Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 316 Automobile Wind Tunnel Laboratory, Not Less

Chapter 316 Automobile Wind Tunnel Laboratory, Not Less

Star Motors launched a new model.

Apart from the happy people inside the Nanshan Group, Liu Tianwu was the happiest.

Although I have heard Cao Yang mentioned before that there are still new models coming up later, and the new factory is already in preparation.

But after all, there was no specific news, and Liu Tianwu had no idea how this matter would turn out.

It's different now.

"Mr. Cao, your Xingchen car is really nothing but a blockbuster."

"During the promotion of the new project, if you need my help, just say it."

Although Liu Tianwu had said similar words many times, this time he seemed more sincere.

Everyone is so familiar, Cao Yang is not polite.

Just two days ago, when he was making the clay model of Xingchen [-], Yongxiang Yong mentioned the car wind tunnel to him.

He feels that a car, especially a sports car, if there is no car wind tunnel test and only relies on software simulation, the performance related to aerodynamics may not be optimal.

On ordinary cars and SUVs, this problem is not a big problem.

But when placed on a sports car, this problem is magnified.

The shape is similar, but the drag coefficient is much worse.

This will not only affect fuel consumption, but also affect the dynamic performance of the car.

Even more seriously, it will affect the safety of the car.

Although this Star III, Cao Yang directly copied Ferrari's flagship sports car launched in 2013, the drag coefficient is already in the best condition.

But Rao Yongxiang didn't know.

For the consideration of new models in the future, it is really necessary to build a car wind tunnel.

However, if Xingchen Motors does it by itself, it is not so cost-effective.

A car wind tunnel can easily cost hundreds of millions.

Although Cao Yang can also get it out, it is a bit of a loss to use his own money to build such a laboratory that is not so practical.

"Leader, I really have something that I need to trouble you to coordinate and advance."

With such a good opportunity, Cao Yang would definitely propose to Liu Tianwu to build a car wind tunnel.

It would be good for the district or Yangcheng City to come forward to build it.

It is also good to pull the university to build together with other car companies.

Anyway, Cao Yang didn't want his family to pay the money.

After all, if a car wind tunnel is exclusive to Xingchen Motors, then the utilization rate is very low.

Otherwise, all automobile-related enterprises and institutions in Lingnan Province will be brought together.

"Mr. Cao, why are you being polite to me?"

"If you have a problem, just say it."

Liu Tianwu gave his answer very readily.

"It's like this. The earth has complex and changeable climate phenomena. The ever-changing and even extreme climate has brought many unpredictable problems to the development of a new car."

"If there is a device that can simulate all kinds of climates on the earth, it will save a lot of time for road tests in the development of new cars."

"The automotive environment wind tunnel has such equipment."

"In the automotive environment wind tunnel, the thermodynamic test of the vehicle does not need to "look at God's face", 365 days a year can make full use of the simulated environment to debug the vehicle development, so as to better control the development cost and time. "

"So far, only Jida built a very simple car wind tunnel in 2003, and there is no other similar equipment in China."

"So I wonder if Lingnan Province can organize transportation departments, scientific research institutes, universities, enterprises and other institutions to take the lead in building China's first real car wind tunnel?"

It was the first time Liu Tianwu had heard of what Cao Yang said.

Isn't the wind tunnel only used in the design of airplanes and rockets?
Why should it be used in car design?

Just ask if you don’t understand, Liu Tianwu didn’t pretend to understand, and said directly: “Is this car wind tunnel very important?”

"There was no car wind tunnel for so many years, and it seems that various companies are developing normally."

Cao Yang didn't find it strange after hearing this.

It is normal for Liu Tianwu to have this question.

"The wind tunnel test can test the air resistance of the body cavity and see how the airflow passes through the body."

"Automotive wind tunnel tests are very important. The lower the air resistance, the higher the fuel economy of the car body design, and the lower the resistance when driving at high speeds."

"When designers design the exterior of a car, they don't know how much resistance the air will have on the body. At this time, wind tunnel tests are needed."

"A car, especially a sports car and racing car, needs to go through countless wind tunnel tests during the development process."

"Combined with these tests, some air aerodynamic packages can be improved, making the car more stable at high speeds and increasing the limit speed."

"It can be said that the automobile wind tunnel is a large-scale device for studying the aerodynamics of automobiles. Almost every car has to go through repeated tests and shape optimization in the wind tunnel during the design stage."

"And the wind tunnel itself, which provides testing for top supercars, often contains cutting-edge technology and is expensive to build. It can be said that 'the sound of the wind tunnel is worth ten thousand taels of gold'."

"In the past, China's car styling basically followed the path of borrowing from the mature models of international auto giants."

"In this case, it doesn't make much sense to do wind tunnel tests or not."

"But this shortcut is destined to be impossible to go on forever."

"Not to mention that Xingchen Automobile is now taking the road of independent design. In the future, whether it is BYD, Yangcheng Automobile, or other car companies, they will definitely embark on the road of independent research and development."

"At that time, the demand for automotive wind tunnels was even greater."

"In addition, industries such as rail transit and UAV design actually have a demand for wind tunnels."

"Lingnan Province does not have any wind tunnel test equipment, which is very unfavorable for the development of related industries."

"Through the construction of an automobile wind tunnel laboratory with 'leading technology and complete functions', a complete automobile aerodynamic and thermodynamic test evaluation and technology research and development standard system, and an operation service and exchange and cooperation model that keeps pace with the times and innovates and develops, This has strong demonstration significance for Yangcheng City and even Lingnan Province."

To persuade Liu Tianwu to help take the lead in building a car wind tunnel, it is natural to explain its importance clearly.

Sure enough, after listening to Cao Yang's words, Liu Tianwu's interest increased a lot.

"How much does such a car wind tunnel cost?"

"I estimate that it may take about four or five billion yuan."

"Ah? So expensive?"

Liu Tianwu originally thought that an investment of tens of millions would be enough.

After all, it's just a wind tunnel laboratory, and it sounds like it can blow air on a car.

I didn't expect it to cost hundreds of millions.

This is 2005.

To build a laboratory at a cost of hundreds of millions, no wonder Cao Yang asked him to come forward to set it up.

Even the Nanshan Group can't stand such a method of burning money.

"Leader, that's right."

"Automotive wind tunnels need to simulate test situations in a variety of environments."

"With a few examples, it may be easier to understand why the investment in automotive wind tunnels is so large."

"First, how does the wind tunnel create various weather conditions to meet the needs of vehicle testing?"

"The temperature simulation range of the wind tunnel generally needs to reach -40°C to 60°C."

"In order to achieve low temperature, a secondary refrigeration system is required in the wind tunnel, allowing the brine to exchange heat in the flow channel of the wind tunnel through the coil."

"The realization of high temperature is to obtain heat through boiler heating, and to precisely control the temperature while saving energy as much as possible."

If you want people to spend money, you must clearly explain the reasons for spending money.

Otherwise, Liu Tianwu would not dare to push this project forward easily.

Obviously, such a large investment project cannot be handled directly in the district, at least at the level of Yangcheng City.

Even promoted to the entire Lingnan Province.

"Second, in order to realize sunlight simulation in the wind tunnel, a full-spectrum sunlight simulation system needs to be considered at the top of the wind tunnel test section."

"In this system, each light source has an independent power supply and control system to achieve precise control of lighting."

"At the same time, it is necessary to consider the integration of mesh baffles and shading baffles on each independent light source, which is used to simulate the low-irradiation-intensity environment of the vehicle under dark cloud conditions and the no-irradiation environment when passing through the tunnel."

"Third, the wind tunnel of the car should preferably be able to 'rain'."

"In order to achieve rainfall simulation in a wind tunnel, it is necessary to consider installing a spray gun at the nozzle of the wind tunnel."

"According to different rainfall settings, the spray gun will spray raindrops of corresponding size, and the raindrops will blow to the test vehicle with the airflow of the nozzle to form rainfall. Real rainfall of different levels such as light rain, moderate rain, and heavy rain can be simulated."

"In addition, the environment such as snow also needs to be considered for simulation."

"Automotive wind tunnels must truly simulate various climate conditions such as temperature and humidity, sunlight, rain and snow, and cooperate with various road conditions simulated by the chassis dynamometer to conduct rainfall tests, snowfall tests, and high and low temperature impacts unique to environmental wind tunnels. Waiting for the climate test."

"The above is just a part of the design requirements of some wind tunnels. The accumulation of these requirements will require a huge investment."

Now that Liu Tianwu has been considered to promote the car wind tunnel project.

Cao Yang definitely won't just build a simple wind tunnel that can blow wind.

Taking this opportunity to combine other climate tests will really play a real role in the development of new models later.

For example, when developing a new model, it is necessary to go to a severe cold area for testing, a hot area for testing, and a plateau area for testing.

Not to mention that the testing environment is relatively hard and the cost investment is relatively large.

It is also a pity to waste time alone.

If there is such a car wind tunnel, many tests can be done in the laboratory.

Even if some of them need to go to Mo/he, TLF and other automobile testing grounds for on-site testing, it can save a lot of testing items.

This is of great significance for reducing the development time of new models.

"Listen to you, this laboratory is not a simple car wind tunnel at all?"

Liu Tianwu also somewhat understood what the laboratory Cao Yang was talking about.

According to his understanding, a wind tunnel is a test device that fixes a car on the ground according to the similarity principle of motion, and uses high-speed airflow to flow through the surface of the car to simulate the aerodynamic characteristics of the car on the actual road.

Just get a giant blower and build a house, basically enough.

Didn't expect that to be the case at all.

"Leader, Huaxia doesn't have a decent car wind tunnel now. If we want to do it, we must create a leading domestic and world-class laboratory."

"At the same time, in the future, in order to give full play to the effectiveness of this automobile wind tunnel, promote the technological progress of wind tunnels in the industry, accelerate the quality upgrade of domestic independent brand automobiles, and realize the sustainable development of Huaxia automobile enterprises."

"The district can cooperate with the China Automobile Association to form an automobile wind tunnel alliance. Through this alliance, the district can establish contact with major domestic automakers of independent brands, so as to develop technologies in the fields of automobile aerodynamics, aeroacoustics, and thermodynamics. Research and development and cooperation exchanges have become closer."

"Maybe in the future, besides Xingchen Automobile and Yangcheng Automobile, there will be other car companies that will come to develop."

"This should be attractive to both Yangcheng City and Lingnan Province."

It was not the first day that Cao Yang dealt with Liu Tianwu.

Know where to sit in his position and where to focus on doing things.

Obviously, if this car wind tunnel is only for the Xingchen car service, then the project will be a bit unjustifiable.

But if the positioning and intention are elevated a bit, the situation is completely different.

Sure enough, after hearing what Cao Yang said, Liu Tianwu was tempted.

"Mr. Cao, you arrange someone to assist in submitting the design requirements and budget related to the car wind tunnel. I will ask Secretary Luo Yi to communicate with him."

"Strive to report the project this month, and finalize the project within the year."

"Then it will be constructed next year, and it will be completed next year, so that Xingchen Automobile can quickly use the automotive wind tunnel."

When Liu Tianwu said this, Cao Yang couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Then he continued to raise his mouth and said: "Leader, if Yangcheng or Lingnan Province has no way to contribute independently at that time, they can jointly contribute with Lingnan University of Technology, Yangcheng Automobile Group, Xingchen Automobile, BYD and other research institutes."

"By operating this automotive wind tunnel laboratory as a separate enterprise unit, the financial pressure and construction threshold in all aspects should be greatly reduced."

Naturally, Cao Yang didn't want to make things difficult for Liu Tianwu.

After all, it is an investment of [-] to [-] million yuan. No matter how it is explained at that time, the first to enjoy the benefits of this laboratory must be Xingchen Automobile.

At that time, it will inevitably make people feel that Liu Tianwu's butt is sitting on the side of the Xingchen car.

"If I proceed in the direction you said, then I will be more confident."

"This simple investment can also become a new investment project."

Liu Tianwu naturally understood the meaning behind Cao Yang's plan.

For the district, with such an additional project, next year's data will definitely be better.

(End of this chapter)

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