Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 341 New North Swimming Circles

Chapter 341 New North Swipe Circles, No matter what, I have to find the first one
When people in different regions buy a car, they value very different things.

A car that is popular in the United States may not be bought by many people in Japan.

If the popular cars in Japan are sold in China, there is a high probability that they will hit the street.

In Europe, the cars that consumers like are unique.

Many hatchbacks are very popular in Europe, whether it is Volkswagen's Golf or Renault's Megane, many consumers like it.

"Mr. Cao, since consumers in Europe attach great importance to performance, then I think we can let our Ziwei star go to New North to make circles and use data to speak?"

Ji Hua has studied in Germany for many years, so he has a good understanding of the situation here.

So he immediately gave his advice.

"New North brush circle?"

Cao Yang was a little moved when he heard this.

As a person in the automotive industry, it is impossible not to have heard of the name of New North.

"Yes, the Nürburgring is located in northwestern Germany and was completed in 1927."

"It is currently one of the few classic racing cars with historical status and technical difficulty in the world."

"The runway is located in the hills at the junction of Germany, Belgium, and Luxembourg. It has a total length of nearly 30 kilometers and 187 bends. The terrain is very complicated, with a height difference of more than 300 meters and a width of less than ten meters. .”

"Until 1982, the Nürburgring was divided into a 20.8-kilometer north track and a 5.1-kilometer south track, and the south track was designated as the official track for the Nürburgring Grand Prix. "

"The Nürburgring Nordschleife is the most familiar Nurburgring, with a total of 154 corners. The track is located on top of a mountain, and it is the favorite place for various car companies to do laps."

As a half-landowner, Ji Hua is obviously very familiar with the situation on the New North Circuit.

Of course, in all likelihood, he did his homework in advance.

This kind of business trip with the boss must require a lot of preparation in advance.

"Since New North's influence is so great, let's arrange to go to the circle."

"But will it be troublesome?"

Although Cao Yang has heard of the name of Niubei, he doesn't know much about the specific content.

"It's not that troublesome."

"If there are no official races or manufacturers charter the Niubei track, even ordinary people can go up and drive a few laps after paying."

"Of course, if our Ziwei star wants to have a good result on the Niubei track, it must not be so casual."

"We need to contact the management party to charter the field for testing, and the most important thing is to find a relatively good racing driver."

"Otherwise, it will affect the performance of brushing laps."

"According to our current power performance parameters, it is entirely possible to make a new achievement in the sedan field."

"It should be a selling point to promote it properly at that time."

When Ji Hua said this, Cao Yang probably knew it well.

"Then please contact me as soon as possible to see when the test can be arranged."

"Also, invite Autohome or some other media with good cooperation to come to Germany to watch our circle-making situation."

"At that time, do a good job of video shooting and photo shooting, and publicize it well on the Internet."

Cao Yang knew exactly what the purpose of running to Niu Bei was.

Self-entertainment is not suitable for the development of Star Motors.

If you want to refresh the results, you must make a lot of reports.

At the very least, potential consumers must feel that Ziweixing is awesome.

Otherwise, you, a local new car company in China, want to sell the price so high in Europe, and want to sell it at 10.99 euros and 11.49 euros.

Where is it so easy?
At this price, even in Europe, it is considered a high-end car.

It is not a model that ordinary people buy.

"I'll arrange this right away, but if you're in a hurry, some people may not have visas."

Zeng Tingting replied with a little worry at the side.

"The dedicated car channels of Autohome now have relevant cooperation with various domestic OEMs."

"No matter which manufacturer it is, it is very friendly to these media."

"Visiting the headquarters is something that happens every year."

"So there is no need to worry about visas. There must be some people on these websites who have visas."

When Cao Yang said this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Such an important matter, if there is no media present.

Although Xingchen Motors can also arrange people to shoot and publicize by itself, but there is always a little bit of Wang Po selling melons and boasting.

Definitely not that good.

Soon, Ji Hua contacted some of his former classmates in Germany, and quickly settled the matter of renting out the Niubei track.

"Mr. Cao, next Thursday will be reserved for one day, exclusively for us to use."

"In addition, as for the racing driver, I also contacted a driver who has done laps for various OEMs all the year round."

"Although he can't compare with F1 racers, he is very familiar with Niu Bei. Both Volkswagen and Honda have asked him to cooperate."

"I suggest that our Ziwei Xing also ask him to run the lap."

Ji Hua tossed about for a day, and basically settled the matter.

Cao Yang naturally had no objection to this, so he said: "No problem, just follow what you said."

"Then some domestic propaganda can also be carried out in advance."

"You don't have to wait until the day you run the lap to start publicizing."

Cao Yang still has great confidence in Ziweixing.

The performance of this car was definitely very good in 2006.

Otherwise, the other party wouldn't have pinched his nose to recognize him when he touched the porcelain Porsche before.

It is obviously a 3.0T engine, but its performance exceeds that of other people's W8 naturally aspirated engines.

Coupled with 8AT and an aerodynamic design, the lapping performance will not be bad.

"No problem, I'll contact Mr. Yu from Autohome and Mr. Fang from Weibo."

"Then our sales department will also arrange personnel to promote it on various forums and Weibo."

Naturally, Zeng Tingting had to implement this job.

Fortunately, the sales department is already very experienced in similar work, so there is no need to worry about it.

With Zeng Tingting's actions, there was an immediate response in the country.

Ziweixing was once again on Weibo's trending searches.

"Dean Gao, you said that Geely Automobile is also going to build a sports car, or acquire a sports car company, what do you think?"

With the outstanding performance of Geely Automobile in the past two years, its financial situation has improved greatly.

Li Su's confidence and thinking have also changed a lot.

Especially during this period of time, he kept seeing Ziweixing of Xingchen Motors going out of the circle, and he was also very envious.

It's another Hollywood blockbuster like "Transformers", and it's going to Niubei to make circles.

Domestic self-owned brand car companies, one counts as one, are not as capable as Star Motors.

The main reason is that the models we produce are basically borrowed from the mature products of other international auto giants, and there is nothing to promote vigorously.

"Mr. Li, there is a big difference between making sports cars and making ordinary cars and SUVs."

"Not to mention the appearance design, the power performance and chassis design alone have a very high threshold."

"Even if we learn from the mature products of other car companies like developing Emgrand, I am afraid it will not be so easy to produce."

"The most important thing is that even if it is produced, the performance may not be as good as others, and there may even be a big gap."

"In this case, I think the company does not yet have the ability to develop and produce sports cars by itself."

"Unless it is based on the concept of producing a sports car, to produce a car with the appearance of a sports car, and then sell it to a small number of consumers with special pursuits."

Gao Songlin was a little overwhelmed. .

As the dean of Geely Automobile Research Institute, he knows better than anyone else the difficulty of producing sports cars.

Where is it so easy to produce a sports car?

But since the boss asked, he couldn't help but reply.

"What if you buy a car company?"

"Now China's auto market is developing very fast, but some foreign auto brands have actually had a hard time in the past few years."

"Especially in Europe, there are some niche car brands that have been on the verge of losing money or even losing money for several years."

"Nanjing Auto purchased the Rover brand from England before, and I think this path can also be considered."

Li Su's idea of ​​realizing the rapid development and growth of Geely Automobile by purchasing an established car company is obviously not something that came later.

Emgrand is very successful now, and they will launch a sedan similar to F3 and an SUV similar to H6 this year.

At that time, the company's sales will rise to another level, and its profitability will be much better.

Nanshan Group is facing a situation where various banks are chasing after you to lend money to you. In fact, Geely Automobile is similar.

There are a lot of banks willing to lend funds to Geely Automobile.

This is why Li Su has the confidence to acquire other car companies.

"You can try to get in touch, but I think it may be necessary to do sufficient market research and preparation before considering the acquisition."

"Also, I personally suggest that even if you want to acquire other models, you don't necessarily have to find a company that produces sports cars."

"Some other car brands may be more beneficial to our development."

The family knows their own affairs.

Although Geely Automobile has been developing for many years, the strength of the research institute is not particularly strong.

If it is developed based on a mature model, then the problem is not very big.

But if you go to develop a new model by yourself, you still haven't really possessed this kind of strength.

Even simple car exterior design, interior designers are not yet confident enough.

Of course, in a few years, with more experience, the situation may be different.

"What you said is also reasonable. This matter should be investigated by someone first."

Li Su just saw the news today and expressed his feelings, but he didn't want to implement it immediately.


On the plane to Germany, Yu Yu was a little embarrassed to find himself next to Fang Dawen.

As for their old superiors, it stands to reason that they should be very familiar with each other.

However, the actual situation is that after Yu Yu left his old club, he never had direct contact with Fang Dawen.

However, Fang Dawen was not so entangled this time, and took the initiative to say hello to Yu Yu.

"Mr. Yu, I was just guessing who Autohome would arrange to witness Ziwei Xing Niu Bei's circle. I didn't expect it to be you."

"It seems that along the way, there is no need to worry about being bored."

When Fang Dawen said this, Yu Yu couldn't be so stingy.

After all, it is much better now than before. Normally, only those who are not good at mixing will be unwilling to contact their former colleagues.

"Editor Fang, this is the first time that a Chinese car company has gone to Niubei to make circles, and it is likely that the results will not be bad."

"We are going to witness history."

"When any car company goes to Niubei in the future, it is estimated that this innovative move of Xingchen Automobile will be mentioned."

"This is very different from visiting the factories of Mercedes-Benz and BMW in Germany before."

It's better for everyone to talk about work, talk about cars, and don't talk about other things.

This way you won't be embarrassed.

Yu Yu quickly made a decision in his mind.

"Yes, although Xingchen Motors has only been established for a few years, and its first car was officially launched this year, it has brought more impact to China's auto industry than any other car company."

"I heard that they are already preparing for F1 events and WRC events, but they just don't know when they will officially participate in these events."

"The more the Xingchen Automobile can be tossed, it is a very good thing for those of us in the media in the auto industry."

"In the future, you don't have to worry about not having any good news to attract readers."

As soon as Yu Yu finished speaking, Fang Dawen's eyes lit up.

Will Xingchen Motors participate in F1 and WRC in the future?

This is big news.

As the two most important events in the auto industry, if domestic auto companies really participate, then there is no need to worry that there will be no news to report during the entire event.

You can even open a column, and then let more netizens go to the website to read related news.

"Indeed, I hope that other self-owned brand car companies will also take more actions."

"If you just borrow models from other car companies every time, even if they sell well, there won't be too many gimmicks to report."

"If readers read too much news like this, they probably won't be interested."

As a senior media person, Fang Dawen is naturally familiar with readers' preferences.

He is even more clear about the situation in the domestic auto industry.

"So I think it is necessary for other car companies to realize that it is beneficial to learn from Xingchen Motors and come up with more tricks."

"We media people should also publicize the efforts of Xingchen Motors in this area, so that others can see the power of role models."

After going around in a circle, Yu Yu naturally hoped that the NetEase Auto Channel would post more news about Star Auto.

This is something that is in the interest of the entire group.

Although Fang Dawen understood what Yu Yu meant, he didn't refute this time.

After all, although this approach is good for Star Motors, it is also good for their platform.

Making this piece of cake bigger will benefit practitioners in the entire industry.

The two chatted all the way and came to Germany.

After a day of recuperation in the local area, Ziweixing's trip to Niubei to brush circles officially started.

In the first few laps, the racers were familiarizing themselves with the car models and would not drive very fast.

After all, the situation on Niubei Circuit is more complicated. If you are not familiar with the car models, you will not be able to give full play to the performance of the car.

These racers live by driving test cars for various OEMs, and subjectively hope that the models they drive can break some records.

In this way, their treatment can be better improved next time.

"Mr. Cao, judging from the current situation, mass-produced cars that can run for less than 8 minutes are considered to be models with better performance."

"Up to now, mass-produced cars are mainly Volkswagen's Golf, Honda's Civic, Renault's Megane and other models that have achieved relatively good results in Niubei."

"They all ran under eight minutes."

"Judging from the performance comparison on paper, our Ziwei Star will definitely not be inferior to them."

"What we need to see now is how much of the performance of Ziwei Star can be brought out by the racer."

While waiting for the racers to get familiar with the car models, Ji Hua also talked with Cao Yang there.

The entire track is more than 20 kilometers long, and it is naturally impossible for Cao Yang to follow the whole course.

Even the media from all walks of life often arrange people to shoot at the starting point and the more amazing track in the middle.

Fortunately, the various media and Xingchen Automobile's own people can be regarded as distributed in key nodes of the track, and the video provided by the track itself is enough.

"I think it is possible to sort out the data of the models of various car companies in Niubei in the past few years, and then formulate a targeted promotion plan."

"If the cars of other car companies are not as good as our Ziwei Xing, then we can set up a banner of the first car to promote."

"If the data of some sports cars is not as good as our Ziwei Star, we can directly pull out a few articles and promote them on the Internet."

"By comparing the models of other well-known car companies from different dimensions, the brand style of Ziweixing can be improved."

"I think it may have an unexpected effect."

Mi Ying added her thoughts on the side.

There is already a consensus internally that Star Motors keeps touching other well-known car companies.

Of course, this kind of touching porcelain must be based on the premise that Ziweixing's own data is strong enough.

Otherwise, even if you want to touch porcelain, you can't do it, it's just bringing shame on yourself.

"I think Director Mi's proposal is very feasible."

"I even think that some videos can be further produced and uploaded to some domestic video websites, and even overseas video websites."

"These marketing plans are universal even if they are placed globally."

Zeng Tingting added her own opinion.

"Mr. Cao, isn't Autohome making a car game?"

"I think it is completely possible to use the New North Circuit as one of the maps, and even use the New North Circuit as the default map."

"At that time, domestic players can better understand the gold content of the first place in the Niubei track."

"Combined with the subsequent advertisement placement of "Transformers", I think Ziweixing's traffic will be guaranteed in the next year or so."

Mi Ying and Zeng Tingting talked to each other, and quickly proposed a lot of new ideas.

With the gradual growth of Nanshan Group's management personnel, Cao Yang no longer needs to worry about many things in person.

In other words, Cao Yang can find the right talent to implement it if he starts by himself.

After all, Nanshan Group is now a large enterprise with more than 3 employees.

While everyone was chatting, the racer had already completed the adaptation of the vehicle.

Ready for the official brushing circle.

Of course, this swipe circle is not a one-time swipe, but will be challenged several times to find the best result.

"Mr. Cao, the official start!"

Accompanied by the roar of the engine, Ji Hua began to introduce the situation on the Niubei track to Cao Yang again.

After a while, there will be a video shot in front of everyone, but you can know the general situation.

In the video, from time to time, some abandoned vehicles can be seen beside the track, as if telling the high difficulty of the Niubei track.

"If you can run within eight minutes, it's not a failure."

"If you can enter within 7 minutes and 50 seconds, you can basically exceed the lap record of previous cars."

"If you can go further to 7 40 seconds, then you can challenge the data of some sports cars."

"As for the faster 7 minutes and 30 seconds, it is estimated that no car can surpass us in the next few years."

"At most, sports cars from Ferrari, Lamborghini and other companies can be compared with it."

While explaining, Ji Hua explained to Cao Yang the meaning behind each data.

Otherwise, just looking at a number, it is difficult for everyone to have an intuitive feeling.

One lap is only seven or eight minutes, which seems not short, but in fact, because each section of the track is very different, the picture is very thrilling.

Everyone's attention was concentrated, but it passed quickly.

"7 minutes 43 seconds 22!"

"Mr. Cao, this result in the first lap is pretty good."

When Ziweixing crossed the finish line for the first time, the results were immediately fixed.

"Mr. Cao, can we arrange personnel to start publicity?"

Zeng Tingting also heard Ji Hua's introduction just now, and knew the meaning of this achievement.

"I think there should be potential, let's see the data later."

It's already at this time, Cao Yang is not in a hurry.

It's nothing more than waiting for a few 10 minutes.

There is a time difference between China and Germany, and it is late at night in China.

Soon, the second lap was successfully completed, and the result improved by more than three seconds. .

On the third lap, the score changed to 7 minutes 29 seconds 81.

At this moment, the crowd burst into applause immediately.

Even some staff members of the Niubei Circuit began to applaud and shout.

This is definitely the best achievement in car lapping in recent years.

"Mr. Cao, I think this result is pretty good."

"How about giving the racer a break first?"

"This kind of highly concentrated racing car often has no better results in the end, and even accidents."

Ji Hua raised his mouth in a timely manner.

"Okay, let's promote it according to this result."

"Everything is proceeding according to the plan, so that Huaxia netizens will be able to read relevant news when they wake up tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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