Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 308 The price seems a bit high?

Chapter 308 The price seems a bit high?
If the reactions of Great Wall, Geely, and BYD are relatively normal, the reactions of car companies such as Mercedes-Benz and BMW are a bit different.

At first, they didn't take a closer look at Xingchen Motors, thinking that a local company in China actually wanted to make a luxury model that competed with the BMW 730.

Isn't this something to laugh out loud?
If luxury cars are so easy to get, wouldn't the streets be full of luxury cars?
Which one of them has accumulated decades, or even hundreds of years, to achieve today's situation.

"Han, you sort out the situation of Xingchen Auto, and report to me tomorrow."

Felix, the general manager of BMW Huaxia, had a grim look on his face.

The sponsors of the Olympic Games are not only interested in Volkswagen, they are also working hard on BMW.

Nai He did not succeed in the end.

Because of this, he was criticized by the German headquarters.

Originally, when he reported, he said that the qualification to sponsor the Olympic Games was won by Volkswagen, so although the headquarters was very angry, it was acceptable.

After all, the current scale of Volkswagen is really not to be underestimated.

There are various car brands under its umbrella, which can be said to be the most powerful stage.

But now Felix discovered that apart from Volkswagen, there was also a sponsor of the official reception car for the Olympic Games, Star Motors.

In this case, the situation is different.

It's fine if BMW can't compete with Volkswagen. After all, Volkswagen's joint venture partners in China are Spring City Automobile Group and Modu Automobile Group, which have a very unique influence.

This point, BMW headquarters has long had a premonition.

So even though it was uncomfortable, it was relatively quick to accept.

But it will be difficult for them to accept that Xingchen Motors has suppressed BMW Motors.

In particular, Ziweixing of Xingchen Motors also advertised that it has an absolute advantage over the BMW 730.

This is even more unbearable.

What makes Phillips even more anxious is that the appearance pictures of Ziwei Star that have been circulating on the Internet these days are so amazing.

Even if he was very unhappy with Xingchen Automobile, he had to admit that Ziwei Xing's exterior design was very good.

Even the BMW 730 dare not say that it is more elegant and beautiful.

So for the first time, Phillips began to face up to such a Chinese company.

"The marketing department has collected various information about Xingchen Automobile, and I have related information in my computer."

"Now I can give you a brief report."

Han Yang secretly rejoiced in his heart.

Fortunately, I made preparations in advance, otherwise I would have been caught again if I was attacked so suddenly.

Don't think that foreigners will not easily be PUA subordinates when they are working, that is not absolute.

Like Phillips, when he is in a bad mood, he is not polite when it is time to scold.

Even sometimes when you don't swear, what you say is even more uncomfortable.

Soon, Han Yang turned on the computer and briefly explained the situation of Xingchen Automobile to Phillips.

Due to the promotion strategy, a lot of information about Xingchen Automobile can be found on the Internet.

For example, some situations of Ziwei Star, and some simple situations of Xingchen No. [-] and Xingchen No. [-].

This is very difficult.

After all, there is no information about new models before the launch, so it is normally difficult to find out.

"They're doing a second and third model so soon?"

After listening to Han Yang's report, Phillips found it unreal.

How can any enterprise develop like this?
A new car has not yet been launched, but the second and third models are coming up.

Why don't you take a look at the market reaction?
"Yes, a reporter contacted Xingchen Motors about this news, and the other party did not deny it."

"And from the current point of view, the two new models of Xingchen Automobile are a sports car and an SUV respectively."

"In the past two years, the popularity of SUV models has risen a bit. I can understand that they want to make SUVs."

"But things like sports cars are not something that Huaxia companies can afford."

"As far as the 3.0T twin-turbocharged engine used on their Ziwei Star, how can it be worthy of the power demand of a sports car?"

Although Nanshan Engine is developing the W12 engine, this news has not been publicized.

Just like Nanshan Transmission has already started the research and development of 10AT, this matter will not be brought up.

It is impossible for a group to speak out about everything.

Isn't that waiting for competitors to stop you?
"I'm a little worried after listening to your report just now."

"But now that you've said it like this, I'm not so worried."

"Xingchen Motors is simply messing around, it doesn't look like it's serious about building cars."

Phillips breathed a sigh of relief.

This opponent seems to be a little drifting.

"The one that should feel the most headache now, I think, should be Volkswagen. Their Audi A6 is likely to be impacted by Xingchen."

"In particular, the main market for the Audi A6 is China's official car market, and Ziwei Xing has now become the designated car for the official reception of the Olympic Games."

"It is very likely that people will also work hard in the direction of official vehicles in the next step."

Han Yang felt that it was necessary to reduce the pressure on his boss so that he would not be scolded every now and then.

"Didn't your report just now say that Ziwei Xing is actually not very suitable for official use?"

"Its shape is beautiful, but it is too sporty and not stable enough."

Phillips has a good memory.

The information just passed quickly, but he memorized a lot of things.

"In the market for official cars, it's not just about the appearance of the car. There are many factors involved."

"Besides, what if people think that Ziweixing is more athletic and suitable for expressing Huaxia's vitality?"

After Han Yang said this, Phillips didn't bother with this issue any more.

As long as it's not your own headache.


Li Jianfeng can be regarded as an old man in Shanghai.

After graduating from university in 95, he entered the public procurement department of Shanghai.

Now ten years have passed, and he can be regarded as the size of a small manager.

However, early this morning, Bu Defan called him to him and said something that surprised him.

"Li, although I know that you have a good relationship with Nanshan Group, and their parts are also excellent in QCD."

"But this is the decision of Volkswagen Huaxia, and even the decision of Volkswagen headquarters. I can't help it."

"At most, it is a model that is currently in mass production. We will not bother and continue to use parts from Nanshan Group."

"But for new models in the future, except for a few parts, other manufacturers will not be able to lower their prices to the level of Nanshan Group. Otherwise, we will give priority to other manufacturers as our parts suppliers."

Bu Defan solemnly ordered Li Jianfeng to work.

Yesterday, Volkswagen's German representatives from various companies in China held a meeting together.

One of the important topics discussed was how to deal with Nanshan Group and Xingchen Automobile.

This time, the sponsorship of the Olympic Games, because of the emergence of Xingchen Motors, has brought the situation of Volkswagen into an embarrassing situation.

There are even some jokes about Volkswagen on the Internet that have reached the top management of Volkswagen.

In this case, Volkswagen certainly cannot do nothing.

They want to deal directly with the Xingchen car, and there are not many tricks they can use.

But the situation is different when dealing with Nanshan Group.

They still have a lot of tricks they can use.

"Bu Defan, the parts and components of Nanshan Group that we are using now are considered to be used only when QCD is the best."

"Even these parts are Nanshan Group's orders from other manufacturers with a cost advantage of more than 10%."

"If we want to give up the use of components from Nanshan Group, it is likely that the cost will rise to a certain extent."

Li Jianfeng is very familiar with manufacturers like Bosch and Mainland China.

As long as there are no competitors such as Nanshan Group, their price reduction cooperation will definitely drop several levels.

So he was very unwilling to abandon Nanshan Group.

The reason for this is not entirely because the Nanshan Group has very close contacts during the holidays, but because it really has benefits in work.

Whether it is public or private, Li Jianfeng feels that he needs to continue using the Nanshan Group.

"I also understand what you said, and the headquarters can also realize it."

"So this instruction didn't say what was said directly, but left some leeway."

"If we don't even give Nanshan the opportunity to quote directly, then the price reduction cooperation of other manufacturers must not be high."

"However, we will inquire about prices for everyone. At that time, we will let Bosch and other manufacturers review the prices of Nanshan to drop to the same level."

"As long as we threaten them not to lower the price to the same level, we will give the order to Nanshan."

"Then I think most of the parts, most of the suppliers, are still willing to work hard."

"The premise is that in this field, Nanshan's strength is really strong, and other manufacturers can realize that if Volkswagen turns to Nanshan for parts, it can do it."

Bu Defan has been in China for so many years, and he has a better understanding of many situations.

So when communicating with Li Jianfeng, he was very straightforward.

"If this is the case, then it may be better to advance on the new model."

"If the direct mass production is too intense, maybe the Nanshan Group will do something extreme directly."

"It will also be a problem when it affects our mass production supply."

"Even after people realize this change, they just find a reason to raise the price and earn back all the profits before the parts are switched to supply, which will make us very passive."

Li Jianfeng is not too worried about dealing with ordinary suppliers.

It can be said that they are free to knead.

But dealing with Nanshan Group is different.

This is definitely not the kind of manufacturer that can knead casually.

He is even different from any auto parts company in China.

"Isn't there an annual model change every year?"

"Slowly go through these replacement models, switching their parts part by part."

"Then when the brand-new models are designated, they will be excluded to the greatest extent."

Combining with Li Jianfeng's opinion, Bu Defan gave his own judgment.

He will definitely carry out the task given by Volkswagen.

But it is also necessary to make a little flexibility appropriately.


"Zeng Bu, did you have any serious conflict with Volkswagen?"

Zeng Tingting, who had just returned from a business trip, suddenly received a call from Xu Liang, the Purchasing Department of Chuncheng Volkswagen.

They have known each other for many years, and their relationship has always been relatively good.

"Xu Gong, why are you asking such a question suddenly?"

"Did something happen?"

Zeng Tingting's heart skipped a beat, and she had a bad premonition.

In the past few days, there has been a lot of buzz on the Internet about the fact that Xingchen Motors and Volkswagen have become Olympic sponsors.

On the whole, many people think that Volkswagen has suffered a loss this time, and was killed by Xingchen Motors halfway, picking peaches.

As the head of the sales department, Zeng Tingting was a little worried that this publicity would have an adverse impact on the parts business of Nanshan Group.

However, developing the vehicle business is the general direction of the Group in the future.

Certainly not because this matter will affect the spare parts business.

"I'll tell you, but after I finish I won't admit that I told you about this."

Since Xu Liang wanted to sell a favor to Zeng Tingting, he naturally wanted to explain something clearly.

"Xugong, don't worry, I have a bad memory. I often hear something today, but I won't remember it tomorrow."

After Xu Liang said that, Zeng Tingting naturally wanted to cooperate.

There is a tacit agreement between the two parties.

"This morning, the Germans in our department suddenly asked us to report on the supply of various models from Nanshan Group to us."

"Then specifically proposed to reduce the dependence on Nanshan Group in the future."

"As long as it is a part that other manufacturers can make, even if the cost of the first quotation is relatively high, you can give the other party a chance to review and reduce the price."

"That is to say, as long as people can reduce the price to your cost level, the order will be given to other suppliers."

"At first, I thought whether it was Bosch or the mainland suppliers who complained to China about a large number of switching of their parts through the Deutsche Headquarters."

"After some research, I realized that this matter is not about other manufacturers trying to mess with you, but that Volkswagen is trying to deal with you."

When Xu Liang said this, Zeng Tingting couldn't help frowning.

Sure enough, what should come is still coming.

"So, Volkswagen will reduce the share of parts supply of Nanshan Group in the future?"

"Xugong, I understand that right, right?"

Zeng Tingting confirmed it again.

"Yes, that's what it means."

"Did they say why?"

Although she had a guess in her heart, Zeng Tingting still wanted to confirm it again.

However, this time Xu Liang had no way to give a positive reply.

"They didn't say the specific reason, but it certainly won't be groundless."

"If you sort out the recent conflict with Volkswagen, you probably have the answer."

Xu Liang sighed.

In fact, he personally didn't want to see this situation.

When those German manufacturers replace Nanshan, it will definitely be more difficult to get along with.

But his arms couldn't twist his thighs, so he could only implement the above strategy.

(End of this chapter)

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