Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 331 Big move, signing Messi in advance

Chapter 331 Big move, signing Messi in advance
After the new car is launched, the daily orders and actual sales data are naturally a piece of information that is very concerned by the OEMs.

Although there are currently only a dozen 4S stores of Xingchen Motors, they are still expanding.

However, the data collected on the first day surprised Cao Yang.

"22 cars were sold on the first day, is that an exaggeration?"

For ordinary models, if only 22 cars are sold in a day, it is estimated that they will faint in the toilet.

But Xingchen Motors is different, they are taking the high-end route.

Ziweixing even released the saying that the limited edition is 1 units.

In this case, if 22 vehicles can be sold every day, then [-] vehicles can be sold in the entire life cycle.

This is definitely a very exaggerated statistic.

"I was also a little strange after seeing this content, so I asked the sales staff of the 4S store one by one to understand the situation."

"Judging from the information we have so far, half of these 22 customers may have been bought back by competitors for research."

"The other half was bought by some of our partners. For example, Mr. Guo of Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory bought two, and Mr. Zhou of Xingyu Auto Lamp also bought two."

"Only about five or six are purchased by ordinary consumers."

Zeng Tingting was able to secure her current position, naturally she had a few brushes.

Before reporting to Cao Yang, she had already confirmed all kinds of questionable information.

So if Cao Yang had any questions, she would be able to answer them right away.

"If that's the case, it's much more normal."

"After all, our Ziwei Star has just been launched, and all kinds of publicity have not yet fully revealed their power."

"In this case, sales of less than ten vehicles a day are in line with common sense."

Cao Yang has a very clear understanding of the current situation of Xingchen Motors.

Don't look at the Internet is very popular now, but it will definitely take some time for the sales to explode.

Even if some consumers are interested in buying, they still need to look at the development trend of public opinion and how people around them think of Xingchen before making a move.

This is different from the situation faced by other mature car brands when they launch mature replacement models.

"Mr. Cao, should we investigate and find out who bought our car and disassemble it for research?"

"Or do you want the 4S store to impose some restrictions on such customers?"

Naturally, Zeng Tingting didn't want to see Ziwei Star being dismantled and imitated by competitors.

However, this is obviously unavoidable.

Even in Cao Yang's view, there is no need to avoid it at all.

That might still be a good thing.

"Don't worry about him, it's a good thing for our sales if they have to disassemble and study."

"No matter who it is, as long as they buy our Ziwei Star, they are our customers."

"So there is absolutely no need for 4S stores to treat them differently. On the contrary, we must strictly control the inflow and outflow of some after-sales parts in 4S stores, so as to avoid people who want to disassemble and study our Ziwei Star, and get what they want through 4S stores. Component."

"For example, a competitor of Xingyu Car Lighting wants to study Ziweixing's LED headlights. There is only one way now, and that is to buy a car and go back to disassemble it for research."

"If the management of the 4S store is not strict, it is possible for people to purchase after-sales parts to complete this purpose at a very low cost."

"In addition to lamp manufacturers, transmission manufacturers must also be very interested in our 8AT automatic transmission."

"Whether it is Aisin or ZF, or BorgWarner and Jatco, they all have a demand for 8AT samples."

"Some other parts such as engines, air springs, etc. must also have the needs of companies to disassemble and study."

"It's done well, it's a good thing for us Ziwei Star."

"Even at a certain time in the future, we can find someone to directly break the news, saying that Aisin or any other well-known company bought our Ziwei Star by itself in order to learn the advanced technology on Ziwei Star."

When Cao Yang said this, Zeng Tingting immediately felt that her mind was opened.

"I will immediately remind all 4S stores to strictly manage after-sales parts."

"For overseas car exports, the situation of after-sales parts will also be managed in the future."

For a long time, China's self-owned brand car companies have purchased models from international auto giants and disassembled them for analysis.

Now it's finally turning around, which seems to be a good thing.

"How is the progress of finding Messi as the spokesperson?"

When it comes to overseas sales, Cao Yang immediately thought of the matter of arranging the sales department to find Messi to endorse.

Others don't know how popular Messi will be in the future, doesn't he know?

Although Messi's reputation is not small now, the endorsement fee has not ushered in an explosion.

According to historical development, it was only in the second half of this year that Messi's advertising revenue began to grow by leaps and bounds, and it was really surprising that it was rushing towards more than [-] million US dollars a year.

Right now, at a price of 100 million US dollars a year, it is absolutely possible to win Messi's car endorsement contract.

This price is not even required for the first year.

"It's almost done. The other party wants to see our real car launched overseas, and then decide whether to sign a contract after seeing the market performance."

"For other terms, both parties have actually reached a consensus."

Zeng Tingting is also more concerned about the spokesperson.

It's just that there is no final result yet, so it is not as hardworking as reported.

"You arrange someone to sort out the various reactions and performances of Ziwei Star in China since it went public."

"Then see if we can convince Messi's agent to sign with us as soon as possible."

"If the other party really has concerns, then you can first separate the domestic and foreign contracts and sign them."

"Let's finalize the domestic endorsement contract first."

Although Star Motors will go global in the future, the main sales volume must be contributed by the domestic market.

Relatively speaking, it is even more important for domestic consumers to recognize Star Motors.

"no problem."

"In the past two days, our Xingchen Automobile has performed very well in China. Messi's agent should also arrange for someone to understand."

"As long as their concerns are relieved, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"We are also revealing to them that Messi is not the only choice for Xingchen Automobile."

"If the contract is not signed soon, maybe we will also consider other players."

Zeng Tingting's words were really not meant to scare Messi's manager.

Messi is not the only player who is popular now.

Even the most popular is not Messi at all.

"Fight for finalization after the Spring Festival, the sooner the better!"


"Lai Ping, the Huaxia Branch has sorted out the situation of the launch of Xingchen Motor's new car today."

"Do you think they will really have a certain impact on Porsche's sales in China?"

Having just finished the long Christmas holiday, Wei Dejin has almost forgotten some of the shocks of his last trip to China.

He felt that he was overwhelmed by the situation on the day of the Yangcheng Auto Show, so he arranged for someone to watch the Xingchen car when he was walking. Ziwei must report to the headquarters after it is officially launched.

Later, Wei Dejin also heard about the fact that Lai Ping and Cao Yang participated in the interview with Autohome.

So today I specially called Lai Ping over.

"In the short term, it will certainly not have a particularly large impact on us."

"However, there is no way to completely avoid consumers' loss of expectations for CAMAN Y."

"Actually, if Cao didn't create a company by himself, then I think it is very appropriate to recruit him as the next design director of Porsche."

When Lai Ping said this, Wei Dejin couldn't help but pay more attention to it.

Although his relationship with Lai Ping is so-so, he is very aware of Lai Ping's design talent.

"If this Cao Yang can really design one amazing car model after another as always, then even if Star Motors can't compete with us in the future, it will be different from other Huaxia auto companies and become an existence that cannot be ignored. .”

Porsche can have what it is today, which has a lot to do with the talent of the first generation founder Mr. Porsche.

Obviously, there is a slight similarity between Xingchen Motors and Porsche's situation.

"Yes, if Xingchen Motors really becomes an existence like Porsche, it must not be so fast."

"But they will definitely become a force to be reckoned with in the auto industry, which is very likely."

"I think the company needs to pay proper attention to the situation of Xingchen Automobile in the future."

"Even if you don't regard them as opponents, you can learn from their propaganda methods."

"In this regard, they are quite different from other car companies."

Obviously, Lai Ping also read the relevant information about the new car launch of Xingchen Motors.

The more you know about Star Motors, the more you will feel that this company is not simple.

"I will arrange for the Huaxia branch to report on the situation of Xingchen Automobile on a regular basis, so that they can pay due attention to it."

Wei Dejin thought for a few seconds and agreed to Lai Ping's proposal.


"Tao Wen, find time to contact Xingchen Motors, let's go over and communicate."

The rapid fame of Xingchen Motors has had a far-reaching impact on the domestic auto industry.

Zhu Zhengfeng, who was far away in Spring City, didn't think that Xingchen Automobile would have anything to do with him.

But yesterday, I was criticized by an old leader, saying how they made Hongqi cars like that over the years.

Let them learn from Xingchen Motors, and don't let the Hongqi brand decline.

In this case, even if Zhu Zhengfeng doesn't like Nanshan Group, he must adjust his mentality.

For people like them, grasping the changes of some things in time is more important than the work itself.

So the next day, he asked Tao Wen to contact Xingchen Motors.

With his status as the general manager of Spring City Automobile Group, he must be able to meet Cao Yang.

"Mr. Zhu, the Spring Festival is coming soon. Years ago, your schedule was relatively slow. Can we arrange the exchange at Xingchen after the Spring Festival?"

Tao Wen was relatively clear about Zhu Zhengfeng's itinerary.

Her office is just next to Zhu Zhengfeng.

As the head of the brand public relations department.Many of Zhu Zhengfeng's schedules were attended by Tao Wen.

"Don't delay, arrange it now, and go there before the Spring Festival."

"By the way, call the people in charge of the research institute and the Hongqi brand, and let's go over and have a chat."

"Hongqi Automobile has become what it is now, which is already unsatisfactory."

Zhu Zhengfeng felt a little anxious when he thought of the unhappy tone of the old leader on the phone.

In fact, he also wanted to make the Hongqi car a good one.

Within the Spring City Automobile Group, the development of any automobile company is not as significant as the development of the Hongqi brand.

"I'll get in touch right away, and it should be possible to arrange it before the Spring Festival."

Tao Wen didn't talk nonsense, picked up the phone directly, and was about to start contacting.

Zhu Zhengfeng said that he had time before the Spring Festival, so naturally he didn't need to worry so much.


When all companies were busy summarizing at the end of the year, Star Auto released another satellite for everyone.

Messi officially signed an endorsement contract with them. From 2006 to 2016, the two parties signed a 10-year contract in one go.

Although according to the agreement in the contract, the endorsement fee will increase by 10% every year in the future, it will definitely be a very high figure after ten years.

But judging from Messi's endorsement fee ten years later, this cooperation must be a big advantage for Xingchen Automobile.

In 2006 it only cost $80.

In 2007 it cost only $88.

Until 2016, it only reached more than 200 million US dollars.

This price is totally worth it.

Of course, Messi's side will agree to this contract. On the one hand, it is because Messi's endorsement fee is not high now, and 80 is considered the market price.

On the other hand, Star Motors also sincerely stated that it will increase by 10% every year in the next ten years.

No one can guarantee that he will still be so popular ten years later, and he will still have a one-year endorsement contract worth more than 200 million US dollars.

Besides, Xingchen Motor only needs Messi to participate in a new car launch or other activities every year, and cooperate with the shooting of an advertisement.

This requirement is really not high.

After all, Messi didn't even come to China specifically for the signing ceremony of the cooperation.

This kind of thing that makes money while lying down, both parties feel that they are taking advantage of each other.

The so-called win-win situation is probably like this.

Even if Messi becomes popular in the future, looking back at this contract, he will not feel that he has suffered too much.

I can only admire Xingchen Motors for being optimistic about its future.

"Editor-in-Chief, are we really going to publish this draft?"

"What if this is a gimmick made by Xingchen Motors?"

Lin Jiayan looked at the manuscript in her hand, very tangled.

Just this morning, Xingchen Motors sent me a press release.

This kind of thing, in most cases, each website will cooperate with the release.

Those who are more dedicated will work on this basis, and those who have dealt with it can just send it out.

Lin Jiayan also did similar things.

But this time, she was a little confused.

No way, this content is a bit exaggerated.

"Although Xingchen Motors has made a lot of gimmicks during this period, at least what they say is not a lie."

"I think they shouldn't dare to fake news that is easily debunked."

"Otherwise, Messi can sue Xingchen Auto at that time."

Fang Dawen was also muttering in his heart.

Why did Xingchen Motors find Messi to sign the endorsement contract without making any noise?
Last year, Messi's performance in the football world was very impressive.

On behalf of Barcelona, ​​Messi played 9 times in the official first-team matches, scored 1 goal, won the La Liga championship with the team, and personally won the 2005 European Golden Boy Award.

, Argentine Footballer of the title.

Although it can't be said that it is at the height of the sun, it can be regarded as a brilliant performance.

Generally, this kind of star would look down on the endorsement contract of Huaxia's own brand car company.

"Xingchen Motors has not officially announced that it has signed Messi. These articles are all published by us."

"Even if people want to sue, there is no way to sue, right?"

When Lin Jiayan said this, Fang Dawen immediately retorted: "The e-mails sent to us by the other party are all recorded. I believe that Xingchen Motors should not do this kind of denial. It is too hurtful."

"Then I'll go first?"

Anyway, I have reported it to the above, and even if there is a problem at that time, it is not my problem.

Lin Jiayan has also begun to learn how to protect herself now.

"Wait a minute, Autohome has released news about it?"

Fang Dawen was somewhat worried.

If Xingchen Motors wants to cheat NetEase, then I will lose points with the company's top management.

"I just saw that the Autohome has released the news."

"And put it in the most conspicuous position."

"However, the pictures in there look like they were uploaded by PS."

"Otherwise, why would there be a photo of Messi and Ziweixing?"

When Lin Jiayan said this, Fang Dawen was completely relieved.

As for whether PS is not PS, he is not worried at all.

Anyway, they didn't go up there.

"Then let it go!"

"Then keep an eye out to see what the response is to the article."


"Peng Lin, you can arrange someone to follow up and see how the Xingchen Auto's appointment with Messi works."

"If the effect is good, we can also consider signing a star as a spokesperson."

With the release of the drafts provided by Xingchen Auto on various websites, relevant information naturally spread quickly in the auto circle.

Even many domestic fans realized the existence of Star Motors through this incident.

"Judging from the current situation, Xingchen Motors is gambling."

"I signed a ten-year contract all at once, but I didn't even hold a decent signing ceremony."

"It is estimated that they want to obtain the endorsement rights of Messi's portrait in some way?"

Peng Lin felt that this matter might be a little different from the general endorsement.

He is a bit contemptuous.

"Mr. Cao has never let everyone down in his work."

"This time, if they choose a strange way to cooperate, then maybe there is something in it that we haven't seen through."

It was not the first time Li Su had dealt with Cao Yang.

It's obviously not that he doesn't think that Cao Yang will do things that will hurt him.

"That's right, I'll arrange someone to follow up and see what new news comes out."

"Star Motors didn't even announce the endorsement fee. I guess it didn't cost a lot of money."

"I don't know why Messi agreed to such a cooperation."

Peng Lin's reaction not only represented him alone, but represented a type of person.

In other words, although Xingchen Motors' signing of Macy's spokesperson immediately became the headline news in the auto industry, the repercussions it caused were not that great.

After all, Messi's popularity in China is not so high now.

In a few years, things will be completely different.


"Mr. Cao, now that we have signed Messi, the popularity on the Internet has risen."

"However, many people said strange things, thinking that we did something opportunistic, and even thought that we were foolish and had a lot of money and were cheated."

"I think if Messi finds an opportunity to come to China this year, we will use up the first platform opportunity?"

It's going to be a holiday soon, but Zeng Tingting feels a little uneasy in her heart.

The development of public opinion is a bit different from what I want.

"It's not that meaningful if it's just a signing ceremony."

"The other party can agree to our current price because we don't bother."

"Although it is said that I have to attend an event once a year and shoot an advertisement once a year, it is specifically mentioned in the contract."

"Most of these events are held in Europe, and they only come to China once a year."

"Instead of this, it would be more valuable to have Messi come over when we launch the new car of Xingchen II and Xingchen III."

Cao Yang feels that as long as someone discusses it, even if it is not so positive, it does not necessarily need special attention.

Sometimes black and red are also red.

As long as it doesn't affect the brand image of Xingchen Motors, let those people discuss it.

"Then I'll arrange someone to guide the public opinion, and just suppress the heat of this matter?"

Since Cao Yang didn't intend to ask Messi to come and cooperate with the platform now, Zeng Tingting must think of other ways.

"Isn't there going to be another bonus this year?"

"There is no need for people to do anything specifically, as long as people report on the number of bonus months issued by Nanshan Group, it is enough to attract everyone's attention."

"Then the day after tomorrow, isn't Mr. Zhu and his party from Spring City Automobile Group coming over?"

"At that time, there will definitely be some cooperation. The two of us will publicize this cooperation on the Internet. Isn't it just another news?"

Cao Yang casually found two excuses for Zeng Tingting.

"I understand."

"Then I'll make arrangements first."

Be it Xingchen Automobile or Autohome, there are people who specialize in this job.

It can be said that there is no automobile company in China that pays more attention to various public opinion guidance and public relations on the Internet than Cao Yang.

Under the banner of Autohome, there is even a group of exclusive sailors.

At critical moments, opponents will be able to experience the strength of Nanshan Group.

(End of this chapter)

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