Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 315 Let People See the Star No. 3 with Expanded Blood Veins

Chapter 315 Let People See the Star No. 3 with Expanded Blood Veins

The executives of Nanshan Group now wish Cao Yang had 72 avatars.

Otherwise, many reports cannot be scheduled.

Or some projects want to invite Cao Yang to participate together, but it is difficult to arrange the time.

Cao Yang only stayed in Nanshan Auto Parts for one day, and was blocked by Rao Yongxiang in the office early the next morning, wanting to confirm the appearance of Xingchen-[-] as soon as possible.

Of course, Rao Yongxiang would definitely not say that directly, but put it another way.

"Mr. Cao, the clay model of our Xingchen No. [-] has been made. You can go over and check to see if there is anything that needs to be adjusted."

"If not, we'll move on to the next design phase."

The production of automobile clay model itself is not so complicated.

The complicated thing is how to adjust an appearance that meets the needs.

Under normal circumstances, the reason why a new car needs to make several clay models in the design stage is to constantly modify and modify it to adjust the required shape.

Even for comparison, sometimes two different schemes are produced for a clay model of the same size.

It takes two to three months, which is very normal.

Even sometimes the appearance of the clay model does not pass the evaluation. If it needs to be done again, it may take half a year.

But for Xingchen Automobile, this problem obviously does not exist.

The appearance diagram given by Cao Yang is already a very mature shape.

All the designer needs to do is to turn this two-dimensional appearance drawing into a three-dimensional clay model.

Then it is convenient for engineers to start to enter the specific part design.

"As long as the clay model of Star No. [-] fully reflects the elements in the rendering, basically there is nothing to modify."

"What remains is how to perform simulation in the process of part design to see how to find the most suitable specifications and shapes."

"Isn't there a formal technical evaluation meeting in two days?"

"At that time, the exterior design team will report the progress to the project team."

Cao Yang is actually not a workaholic.

Things that can be thrown to the people below will naturally be thrown out.

Otherwise the work would never be finished.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't even look at the clay model, but rather the part of the technical evaluation meeting the day after tomorrow. There is a clay model to confirm this project.

So don't want to waste time looking ahead.

Because he has confidence in the appearance of Xingchen No. [-].

"After the technical evaluation of Xingchen No. [-] is passed, we can start making the clay model of Xingchen No. [-]."

"But until now, the appearance of Xingchen [-] has not yet been released."

After going around in a circle, Rao Yongxiang stated his purpose.

Cao Yang is also a smart person, so he naturally knew what Rao Yongxiang meant.

"Who said it hasn't come out yet?"

As Cao Yang said, he opened a safe in the office and took out a stack of blueprints.Said: "In the past few days, I have been perfecting the exterior design of Xingchen No. [-], and it is basically completed."

"Let me show you first, there are renderings and official appearance pictures."

Hearing what Cao Yang said, not only Rao Yongxiang was looking forward to it, but even Mi Ying, who was working beside her, couldn't help but put down her work and came over.

This probe can no longer be retracted.

Whether a car looks good or not is a very subjective thing.

There are often some models that one person thinks are very beautiful, but others will find them very ugly.

Just like the models designed by the French, especially the hatchback models, those who like them like them very much, and those who don't like them hate them.

But the appearance of Xingchen No. [-] in front of him gave people a feeling that no matter who saw it, they would like it.

No wonder Mi Ying and Rao Yongxiang's eyes were about to pop out.

"Mr. Cao, I think there is no need to worry about not being able to sell the 999-unit limited edition of Xing Chen No. [-] based on just an exterior drawing."

"I've only felt the feeling of heartbeat at a glance, only in Ferrari sports cars."

Mi Ying put one hand on her chest and said excitedly.

Although these words were flattering, Rao Yongxiang next to him didn't think it was exaggerated at all.

"The coupe shape of Xingchen No. [-] is amazing enough, and Xingchen No. [-] is definitely a classic."

"I didn't expect there to be an even more amazing look now."

"As long as our Xingchen III is mass-produced, everyone will never dare to say that Huaxia does not have its own sports car."

"I even think that, not to mention a sports car, it may be able to create a miracle when it is equipped with a W12 engine."

To be honest, Rao Yongxiang did not have much confidence in the sports car project before.

The market in this segment is too special.

Those local tyrants wouldn't buy it if there wasn't something special.

"This bright red color, wild and sexy shape, the rate of turning heads on the street is definitely very high."

"On this point, many people will be interested."

"But I'm a little curious, Mr. Cao, why does this rearview mirror have a weird design?"

Mi Ying looked at the shape of the rearview mirror in the picture, which was obviously different from that of ordinary cars, and couldn't help asking.

Normally, the rearview mirror is just like that, nothing special.

But the rearview mirror in front of him looks like a long arm, as if a hand stretched out from the A-pillar.

However, this special design does not make people feel inconsistent.

"Mr. Cao, the rearview mirror with this structure has high requirements on the strength of the material, otherwise it will be damaged if it is bumped casually."

Under Mi Ying's reminder, Rao Yongxiang also discovered the special design of the rearview mirror.

"Your eyes are quite sharp, I've noticed that."

"The pair of one-piece carbon fiber rearview mirrors that extend directly outward are considered in combination with the aerodynamic performance of this car."

"Of course, some specific parameters need to be further simulated before they can be determined."

LaFerrari's peculiar rearview mirror is also a special existence in the history of automobile design.

If it is placed on an ordinary car, this is definitely a very annoying existence.

But with its cool shape, it is not a complaint, but an amazing one.

"Mr. Cao, the rearview mirror sticks out so long, will the rearview mirror hit the car when the door is opened?"

Mi Ying imagined the scene of opening the door, and couldn't help but worry about the safety of the rearview mirror.

"You worry too much!"

"The door of this car opens upwards, which is what riders call 'butterfly doors'."

"Isn't it a handsome mess?"

Cao Yang is very satisfied with the shape of this car, and he will definitely drive one after mass production.

"Not to mention, the butterfly door with this pair of rear view mirrors really looks like a butterfly flapping its wings with tentacles on its head."

"The luxurious taste of this sports car seems to be stronger."

Mi Ying imagined the scene of the butterfly stirring up, and looked forward to it even more.

However, Rao Yongxiang next to him thought of a problem and said, "Mr. Cao, if this uses carbon fiber rearview mirrors, there is probably no domestic manufacturer that can produce them."

Carbon fiber rearview mirrors, even in later generations, have not been popularized on ordinary models.

Not to mention in this day and age.

There are not many domestic companies that can produce rearview mirrors, let alone carbon fiber rearview mirrors.

Rao Yongxiang did not raise the issue of high cost. After all, the price of sports cars is high, and the cost of parts is also normal.

"It wasn't there before, but it can be in the future."

"The use of carbon fiber rearview mirrors has many advantages. As a high-end model, we can consider using carbon fiber for future rearview mirrors."

"In this way, it is necessary for Nanshan Auto Parts to enter this field."

Cao Yang is definitely unwilling to choose to import unless there is really no other way.

This carbon fiber rearview mirror has no brand effect, as long as it is made.

Unlike Brembo's brake discs, if you don't buy from them, even if you can produce the same performance yourself, some people will always feel that it is a bit meaningless.

"When carbon fiber composite materials are made into automotive rearview mirrors and other components, they mostly rely on molds, using manual layering, high temperature and high pressure molding."

"Although this method is time-consuming and labor-intensive, it has a very big advantage, that is, design freedom and strong plasticity."

"Car design itself is a science, and carbon fiber rearview mirrors can bring more ideas to the overall design."

"Mr. Cao, your idea is very suitable for Xingchen Motors' needs."

Rao Yongxiang patted his ass on the side.

He really didn't think about designing the rearview mirror into carbon fiber specifications before.

"Yes, there are many benefits of carbon fiber, and its performance in terms of lightweight is also very good."

"Although the overall size of the carbon fiber rearview mirror is small, it can reduce the weight by about 1/3, and at the same time bring 3-5 times the strength of the original material."

"In addition, carbon fiber composite materials have good corrosion resistance, salt spray resistance, creep resistance, and aging resistance. In daily use, they are better against weather erosion and have a longer overall service life than traditional materials. "

Since everyone is praising the goodness of carbon fiber, Cao Yang also talked about his thoughts with Rao Yongxiang.

"Actually, I think the biggest advantage of carbon fiber rearview mirrors is their high appearance, especially the black texture effect, which should be liked by many people."

"It completely matches the style of the sports car."

Mi Ying's entry point is different from Cao Yang and Rao Yongxiang.

But what she said made sense.

For those who buy a luxury car, there are some unique things on the car, and some other people can tell at a glance that this is the equipment only for luxury cars, and the sense of face will be stronger.

Obviously, the rearview mirrors made of expensive materials such as carbon fiber, but none of the models that can be equipped with them are prepared for ordinary consumers.

The cost of an ordinary rearview mirror is estimated to be less than 200 yuan, but when it comes to carbon fiber rearview mirrors, it is necessary to add a zero, which is not even enough.

One car has two rearview mirrors, which common brand model can afford such parts?

"Compared to the beautiful rearview mirror, I think the design style of this rim is very special and should be very eye-catching."

"But looking at it this way, it seems that only forged rims can meet the requirements, right?"

Rao Yongxiang stared at the exterior map of Xingchen-[-] and found that besides the overall appearance, there are many things worth looking forward to.

Car wheels are available in every car, but it is not so easy to design them with special features.

The design drawing in front of him has done this very well.

"Sports cars, of course, use forged wheels. Otherwise, if they are still cast aluminum wheels, how can they set off their high-end feel?"

Although the cost of forged wheels is much higher than that of cast ones, as a high-end model, this cost still has to be borne.

"Mr. Cao, the butterfly door just now is very beautiful, especially when combined with the frameless door, it has an amazing performance."

"However, in this way, the design of the door will be more difficult."

"I estimate that during the development of this car, there will be many problems that need to be solved."

Although Rao Yongxiang likes the shape in front of him very much, sometimes the more stunning and unique the shape, the more difficult it is to produce.

There are often some contradictions between the idea of ​​design and the implementation of craftsmanship.

"There must be a way for a car to go to the mountain. If there is a problem, it will be solved."

"Otherwise, why does the company keep recruiting people every month?"

After Cao Yang said this, Rao Yongxiang didn't dare to complain anymore.

Roll up your sleeves and work hard.


According to the publicity strategy of Xingchen Motors, constantly releasing some news or "secrets" to the outside world is an important means to maintain the popularity of the brand.

Xingchen No. [-] will be officially unveiled at the Yangcheng Auto Show soon. Before that, there is no need to release too much news, lest everyone lose their sense of expectation.

But the sports car Star No. [-] is obviously a very good thing that attracts people's eyes.

The official appearance drawings need to be kept secret, but some sketches and processed renderings can be released appropriately.

As a brother company, Autohome naturally obtained this content in the first place.

"Editor Yu, is this sports car really going to be produced by Star Motors?

"I never thought that domestic car companies would one day produce such cool sports cars."

Although it is only a rendering, in He Ling's concept, there is a high probability that this is the ideal rendering of a concept car, and the final real car must be far from his.

Even so, she felt that it was very difficult.

Sports car!
A real sports car!
There is no domestic enterprise that can produce it.

None of the sports cars on the market are cheap.

"Mr. Cao can surprise us every time, and this time is no exception."

"As far as this rendering is concerned, if someone hadn't told me that it was a new model of Xingchen Motors, I don't think anyone would have any doubts about promoting it as a Ferrari, Lamborghini or Porsche sports car."

"Aside from other things, in terms of renderings alone, Xingchen Automobile is already comparable to international auto giants."

Yu Yu knows the goods.

The more so, the more you can realize that this rendering is not simple.

If Xingchen Motors really produces this sports car in the future, it is definitely worth looking forward to.

"Indeed, at first glance, if you tell me that it is the latest Ferrari sports car, I believe it."

"It makes people feel like their blood is swollen."

As He Ling spoke, she stared intently at the pictures on the computer screen.

She had a hunch that the article she had prepared might become the most clicked article on Autohome today.

Even in the reports related to cars on the whole network, it will be one of the best.

As an editor, I naturally look forward to writing several articles like this.

"It's a pity that Xingchen Motors has revealed a little bit of information. Except for this rendering, the rest can only be guessed and edited by us."

He Ling has some understanding of Xingchen Automobile's publicity strategy.

This sports car is still at least two years away from mass production, and it is impossible to announce all the news at once.

Otherwise, what will be used to promote it in the future?
"The renderings of the car have come out, and I guess the clay model is already being made inside the Xingchen car."

"Editor Yu, do you think we can apply to Xingchen Motors to allow us to visit the clay model?"

As an editor of Autohome, I naturally have some understanding of the process of developing new models.

"The clay model of any new model will not be easily displayed to the public in the early stage."

"Let's not embarrass Xingchen Automobile."

"Think about how to make use of the limited news and write more colorful articles, which is the most important task now."

Yu Yu's mind will be very clear at that time.

Some things have a bottom line, don't try it easily.

Soon, along with Autohome's report, the news that Xingchen Motors was preparing to develop a sports car quickly spread in the circle.

"This shape is pretty enough, but unfortunately it is a sports car, obviously a loss-making business."

Inside Chery Automobile, Zhang Wuchao, the director of the research institute, chatted with Yin Chuan about the hot news in the auto industry in the past two days.

Star Motors is going to be a sports car, which is naturally one of the hottest news.

After all, the Ziwei star that was exposed some time ago is really amazing.

Many people are full of expectations for the second car of Xingchen Motors.

"It's really a pity, Mr. Cao shouldn't be producing sports cars so quickly."

"Now that a new model has not yet been launched, it starts to burn money to build a sports car."

"Now Nanshan Group is making good profits and can give Xingchen Auto a blood transfusion."

"If Nanshan Group's profits decline in the future, Xingchen Automobile will probably collapse."

Yin Chuan didn't approve of any kind of sports car.

In his view, sports cars are toys for the rich.

It is enough to import directly from abroad. Domestic production is of little significance, and few people are interested in it.

Anyway, he didn't intend to let Chery Automobile build a sports car.

"That's right, and sports cars have very high performance requirements, which is what Huaxia companies are least good at."

"At that time, maybe it will become a joke."

Zhang Wuchao's perception of Nanshan Group is more complicated.

As a reused supplier of Chery Automobile, Nanshan will definitely be indispensable in a short time.

But as the director of the research institute, he didn't want all core technologies to be in the hands of Nanshan Group.

In this way, when they are negotiating, they have no initiative.

You can't just buy more expensive parts from others just to not use Nanshan, right?
"Judging from the situation in the past few months, the popularity of SUVs is obviously on the rise."

"Whether it's Great Wall's H6, Honda's CRV, BYD's S6, or our Tiggo, the sales are all on the rise."

"If Xingchen Motors does not make sports cars, but makes SUVs, the chances of winning will definitely be greater."

"However, Mr. Cao's ideas are often quite unique, and I don't know if this time can bring surprises to everyone."

Yin Chuan's mood at this time was very relaxed.

When Nanshan Group established Xingchen Motors, he was a little worried.

Fortunately, we knew later that the other party was going to engage in luxury models, and we were not rivals on the track.

Then there is no need to worry so much.

But he was also worried that after Xingchen Motors had been engaged in luxury cars for a period of time, it realized that it should not engage in luxury cars and switched tracks again.

Then Chery's self-owned brands will be under great pressure.

Now seeing that the new model of Xingchen Motors is a sports car, he was relieved.

Obviously, Cao Yang is going to go all the way to the dark.

That's fine too,
We can continue to cooperate well.


"Old Gao, how about we also build a sports car?"

Li Su, the general manager of Geely Automobile, is a more thoughtful person.

Looking at the rendering of the sports car of Xingchen Motors on Autohome, his heart was also itchy.

Star Motors has less car manufacturing experience than Geely Automobile. They all have the guts to make sports cars. Geely Automobile has no reason not to dare to do so.

However, he has this idea, and the people below have no confidence.

"Mr. Li, the design and production of this sports car are much more difficult than ordinary cars and SUVs."

"The most important thing is that sports cars use a lot of new technologies in order to pursue performance, and the cost is very high, and the price is also high."

"That means not many customers are potential customers."

"The rich people in China, even if they want to buy a sports car, they think of Porsche, BMW and Mercedes-Benz. No one is willing to buy a sports car produced by an independent brand car company at a high price."

Gao Songlin obviously didn't want to engage in sports cars.

Not to mention the lack of experience, you will not be able to make money by then.

What are you doing so much?

"The truth is this truth."

"But the existence of sports cars is of great help to enhance the charm and influence of the brand."

"Especially if the sports car can have outstanding performance in some races or other aspects, it is not so difficult to sell hundreds of units."

Li Su's desire to build a sports car is obviously not so easily suppressed.

This made Gao Songlin feel a little anxious.

The development of Geely Automobile in the past two years has been relatively smooth.

But the competition and challenges we face are also fierce.

Thanks to the outstanding performance of Emgrand, they have achieved outstanding results in the field of medium-sized cars.

But the money earned is not a lot.

In this case, Gao Songlin naturally does not want any problems with the company's decision-making.

"Mr. Li, why don't we wait for Xingchen Motor's sports car to go on sale before considering whether our company wants to produce a sports car?"

Drag words are not only used by leaders.

The people working below are naturally very flexible in their use.

"It's okay to wait for a while."

"A sports car involves a lot of special parts. Let's see how Xingchen Motors plans to solve it."

"At that time, there will be a reference."

Although Li Su's determination to build a sports car is very firm, but in terms of time, there is some room for flexibility.

In this way, Gao Songlin could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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