Chapter 324

Fang Sisi was very interested in what Cao Yang said on Weibo.

She is actually a soy sauce existence in Huaxia TV, she just doesn't want to let herself have nothing to do.

It doesn't mean that she wants to stay in Huaxia TV for the rest of her life.

That night, after the dinner party, she went back to her room and tossed until midnight, but instead she became more energetic.

"Ayang, tell me about this Weibo again."

"The more I think about it today, the more I feel that this project seems to be messed up."

"The current Internet is basically dominated by the four major portals, and there is no good place for ordinary netizens to speak out."

"This is also the reason why forums such as Tianya and Maopu have become more and more popular in the past two years."

"However, these forums give people a feeling of being a low-level person, and lack a channel for all kinds of people to express their voices on it."

"Blogs have been relatively popular in recent years, but the threshold is relatively high. Most ordinary people will not go up and write their own blogs."

"If you do Weibo like you said, I think it will be interesting."

As a media person, Fang Sisi still has her own unique insights into the field of Internet propaganda.

She is very excited when she thinks that this project will be successful.

"According to my idea, Weibo is such a platform."

Cao Yang also wants to make Weibo the world's first existence, which needs to be officially launched before March next year.

Otherwise, everyone will think that Weibo is plagiarizing Twitter.

After all, the development of Twitter will be completed in March next year, and it will be officially launched in July next year.

Fortunately, this kind of platform, if you have a mature idea and layout, you can find a team to build it for two months.

Autohome has relevant personnel, and Nanshan Group also has many IT personnel. It is not difficult to recruit another batch.

"As a viewer, you can browse the information you are interested in on Weibo."

"You can also act as a publisher and publish content on Weibo for others to browse."

"The published content is generally short, and I plan to limit it directly to 140 characters."

Cao Yang continued to explain his thoughts to Fang Sisi.

"Limited to 140 characters?"

"Why is there a limit of 140 characters?"

Fang Sisi's first reaction should be the normal reaction of most people after hearing this rule.

"The human mind has cognitive limitations and can only process a certain amount of information at a time. A mathematician in Germany calculated this number: 160 English letters."

"He made that number the standard for texting on cell phones."

"Our Weibo is set within 140 characters, and another 20 characters are reserved to display the user's ID information."

"That's the real reason for the word limit."

"However, don't you think that limiting the number of words is itself a promotion point for Weibo?"

"Maybe because of this regulation, it can cause many people to discuss it."

When Cao Yang said this, Fang Sisi immediately understood the beauty of it.

However, in this way, she became even more interested, and directly pestered Cao Yang about the approaching dawn.

Instead, Cao Yang was trapped to death.

However, after clarifying the structure and vision of Weibo, Cao Yang was relieved.

The next day, Fang Sisi contacted Autohome and Liu Youmei, head of the personnel department of Nanshan Group, and quickly formed a project team.

I want to develop the first version of Weibo before the Spring Festival.

The domain name previously registered by Nanshan Investment in advance can be regarded as a formal derived use.

Of course, this is all for later.

For Xingchen Motors, the focus of the past few days is the various publicity after the test drive.

[The fastest luxury four-door coupe in history]

[China's best luxury coupe]

【Technology overwhelms all the heroes, the star car is already a blockbuster】

All kinds of "headline party" news spread rapidly on websites and forums such as Autohome.

Those who engage in propaganda must be good at playing word games.

No matter what the situation is, you can say a set of opinions that are very beneficial to you.

It's like when some car companies report the sales of their models, they often limit a very small segment, and then in this segment, their model sales rank first.

SUVs worth more than 30 yuan, self-owned brand cars worth more than 30 yuan, etc., are all played in the same way.

It's just that the gameplay like this hasn't been rotten yet.

Xingchen Automobile used these tricks in advance, and the effect was astonishing.


"Ayang, I heard that the HR department of your group is looking for our school's software engineering major to cooperate on several projects."

"Could it be that there is another big move going on?"

As soon as the Weibo and car game projects are launched, there will naturally be some corresponding actions.

Headhunters began to poach people, and social recruitment information increased.

At the same time, some relatively simple basic work also found cooperation with the software engineering major of Lingnan University of Technology.

You don't need to tell them about the overall project, you just need them to develop a certain function according to the requirements.

In this way, they can quickly use their manpower.

As Lingnan University of Technology, it is also very willing to carry out such cooperation with Nanshan Group.

Although I don't know what the cooperation project is now, but when the later projects can be announced to the public, I will naturally tell Lingnan University of Technology about the relevant situation.

The most important thing is that the cooperation funds provided by Nanshan Group are quite generous.

With this kind of cooperation, Xiang Changle naturally heard some news easily.

"They are all some Internet products to cooperate with the future publicity strategies of Xingchen Motors."

"After the product is developed, I will ask the teacher to experience it as soon as possible."

It's not that Cao Yang doesn't believe in Xiang Changle.

But these two things, as long as you talk about creativity, it is easy to be copied.

It will be embarrassing if other companies launch corresponding products earlier than Nanshan.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Xiang Changle, but he simply feels that there is no need to let so many people know about the final product.

Fortunately, Xiang Changle didn't get to the bottom of it, he just took this opportunity to contact Cao Yang.

With the increasing popularity of Xingchen Automobile on the Internet, this self-owned brand enterprise positioned as a luxury car seems to be really successful.

Relying on such an enterprise, Xiang Changle also hopes to make Lingnan University of Technology's Automotive College the most powerful existence in China in the future.

Simply competing with the school's comprehensive strength, Xiang Changle felt that it would not be possible for the school to enter the country's TOP20 in another 10 years.

But if it's just the School of Automobile or just the major of Automotive Engineering, he still has the confidence to build it into the top 3 in the country in the next ten years.

It is not impossible to even build the No. [-] in the country.

For him personally, this is a very huge achievement.

Even whether he can progress to become a vice principal depends on his grades.

"I just asked casually."

"The colleague on the software engineering side turned the corner and asked me to inquire."

Xiang Changle explained his question.

Then the two chatted about some other cooperation projects.

Anyway, this is a matter of cooperation and mutual benefit, and the conversation is naturally very smooth.


"Mr. Zhou, during this period of time, contact us to inquire about the OEMs of LED headlights, and the number has increased a lot."

"Before, everyone felt that the technology of LED headlights was immature, and we had to wait for the next generation of models before considering the review and application."

"However, after the official release of Ziwei Star equipped with LED headlights, many people have seen the charm of LED headlights."

"I estimate that in a few years, the sales of LED headlights will become the fastest growing area of ​​our company."

As the head of the sales department of Xingyu Auto Lighting, Zhou Wenjing is in a very good mood recently.

As a domestic auto parts company, they mainly provided equipment for self-owned brand car companies before, and the purchases of joint venture car companies often ignored them.

Even if it successfully becomes a supplier of some car companies such as Shanghai Volkswagen, it only produces halogen headlights on some low-end models.

The specification for xenon headlights does not take them into account.

But things are different now.

In addition to enthusiastic consultation on the technology of LED headlights, these OEMs have also begun to actively discuss with them the situation of xenon headlights and some difficult halogen headlights.

This is definitely a rare good thing for Xingyu car lights.

"Ziweixing's front and rear headlights are matched with the whole car, and the effect is really great."

"During this period of time, I have also seen a lot of related pictures, and the Internet is basically full of praise."

"It seems that we made the right bet this time."

Zhou Ling felt completely relieved.

Even if she had fully seen the technical level of the LED headlights provided by Nanshan Group before, she felt a little guilty before she got more orders from customers.

I have made such a big compromise, is it worth it in the end?

This question has been lingering in her mind.

Now, this question finally has an answer.

"Yes, this bet is definitely the most important choice in our company's development history."

"Now even the purchase of luxury models such as Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW are actively contacting us."

"In the past, this was something that I didn't even dare to think about."

Zhou Wenjing has been visiting customers every day these years. It can be said that she has experienced all kinds of purchases.

Good attitudes, bad attitudes, and even very bad attitudes can be described as everything.

Every manufacturer's situation is different.

But no matter which one it is, as long as you contact overseas auto giants, basically few of them are very interested in them.

So up to now, the export business of Xingyu car lights is very rare.

But in the last week alone, she has received two quotation emails for export-oriented projects.

"You find a few people to plan, and we will go to various OEMs to hold a technology exhibition in the next year."

"With this spring breeze, let our development enter a new stage."

Zhou Ling is very good at seizing opportunities.

Naturally, she would not miss such a good opportunity.


"Mr. Rao, the problems that have arisen in various stages of trial production have been resolved."

"Ziweixing can officially enter mass production."

External marketing activities must be carried out, but internal production and R&D work cannot be stopped.

A lot of preparatory work needs to be done before a new model is launched.

In addition to some certifications related to regulations, the running-in of the production line of the production plant and personnel training are also essential.

Parts provided by various suppliers also need to find some problems through trial production, and make timely improvements.

This is also the reason why the development time of new models is relatively long.

Unlike mobile phones, which can be replaced every year at will.

"Are the relevant entry procedures for overseas markets going smoothly?"

Cao Yang is not worried about domestic related procedures, and he can definitely handle them.

But overseas, different countries have different requirements.

At that time, if Xingchen Motors came back with a lot of tickets because of its own problems, it would be depressing.

Even due to some negligence, it is a pity that the model cannot be launched in some target countries.

"Some procedures for the United States and the European Union are still under preparation, and we have also found some experienced local suppliers to cooperate with."

"It is expected to take another two months to complete all the preparations."

Rao Yongxiang's preparations are quite sufficient.

In such an evaluation meeting today, basically, the questions Cao Yang asked could be answered smoothly.

"The official listing event is scheduled for January 2006, 1, and the related preparations are already being carried out by the sales department as planned."

"At that time, relevant leaders from Lingnan Province and Yangcheng City will attend the event."

Seeing that Rao Yongxiang had basically reported the content related to R&D and production preparations, Zeng Tingting began to actively introduce the next step of listing preparations.

Although the real car has been officially released at the auto show, it has not yet been officially launched.

The relevant price has not been announced, and many people are still looking forward to it.

"Video websites are developing very fast now, and many people like to watch videos online."

"Our listing activities must fully mobilize the resources of the video website."

"We can ask Nanshan Investment to assist in this aspect. They are also investors of some websites now."

Cao Yang is still very confident in Zeng Tingting's ability.

However, some things are limited by the vision of the times, and everyone may not be able to realize its influence.

Just like some short video websites, who would have thought that this would be the hottest window in the future?

"Mr. Cao, we are also planning to fully cooperate with Autohome in this regard to make their video section bigger and stronger."

"Taking this opportunity, Autohome will also officially launch the 'Car Dismantling Workshop' column."

"When the time comes, the first batch of models to be dismantled will have Ziwei Star, and the final dismantling report will also be launched together with the launch promotion."

"We are even considering whether to follow the example of the Great Wall H6 and find a few luxury cars to bump into, so that everyone can see the safety performance of our Xingchen cars."

After Zeng Tingting said this, Cao Yang immediately added, "This kind of crash test does not necessarily require us to do it ourselves."

"It can be done by Autohome or some other cooperative websites, and we can give some support in advertising fees."

Some things can be done, but if you do it yourself, it will hurt your character and your credibility will not be that high.

At this time, killing people with a borrowed knife is something that can be considered.

(End of this chapter)

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