhang Jiaqi.

"Judging from the income in the first half of this year, it should be relatively good."

"If you need any personnel, arrange for them to recruit as soon as possible."

Zhang Jiaqi felt refreshed in a rare way.

Invisibly, Yangcheng Automobile's independent brand project has been accelerated a lot.


(Because everyone understands the reason, this inspection is naturally taken over, and the veterans understand)
2005 6 Month 16 Day.

In the anticipation of the whole group, Cao Yang, as the general manager, introduced the development of each branch of the group to a group of visitors.

Everyone also went to Xingchen Motors to see the prototype of Ziweixing.

This model, which has been popular on the Internet for a while, is also the first time that a reporter from Huaxia TV has photographed it.

As a reporter from Huaxia TV station in Yangcheng, Fang Sisi naturally participated today.

And she is also personally responsible for part of the shooting task.

That night, part of the content of these shootings appeared in the report of Huaxia TV.

At the same time, Xingchen Motors naturally took this opportunity to announce part of the appearance of Ziwei Star.

So that night, after the news was broadcast, Autohome received a soft article from Star Motors.

"Editor-in-Chief, the appearance of this Ziwei Star is really amazing, and it feels more beautiful than any other car currently on the market."

He Ling looked at the pictures on the computer, and couldn't help holding the computer over to show Yu Yu, who was still working overtime, a look.

"I could feel the extraordinaryness of this coupe by looking at the spy photos before, but now seeing the photos without camouflage, this kind of visual enjoyment is even more extraordinary."

"It seems that Mr. Cao has never disappointed everyone."

After Yu Yu joined Autohome, he naturally had a good understanding of the history of Nanshan Group and Cao Yang's past achievements.

The best-selling pickup trucks of Ford Motor and General Motors are the appearances designed by Cao Yang, so she has heard of this matter.

Naturally, it would not be worse to design the appearance of the car company under his own right now.

However, the appearance of the car is not so easy to design.

Especially to make everyone satisfied, it is even more difficult.

Now it is not easy to be able to surprise several models in a row.

"Yeah, with this style, if the price is not too exaggerated, I think many people should like it."

"Especially the current powertrain solution, 3.0T twin-turbocharged engine + 8AT automatic transmission is also very competitive."

He Ling felt that Ziwei Xing fit her own aesthetics very well.

But she also knew in her heart that this car probably wasn't something she could afford.

"Hurry up and change this article, and send it out first."

"I feel that this article should be very popular with consumers."

Huaxia TV has already sent out the video, so Autohome will naturally have to speed up its action.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to be preempted by other websites.


"It's so beautiful!"

As soon as Lian Furong went to work, he found that several people were looking at the website of Autohome on their computers.

An enthusiastic colleague next to him took the initiative to tell him that Xingchen Automobile Ziwei Xing appeared on Huaxia TV, and then his appearance was announced on the Internet.

As a result, he just glanced at it and couldn't move his eyes away.

Then he directly hugged the computer and took the initiative to find Wang Ying.

Naturally, he would not miss such a good opportunity to interact with the boss.

"Mr. Wang, do you think it is possible for us to ask Mr. Cao to help design a model?"

"In this way, not only will the appearance be very stunning, but it will also avoid wrangling with other car companies."

During this period of time, the first round of the lawsuit between Great Wall Motors and Honda Motor over the plagiarism of the appearance of the CRV by the H6 model has already been fought.

Although there wasn't much trouble in the auto industry, there was some influence within Great Wall Motors.

"If Mr. Cao's design drawings were so easy to obtain, other companies would have done it long ago."

"In the past, for the development of Nanshan Group, he could help Ford Motor and General Motors design pickup truck models."

"But we never designed cars or SUVs for them."

"No domestic car company has the opportunity to obtain this opportunity."

"If Nanshan Group hadn't established Xingchen Motors, maybe we still have hope if we work hard."

"Don't think about it now, there is no need to try it."

Wang Ying is also sober in the world.

Knowing what works and what doesn't make any sense.

"That's true, the chance is indeed equivalent to zero."

"But this Ziwei star is really beautiful, fashionable and elegant."

"I feel that it is time to tell if their plan to sell [-] units is really possible."

Lian Furong, as the head of the sales department, has a relatively accurate judgment on the appearance of the models.

Obviously, in his opinion, Ziwei Xing has no opponent.

"Mr. Cao is able to lead the Nanshan Group to develop to the current scale, which is indeed extraordinary."

"Even if you don't create a company, just relying on this design skill alone, you can make a lot of name."

"It's even possible to become the most famous car designer in China."

Wang Ying is a man of knowledge.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Ziweixing's appearance.

Even if the designers of General Motors, Ford Motor, or even Mercedes-Benz and BMW are allowed to design, it is impossible to do better.

"This inspection is obviously very unusual."

"I feel that no matter how Star Auto develops in the future, it should have a place in the domestic auto market."

"Fortunately, their positioning is completely different from ours. Otherwise, the competition in the auto market will be more intense in the future."

When Wang Ying said this, she couldn't help but secretly rejoice in her heart.

Facing competitors such as Chery and Geely, she is still very confident.

But facing the Xingchen car, she really has no confidence.

In terms of appearance, Great Wall Motors can't compare.

It is even more incomparable than the engine and gearbox.

Compared with other configurations on the car, Great Wall Motors does not have any advantages.

Facing an opponent like this, how can you compare?
"Mr. Cao probably also realized that if he enters the self-owned brand market, no one else will be their opponent."

"At that time, it is estimated that everyone will no longer use the parts and components of Nanshan Group. Counting it, it may not be possible to earn more money."

"It's better than it is now. Xingchen Motors will take the high-end route, and it will not compete with us."

"In a short time, everyone will not mind continuing to use parts from Nanshan Group."

"Even in the long run, if some parts Nanshan Group is very competitive, everyone will continue to use them."

"In the end, Nanshan Group's complete vehicle business, auto parts business, and even equipment business can flourish, becoming the only one in the domestic auto industry."

Lian Furong's analysis is obviously very accurate.

And from what he said, it can actually be felt that the personnel of domestic independent brands, when looking at Nanshan Group, have already regarded it as a stronger existence than themselves.

This is actually what Cao Yang wants to see.

"Well, what you said makes sense."

"We'll see what else the Xingchen Car does later."

"You ask someone to collect and sort out the various actions of Xingchen Automobile since its establishment, and study it carefully."

"Maybe we can find something worth learning from."

The stone of the mountain can attack jade.

Wang Ying obviously felt that many things of Star Motors were worth learning for the employees of Great Wall Motors.

When the time comes to use the set of things you have learned to deal with other colleagues, it may have unexpected effects.

Lian Furong was also aware of this, so he immediately arranged for people to implement Wang Ying's instructions.


"Mr. Zhu, this is the latest appearance picture of the new car released by Xingchen Motors. There are 45-degree side views, front and side pictures."

"The internet is full of praise for the looks of this model at the moment."

"Combined with the positioning of Xingchen Motors, this car called Ziweixing may have a huge impact on our Hongqi high-end models and Spring City Volkswagen's Audi A6."

"Especially in the inspection yesterday, Xingchen was put on Huaxia TV that night."

"In the future, it may bring us a lot of competitive pressure in terms of official vehicles."

Tao Wen came to Zhu Zhengfeng's office early in the morning.

As the director of the brand public relations department of Spring City Motor Group, she not only has to pay attention to the news of the various models of Spring City Motor Group in the media, but also pays attention to the overall trends in the auto industry.

Especially the actions of those competitors, she has to track and grasp them in time.

The Xingchen car that suddenly appeared on Huaxia TV last night, and the related articles and pictures that were quickly spread on various car channels that night attracted her attention even more.

"Who designed the appearance of the Xingchen car?"



"Or Broadcom?"

In the entire automobile industry chain from automobile design, manufacturing, sales, after-sales service to automobile scrapping, automobile design, as the "leading" link of this industry chain, determines to a large extent whether a model can win hot sales in the fiercely competitive market.

As the CEO of Spring City Automobile Group, Zhu Zhengfeng naturally has a certain understanding of the automobile design industry.

In particular, Zhu Zhengfeng is also aware of Giugiaro, Pininfarina and Broadcom, which are known as the world's three major car design companies.

"According to our understanding, this Ziwei Star model was probably designed by Cao Yang, the general manager of Xingchen Motors."

Tao Wen carefully answered Zhu Zhengfeng's question.

She knew that this answer was definitely not what Zhu Zhengfeng wanted to hear.

In China, whether in the past, the present, or the future, there is no car company whose models are designed by the company's general manager himself.

In other words, there has never been any designer in Huaxia Wine who created a car company by himself.

This point is very different from that of various established auto companies.

Whether it is Mercedes-Benz or Porsche, or Ford and Honda, which one of the founders does not understand design?
But when it comes to Huaxia, this set of logic doesn't apply anymore.

"Cao Yang designed it himself?"

"He didn't just ask someone to design this appearance for fame, and then advertised that he designed it himself?"

When Zhu Zhengfeng said this, Tao Wen felt a little embarrassed.

Of course she knew the answer.

But she dared not continue to tell the truth.

So after struggling for a few seconds, she had no choice but to reply embarrassingly: "There is such a possibility."

"After all, young people are less stable and care more about fame."

"Although this car looks pretty good, but the obvious coupe style is not suitable for the style of an official car."

"You don't have to worry about whether it will have any impact on our Hongqi or Audi A6."

"Besides, the official car market is not something you can enter just by looking good."

"Except for the local area of ​​Yangcheng, or the scope of Lingnan Province, the official car market in other provinces does not have their share of Star Motors."

"Even as long as we are willing, even in Lingnan Province, the official car market does not have a share of Xingchen Automobile."

As the general manager of China's first automobile company, Zhu Zhengfeng spoke with confidence.

After all, although Chuncheng Motors is just a car company, their influence in China is definitely not limited to just one car company.

Over the years since the company was established, how many people have gone out from Chuncheng Motors and provided talents for other ministries, commissions, provinces and cities?

"Well, that's what I said."

"I'm just worried that Xingchen Motors will come up with something."

"After all, there are traces of the development rhythm and context of other domestic automobile companies."

"But when it comes to Xingchen Motors, it is full of uncertainties."

"It's hard for us to analyze what their next moves will be, what will become of them in the future."

Tao Wen explained next to him.

However, Zhu Zhengfeng was obviously not interested in hearing such an explanation.

He waved his hand directly, indicating that he had other things to deal with.


"Mace, this is the latest information about Xingchen Automobile that Changan Ford has just sorted out."

"I think you'll be interested."

Ford, Chris got a call from Thomas early in the morning.

Then he happily went straight to the office of Design Director Mace.

"Could it be the car designed by Cao, and there is new news?"

Mace took the computer handed over by Chris, and expressed his guess before reading the content.

After all, the two of them just discussed the spy photos of Xingchen Motors' new car some time ago.

That appearance is definitely very lethal.

It's just that there are spy photos in disguise, so there's no way to see the whole picture, which makes Metz's heart itch.

"You guessed it right, the appearance of the new car that Cao brought us this time is as amazing as ever."

When Chris said this, Mays had already opened the folder, clicked on the URL link provided in the document, and saw the article of Autohome.


Seeing the 45-degree side view of Ziwei Xing, Chris couldn't help but tremble.

As Ford Motor's design director, he has seen countless car styling.

But none of them was as big as the impact brought by Ziweixing.

It is really rare to see a model that makes you fall in love with it at the first sight.

Not to mention that this car still comes from Huaxia.

This makes it a bit more mysterious.


"From the front of the car to the body, and then to the rear of the car, there is no one place where people can find fault with the design."

"Even luxury models such as Porsche, Ferrari and Lamborghini, which are famous for designing the appearance of new cars, have no products comparable to this car."

"Even if you don't say that this is a product of Xingchen Motors, I would wonder if Ferrari has started making coupes."

"Or Porsche launched a new model."

"Chris, this model was born in China, it's such a waste."

"If Ford is given to us and used on Jaguar brand models, it will definitely become Jaguar's flagship model and allow Jaguar Land Rover to come out of the current crisis."

In 2005, Jaguar Land Rover was still a brand owned by Ford Motor.

But not only did it not make any contribution to Ford Motor, but it fell into a state of loss.

The point is that this situation seems to be getting worse.

"Metz, this car is very beautiful and amazing."

"However, it's not as exaggerated as you said, is it?"

After listening to Metz's words, Chris wondered if this guy was exaggerating.

Isn't it a new model?

Even if the design is more beautiful, that's all.

How do you feel like you have discovered a new continent?

"Chris, you're in the business of purchasing, maybe you just think this car looks good."

"And then there's nothing in particular to think about."

"But I'm different. I'm a designer. I'm the director of design for Ford Motor."

"I know better than anyone how difficult it is to design such a new car."

"I'm pretty sure you'll have no problem selling 1 units over its lifetime just by virtue of the looks of this model."

"This Cao from the East can always surprise us."

"It's a pity that he is no longer willing to design new cars for other car companies."

Having said that, Metz showed a very regretful expression on his face.

So far, Ford Motor has not completely come out of the impasse.

Even the situation is more difficult than the previous two years.

If the F150 hadn't been relatively popular and contributed a lot of profits to Ford Motor, it is estimated that Ford Motor's loss this year will further create history.

"If it's true like you say, then wouldn't the Xingchen Automobile created by Cao really be a success?"

"By then, Huaxia will really have a luxury brand of its own?"

Chris looked suspicious.

How difficult it is to establish a luxury brand and do it well.

He is very vocal.

Apparently, he doesn't think there's room for new luxury brands anymore.

"I don't dare to judge whether it will succeed or not, but it will definitely not fail."

"No matter how bad it is in China, Xingchen Motors must have a place."

"You have to know that in addition to being able to design a beautiful new car appearance, the technology of the engine and gearbox is also very powerful."

"According to what we have learned before, this model of Star Motors will be equipped with a 3.0T twin-turbocharged engine and an 8AT automatic transmission."

"Let's not talk about the engine. There should not be any domestic model in China that has a higher power than it."

"The key is the 8AT automatic transmission. Up to now, no mass-produced new car has been equipped with it."

"At that time, this model called Ziwei Xing will be the first model in the world equipped with 8AT."

"That alone is very difficult."

When Metz said this, Toms was further aware of the extraordinaryness of Xingchen Automobile.

He is very clear about the level of Nanshan gearbox.

Ford Motor's own transmission factory now directly uses the technology of Nanshan 6AT.

In this case, Nanshan Transmission said that it has developed 8AT, which is entirely possible.

"According to what you said, I think it is possible to suggest that the company should increase its cooperation with Nanshan Group in the Chinese market?"

"Maybe there will be a surprise at that time?"

Chris is the kind of guy who can't afford to be early.

As long as cooperation with Nanshan Group is beneficial to him or the company, he will be more motivated.

"I think I can find an opportunity to propose to the CEO."

"No harm anyway."

After listening to Chris's words, Metz thought for a while, and felt that this idea was feasible.

Due to policy constraints, all auto giants need to find local companies to cooperate with when they enter the Chinese market.

That being the case, is it possible to have some cooperation with Xingchen Automobile or Nanshan Group in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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