Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 317 Squeeze 1 Squeeze the wool of other factories

Chapter 317 Squeeze the wool of other factories

It's okay not to mention the car wind tunnel. After a detailed investigation report was made, Cao Yang felt that this project was really worth pushing.

After all, there are many tests to be done during the promotion of new models.

Even if you don't engage in sports cars, the automotive wind tunnel is of great use value.

Naturally, it is necessary for friends and businessmen to understand this truth.

"Mr. Wang, I want to push the relevant departments of Lingnan Province to come forward to set up an automotive wind tunnel laboratory to provide various tests for the development of new models in the future."

"Is BYD interested in this project?"

Heart is worse than action.

Realizing the importance of this matter, Cao Yang directly called BYD's Wang Fu.

This kind of investment involves [-] to [-] million yuan, even if each family shares it together, it may cost about [-] million yuan.

In order to finalize this project as soon as possible, it is natural to advance it from top to bottom, and the difficulty will be much lower.

Otherwise, there will be layers of reports and reviews, and I don't know when the results will come out.

"Automotive wind tunnel laboratory?"

Although Wang Fu did not come from a car background, as the general manager of BYD Auto, he has naturally learned a lot about the car industry in recent years.

Of course, he had heard of such a thing as a wind tunnel.

International auto giants basically have their own wind tunnel laboratories.

"Mr. Cao, it seems that there is really no OEM in China that manufactures this thing. It seems to be very expensive, right?"

Although the sales volume of BYD Auto is very good, the profit is actually not very high.

After all, it is a low-end route, and a car can have a net profit of one or two thousand, which is almost the same.

In this case, the investment in research and development is naturally more cautious.

Especially for those relatively indirect and dispensable inputs, we should be more cautious.

"If a single manufacturer builds it, it will indeed cost a lot of money, but if the relevant departments of Lingnan Province come forward to attract several of our OEMs and universities, and each of us will contribute part of the funds and personnel, the final cost should not be much. "

"If you can get the relevant institutions in Shencheng to participate, then the funds we need to contribute may only be tens of millions."

"Don't look at the tens of millions as if it's a lot, but with this laboratory, many future high-temperature and low-temperature tests can be done in the wind tunnel laboratory."

"And sooner or later, BYD will take the road of independent innovation. At that time, the design of the car's appearance and the verification of the drag coefficient all need this laboratory."

Cao Yang quickly explained the benefits of the wind tunnel to Wang Fu.

Other Wang Fu may not care so much, but he is really interested in the independent research and development in the future.

After the imitation and development of the three models of F6/S6/F3, they have accumulated some experience.

In the future, we must gradually transition to the road of independent development.

In addition, he is more aware of some of the influences behind this joint project, so he gave his own reply without much hesitation.

"Mr. Cao, the construction of this automobile wind tunnel laboratory is very beneficial to the development of the automobile industry in Lingnan Province, and also very beneficial to the development of our two companies."

"Of course I support it, and I will arrange people to connect with Xingchen Motors in the future to promote the development of this project in the two places."

One phone call settled BYD Auto, and Cao Yang made a special trip to Lingnan University of Technology.

As a student of Xiang Changle, theoretically, Cao Yang could consider graduating from graduate school.

However, both Lingnan University of Technology and Xiang Changle themselves wanted to continue to tie Cao Yang together.

Therefore, continuous master-doctoral studies have become a natural thing.

There is no need for Cao Yang to refuse this kind of thing that is not harmful to him.

Of course, this time I came here to discuss things related to reading.

"Teacher, I think this is a great opportunity for Lingnan University of Technology's School of Automobiles. At present, only Jilin University has a very simple automotive wind tunnel laboratory."

"Strictly speaking, there is no real automotive wind tunnel laboratory in China."

"If Lingnan University of Technology can strive to build this laboratory in the new campus, it will be very beneficial to the development of the automotive engineering profession."

"It can even attract a group of teachers from other colleges and universities to jump over and take up positions."

Cao Yang came here today to talk to Xiang Changle about the automotive wind tunnel laboratory.

Although Liu Tianwu was also pushing, he naturally couldn't let it go.

Yangcheng Motors is a state-owned enterprise, so I left it to Liu Tianwu to communicate.

Some transportation departments and scientific research institutes, which Nanshan Group had not dealt with before, were also handed over to Liu Tianwu.

But on the side of BYD and Lingnan University of Technology, he must be prepared to show up by himself.

From a certain point of view, this can be regarded as pulling a small team out.

One hero and three gangs, when the laboratory is built, if there is no one to speak for oneself, there will be a lot of constraints in using it.

"Your reminder is too timely. Now the school has built a new campus in University City, which happens to be in the same area as your company."

"In this case, it means that Leader Liu will definitely support our proposal."

"To avoid being robbed of this name by the Transportation Bureau or other agencies."

"However, our school may not be able to spend much money."

Naturally, Xiang Changle would not beat around the bush when talking to Cao Yang.

He didn't really want to save money for the school, but the scientific research funding in this era is indeed relatively limited.

Tens of millions to hundreds of millions of funds are used to build a joint laboratory, and it is very difficult to get approval.

In this regard, Cao Yang also has a certain degree of foresight.

"It's quite simple. Lingnan University of Technology can provide technology, personnel and venues. The funds for other equipment purchases will be provided by BYD, Xingchen Automobile and related institutions."

"Leader Liu is helping to promote this project, and the district will definitely provide a certain amount of funds at that time."

"Ask Yangcheng City and Lingnan Province to apply for a fee. I think we should be able to build the laboratory."

As long as the laboratory is run by Lingnan University of Technology, Cao Yang can control this matter.

Anyway, he didn't expect Lingnan University of Technology to pay at the beginning.

He even thought about whether to donate a sum of money himself to pay for Lingnan University of Technology.

But think about it, in this case, Lingnan University of Technology basically does not feel the benefits of donations.

So forget it.

Since you want to squeeze the wool, let's squeeze out friends and merchants.

He felt that Yangcheng Automobile Group would be very interested.

"If this is the case, then it is naturally the best."

"Just during this period, several teachers in our college were poached by Yangcheng Automobile Research Institute. I was still worried about how to introduce a few experts from other schools to strengthen the scientific research capabilities of the college."

"With this automotive wind tunnel laboratory, at least two or three professors can be placed in it to conduct research."

"This is really beneficial to the development of our college's automotive engineering major."

Xiang Changle often deals with Nanshan Group, and his thinking is relatively active now.

The automotive wind tunnel laboratory is definitely very beneficial to Lingnan University of Technology.

"Then we will work hard in this direction?"

Cao Yang was not surprised that Xiang Changle would agree with his point of view.

It can even be done with a phone call.

But coming here in person is more respectful.

"No problem, I will report to the school right away, and then let the school and the college come forward to try to finalize this project as soon as possible."

For things that are beneficial, everyone's enthusiasm is naturally very high.

Soon, Xiang Changle made a few phone calls in front of Cao Yang, and began to arrange personnel to advance this matter.

"Ayang, Nanshan Group has made a lot of achievements during this period, especially the Xingchen Automobile side, which really gave everyone a lot of surprises."

"I heard that your Ziwei Star will make its official debut at the Yangcheng Auto Show?"

After finishing the business, Cao Yang would slap his ass and leave immediately if he was not good.

So we chatted briefly in Xiang Changle's office.

"Yes, this has been confirmed."

"Now the sales department is already contacting the advertisers to design the booth, and the exhibition will officially start next week."

"Welcome teacher to come and visit then."

A lot of news has been released one after another, and the products of Xingchen Motors are finally going to officially meet with you.

At this auto show, Cao Yang is going to start preparing for the subsequent sales.

The preparations for the 4S stores in Imperial Capital, Modal Capital, Shencheng and Yangcheng are already in progress.

Although there will not be many dealers at the beginning, there must be stores in major provinces and cities.

Cao Yang naturally didn't want to miss such a good publicity opportunity at the auto show.

"I go to the Yangcheng Auto Show every year, and then I have to visit Ziwei Xing."

Although Xiang Changle has seen the appearance of Ziwei Star, he still has not seen the actual car.

He also knew that if he made a request, Cao Yang would help to meet it.

But he didn't want to embarrass Cao Yang, so up to now, he didn't know much more about Xingchen Auto than other people.

"After the auto show, our media test ride and test drive activities will also be held immediately."

"Teacher, do you want to experience it together?"

"The event location is expected to be in Zhucheng, which was very convenient in the past."

Taking this opportunity, Cao Yang naturally wanted to invite his teacher to participate in these activities.

Anyway, a lot of media will be invited at that time, and there will be dedicated people to help organize this event.

Arrange a few more people, there is no problem at all.

"go with!"

"Must go!"

"The 3.0T twin-turbocharged engine, I am really looking forward to whether its performance is as good as advertised."

"I heard that your car is also equipped with the world's first mass-produced 8AT automatic transmission?"

"The performance at that time is really worth looking forward to."

Although Xiang Changle rarely went to Xingchen Automobile to cause trouble for Cao Yang.

But it doesn't mean that he has nothing to do with the development of Xingchen Motors.

In fact, he pays attention to all kinds of information about Xingchen Automobile every day.

He even arranged for one of his graduate students to help pay attention to, collect and sort out news reports related to Nanshan Group every day.

"Originally, I thought that this car would be officially launched in December, but the schedule is too tight."

"It is expected to be delayed until January next year before the official listing."

"A high-performance version equipped with a W12 engine will be launched later."

Everyone is a professional in the automotive industry. When talking about the automotive industry, the topic will naturally come up.

"W12 engine, if you really come up with it, it will be considered another record in China's automobile industry."

"In the future, no student from any school will feel that going to Nanshan Group to work is a helpless choice."

Xiang Changle also watched Nanshan Group develop its current scale step by step.

He even heard about the scene where Nanshan came to Lingnan University of Technology to participate in the job fair for the first time.

Few students were willing to go to Nanshan back then, and now students from all colleges are actively participating in the lectures, hoping to enter Nanshan Group.

This change came really fast.

"This year we plan to recruit 3000 fresh graduates, and the minimum starting salary has also been raised to 3500 yuan."

"From the perspective of the annual income, basically the treatment of Nanshan Group is among the best in the entire Chinese auto industry."

"Following this trend, we will become the place with the best treatment in China's auto industry in less than three years."

"In addition, the social influence has also been greatly improved, and the number of graduates who are willing to come to our company has indeed increased a lot."

Speaking of this, Cao Yang was also quite emotional.

When the job fair was held at the beginning, the students who were willing to come to Nanshan were students like He Qingquan from Lingnan Normal Technical College, and the 985 students didn't like Nanshan at all.

"I heard that your year-end bonus is very high, and social security and provident fund are also paid in compliance with regulations."

"In this case, the company's operating pressure is also very high?"

Xiang Changle is not the kind of college teacher who does not eat the fireworks of the world.

On the contrary, being located in Yangcheng, he has quite a lot of communication with companies.

Therefore, it is possible to understand more clearly the influence behind the treatment that Cao Yang said.

Regardless of the fact that the basic salary is only 3500 yuan, it is only the salary of fresh graduates.

After all, it is still the basic salary, plus provident fund, social security, medical insurance, etc., the annual salary of a fresh graduate has actually reached the level of close to 10 yuan.

This is definitely considered high in China.

Even in the joint venture, no company dared to make such a promise.

"If the salary is not improved, the talent will not want to come."

"Everyone still has a preference for foreign companies and joint ventures."

"Under the same circumstances, even when the other party's conditions are worse, many people are still willing to go to foreign companies."

"Last year, several graduates chose Yangcheng Honda between us and Yangcheng Honda."

"And the annual salary offered by the other party is actually not as high as ours."

Cao Yang spread his hands helplessly.

He wasn't really reluctant to pay the salary there.

It's just that sometimes I feel that everyone's ideas are really not so easy to reverse.

"There is no way to do this. It is the combined impact of various factors accumulated over the years."

"After all, the treatment of most private enterprises is not particularly good."

"Your Nanshan Group is an exception."

What Xiang Changle said was very true.

The private enterprises in this era, especially the ones whose scale is not so large.

Generally, they are still single.

Whether there are various social security and provident funds is a matter of opinion.

Even if there is, it is often how low it is.

The two chatted for a while in the office like this, talking about various things in the auto industry.

At the same time, Liu Tianwu was also in Yangcheng Automobile Group, having a meeting with Zhang Jiaqi.

"Mr. Zhang, the automobile industry is now a pillar industry in Yangcheng, and it is now in a stage of rapid development."

"According to the previously set goal, by 2010, Yangcheng's automobile production will become the first in the country."

"Whether GDP can quickly break through 1 trillion mainly depends on whether the development of the automobile industry is strong enough."

"As an automobile company under the Yangcheng State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, everyone has very high expectations for your company."

"In our district, we have set up a special promotion team for the construction land preparation of Yangcheng Automobile's own brand factory, and I personally serve as the team leader."

"In the first quarter of next year, basically all the three links and one leveling work can be completed, and the land will be handed over to Yangcheng Automobile Group for use."

When Liu Tianwu talked about things with Zhang Jiaqi, he naturally wouldn't just talk about the automotive wind tunnel laboratory straight to the point.

After all, both of them are people in the system, so they naturally have to follow certain routines when talking and doing things.

The two of them each led a group of people, sitting in Nuo Da's conference room, and the atmosphere seemed to be quite harmonious talking there.

"Thanks to the leadership for their continuous support. Our first factory has a planned production capacity of 10 vehicles, and we will continue to expand as needed."

"Currently we are preparing several models at the same time, and the first model will be launched by the end of 2007 at the earliest."

"In the future, we may also consider building another automobile research institute next to the automobile factory to better contribute to the development of the automobile industry in Yangcheng."

Zhang Jiaqi's administrative level is actually half a level lower than Liu Tianwu's, so his attitude is naturally very friendly.

Besides, their factory is located in Liu Tianwu's jurisdiction, so there are naturally many places where Liu Tianwu needs to arrange people to coordinate.

Both parties have some needs for each other, so the communication is relatively smooth.

"No problem, the land and so on, our district will fully assist in solving it."

"But when it comes to the Automotive Research Institute, I happen to have another topic to discuss with Mr. Zhang."

Liu Tianwu smoothly changed the topic to the automotive wind tunnel laboratory.

"Although the automobile industry is the pillar industry of Yangcheng, until now, the entire Yangcheng, even the entire Lingnan Province, and even the entire Huaxia have not had a decent automotive wind tunnel laboratory."

"So our district wants to unite with various OEMs and research institutes in the province to jointly form a leading domestic and world-class automotive wind tunnel laboratory."

"In this way, when various car companies develop new models, they can fully complete most of the experiments in Yangcheng and speed up the progress of model development."

When Liu Tianwu said this, Zhang Jiaqi was not particularly surprised.

For meetings like theirs, the secretarial teams of both parties will communicate about the topic of the conversation.

Topics that are not within the topic are generally not thrown out easily.

This is also an unspoken rule.

"We naturally support the construction of an automotive wind tunnel laboratory."

"It just so happens that several companies and institutions came forward together, and the pressure and risks that everyone bears are not so great."

"In the future, the utilization rate of the wind tunnel laboratory will also increase."

"Leader, we Yangcheng Automobile Group fully support this proposal."

Zhang Jiaqi gave his reply without any hesitation.

He knew that Star Motors, BYD, Lingnan University of Technology and other parties would participate in this project.

As the largest automobile group in Yangcheng, it is impossible for him to choose not to participate.

That's definitely a wrong way to stand.

"Thank you Mr. Zhang for your understanding and support."

"I will also ask Yangcheng Automobile Group to arrange a special person to connect with this project in the future."

"The district is already reporting the content to the city, and the next step will be to apply for support from the relevant departments of Lingnan Province."

"Preliminary estimates suggest that the entire project will require around 5 million yuan."

"Our district will allocate [-] million yuan from next year's budget to support this project."

"At the same time, the city will also have relevant financial support, and we are also seeking some policy support from Lingnan Province."

"If all goes well, the funds that will eventually be required from various companies will not exceed 3 million yuan."

"We will also consider adopting some preferential tax deduction schemes for the relevant funds provided by enterprises."

Although Zhang Jiaqi expressed his opinion happily.

However, Liu Tianwu also continued to explain the funding related to the project of the Automotive Wind Tunnel Laboratory.

Even if Zhang Jiaqi didn't mention it, it must be something he is very concerned about.

Real money.

Who doesn't care?

"If the support of Lingnan Province and Yangcheng City can be obtained, then the prospects of this project will be even brighter."

"China's auto industry is developing rapidly, and the demand for various laboratories is also constantly rising."

"Organizing various institutions in the district to jointly build an automotive wind tunnel laboratory can be described as far-sighted."

The next time is the time for both sides to cheer each other on.

However, the main purpose has been achieved, and this meeting can be regarded as very effective.

Yangcheng Automobile Group, Xingchen Automobile, and BYD, these three local companies have agreed to participate in the automotive wind tunnel project.

Lingnan University of Technology is also very active in expressing its willingness to provide land in the university town community to equip the laboratory with relevant personnel.

In this way, the project promoted by Liu Tianwu naturally progressed very quickly.

Before the official opening of the Yangcheng Auto Show, Yangcheng first brought a big news to China's auto industry.

Several enterprises and related institutions in Lingnan Province will build China's first large-scale automotive wind tunnel laboratory in the university town.

At that time, the laboratory will provide relevant testing services for the national automobile industry.

This is definitely a great thing for the development of China's automobile industry, especially for the development of various manufacturers in South China.

(End of this chapter)

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