Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 325 Harvest 2005

Chapter 325 Harvest 2005
The impact of the launch of Xingchen Automobile Ziweixing on the auto industry is actually greater than many people imagined.

In particular, the application of the world's first 8AT automatic transmission has not only aroused great repercussions in China, but also international auto parts giants and international auto giants are also staring at this world-leading technology product.

Among them, Aisin, the old rival of Nanshan Transmission, pays more attention to it than anyone else.

"President, we have already found out that Xingchen Motors will hold a listing event on January 1."

"After that, you can buy Ziwei Xing in the corresponding 4S store."

"As soon as they go on the market, we will immediately purchase two new cars from the Huaxia branch, disassemble the 8AT automatic transmission, and then let people take them back to China by plane for disassembly and research."

Aisin Headquarters Sales Headquarters Okumura and R&D Director Nakazawa Hiroyuki reported the latest situation related to Nanshan Transmission 8AT to President Yoshikawa Hisato.

Aisin, which aspires to become the world's largest transmission company, has suffered misfortune from Nanshan Transmission in recent years.

Originally, I was thinking about whether I could rely on the 8AT being developed to regain the advantage.

They are even working with the Lexus LS460 to confirm some prototypes, and it is expected that they will be able to go into mass production next year.

Unexpectedly, Nanshan gearbox took the lead again.

It's no wonder that Aisin's high-level executives are going to die of anger.

"Didn't Xingchen Motors already hold a test drive event?"

"In this event, it must have focused on promoting 8AT, right?"

"Isn't there any useful information collected?"

Hisato Yoshikawa was obviously not satisfied with Okumura's report.

I didn't get any useful information back, so I have to continue to wait.

This feeling is really uncomfortable.

"I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Although Star Motors has been emphasizing that it is the world's first car equipped with 8AT, it has not given too much introduction to the technical parameters of 8AT."

"I suspect that their 8AT performance is mediocre, without any special highlights."

"It's just a product that was developed urgently just to improve the gear."

Okumura felt that it was impossible for Nanshan Transmission to achieve so many technological breakthroughs again and again in just a few years.

This is obviously unreasonable.

Therefore, the 8AT of Nanshan gearbox has average performance, which makes sense logically.

"Don't always underestimate our opponents."

"If Spring City Motor Group or Xifeng Motor Group come out with 8AT, you say that the performance of the product is definitely not good, and I agree."

"But what's the situation with Nanshan Transmission? It's not the first time you've dealt with them."

"Until now, their 6ATs have almost taken away our market."

When Yoshikawa Hisato said this, his heart ached.

How could I be so unlucky.

Encountered such a thing in office.

Will I be able to retire honorably by then?

"President, why don't I go to Huaxia directly, and we will be able to confirm the performance of its gearbox as soon as Ziwei Star is launched."

"At that time, if the gearbox is simply disassembled and brought back to China, some comprehensive performance will not be easy to grasp."

"It's better to conduct some confirmations directly in the laboratory of the Huaxia branch, and finally bring back the tests that Huaxia can't do at the headquarters."

Hiroyuki Nakazawa interjected beside him and made his own suggestion.

Since the 8AT of Nanshan gearbox was about to be mass-produced, and the news spread in the industry, he was under great pressure.

If you can leave the headquarters and go on a business trip to Huaxia, you will be able to breathe more or less.

Otherwise, the pressure will be unbearable.

"This method is also fine. We must accurately grasp the various information of Nanshan gearbox 8AT."

"If we lose to Nanshan Transmission again this time, we will only be able to supply Toyota Motor in the future."

When Hisato Yoshikawa said this, Nakazawa and Okumura looked a bit solemn.

If it really gets to that point, they don't expect to have a chance to get promoted and raise their salary in this life.


Aisin and Denso are the most direct and important parts companies of Toyota Motor.

For a long time, Toyota has been able to leave a durable and fuel-efficient impact in front of consumers, and Aisin has also contributed a lot.

As a luxury brand under Toyota, Lexus must be the first to carry various advanced component technologies on Lexus models.

Just like Lexus LS460, as a competitor of Mercedes-Benz S series, BMW 7 series and Audi A8, it is preparing to use Aisin's 8AT automatic transmission for the first time.

The 8 gears can meet the requirements of strong power and ultra-low fuel consumption to the greatest extent, and the volume is comparable to the previous generation 6-speed gearbox.

This would have been one of the biggest selling points of the LS460.

Now the lethality is greatly reduced.

Many people can remember the Olympic champion.

But does anyone remember the silver or bronze medalists?
The application of technology in the automotive industry is similar.

The first model equipped with 8AT, once this hat falls on other models, there will be a lot less consumers who can remember LS460.

According to Toyota Motor's expectations, Lexus LS460 will interpret the true definition of luxury from the perspective of top performance, noble, elegant and agile flagship temperament.

This car combines the elegance of appearance with the innovation of technology, forging a luxury car with precise and flawless design, mature technology and high quality.

However, this idea was poured cold water.

"President, I think it is necessary for Aisin to start research on the 9AT automatic transmission. Otherwise, Huaxia's Nanshan Transmission will sell 8AT everywhere in the future, and it will be difficult for our high-end models to widen the gap with other brands."

Tetsuaki Kobayashi, as the head of the North American headquarters of Toyota Motor, has a very large voice in Toyota.

Lexus' largest sales market is also in North America.

The new generation of LS460, which had high hopes, found that its advantages were greatly reduced before it was launched. This is absolutely unacceptable to Kobayashi Zheming.

"Is it too anxious to start researching 8AT even before the official mass production of 9AT?"

Zhang Fufu was not in a good mood, but he was not in a state of confusion.

In the past two years, Toyota's global development has been very good overall.

Following this pace, it is even expected to become the world's second largest car company.

"The technical difficulty of 8AT and 9AT is actually not much different. When 9AT is more, it just sounds better, and the actual performance will not be particularly different."

"But if we want to produce luxury models, we must make consumers feel that our gearboxes are the most advanced in the world, so that consumers are willing to pay for that price."

Kobayashi Zheming has a good grasp of consumers' hearts.

I can not use most of the performance of 9AT, but I must have it.

In fact, there are a lot of equipment on a car, and consumers may not use it once a year.

The most common is the skylight. In the city, many people really don't open it once a year.

But if the model you choose when you buy a car does not have a sunroof, you will definitely feel uncomfortable.

"What you said makes sense."

"But this time, we must let Aisin not hold back."

"If 9AT cannot be developed ahead of Nanshan Transmission, then Aisin's board of directors will consider reorganization!"

Zhang Fujio is obviously very dissatisfied with Aisin's performance in the past few years.

It's just that he knew the reason, so he didn't punish Aixin's group any big.

But if he falls behind again and again, it is equivalent to forcing him to make a move.


Christmas is the most important festival of the year for Europeans and Americans.

But in China, the atmosphere of Christmas is so-so.

Seeing that the 8AT has been successfully mass-produced, Ji Hua can finally spare time to run orders.

"Mr. Cao, I think the luxury brands Lincoln, Land Rover and Jaguar under Ford Motor, and Cadillac under General Motors are the most likely models to carry our 8AT first."

"So I plan to go to the United States immediately after this Christmas holiday to visit the procurement and design personnel of Ford and GM, and introduce our 8AT to them."

Every year at the end of December and the beginning of January is the period for various summary reports. If Ji Hua wants to go on a business trip to the United States, he will naturally report to Cao Yang in advance.

"Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi, you can also visit them. Then you can tell Mercedes-Benz that BMW intends to equip 8AT on its flagship model."

"When visiting BMW, it can be said that Mercedes-Benz has the intention of carrying our 8AT."

"Similarly, when visiting Cadillac, it can be said that Audi is going to use our 8AT."

"In short, before Aisin and ZF's 8AT are officially mass-produced, grab a part of the market."

"It will not be so easy for them to regain the dominant position from us in the future."

When Cao Yang reminded him like this, Ji Hua immediately became amused.

This trick is estimated to be really effective.

"I heard that the Aisin 8AT is about to be developed, and it is planned to be installed on the flagship model of Lexus first."

"When the time comes to communicate with those customers, I will also share with them some of the news I have inquired about."

"The combination of true and false news can stimulate them to make a decision as soon as possible."

Ji Hua is also ready to use what he has learned, and immediately prepares to further stimulate those customers.

After all, there is competition among the various auto giants.

Just like the Mercedes-Benz S series, BMW 7 series, Audi A8 and Lexus LS series, these are the flagship models in the sedan field of their respective brands.

Once a car uses 8AT first, other models naturally don't want to fall behind.

Unless there is no better alternative.

Historically, after the LS460 was used first, it played a very good role in promoting its sales in the United States.

Even in the American market, the sales volume of LS460 is higher than that of BMW 7 Series and Audi A8.

Aisin's 8AT is also willing to supply with other luxury brands after ZF's 8AT is mass-produced.

This time difference, the fight is not ordinary clever.

"Those who can use 8AT must be luxury models, and the ability to bear the price is much higher."

"Although the actual production cost of our 8AT is only 6% higher than that of the [-]AT, I don't think it is a problem if the price is twice as high."

"Even in the early stage of mass production, we can directly sell the 6AT at three to five times the price for a period of time, and quickly recover our various R&D and production line investments."

"After the launch of Aisin and ZF's 8AT, we will quickly cut prices, making Mercedes-Benz, BMW and other OEMs struggle."

Although Ji Hua is a high-tech person, he is not without business acumen.

The current 8AT is completely an exclusive business.

If you don't make good money for a year or two, when will you wait?

Besides, this kind of routine is originally the favorite of European and American companies.

First develop a new technology product by yourself, and then sell it at a sky-high price to quickly recover all the investment.

Then wait until similar products from other manufacturers come out, and immediately reduce the price.

The best thing is to be able to directly force other companies to be unable to survive by cutting prices, that would be the best.

The price can be raised later.

If it doesn't work, it's still a price cut to compete with other companies for orders, and you can continue to live a good life for a few years.

When the selling price drops to a certain level, there is no profit.

Then you can consider abandoning this product and start launching a new generation of more advanced technology.

"No problem, just follow your way of thinking."

"Whether the output value of Nanshan gearbox can reach a new high in 2006 depends on the performance of 8AT."

"The size of our 8AT is very close to that of the 6AT, and even part of the installation position is the same."

"The best thing is to be able to persuade some car companies to switch gearboxes during mass production, so that the 2006AT can be completely sold in the second half of 8."

The development of a new model is really time-consuming.

The advantage of Nanshan gearbox is likely to be consumed while waiting.

Naturally, this was not the situation Cao Yang wanted to see.

Therefore, at the beginning of research and development, the problems that need to be faced in mass production switching have been considered.

For example, the installation size and the like, if you want to make a major change, it will take a lot of time.

It would be a lot easier if it was just a simple replacement.

"At that time, we will directly provide them with a package of solutions to help them achieve mass production switching."

"I think there are so many car companies, there will always be one or two that will be interested."

"As long as someone makes a start, other families will definitely feel the pressure."

"We don't need to urge them at that time, they will be more active than us."

Having said that, Ji Hua is more confident about the prospect of 8AT.

Once you have mastered the technical advantages, it will be much easier to engage in marketing.

Otherwise, it would be too difficult to simply fight for the cost there.


2005 was still a bumper year for Nanshan Group.

Ordinary employees must have a holiday on New Year's Day.

However, except for some of the leaders who were allowed to have a holiday on January 1st, Cao Yang called them back for a summary meeting on the 1nd.

This is basically the tradition of Nanshan Group.

Every year during the New Year's Day holiday, we must summarize the situation of the past year.

This year is no exception.

"Mr. Cao, in 2005, the turnover of the whole group exceeded 600 billion, a year-on-year increase of more than 20%, and the growth rate has slowed down."


"Nanshan Special Steel continues to exert its own advantages steadily, and its annual turnover reached 112 billion yuan."

"The production capacity of the pipe manufacturing plant will also be released this year, and it is expected that the turnover will continue to increase."

Dong Shengnan, as the head of the finance department, naturally reported the operating data of Nanshan Group as in previous years.

This is also something of great interest to all participants.

Nanshan Group is not a listed company and will not publish financial statements.

Therefore, as long as Cao Yang does not want to publish these data, ordinary people will not know.

Excluding the tax office.

"The performance of Nanshan Auto Parts this year is as stable as ever. The bearing and gear business has reached 70 billion, which is mainly due to the contribution to the supply of Ford's gearbox factory."

"BYD's sales have increased rapidly this year, and the parts of Great Wall, Chery, Geely and other models using Nanshan Auto Parts are also increasing rapidly. The turnover of these parts has directly increased from 52 billion last year to 76 billion."

"Similarly, due to the increase in sales of its own brands, Nanshan Engine sold more than 2005 engines in 50, contributing a turnover of about 52 billion."

"Nanshan Mold's performance is also impressive. Thanks to the mass production of hot stamping molds, last year's turnover reached 14 billion yuan, which is consistent with the growth rate of the group as a whole."

"Nanshan Equipment also made a relatively big breakthrough in 2005. Various machine tools began to be shipped in large quantities, and achieved a record sales of 30 billion."

"In addition, the performance of Nanshan Robotics is also good. It achieved a 100% increase in turnover without making a sound, reaching 4 million."

"In addition, Autohome also contributed 8 million yuan in turnover to the group last year, and other businesses such as Nanshan Investment also contributed several hundred million yuan."

"With the efforts of each branch, we have successfully completed the goals set by the company at the beginning of the year, laying a solid foundation for continued growth next year."

With Dong Shengnan's report, the mood of the participants was very good.

If the company is good, you can be better.

This concept has begun to take root in the hearts of the Nanshan Group.

After all, after years of increasing the year-end bonus by one month each year compared to the previous year, and then increasing the basic salary by 1%, Nanshan Group's employee treatment is already very good.

For these executives, although they do not have shares in the company, their year-end bonuses are many times higher than that of ordinary employees.

Cao Yang happily took out 2% of the annual net profit as an additional bonus for the staff above the section chief.

For a person of Dong Shengnan's level, the annual bonus can reach about 100 million.

In 2005, it was definitely a very high existence.

Even if it is placed in later generations, it will not be low.

Your own income is closely related to the company's development, so everyone will naturally be very concerned about the company's development, and hope that the company can achieve its goals every year.

"In the past year, Xingchen Motors, a subsidiary of the group, has also officially started to make efforts."

"The investments next year are expected to set new records."

"The investment in the new vehicle production plant, engine plant and various component factories is expected to exceed 50 billion yuan."

"So the pressure next year is actually very high. All business departments need to continue to work hard and challenge to achieve higher goals."

When Dong Shengnan talked about the overall situation, Cao Yang naturally had to stand up and tell everyone about the plan for 2006.

"Although the turnover reached 600 billion last year, the profit target was also achieved."

"But the money earned last year is basically spent this year."

"The research and development of various new models, new technology parts, new equipment and plant investment are very huge."

"In order to support the development of the group, the turnover target for 2006 is 720 billion, and the profit margin is not lower than that of 2005."

"At the same time, it is challenging to reach the turnover target of 800 billion."

When the company first started to develop, it could double its turnover at every turn.

But at the current volume, it is obviously difficult to double it.

Of course, if Nanshan Investment has surprises in the financial market, there is hope for doubling profits.

With enough liquidity in hand, Cao Yang can make some more drastic moves.

Let Nanshan Group become a [-]-billion-level enterprise in the future, that is, in recent years.

"In order to maintain sustainable development, each branch company must also fully grasp the development direction of new technologies."

"For some core technologies related to the future, don't be afraid of burning money."

"If you don't have enough people, hire people; if you don't have enough equipment, invest in equipment."

"Nanshan Group is taking the route of relying on technology to take orders. This logic has not changed and will not change."

"So whether it is auto parts or equipment business, we must maintain sufficient industry competitiveness."

"With the development of the Internet industry, communication technology will also be iterated synchronously."

"Some places abroad have already begun to use 3G networks. Sooner or later, China will enter the 3G or even 4G era."

"At that time, it will inevitably bring many different things to the auto industry."

"In addition to the traditional superior parts, Nanshan Auto Parts must have sufficient technical accumulation and some innovations in terms of automotive electronic parts."

"Especially in the parts related to the cockpit, it must have its own unique advantages."

"At the same time, the group will also increase investment in research and development of semiconductor components."

"Whether it is a joint venture project with BYD or the group's own semiconductor business unit, it is necessary to continue to increase research on new technologies."

Before completely building a technological advantage, Cao Yang would directly guide the development direction of each business department.

In this way, we can avoid detours and become a leading international presence as soon as possible.

"Mr. Cao, Xingchen [-] uses a hybrid system. This year we plan to focus on the technology of hybrid batteries, and strive to complete the research and development of related technologies within this year."

Dai Hanbiao also stood up in time to express his opinion.

Nanshan Auto Parts is the company's core business. Although the turnover is not as high as Nanshan Transmission, its importance is no less important.

(End of this chapter)

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