Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 330 1 hit, full of enthusiasm

Chapter 330 An instant hit, full of enthusiasm

The launch conference of Star Motors' new car was a successful conference.

All the goals that Cao Yang wanted to achieve have been achieved.

Even some effects that he didn't consider have already been realized in the open and in the dark.

From the scene where the media rushed back to the hotel to write their manuscripts after the press conference, and did not even attend the thank you dinner, you can see how much dry goods today's press conference brought to everyone.

The traffic competition on the Internet is actually very fierce.

This is closely related to the advertising revenue of the platform.

How to use the content of today's press conference to write some content that everyone likes to hear and see will naturally depend on the level of editors and reporters on each platform.

"Mr. Cao, we are going to take advantage of this press conference to completely push you to the stage."

"Whether it's Autohome or some forums on the Internet, they are already arranging the promotion of related content."

Zeng Tingting was very excited today.

Everyone can directly feel whether Ziweixing's press conference is successful, and no special explanation is needed.

As the person in charge of the sales department, she must be busy all night tonight.

"You can figure it out, just don't make it too exaggerated."

This matter did not just pop up today.

Cao Yang had already accepted it.

Learning from the new car-making forces of later generations and letting the bosses go out to engage in marketing is obviously a method with a small investment and a large output.

Look at Ideal, Weilai, Xiaopeng, and Tesla bosses, how active are they on various publicity platforms?
"I'll communicate with Mr. Fang later to see when Weibo will be officially launched."

"At that time, we can make good use of this platform."

Zeng Tingting feels that the most important task now is not to sell more cars, but to let everyone recognize the brand of Xingchen Motors.

"It should be soon. Left and right are just a matter of a website. The initial structure is not that complicated."

"The trouble is the various information review and security precautions after the number of users increases."

Cao Yang is naturally aware of the progress of the Weibo project.

Fang Sisi communicated with him on this topic almost every day.

"At that time, we can let all the users of the group register on Weibo, and then burn a sum of money at the beginning, invite some celebrities such as stars to settle in, and even open the official Weibo in the district, and exert all-round efforts."

"Get out the influence, and then you can provide some convenience for our Xingchen Automobile."

Zeng Tingting is still looking forward to Weibo.

This is related to the promotion plan of Xingchen Automobile in the future.

"For your content, Nanshan Film and Television, Nanshan Investment, Weibo and Xingchen Motors can unite and act together instead of doing their own thing."

After Cao Yang finished speaking, he saw Liu Tianwu walking towards him actively.

He has already heard the news that Yangcheng City will add more burdens to Liu Tianwu this year and let him enter the Yangcheng City/Committee.

In this way, it is equivalent to raising Liu Tianwu's level by half a level.

As a city at the deputy ministerial level, the two big bosses in Yangcheng City are both at the deputy ministerial level, and the deputy and committee members below are all at the departmental level.

Liu Tianwu has been able to rise all the way in the past few years, and his achievements are very remarkable.

"Mr. Cao, your activities are very innovative."

"Which car company wants to engage in activities in the future, the pressure will be great."

Liu Tianwu was in a very good mood.

The better the development prospects of Xingchen Motors, the stronger the promotion effect on the district.

This is a scene he is happy to see.

"It all depends on peers and leadership support."

"I hope tomorrow there won't be a bunch of people scolding me online."

Cao Yang's dealings with Liu Tianwu are much more casual now.

After all, we have known each other for so many years.

"Your first car was able to make such a big noise, and now I am full of expectations for the new models you will launch later."

"China's self-owned brand car companies, if you want to say which one can bring everyone the most expectations, it must be Star Motors."

Liu Tianwu also kept exporting good things today.

No way, I feel good.

He watched the press conference with many other leaders just now. Obviously, he was also praised.

"Thank you for your support, we still have a long way to go."

"However, I believe that Xingchen Motors will not disappoint everyone."

When Cao Yang said this, Liu Tianwu's smile became even wider.

But he also knew that Cao Yang was probably very busy today, so he didn't waste Cao Yang's time too much.

After exchanging pleasantries, he left by himself.


Don't think that only programmers can stay up late.

For media people, staying up late is actually commonplace.

When everyone sees their beautiful side, they have to say that they also have a hard-working side.

Under the rapid reports of various media, the relevant content of Ziwei Star's launch conference immediately became the hottest news in the automotive industry.

Even this time, not only on the car channels of various portals, but also on the homepage, there are many related reports.

Huaxia's first four-door high-end luxury coupe is launched!
Breaking the rules, the new car of Xingchen Motors is officially launched!
Catfish in the auto industry, new hope for China's own brands!

A number of technologies are world-leading, and Ziwei Star is listed on the market!
Cao Yang, a master of car design in China!

Look at Cao Yang's counterattack from Ziwei Star's listing!

Starting at RMB 79.99, Xingchen set a new record for its own brand!
All kinds of news popped up all over the Internet in one night.

Whether it is people in the auto industry or ordinary netizens outside the auto industry, they have more or less paid attention to this news.

"Mr. Cao, congratulations, Xingchen Motors has achieved great success."

Although the actual emotions in his heart were a bit complicated, Yi Jia, the general manager of Changan Automobile, still called Cao Yang himself.

This year, Changan Automobile will start a comprehensive cooperation with Nanshan Group.

The new SUV equipped with Nanshan engine and Nanshan gearbox will be launched quickly in the second half of the year.

To some extent, the success of Xingchen Automobile, Nanshan Engine and Nanshan Transmission is also a good thing for Changan Automobile.

"It's just a beginning, and there is still a long way to go."

"Mr. Yi, if the sales volume of China's own brands exceeds that of joint venture car companies in the future, we still need you."

Cao Yang's words were not entirely polite.

It is naturally impossible for Xingchen Automobile, which takes the high-end route, to compare with Changan Automobile in terms of sales.

At least in the short term there is no way to compare.

"I plan to increase the after-sales terms appropriately when the new car is on the market, so that everyone can see the excellence of Nanshan's engine and Nanshan's gearbox."

"Even the last time you called and mentioned that everyone jointly publicized the quality of the engine and gearbox, I think it can be done sooner."

Congratulations is a purpose, to talk about topics related to Changan Automobile, of course, is what Yi Jia wants to communicate.

Naturally, Cao Yang had no reason to refuse such a topic that was in line with the development of Nanshan Group.

Soon, the two sides reached a lot of consensus.

The relationship between Nanshan Group and Changan Automobile has become closer invisibly.

And Yi Jia's call seemed to open a Pandora's box.

Soon, Wang Fu from BYD, Li Su from Geely, Wang Ying from Great Wall, and others all called Cao Yang one after another.

All of a sudden, the position of Nanshan Group in the hearts of various car companies can be said to have risen a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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