Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 319 Overwhelm the crowd, the official debut of Xingchen Automobile

Chapter 319 Overwhelm the crowd, the official debut of Xingchen Automobile
Zhang Xiuli is now developed.

Zhang Songwen didn't know how many times his mother had mentioned this matter.

Even a person who doesn't pay much attention to the automobile industry knows about Nanshan Group, and even heard that Nanshan Group is the largest private enterprise in Lingnan.

Based on these news alone, we know the status of Zhang Xiuli and Cao Yang's mother and son in Lingnan Province.

However, Zhang Songwen is not the kind of person who likes to follow others.

Many years ago, when I met my cousin when I was in my hometown, we would chat with each other.

He even met Zhang Xiuli once when he was working as a tour guide.

But after that, except for a few occasional phone calls, the two parties gradually lost contact.

Now that Zhang Xiuli called herself suddenly, Zhang Songwen was not surprised.

"Sister Li, long time no see, are you okay?"

Although I have doubts in my heart, I must still answer the phone.

However, after exchanging pleasantries for a while, Zhang Xiuli directly stated her purpose in full.

This made Zhang Songwen couldn't help but get excited.

Let me be in charge of a film and television company, or rely on Nanshan Group, the largest private enterprise in Lingnan Province, for a film and television company.

So will I still be short of acting in the future?

I ran hundreds of crews in the past few years and didn't get a decent role. Could it be that I started to change my luck?

No matter how many doubts he had in his mind, Zhang Songwen naturally agreed to go to Yangcheng to discuss the matter of the film and television company without any hesitation.

This was a pie in the sky, and he had no reason to refuse.

Even if he lost his position as teacher of Beiying for this, he felt it was worth it.

But the auto show will start soon, and Cao Yang is also very busy.

After a brief meeting with him the next day, Zhang Songwen was handed over to Zhang Fugui.

And Nanshan Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., a company with great influence in China's entertainment industry in the future, was established in this way.

Many years later, many people find it difficult to understand that such a large film and television company was actually established to advertise Xingchen Motors.

Of course, these are all later stories.


"Mr. Cao, the exhibition hall this time has a total of five areas A/B/C/D/E, and we are in Hall E."

"Hall A is mainly Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Volkswagen, GM and Ford; Hall B is mainly BYD, Great Wall and other enterprises."

"Hall C is Chery, Zephyr Honda, Shenlong Automobile and other companies."

"Hall D houses companies such as Nissan, Toyota, Hyundai and Yangcheng Honda."

"The hall E where we are located is with Porsche, Ferrari, Rolls-Royce, Bentley and Lamborghini, and Bosch doesn't know how to arrange it in this exhibition hall."

"On the whole, we hope to arrange with luxury brands, and the organizer has helped us to meet it."

"The exhibition hall should be quite lively by then."

Although the day after tomorrow is the official media day, all OEMs are busy setting up exhibitions in full swing.

Zeng Tingting naturally wanted to bring Cao Yang over to confirm the preparations in advance.

"We only have one car, and the area of ​​the showroom is not that big. Being with these luxury brands can not only subtly convey the impression that everyone is a car of the same level."

"It can also avoid making the audience feel that our exhibition hall is too small."

"After all, compared with General Motors, Toyota Motor and other companies, the exhibition hall area of ​​each car company in Hall E is less than half of theirs."

Cao Yang looked at the almost completed exhibition hall, but didn't make any specific suggestions for modification.

The exhibition arrangement plan was reported within the company before, but now it just falls on the real thing.

"This time, there are quite a few media who want to interview you. When the time comes, besides Autohome, should you also consider other media?"

Zeng Tingting, as the window for Xingchen Motors to communicate with the outside world, has a good relationship with many media.

She naturally hoped that Cao Yang could accept more interviews from the media.

This is not bad for Xingchen Automobile.

"Just ask them to interview Mr. Rao, and let them boast about Ziwei Xing's performance."

"Especially the 8AT automatic transmission, which is the first model equipped with a mass-produced 8AT among all cars in the world."

"We must publicize it well to let everyone know the difference of Xingchen Automobile."

"Besides, at that time, we will be able to grab a few domestic million-level luxury cars and continue to benchmark, so that everyone will have an impression that the configuration and performance of Ziwei Star is better than that of the million-level BBA. Both are better."

"This can also be regarded as making some preparations for the official listing in January."

Cao Yang walked around the exhibition hall and saw the appearance of the exhibition halls of Porsche, Bentley and other brands next to him, so he didn't stop too much.

Soon, the time came to November 2005, 11.

Today is the media day of the Yangcheng Motor Show.

Although the number of people in the exhibition hall is the least, but for all car companies, today is the most important day.

Because most car companies will arrange some press conferences on this day in order to allow the media to better promote themselves.

The car models invited by various brands also had the most smiles today.

Objectively speaking, most international giants regard China's current auto show as a good platform for selling cars.

It is rare for a car company to put the world's first model on the auto show in China to promote it.

It will take at least ten or eight years for this situation to slowly change.

However, this situation is actually a good thing for Xingchen Motors.

After all, compared with other models that can be reported or not reported, the Star Automobile is worth looking forward to.

On such an occasion, Cao Yang would naturally play in person.

"Dear guest..."

The first 1 minute belongs to routine time.

Although Cao Yang felt that it was meaningless, there must be some routines.

While the media in the audience were looking around, waiting for the "garbage time" to pass, Cao Yang immediately got to the point.

This is much more succinct than the leaders' speeches at the press conferences of some joint venture auto companies.

It made everyone a little uncomfortable.

"For a long time, everyone felt that coupe models were relatively niche and not valued."

"For a long time, everyone felt that the power performance of Huaxia car companies was not very good and uncompetitive."

"For a long time, everyone felt that the appearance of Huaxia car companies was nothing new and would not be original."

"For a long time, everyone thought that it would be difficult for Xingchen Motors to make a luxury car, and it would not succeed."

"Thank you to the consumers, media and friends who have been paying attention to Star Auto."

"I'm sorry, but we're going to overturn everyone's impression."

Cao Yang didn't wear a suit today, but instead dressed casually, which is completely different from the leadership style of other car companies' press conferences.

But with that young and handsome face and belly without fat, the photogenic effect is definitely leveraged.

This alone, in today's press conferences of various car companies, even if it is unique, it can give some media an article.

"It's the mountains and rivers, it's the Nanke in the dream, it's what you can't see, it's me day and night."

"Our Ziwei Star has countless advantages that make everyone stay with us day and night."

"It is equipped with the world's most powerful 3.0T twin-turbocharged engine."

"Attention everyone, there is no 'one' after this sentence."

In line with Cao Yang's words, various parameters of the 3.0T were displayed on the big screen behind him.

"After adopting twin turbochargers, the maximum power of our 3.0T V6 engine can reach 280kw, and the maximum torque can reach 520 Nm."

"You can compare the parameters of friends and merchants. Our level is definitely far ahead in the same level."

At this moment, the content on the big screen changed again, listing the engine parameters of several models such as BMW and Mercedes-Benz.

This scene made the media in the audience a little bit uproarious.

Every car company's press conference will brag about its own strength.

This is a routine operation. Everyone has seen it so much that they are a little numb.

However, this method of directly listing the parameters of other car companies in a table for comparison, obviously stepping on others, is still not popular now.

This is the first of its kind for Xingchen Motors.

Even if the opponent's title says "Bao*" and "Benz*", BMW and Mercedes-Benz are not fully written.

But in the eyes of many, this is even more excessive.

Want to cover it up!

Definitely trying to hide it!
"Editor-in-Chief, aren't they too ruthless?"

"I just want competitors like Mercedes-Benz and BMW to be a stepping stone for them."

Fang Dawen and Lin Jiayan from Netease Auto Channel will naturally not miss such an important press conference.

Even if they don't like Xingchen Motors, it is impossible not to report relevant news.

At most, when the time comes, Autohome will say that Xingchen Motors is good, and Lin Jiayan and the others will find bad things to emphasize.

"Although this approach is a bit excessive, I have to say that it is refreshing and impressive."

"After this press conference, everyone knows that the Ziwei Star of Xingchen Motors has a very high engine level."

"At least the parameters on paper look good. In this way, the goal of Xingchen Automobile has been achieved."

Fang Dawen and Lin Jiayan have slightly different views.

As a professional media person, he knows exactly what kind of press conference is considered a success.

From the very beginning, Star Motors has followed a completely different model from other car companies.

It can be said that the entire Yangcheng Auto Show and the press conferences of other car companies in front of Xingchen Automobile are like playing house.

Tossing and turning is the leader's drowsy mandarin, at most, everyone will be a little excited when the car model comes on stage.

But the excitement didn't last for a few minutes before disappearing.

Then it continued to fall into a state where a university teacher gave a lecture, making everyone drowsy.

It's not like the Star Car, except that the first minute is a routine, and the rest is different.

Even if Fang Dawen doesn't like Star Motors, he has to give a thumbs up to their press conference in his heart.

"To put it bluntly, our 3.0T twin-turbocharged engine is completely comparable to the 4.5L naturally aspirated engine, and even compared with the data of some 5.0L naturally aspirated engines."

"The most important thing is that with such excellent engine performance, the fuel consumption per 7 kilometers under comprehensive operating conditions can still reach about [-]."

"A perfect balance between fuel consumption and power."

"With such an excellent engine, Ziwei Xing is absolutely as fast as lightning on the road."

"Its 5.6-kilometer acceleration can be achieved in [-] seconds, which is comparable to the performance of many sports cars."

No matter what product launch event it is, you must brag about yourself.

Star Auto is no exception.

It's just that the way people brag is more characteristic and can leave a very deep impression on everyone.

"For this sentence, I guess many people don't have any intuitive feelings."

"The press conference held by the friends next door, I think you all attended it."

"I am also very honored to appreciate their content on the platform."

"As the undisputed star of this auto show, the new Cayman S launched by a friend next door must be deeply impressive to everyone."

"This is the first time it has been displayed in China, and it is also the most eye-catching focus on the Porsche booth."

When Cao Yang said this, a few people with extraordinary identities in the Porsche showroom next to him suddenly had a bad feeling.

The booth area of ​​each car company in Hall E is not very large, and Porsche's booth is even next to Xingchen Motors.

So even if their employees don't deliberately pay attention to the press conference of Xingchen Automobile, it is impossible not to see it.

"If I remember correctly, the two-seater coupe Cayman S is a very different car positioned between the Boxster S and the 911 Carrera."


It is absolutely rare for a car company to talk about the model parameters of other car companies at a press conference.

Without waiting for the media below to discuss anything, Cao Yang went on to say: "Have you noticed that the Cayman S is such a pure sports car that it accelerates from 5.4 kilometers in [-] seconds."

"This number is actually very good."

"But our Ziwei Xing is a four-door, five-seater coupe. When it is heavier than it, the acceleration from 5.6 kilometers to [-] kilometers is [-] seconds."

"Who is better and who is worse, I think everyone has an answer in their hearts."

Such a blatant slap in the face changed the faces of the people in the Porsche showroom next door.

"Lai Ping, I always thought that Chinese people were as humble as you, but I didn't expect it to be different."

"Wolfgang, I don't think it's necessary to watch the press conference of Xingchen Automobile."

"It's all nonsense data from the beginning, and I think it's probably all done to attract attention."

"It's almost noon, why don't we go and taste the delicacies of Yangcheng?"

As the CEO of Porsche, Wei Dejin personally brought Chairman of the Board Wolfgang Porsche and Lai Ping, Chief Design Director of Global Customer and Project Design to attend the Yangcheng Motor Show.

Originally, I wanted to let the two special people in the company fully experience the rise of the Huaxia market, but I didn't expect to encounter such a scene.

This was something he hadn't expected before.

"I've heard about this star car recently."

"As a well-known local company in Yangcheng, they have provided engines for many Huaxia's own brand models."

"So the parameters mentioned just now must be achievable in theory, it's nothing more than whether there are some special working conditions set."

"However, the appearance of their models is very amazing."

"I think we need to see their real cars later."

Design director Lai Ping rarely did not give the CEO face.

As a Chinese, he can sit on the position of Porsche design director, and his level is definitely enough.

This brother was poached by BMW in 1984 to be a senior designer.

Unexpectedly, the BMW 3 Series stood out from the crowd when I first arrived at BMW.

However, he was also isolated by other design members of the team because of his sharpness.

In 1989, he jumped ship to Porsche.

He has the courage to innovate, and uses the concept of Less Is More to propose a new generation of Porsche 911 design.

After the launch of the new generation of Porsche 1996 in 911, it set a sales record for Porsche in one fell swoop.

This is the biggest change in the design of the 911 in the past, and it is also the most impressive Porsche 911.
The appearance of this car allowed Porsche to completely get rid of the fate of being acquired.

It can be said that Lai Ping is definitely the savior of Porsche.

It is no wonder that Wei Dejin, who is the CEO, respects Lai Ping very much.

Later, Lai Ping won more than ten international awards by virtue of designing classic models such as Boxster and Cayman, establishing his status as a master.

Originally, he didn't have any special expectations for the Yangcheng Auto Show.

But after coming to Huaxia, I saw the appearance of Ziwei Star of Xingchen Automobile on the Internet, and I had some expectations in my heart.

It's just that I didn't expect that the platform of Xingchen Motors is next to Porsche, and the Cayman S designed by myself has become a stepping stone for the other party.

"Let's talk about another highlight of our Ziwei Star, that is the gearbox."

"There are a lot of car companies participating in the Yangcheng Auto Show today, and everyone has listened to a lot of press conferences this morning."

"Whether it is a car company from other pavilions or other friends in our pavilion, even if it is the model with the best performance and the most luxurious positioning, it is not equipped with an 8AT automatic transmission."

"I can say responsibly that Ziwei Star is the world's first mass-produced model equipped with 8AT."

"The 8AT provided by this Nanshan gearbox is also the most advanced gearbox in the world. Together with the 3.0T twin-turbocharged engine, it provides everyone with an unprecedented power system."

"To put it bluntly, this system is now in a state of seeking defeat alone."

"With Ziweixing's smooth body, the driving and sports performance can be said to be unprecedented."

"Next, please come and enjoy Ziwei Star's peerless splendor!"

Accompanied by Cao Yang's words, the car clothes on the exhibition car were officially lifted by the staff.

I saw five Ziwei Stars of different colors officially appearing in front of everyone.

All of a sudden, all kinds of flashing lights made Cao Yang unable to open his eyes.

Even Weidekin and Wolfgang Porsche in the adjacent exhibition hall couldn't help but take a few steps forward, hoping to see it more clearly.

"Smooth body shape and a drag coefficient of 0.29 are completely comparable to sports cars."

At this time, Cao Yang's voice sounded again.

But Wei Dejin, who was staring at Ziweixing's stunning appearance with wide eyes, couldn't help but feel another thump in his heart.

The drag coefficient of the Cayman S is also 0.29.

This guy on the stage won't step on it again, right?

It was originally the most popular product at this year's auto show, but it will really become a stepping stone for Xingchen Automobile.

That will affect Cayman S sales.

After all, as a luxury model, everyone will definitely consider that sense of face when buying a car.

If the power performance and appearance of Cayman S are compared by Star Auto, then some consumers will definitely change their minds.

"I guess everyone can't wait to have a close contact with Ziwei Star."

"So I will leave the rest of the words when it is officially listed."

"Thank you again for attending the press conference of Xingchen Motors!"

Originally, there are still some configuration parameters that can be introduced, but Cao Yang feels that this level is just right.

What to say next, everyone probably doesn't have the heart to listen.

So it is very refreshing to end the press conference.

As a result, the five show cars were immediately surrounded by a group of people.

Fortunately, today is the media day, as long as the staff of the car company and the media can enter.

Otherwise, it is estimated that Cao Yang will worry about whether there will be a stampede accident.

"Lai Ping, let's go and have a look."

Wolfgang Porsche, as the chairman of the board of directors of Porsche Automobile, also felt a little crisis at this time.

There is no way, although he is a rich man of three generations, he is not an ignorant person.

Whether the car in front of him is good or not, he still has the ability to appreciate it.

As for Lai Ping, it goes without saying.

Originally, he thought that there were no decent car designers in China, and it was impossible to come up with any impressive products.

Even if it was rumored that Ford and GM's best-selling pickups were designed by Chinese people, he felt that there might be water.

Besides, pickups and coupes have completely different styles.

However, hearing is false and seeing is believing.

After the official debut of those Ziwei Stars in front of me, they are absolutely gorgeous.

Even if it is among the showrooms of many luxury brands, it is still a unique existence.

Even, Lai Ping vaguely found a familiar shadow from this car.

It used to be mainly responsible for the design of sports cars at Porsche, but after becoming the design director, he also thought about whether he could make some innovations and design a coupe.

The idea has only just come to mind, and has not yet begun to be implemented.

The result is to see a coupe that fully meets my expectations.

It's no wonder he didn't pay attention.

So, before Wolfgang Porsche finished speaking, he walked towards the showroom of Xingchen Automobile by himself.

As the CEO, Wei Dejin saw that Wolfgang Porsche and Lai Ping had gone to the booth of Xingchen Motors, so he had no choice but to shrug his shoulders and follow them.

This scene was naturally filmed by the media participating in the press conference.

Especially He Ling from Autohome, after seeing this scene, specially reminded the colleagues carrying the camera to pay attention to the few people who came over from the Porsche booth.

(End of this chapter)

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