Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 333 The "Struggle" of Dahongqi and Xingchen Automobile

Chapter 333 The "Struggle" of Dahongqi and Xingchen Automobile

"Mr. Cao, we are all confident in your level. If you can't even satisfy the big red flag you designed, then I don't think we can find a satisfactory car."

At this time, Zhu Zhengfeng must have no choice but to trust Cao Yang, and in turn express that he trusts Cao Yang unconditionally.

Otherwise, this cooperation will definitely not go on.

"Since Mr. Zhu has so much confidence in me, it's hard for me to refuse."

"However, there are so many self-owned brand companies in China. Everyone has mentioned this topic before. I am sure it is not easy to make everyone feel that one is more favorable than another."

"Otherwise, it will be difficult for Nanshan Group to discuss cooperation with them in the future."

Although things can be done, the benefits cannot be less.

Cao Yang will definitely not relax this principle.

Zhu Zhengfeng is also a smart person, and he immediately understood the meaning of Cao Yang's words.

"Mr. Cao, you can do whatever you need, as long as I can do it, I will do it for you!"

Zhu Zhengfeng didn't think about the scheme of prostitution to Cao Yang, he also knew that it was impossible.

However, he was thinking about whether he could pay the design fee in a disguised form by asking Cao Yang to sell parts more expensively.

After all, whether an engine sells for 5 yuan or 10 yuan is up to Cao Yang.

There is no domestic company that can provide 3.0T engines at all.

Even international imports cannot find products with better performance at the same level.

What's more, if you import it, you will pay double the price, and they may not sell it to you.

"Actually, I can't say what the conditions are. It is the common wish of every Huaxia Automobile person to make the big red flag shine again."

"But Mr. Zhu, you must be able to understand my difficulties."

Zhu Zhengfeng felt a little aggrieved by Cao Yang's way of not revealing the cards that I had in my hand.

But if Dahongqi really does well, he really has no confidence in leaving Nanshan Group.

So I had to take the initiative to say: "We will pay a technical commission fee of 3% of the selling price for each Dahongqi."

"And the price of Dahongqi will definitely not be lower than that of Ziweixing, and it will not compete with Ziweixing for the market."

"In fact, the positioning of Ziwei Xing and Dahongqi is also different. Except for some overlaps in high-end official vehicles, there is no competition."

"In the high-end official car market, Dahongqi can join forces with Ziweixing, and we will participate in the bidding by forming a joint team."

"If you buy a big red flag, you will at least buy a Ziwei star. This point can be handed over to our Spring City Motor Group."

Zhu Zhengfeng watched Cao Yang's reaction while talking.

Fortunately, the other party extended the conditions to such an extent that Cao Yang accepted it as soon as he saw it was good, saying: "We all have felt the sincerity of Mr. Zhu."

"Don't worry, I will send you the appearance map of the big red flag after the Spring Festival, and I will adjust it to your satisfaction!"

Hearing Cao Yang's words, Zhu Zhengfeng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, Dahongqi was stable.

By directly using the engine, gearbox and other components in mass production of Nanshan Group, the development speed of the model can definitely be much faster.

At that time, as long as the parts related to interior and exterior decoration can be produced in time, the new Dahongqi can be officially launched.

If the speed is fast enough, by this time next year, new cars can roll off the assembly line.

"Mr. Cao, then I will wait for your good news."

After talking about the major issues, the teams on both sides chatted again, and then switched to the wine table to exchange feelings.


"Ayang, I think it's a very correct choice for you to cooperate with Chuncheng Motor Group to develop the Big Red Flag."

"Although their brand name will be hung at that time, everyone will know where the core components come from."

"In the future, the personnel who are eligible to be equipped with the big red flag will not be low-level."

"It will definitely be a good thing if they can also see the goodness of Nanshan Group."

"Besides, Chuncheng Automobile Group is willing to attract Ziweixing in the high-end official car market, which is considered very sincere."

That night, after Cao Yang and Zhu Zhengfeng had dinner, they went to Fang Sisi's residence.

Naturally, the two sides mentioned today's matter.

"As far as this cooperation is concerned, our Nanshan Group has obtained actual benefits, and Chuncheng Automobile Group has obtained honor and name."

"Barely, it can be regarded as a win-win solution."

"That is to say, Hongqi cars need a little more face, otherwise we will help them to manufacture them directly, and hang the Hongqi brand."

According to the communication with Zhu Zhengfeng today, the engines and gearboxes of Dahongqi models are all from Nanshan Group.

Core chassis parts such as air springs and sub-frames are also produced by Nanshan Auto Parts.

Even the headlights and other parts on the car are produced by Nanshan Auto Parts or related manufacturers.

In the end, some interior and exterior parts of the car body and some skeleton parts were left to the purchasing department of Hongqi sedan to choose suppliers for production.

In this case, Nanshan Group basically has the final say on how much the purchase cost of Dahongqi will go.

Of course, Cao Yang must not go too far.

Otherwise, there may be some bad consequences.

"Star Motors, a self-owned brand car company that has just been established for a few years, can make such a big noise in the luxury car field."

"However, the Hongqi sedan, which has pinned countless people's hopes, has become half dead now. There must be many people who are dissatisfied."

"I guess Zhu Zhengfeng must have also been under some pressure, otherwise he wouldn't have made such a big concession."

Fang Sisi's family background determines her views on many things, and she may be more thorough than Cao Yang.

For Cao Yang, although he has two lifetimes of experience, he hasn't had much contact with people like Fang Sisi's family.

For some things at high places, it is normal to see things in the clouds.

"It's normal to have pressure. If the Audi A6L can be squeezed out of the high-end official car market after the big red flag appears, it will be a good thing for the development of China's auto industry."

"In the current official car market, there are basically few shadows of self-owned brands. This is definitely not a good thing."

In Cao Yang's view, there is no problem in exchanging the market for technology itself.

It's just that it has developed to the present, the market has been exchanged out, and the technology has not been exchanged back.

It's hard to say why.

"In the past, people were reluctant to use self-owned brand models, mainly because there were some small problems every now and then, and the reputation was not good."

"Especially the problems with the engine and gearbox will directly cause the vehicle to be unable to walk or the abnormal noise is obvious."

"Now that Dahongqi uses engines and gearboxes from Nanshan Group, this problem has basically been solved."

"In the future, we should be able to make a difference in the official car market."

"There are so many provinces and cities in China, even if there is only a few hundred cars in each place, the national calculation is very impressive."

"The key is that after the business is done well, the indirect influence is worth looking forward to."

"Ayang, I think you can be more active in this cooperation with Chuncheng Motor Group."

"If it's done well, maybe they can give you some better cooperation conditions."

"As the first domestic auto company, they are the kind of existence in the auto industry that can influence policies."

Fang Sisi was worried that Cao Yang would have a pimple in his heart at that time, feeling that he was being bullied by Chuncheng Motor Group, and he was upset.

This is definitely not conducive to the development of Nanshan Group.

When doing things domestically, sometimes you can't be so reckless.

"Don't worry, we will definitely actively pursue this kind of good money-making business."

"After spring, I will also go to Spring City to personally explain to Zhu Zhengfeng the design of the big red flag."

"He just wants face and fame."

"Then we'll give it to him!"

Cao Yang cares about real interests.

Besides, if this project is done well, who said that Nanshan Group can't gain fame?


"Mr. Cao, when dealing with a big company like Chuncheng Automobile Group, the high-level route is smooth, and many things will go smoothly immediately."

Zhu Zhengfeng and the others had just left for two days when Pan Jinxing came to report good news to Cao Yang.

"What? Is there any sudden progress in the project that could not be handled before?"

As soon as Cao Yang saw Pan Jinxing's excited expression, he probably knew what was going on.

In the past year, Nanshan's equipment has developed rapidly, and various technologies have reached a time when it has accumulated a lot of knowledge. It has begun to actively sell various mold processing equipment and other machine tool equipment to the outside world.

However, sometimes people will definitely use you if your product is not good.

When it comes to the replacement or purchase of a company's equipment, the stories inside are often complicated.

Your equipment is advanced in technology and the price is still low, but in the end I just don't need you.

This kind of thing is too common.

Anyway, as long as you don't want to use you and come to a bidding like a radish pit, you have no choice but to complain.

"Yes, Chuncheng Stamping Factory has been reviewing whether to introduce a hot stamping production line before."

"We also recommended a package of production line delivery solutions in the past, and even worked with Nanshan Mold and Baosteel to make a complete package for them."

"We can provide them with all-round support in terms of materials, equipment, processing technology, molds, etc., so that they have the ability to produce hot stamping parts."

"But after half a year of tossing, there is no answer."

"Their general manager contacted me just now, saying that the project will be formally held this month, and then the formal bidding process will begin."

"Essentially our plan will end up being chosen, so we can start doing some preparations ahead of time."

This kind of package delivery plan is naturally the most trouble-free solution for manufacturers who don't know how to do it.

It's nothing more than spending a little more money.

For Nanshan Equipment, this is the favorite customer.

They have a lot of maneuverable profit margins in the middle.

"The last few months should be our honeymoon period with Spring City Motor Group. What equipment do we want to sell to them?"

"Or if they have any new projects to launch, they can take the initiative to communicate with them."

"Not only Chuncheng Automobile, Hongqi Automobile, Jiefang and other wholly-owned enterprises of Chuncheng Automobile can be contacted, but also joint ventures such as Chuncheng Volkswagen can be pushed."

"In these joint ventures, Chuncheng Motor Group still has some say."

If you don't get enough when there are benefits, then after the relationship between the two parties fades, you will need to spend more effort to get the chance.

Naturally, this was not the situation Cao Yang wanted to see.

"After the Spring Festival, I will visit various companies related to Spring City Motor Group one by one, and try to sell our machine tools and other products to them."

The boss had given instructions, so Pan Jinxing naturally said without any hesitation that he would follow up in person.

"Not only can the equipment be well promoted with them, but businesses such as robotic hands, molds and parts can also be rushed forward in one go."

"This year, China's auto industry is expected to remain in a high-speed development mode. Whoever seizes the opportunity first will be able to eat more meat in the future."

Cao Yang is very clear about the future of China's auto industry.

The automobile industry may have been regarded as a sunset industry in developed countries, but it is definitely a sunrise industry in China.

At least ten years of glory can be done.

"No problem. Later, I will join forces with several other branches to discuss how to break into the interior of Spring City Automobile."

"Make our business bigger and stronger!"


When the personnel within Nanshan Group were discussing the pros and cons of the cooperation project with Spring City Automobile Group, they were also discussing this matter internally.

As the research and development side, it must be easy.

The company handed over the main design tasks to Nanshan Group, and their pressure was very small.

But the thinking of some other personnel is not exactly the same as that of R&D.

As the head of the brand public relations department, Tao Wen couldn't help but talk to Zhu Zhengfeng about his concerns.

"Mr. Zhu, the new Dahongqi uses Nanshan Group's products from the model to the powertrain and core components."

"Will it bring us some bad reviews?"

Although Tao Wen hopes that all this information can be kept secret, she also knows that this is unrealistic.

For example, as for the 3.0T twin-turbocharged engine, as long as the parameters are announced, everyone will know that it is used on Ziwei Star.

Besides, don't you know what the engine level of Chuncheng Automobile Group is like?
Not to mention the 3.0T, but any engine with a T, Chuncheng Motor Group itself still can't figure it out.

As for the 8AT, it goes without saying that among all the companies in the world, only Nanshan gearbox can be mass-produced.

As long as this configuration is announced, it is basically equivalent to announcing the supplier.

Tao Wen is really a little worried about what public opinion will be on the Internet at that time.

"Whether the reputation is good or not depends on whether the sales volume of Dahongqi is good or not."

"If sales go up and Hongqi's high-end image is re-established, then this is a great thing and a successful case."

"On the contrary, if the sales volume is not good, no matter how it is done, there will be no good results."

At this time, Zhu Zhengfeng saw the problem very thoroughly.

Why did he offer such good conditions, even taking Ziweixing into the high-end official car market?
Don't you just want to come up with a successful big red flag, so that you can face the leader well when the time comes.

As for whether to make money or not, this is not the key at all.

Even in order to meet some price restrictions of official vehicles, selling at a loss can be considered at that time.

Of course, he agreed to Cao Yang's conditions before, and he will definitely abide by them.

It's just that there are more flexible solutions that can be taken out in the future.

In 2006, there were not as many rules and regulations for the purchase of official vehicles as there were a few years later.

There is still a lot of room to maneuver inside.

Besides, even if it is really restricted by the rules and regulations, it is still possible to make some changes with the energy of Spring City Motor Group.

"That's true."

"I hope Mr. Cao can come up with a stunning appearance this time."

"The style this time is completely different from F150 and Ziweixing."

In Tao Wen's heart, he was actually a little worried that Cao Yang would not be able to give such an amazing look again.

After all, the requirements for high-end commercial vehicles are still very different from those of other car companies.

"There will be results after the Spring Festival, and you will know when you have a look."

"Whether a car looks good or not, you can basically feel it at a glance."

"If he dares to promise, he should still be somewhat sure."

"After all, even Huaxia TV gave him the hat of a Huaxia automobile design master."

Zhu Zhengfeng's easy compromise this time has something to do with Huaxia TV's approval of Cao Yang.

Standing in his position, he is very sensitive to some information broadcast by Huaxia TV.

He was able to decipher some other content from this information.

This is something that many ordinary people cannot do.

"Then I'll ask the related departments of the group to follow up on this project, and see if there are any surprises then."


As the Spring Festival approaches, some workers have already started their holidays.

Nanshan Film and Television, which has its headquarters in the imperial capital, also brought good news to Cao Yang.

"Mr. Cao, the first TV series we invested in has been finalized."

"The car used by the male lead will be Ziweixing, and there will be related shots in basically every game."

"We will even arrange a few conversations specifically to give Ziwei Xing a wave of in-depth implantation."

Although Zhang Songwen is not well-known in the entertainment industry, he is no rookie.

The film and television industry of this era has passed the era of enthusiastic investment by coal bosses, and new Internet funds have not yet begun to enter.

Therefore, all directors and actors are looking for opportunities, and the difficulty of attracting investment is not so high.

As soon as Nanshan Film and Television was established, Cao Yang injected [-] million cash into it.

Such a big deal was absolutely rare among domestic film and television companies in 2005.

"Finally selected a target?"

"What's the name of the TV show, and what's it about?"

"Did you play any role in it?"

Cao Yang has confidence in Zhang Songwen, so he doesn't plan to interfere too much in the first drama.

Otherwise, Zhang Songwen would have many ideas.

But in the future, I must intervene appropriately, and find a few familiar film and television dramas to invest in and shoot.

"It's a bit of a coincidence that Director Zhao Baogang is planning a new drama called "Struggle", but has not found a suitable investment."

"I asked him to have a chat, and it turned out that this drama is quite interesting."

"This drama tells the story of the youthful emotions and struggles of the post-80s, especially those born in the imperial capital. It not only integrates the young people's cynicism, rebellious confusion, and emotional chaos, but also describes the emotional life and career of six freshly graduated college students. struggle."

"Although it looks a bit clichéd, the script is very well written. I think this investment will not lose money even if it doesn't make a lot of money."

"So after communicating with Director Zhao for a period of time, I am ready to invest."

"I play the father of the protagonist Lu Tao in it, and there will also be some scenes of driving Ziwei Star."

Cao Yang didn't take much care of Nanshan's investment, but Zhang Songwen definitely had to report it.

Even the current investment has not yet been formally invested, and it has to wait for Cao Yang's formal approval.


Cao Yang didn't expect that Zhang Songwen would turn out to be a TV series he was very familiar with.

When the show premiered in 2007, it wasn't a hit.

Several roles became popular in one play.

Although the content in the play has nothing to do with "struggle", on the contrary, it proves that "struggle" has no practical meaning.

But the screenwriter and director handled the storyline very well, and it was able to resonate with the audience.

"How much to invest?"

"1500 million!" Zhang Songwen looked at Cao Yang nervously, "However, the money has not been formally sent out yet. I told Director Zhao that the contract will not take effect until the group approves it."


"Is it enough?"

"There should be dozens of episodes, right?"

Cao Yang doesn't have much idea about TV drama shooting.

In his opinion, 1500 investment in a TV series seems a bit small?
"Enough is enough, absolutely enough!"

"Mr. Cao, the 1500 million TV series is the most invested city-themed TV series this year."

"If it weren't for the fact that some famous actors are going to be invited in, there wouldn't be so many."

Zhang Songwen quickly explained.

"Do you think this drama can increase Ziweixing's popularity?"

In Cao Yang's impression, "Struggle" was originally embedded with car advertisements, but it was an Audi A4.

At the beginning, it left a big impression on myself.

I don't know if the effect will be better if there are more ads placed after such a change.

"Mr. Cao, I am very optimistic about "Struggle", and I am going to watch it myself."

"Don't worry, I will definitely find a way to make Ziweixing's appearance more natural and brilliant."

Zhang Songwen can't guarantee how much advertising effect this show will have on Ziwei Star.

But he can promise he will try.

"Since you are optimistic, then invest boldly!"

"I just have one request, the shooting speed should be faster, and the broadcast time should be earlier."

"Don't delay until next year before it airs!"

Cao Yang engages in film and television to serve Xingchen Automobile, and everything is naturally developed around this goal.

Ziwei Star has just been launched this year, so naturally it is best to broadcast "Struggle" as soon as possible in the second half of this year.

"No problem, this show doesn't have any difficult moves. If it starts after the Spring Festival, it will probably be filmed in three months. If it is soon, I will be able to meet you on the TV station in June!"

(End of this chapter)

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