Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 318 Yangcheng Motor Show, Xingchen Motors is Coming

Chapter 318 Yangcheng Motor Show, Xingchen Motors is Coming
The [-]rd Yangcheng International Automobile Exhibition with the theme of "Innovating Life, Driving Excitingness" will be held at Pazhou International Convention and Exhibition Center in Yangcheng.

Among them, November 11 is the media day.

The 22nd-23rd is the professional audience day.

The 24th-28th is the public visit day.

The ticket price for public days: 30 yuan, but the ticket price for professional days is 60 yuan.

Among the auto shows in China, the most influential ones at present are the Auto Show held in turn by the Shanghai Metropolis/Emperor Capital and the Yangcheng Auto Show.

These two auto shows can be said to be national, while other current influences are still local.

For such an auto show, various auto OEMs and parts companies, as well as the auto media must attach great importance to it.

"Xiaolin, Netease Auto must pay full attention to this auto show, and show it with our own momentum."

"We can't let Autohome steal all the limelight."

Although it will be a few days before the opening of the auto show, everyone's preparations must have already started.

As the local auto media in Yangcheng, Netease Auto Channel naturally attaches great importance to it.

In recent months, many automobile industry news reports have been suppressed by Autohome.

This made Fang Dawen very annoyed.

"Editor Fang, don't worry, we have organized an interview team of 12 people, and we will not miss any press conference of any manufacturer."

"For car companies such as Westwind Honda and Yangcheng Honda, we have already made reservations in advance."

"During the auto show, we will conduct an exclusive interview with their general manager."

"Some related reports and soft articles are already being prepared and considered in advance."

Lin Jiayan is now Fang Dawen's most trusted subordinate.

This time, the interviews related to the Yangcheng Auto Show were all entrusted to her.

"This time at the Yangcheng Auto Show, exhibitors have created a new high, and there are many more models on display."

"Yangcheng Honda's facelifted Accord, Changan Ford's Focus Sport, Mazda 6's 6MT version, the new Excelle station wagon, Chevrolet's new car LOVA, and Didu Hyundai's new car ACCENT will also be unveiled."

"Lexus, Toyota, Buick and other car companies will launch some concept cars."

"Companies such as Ferrari, Lamborghini and Porsche will all exhibit their sports cars."

"You must fully combine the content that online readers like to read, and write relevant articles."

"Especially in terms of car models, you have to work hard. Netizens should be most interested in looking at car models."

"If some special photos can be taken, maybe a hot article will come out."

For the Auto Channel, the Yangcheng Auto Show is definitely the most important event in the recent period, there is no such thing as one of them.

So even if Lin Jiayan said that the arrangements had been made, Fang Dawen couldn't help reminding her.

"We have obtained the arrangement of each exhibition hall from the organizer, and the work of relevant personnel is arranged in conjunction with the arrangement of the exhibition hall."

"As for the photos you mentioned about car models, that's what we focus on."

"Many car companies have entrusted advertising companies to recruit a lot of car models, and there should be no shortage of materials by then."

In 2005, half of the audiences went to the auto show to see the car models.

At this time, the rectification of car models has not yet started.

So what everyone is wearing is how to attract attention.

No wonder so many people like to watch it.

"That's good. Anyway, this time it can't be compared to Autohome."

There are many domestic automobile news websites, and the four major portal websites all have automobile channels.

But Fang Dawen is most concerned about the situation of Autohome. After all, Yu Yu, the editor-in-chief of Autohome, used to be his subordinate.

Everyone broke up unhappy, and he didn't want Yu Yu to develop too well after he went to the car home.

And when Fang Dawen and the others were discussing the arrangements for the Yangcheng Auto Show, the interior of Autohome was naturally not idle.

Even because Ziwei Xing of Xingchen Motors will be officially unveiled at the auto show, Autohome needs to prepare more things.

"Editor-in-Chief, with Ziweixing's stunning appearance, there is no problem in attracting a wave of attention."

"However, I think it is not enough to rely solely on our Autohome to help promote the brand power of Xingchen Automobile."

"I have a bold idea, and I don't know if it's appropriate to bring it up."

He Ling is also a very independent and smart person.

Now Nian Jingqing is the editor-in-chief of a section of Autohome.

"what idea?"

"Let's listen to it. If it makes sense, I'll report it to Xingchen Automobile Sales Department."

Of course, Yu Yu is also very aware that the promotion of Xingchen Automobile is the most important task during this period.

As long as this task is completed, other things are easy to talk about.

"The models of the world's major luxury brands often appear in various movies and TV dramas."

"Nowadays, the domestic film and television drama market is slowly improving, and even started to heat up."

"I think Xingchen Motors can consider making efforts in this area, and even invite Nanshan Investment to invest in some film and television dramas, or directly acquire or form a film and television company. It can be considered."

"I think the film and television drama industry will also be a sunrise industry in the future. Even if you don't make too much money, you won't suffer particularly badly."

"Even if we can take this opportunity to build up the reputation of Xingchen Motors, we can set up people from luxury brands."

"Then it's worth it even if the film and television company loses some money, it's just an advertising fee."

When He Ling said this, Yu Yu couldn't help but nodded.

This proposal is indeed very feasible.

In particular, her old boss, Zhang Fugui, is now in charge of Nanshan Investment, and is starting to make some moves in the Internet and financial fields.

Even she knew that Zhang Fugui was now in charge of 10 billion funds.

Under such circumstances, it is really a consideration to let Nanshan invest in the film and television industry.

At that time, not only can filming and TV dramas be used to promote Xingchen Automobile, but if those celebrities have something to do with Xingchen Automobile for their daily use, it will also be a different type of publicity.

As long as Nanshan Investment has influence in the film and television industry, those stars will even take the initiative to cooperate with some publicity.

This is definitely a good thing for Xingchen Automobile.

"Your suggestion is very good. It can be compiled into several PPTs. I will go to Minister Zeng and Mr. Zhang."

"As long as they think there is no problem, then the possibility of persuading Mr. Cao to agree is very high."

Yu Yu thought about it for a while, and immediately felt that this matter was worth spending some energy on.

Soon, this proposal was approved by Zeng Tingting and Zhang Fugui, and appeared on Cao Yang's desktop.

"Mr. Cao, I think the proposal given by Autohome is very constructive, and it also fits some of your previous ideas."

Together with Zhang Fugui, Zeng Tingting came to Cao Yang's office in person to talk about the promotion of Star Motors and the significance of investing in the film and television industry.

The main business of Nanshan Group must be automobiles, auto parts and equipment, but other industries surrounding these industries are naturally worth investing in.

Like the car home, it is in this situation.

In Zeng Tingting's view, there would be no problem if another company such as Nanshan Film and Television or Xingchen Film and Television appeared.

"It is true that every car brand will invite some celebrities to act as spokespersons and place advertisements in some TV movies."

"We not only have coupes now, but also super sports cars and large SUVs in the future, which are very suitable for finding implantation points in film and television dramas."

"For example, some rich people and important occasions arrange for Xingchen cars to appear on the scene. At the beginning, everyone may not have any special reaction."

"However, after many times, the impression that Xingchen Motors is a luxury car gradually came out."

Zhang Fugui was also very active.

He was engaged in sales before, and he often had to play tricks to participate in some second-half activities.

But the girl at that time must have a big gap with the star.

If there is a chance to meet celebrities in the future...

His enthusiasm is naturally higher.

He feels that this industry is the most suitable industry for him.

"Your suggestion is good. In the future, if Xingchen Motors should focus on improving its brand power, the film and television implants and the publicity effect of celebrities are indeed very important."

"However, the water in the film and television industry is very deep. It's not like doing business in a down-to-earth way."

"There should be no one in our group who is proficient in this field?"

Cao Yang naturally knows better than them what the entertainment industry will look like in the next ten years.

The film and television industry has indeed begun to enter a state of rapid development. If you want to earn some money for advertising in the future, there is no problem at all.

Even if you don't do anything, just check the names of the film and television dramas you invest in, and you can avoid many pitfalls.

In this way, it is difficult to lose money and it will not take up too much time.

"Mr. Cao, I remember hearing you say that my aunt has a cousin who works as a teacher in Beiying or Zhongxi Opera. He seemed to be an actor before."

"Although he doesn't seem to be very famous, he should have a better understanding of things in the industry."

"At that time, can we invite him to come over to assist in the affairs of the film and television company, and then recruit some personnel from the industry, it should not be so difficult."

When Zeng Tingting said this, Cao Yang really thought of the cousin his mother mentioned.

Although they are not close cousins, in the same town, the two families still had some contacts.

It's just that in recent years, Cao Yang has almost no time to accompany his mother back to his hometown for the New Year, and the exchanges between the two parties have decreased.

Cao Yang, who grew up in Yangcheng, did not have a deep impression on his relatives in his hometown.

Many people don't even have an impression of what they look like, let alone their names.

After all, people in my hometown rarely call people by their full names.

"Don't tell me, it seems that there is such a relative, but I haven't returned to my hometown for a long time."

Zhang Fugui said something a little embarrassed.

When his parents were still around, he would care about the relatives in his hometown, but he basically didn't pay much attention to them later.

On the contrary, his sister is married, but still has some contact with many relatives.

"I'll ask my mother to see what's going on with her cousin."

"If it's reliable, just do what you say."

Cao Yang didn't pay attention to Zhang Fugui's words.

Originally, there were some ideas in this regard, but now Autohome has proposed it on its own initiative, and both Zeng Tingting and Zhang Fugui think it is very good.

Cao Yang naturally had no reason to dampen everyone's enthusiasm.

At most, it's time to work harder on your own.


"Mom, is the cousin you're talking about called Zhang Songwen?"

During dinner that night, Cao Yang mentioned to his mother the matter of investing in a film and television company to serve Xingchen Automobile.

Then I heard the name of a person who is very unknown now but will be famous in 2023.

"Yeah, is there anything strange?"

"Let me tell you, your cousin is actually quite legendary."

"At the age of 17, he graduated from vocational high school and started his working career."

"During this period, Songwen worked in many industries successively, including printing factory workers, beverage salespersons, air-conditioning installers, hotel waiters, restaurant managers, tour guides, etc."

"Among them, when I worked as a tour guide, I seem to have earned a lot of money. It is very beautiful to go home during the Chinese New Year."

"However, he always wanted to be an actor and was very interested in movies and TV, so around 2000, he was admitted to Beijing Film Academy."

"What's even more amazing is that he stayed on as a teacher after graduation."

"However, after he went to the imperial capital, I lost contact with him."

"At that time, the company also began to transform. I worried about you every day, and I didn't have much mind to pay attention to other things."

"Why, do you want him to help with the film and television company?"

It is rare for Zhang Xiuli to see her son discuss work with her, and she is also very motivated.

"How is this cousin's character?"

For Cao Yang, it doesn't matter whether his acting skills are good or not.

What he wants now is an industry insider who understands the film and television industry to help him check.

"Awen is a nice guy, and he is also very interested in this industry."

"If he is really in charge of the film and television company, I think it should not be a big problem."

"He should have accumulated some contacts over the years. You just need to arrange a few accountants to manage the company's accounts."

After my mother said so, Cao Yang naturally has no doubts.

Originally, he had thought about this, and now that he knew that his so-called cousin was Zhang Songwen, Cao Yang felt more at ease.

"Mom, then you should contact your cousin and see if he is interested."

"If you are interested, you can come to Yangcheng to talk directly."

The video implantation of Xingchen Automobile is about to start now.

Since you are going to invest in the film and television industry to serve Xingchen Automobile, you should act quickly.

"Okay, I'll make a call now and invite him to come over and have a talk."

"I think there is an opportunity to return to the film and television industry, and Ah Wen has no reason not to agree."

Finally having a chance to play her part, Zhang Xiuli started making phone calls very actively.

On the other side of the phone, Zhang Songwen looked at the ringing phone in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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