Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 302 The Friends of Xingchen Automobile Suddenly Increased

Chapter 302 The Friends of Xingchen Automobile Suddenly Increased

Cao Yang has become busier these days.

Although the leader's inspection is over, in the next few days, whether it is Lingnan Province or Yangcheng City, many departments will come to further inspect.

Even various banks such as ICBC have come to the door one after another, providing a series of preferential loan conditions.

The interest rate of some loans, in this era, is similar to sending money to you.

This kind of treatment, although there were some similar ones before, but the strength is absolutely incomparable with this time.

Even everyone became a little more polite when talking to people from the Nanshan Group.

It seems that it has become smoother for the people of Nanshan Group to go out to do business.

This change has not only been felt by the staff in various departments.

Even Mi Ying, who browses and collects various news on the Internet every day, can clearly feel it.

"Mr. Cao, this is an article related to our company that has received a relatively high number of views on various platforms in the past few days."

"I don't need to say more about Autohome. It must be positively reporting all kinds of news about Xingchen Automobile."

"But what is surprising is that the car channels of other portal websites such as Netease Auto and Sina Auto have almost no negative reports on Star Auto this time."

"According to the work style of these car channels, if we don't place advertisements or other business cooperation on their platforms, even if they will report our company's news, they will often say a few sour words."

"Even make some bad guidance out of nothing."

"But these actions, this time I can't see them all."

"It seems that in one day, the friends of Xingchen Auto suddenly increased."

With a smile on her face, Mi Ying reported to Cao Yang about the news in recent days.

She was obviously very happy with the result.

"This is something full of Chinese characteristics."

"But you don't need to pay special attention to it. Although there is no negative news about Xingchen Motors in the reports these days."

"But after ten days and a half months, people will still do what they want to do."

"Unless we are willing to advertise on other people's web pages."

Cao Yang lost himself without a moment of glory.

Netease Auto Channel and other websites will actively report the positive news of Star Auto. Apart from the fact that Ziwei Star’s appearance is really amazing and eye-catching enough, it is the potential impact of that inspection and the report of Huaxia TV.

This influence is certainly useful in the short term.

But after a long time, it will naturally be what it should be.

People's platforms also have to pinch money.

"Then shall we advertise on those platforms?"

"I think whether it's Mercedes-Benz or BMW, there are actually a lot of advertisements."

"Not only can you see it on the Internet, but you can also see some of their advertisements during the important time period of Huaxia TV."

In 2005, the enthusiasm of various automobile companies to advertise was very high.

Even every year after 2005, the enthusiasm of car companies to advertise is very high.

The number and amount of advertising in the entire automotive industry are increasing year by year.

In China's auto market, sales are also increasing year by year.

This change has further stimulated various car companies to place advertisements.

It seems that the continuous increase in sales has nothing to do with advertising.

"That kind of advertising that is too hard is completely burning money, and the effect may not be very good."

"Our Star Auto should try to avoid this kind of inefficient advertising."

"As a luxury car, we need to find various opportunities so that everyone can recognize it as a luxury car."

"So the Olympics and some movies and TV placements are actually better opportunities."

"In the next step, the promotional focus and resources of Xingchen Motors will be tilted in this regard."

"Of course, online public opinion guidance and some soft articles are definitely indispensable."

"It's just that there is no need to spend a lot of money directly on traditional media and the Internet."

Cao Yang still has a relatively clear understanding of the publicity strategy of Xingchen Motors.

So no matter who makes any suggestions, he will not change easily.

After chatting with the little secretary for a while, it was time to go to work.

Cao Yang started the working mode of meeting every day.

"Mr. Cao, in the past few days, many customers have expressed their desire to come and visit our production line."

"Especially about the 8AT automatic transmission, many customers are very interested."

"Can we consider starting to recommend 8AT to these customers?"

The first meeting is the weekly ministerial meeting of Nanshan Group.

Zeng Tingting, head of the sales department, stepped forward to report some news in the sales field.

"The 8AT is now the gearbox used on Ziwei Star. In the next three to five years, it will only be used for luxury brands or high-end models of car companies such as GM and Ford."

"Other car companies, even if they want to use it, we don't plan to sell it."

"Otherwise, it will have a certain impact on our Ziwei Star's sense of luxury."

Not to mention the expensive price of 8AT, it is not affordable for ordinary car companies.

Even if Chery, Geely and other companies are willing to spend a lot of money to use some models, Cao Yang does not intend to sell them.

This is also considered for the brand power of Star Motors.

Otherwise, when the publicity came, it was said that Ziweixing used 8AT, but when they turned around, Chery and Geely also advertised that a certain model of their own was equipped with the 8AT of Nanshan gearbox, which was still the same as Ziweixing.

Where does Ziwei Star's sense of luxury come from?

Therefore, in the past few years, Cao Yang does not plan to sell 8AT indiscriminately.

"No problem, then we will first contact Mercedes-Benz, BMW and other companies to see if they are interested in using our 8AT."

Zeng Tingting is naturally not stupid.

It is easy to understand Cao Yang's thoughts.

"Mr. Cao, many places have invited us to inspect this day, and we are welcome to invest and build factories."

"They can offer a lot of favorable conditions."

"Some places even said that if Xingchen Motors is willing to build a factory, it will directly provide free land."

As soon as Luo Hongxing said this, several senior executives couldn't help but nodded.

It was obviously not only Luo Hongxing who received this kind of contact.

After all, every senior leader of Nanshan Group comes from different places.

When attracting investment in these places, the first thing to do is to start from the fellow villagers.

This is also a routine operation.

"For the time being, the group has no consideration for building factories in other places."

"But everyone, don't answer so bluntly. Maybe we will have this demand in the future."

Cao Yang can also understand the current thinking of various places.

Who doesn't like a star enterprise like Nanshan Group?

(End of this chapter)

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