Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 334 F1 or WRC, or should I both?

Chapter 334 F1 or WRC, or should I both?

Cao Yang chatted with Zhang Songwen all afternoon.

The content of the chat is of course not limited to "Struggle".

Nanshan Film and Television is serving Xingchen Automobile, and to meet the needs of car implantation, only urban dramas are more suitable.

And urban dramas have a relatively wide audience in terms of audiences.

Although Cao Yang didn't directly talk about the "Love Story in the Imperial Capital" and "Snail House" in later generations, he also put forward some requirements for Zhang Songwen.

"Mr. Cao, Mr. Fang asked me to list some influential stars in the circle, and I plan to ask them to help with some kind of publicity."

"I think to make those people more active in this matter, it is best to release the news that Nanshan Film and Television has invested 1500 million yuan in the filming of "Struggle" before the Spring Festival, so that everyone can know our strength."

"After all, people in this circle are very realistic."

"They see that Nanshan Film and Television has a future, and they will take the initiative to cooperate and do something."

"Otherwise, the people who make the call may hang up directly."

Zhang Songwen came to report to Cao Yang today, the most fundamental purpose is to formally finalize the investment tomorrow.

The first funds were also transferred to the crew's account.

That way you can start advertising.

"No problem. At that time, you can also make some noises on some occasions."

"Our Nanshan Film and Television Club gives priority to cooperating with stars who help Xingchen Motors to promote."

"If there is any celebrity who directly buys Ziwei Xing himself, then as long as there is a suitable opportunity, he will be selected first."

This group of stars has its own unique influence.

Although most of the star-chasers are not the target customers of Ziwei Star, it is still very beneficial to enhance the brand power of Ziwei Star.

Besides, star chasing people are not the target customers now, after ten or eight years, there must be some of these people who will be the target customers of Star Motors.

"no problem!"

"I will also release the news that Nanshan Film and Television is planning to invest 1 million yuan a year in the film and television field."

"At that time, we will definitely not only shoot one "Struggle", and other suitable investment will also be shot."

"We can even directly sign some suitable actors and cultivate stars ourselves."

"In this way, you can cooperate as you want them to promote Ziwei Star."

Zhang Songwen used to be a teacher of Beijing Film Academy, so he naturally knew many actors.

There are even some people who are not yet famous, but he thinks their acting skills are good, there are also some people.

"You can make decisions on the specific operation of Nanshan Investment, and just report on the company's development every month."

Zhang Songwen is his cousin, and his character has gone through the test of history.

So Cao Yang still trusts him.

The most important thing is that the investment of Nanshan Film and Television is really nothing to Nanshan Group.

The annual tax paid is much higher than that investment.

"Thank you Mr. Cao for your trust. I will return to the imperial capital tomorrow and start to arrange some related matters."

"It's all in Yangcheng, why don't you go back to your hometown?"

"I won't go back now. The company is in a mess right now, and there are many things to be busy with. I'm going to find a chance to go back to my hometown after finishing this wave of work!"

I haven't had the opportunity to film for so many years, and now I can finally show my strengths.

Zhang Songwen naturally didn't want to waste a day.

If it weren't for the Spring Festival coming soon, he would have felt like he had decided on the actors with Director Zhao and started filming right away.


This year's New Year's Eve, Cao Yang took his mother to spend at the company as always.

More than half of Nanshan Group's current turnover is from export business.

So for the Spring Festival or something, it is naturally impossible for everyone to have a holiday.

Mi Ying, the secretary, continued to work overtime in the company today.

In the past few years, she has officially grown into a strong woman in the workplace.

As the director of Nanshan Group's General Manager Office, she is at the same level as the general manager of each branch.

However, no one in the entire company dared to chase her.

"Mr. Cao, I think this year's company anniversary or year-end party, should we invite "The Same Song"?"

"When the time comes, there will be a song like "The Same Song—Entering Nanshan Group" or "The Same Song—Entering Xingchen Automobile", which should also be very beneficial to the promotion of our group."

"The most important thing is to further improve the cohesion of employees."

Although this year's New Year's Eve is also an event held in the cafeteria, there are not a few employees who should perform spontaneously.

Although this kind of self-entertainment performance is necessary, the atmosphere is naturally a bit worse than inviting celebrities to perform.

Cao Yang may not pursue stars, but it does not mean that the employees of Nanshan Group also do not pursue stars.

"That's a good idea. You can find someone to arrange it when the time comes."

There are so many things that the group has to do every day, and Cao Yang knows a lot of things.

There's no need to worry about everything, or else you won't be busy at all.

Cao Yang wants to develop Huaxia's auto industry, but he is not entirely a workaholic.

"Actually, I think if you want to promote Xingchen Motors, can you consider sponsoring which F1 team?"

"At that time, whether we provide the engine or simply name it, it should be very helpful to enhance the brand power of Xingchen Automobile."

Zeng Tingting raised her opinion beside her.

Apparently, she felt that it would be better to spend money to play F1 races than to spend money to invite "The Same Song" to the party.

For Xingchen Motors, this is an improvement in hard power.

"F1 is the top event in racing. The overall arrangement for the whole year, the event organization of each race, team work, TV broadcasting and other aspects are all in order. It can indeed be considered."

"However, if you want to set up an F1 team and get some good rankings, it is not something that can be done in a day or two."

As the world's highest-level motorsport competition, the World Formula One Championship, which is also known as the "three major sports events in the world" together with the Olympic Games and the World Cup, is F1. Cao Yang naturally knows it.

It is also considered that Xingchen Motors will join this competition in the future.

Especially after sports cars come out in the future, these competitions are needed to let everyone feel the strength of Xingchen Motors.

It's just that he feels that now is not the best opportunity.

By the time of the financial crisis in 2008, many teams would not be able to continue their operations.

At that time, wouldn't spending money to directly buy a team be easier than anything else?

"That's true, but I think we can let the wind out first."

"This is also a good publicity point for Xingchen Automobile."

"As far as when we actually start F1 racing, that's all negotiable."

Zeng Tingting is becoming more and more flexible now.

Look for various opportunities to touch luxury cars such as Porsche and Ferrari, and look for various hot news to take advantage of hot spots.

If not, create your own opportunities.

Judging from the current situation, these tricks still have very good results.

"F1 races should be expensive, right?"

"I heard that the production of an F1 car alone requires 800 million US dollars. This does not include research costs, design costs, wind tunnel experiment costs, and public and private testing costs. Otherwise, the above figures will at least double."

"Besides that, it doesn't matter whether it's buying a team or building a team yourself."

"The costs are staggering."

"A general team has an independent factory department in addition to the staff who race with the team all over the world, and a slightly stronger team also has a dedicated test team."

"It is said that the Ferrari team has a staff of 450."

"Ferrari started out racing cars, but when it ran out of money, it made money by making civilian sports cars."

"Although F1's publicity effect is indeed very good, but whether it is suitable for Xingchen Automobile, or whether it is suitable for the current Xingchen Automobile, I think it needs to be carefully considered."

"Otherwise, hundreds of millions of dollars will be invested in F1 every year. It would be better to spend the money on other promotional aspects, which may be more effective."

"Not to mention anything else, just hiring all kinds of sailors, experts, and scholars to promote or brag on various newspapers, magazines, and the Internet in China can also establish the image of the high-end brand of Xingchen Automobile."

I have to say that Mi Ying's statement is not without reason.

If Xingchen Motors is really willing to spend hundreds of millions to go to the navy to promote it, the effect will definitely not be bad.

In fact, Xingchen Automobile is already doing this work, but the intensity is not to the extent of hundreds of millions a year.

"Using F1 to promote our Xingchen Automobile, this is definitely possible."

"However, for the current Xingchen Motors, the conditions for directly entering F1 are indeed immature."

"The company can set up a special team to let them understand the various rules of the F1 competition first."

"At the same time, we can also tentatively contact some F1 teams to see if they have any intention of selling."

"In two or three years, when the conditions are ripe, we can buy a team and directly enter the F1 competition."

Cao Yang did not adopt Zeng Tingting's proposal, nor did he adopt Mi Ying's proposal.

Instead, combined with what they said, each adopted a part.

"President Cao's proposal is indeed more in line with the actual situation of our company."

"At that time, I will personally find a few people to be responsible for the pre-planning work of the F1 project."

"At the same time, we can also find the right time this year to expose our preparations for the F1 project."

"We can even ask the designers at the research institute to design a few renderings of F1 racing cars to match our publicity."

Regarding Cao Yang's decision, Zeng Tingting naturally had no opinion.

Anyway, the general direction is good for the development of the sales department's work, and it is also in line with her initial idea.

"I think that since the F1 project can be established, can the preparations for the WRC World Rally Championship be carried out simultaneously?"

"Compared to F1, WRC has a slightly lower threshold."

Not to be outdone, Mi Ying also put forward a new proposal.

Although she was not born with an automobile major, she has learned a lot about the automobile industry in Nanshan Group these years.

Of course, she also went to learn about various famous car races.

Especially after Xingchen Motors was preparing to make a sports car, she took a good look at it.

"Besides formula racing, WRC should be another race that fans can go crazy for."

"Fierce competition and a wonderful display of the car's legendary allure."

"It is different from the track race in the closed-loop venue. Its race tracks are spread all over the world in different road conditions such as rainforest, mud, snow, desert and winding mountain roads. It is one of the most severe races in racing competitions. "

"This special requirement also makes WRC one of the most attractive competitions."

"Mr. Cao, I think Director Mi's proposal should be carefully considered."

Naturally, Zeng Tingting would not blindly oppose for the sake of opposing.

Although the relationship between her and Mi Ying is a bit delicate, it is not likely to cause any major conflicts.

Participating in WRC is obviously beneficial to the company, and it is also beneficial to the work of the sales department.

She naturally had no reason to object.

"The cars used in WRC are all modified from production models."

"This is also one of the reasons for the popularity of this race. After all, these cars are products that can be seen in daily life, unlike supercars or formula cars in touring car races."

"If our Ziwei star is well prepared, it can go to the WRC."

Mi Ying once again added her point of view.

Seeing that the two female generals of the company made such positive proposals, Cao Yang naturally would not object.

"WRC competitions can travel around the world and across continents."

"The track is rich and varied, the ice and snow track in Sweden, the '1 bends' in Corsica, the rolling hills and enthusiastic spectators in Argentina, the scorching heat in Nairobi, and the rain in England."

"The WRC track environment creates a strong visual impact."

"As the rear of the car swayed, the dust also flew into the sky through the tires, and the atmosphere quickly ignited."

"That kind of scene really makes people's blood boil."

"However, the WRC competition rules are also very strict."

"For example, the participating vehicles must be prototype cars with an annual output of more than 2500 units from major car manufacturers."

"At the same time, there are strict restrictions on the size, weight, displacement and power of the modified racing car."

"And every WRC car must have a driver and a co-driver on board."

"The most important thing is that in accordance with WRC regulations, all cars are equipped with four-wheel drive systems and are equipped with 2.0-liter turbocharged engines."

"Our Ziwei star needs to be refitted to participate in the competition."

"We can start the preparatory work now, but it is estimated that we will have to wait until next year to officially participate in the competition."

With Cao Yang's decision, the preparations for Xingchen Motors F1 and WRC have officially started.

In the future, when Chinese car enthusiasts watch these two competitions, they will be able to see their own domestic teams participating.

This should be a good thing for enhancing the influence of these two events in China.

For this reason alone, if Xingchen Motors wants to participate in these two events, it will be able to get a lot of preferential treatment from the International Motor Sports Federation (FIA).

(End of this chapter)

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