Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 342 An Unexpected Collision, I Really Didn't Arrange It

Chapter 342 An Unexpected Collision, I Really Didn't Arrange It

Laymen may not understand the meaning of Ziweixing's driving representative who completed the Nürburgring Nordschleife in 7:29.

But experts like Fang Dawen and Yu Yu still have a very clear understanding.

If they didn't know that there was no way to cheat on this data, they couldn't even believe that this data was real.

This is the first Chinese car model to come to Niubei to brush the circle.

As a result, he won many firsts as soon as he made a move.

Among all the models in Niubei this year, this data is the fastest.

And in the field of cars, it has set a new record in the past.

This is definitely worth writing about.

Not to mention that Xingchen Motors specially invited them to come to work (play), even if there is no additional benefit.

They also want to report the news well.

However, their excitement brought bad luck to their subordinates who were still in the country.

In the dead of night, Lin Jiayan was sleeping soundly.

The result was woken up by the phone ringing.

Press it!

Ring again!

Press again!
Ring again!

This time, Lin Jiayan immediately regained her spirits.

After all, this kind of situation is rare, so when the phone rang again, she turned on the light and connected the call.

"Ziweixing completed the driving of the Nürburgring Nordschleife in Germany with a time of 7:29."

"This news will definitely be the hottest news in China's auto industry in the next few days."

"I'll send some material to your mailbox, combined with the manuscript I asked you to prepare, and try to send the article before dawn."

Fang Dawen naturally knew that it was midnight in China.

But this time he didn't care so much.

Let's grab this headline first.

"7 minute 29 seconds 81?"

"so smart?"

"I remember that neither the Honda Civic nor the Volkswagen Golf, which are known as small steel guns, have achieved this result?"

"Even this result can completely abuse the various models of Mercedes-Benz and BMW."

Lin Jiayan has also been preparing some articles related to the Niu Bei competition in advance these few days. Naturally, she has also done a special understanding of Niu Bei's history of making circles.

The more you understand, the more you know how powerful this number is.

"So I'll call you as soon as the results come out."

"A good publicity will not only gain the favor of Xingchen Automobile, but also attract a wave of traffic."

"It also lets netizens know that the news on our channel is very timely."

"You work a little harder and work overtime!"

Fang Dawen said so, Lin Jiayan naturally had no way to refute.

Although I am still a little sleepy, I can only get up and work honestly.


"Ah Yang, congratulations, Ziweixing's performance in Niubei has become a trending topic on Weibo."

Regardless of whether it's a real trending search or an arranged trending search, anyway, Huaxia netizens get up together today, as long as they go to Weibo, they can see that Ziweixing is on the headlines again.

Even the entry "What does Niubei Circuit represent" has become a hot search.

Fang Sisi naturally wanted to make a phone call to chat with Cao Yang.

"This result is indeed good. If it can be maintained for one or two years, and the sports car of Xingchen Motors can refresh this data, it will be even better."

Cao Yang is also in a good mood.

Although he knew that Ziweixing's various performances were very good, but the real results in Niubei were what everyone really recognized.

"This goal may not be achieved in the world, but in the Chinese auto market, there must be no problem."

"In the past two years, even if there are domestic car companies that have been making circles in the past, their results cannot be better than Ziweixing."

In terms of publicity, how to secretly change concepts is a very important means.

As long as your operation is smooth enough, the publicity effect will be great.

"makes sense."

"The further we get to the back, the more things we can promote."

"Whether Xingchen II is launched or Ziwei Xing participates in WRC competitions, there are many articles that can be done."

After listening to Fang Sisi's words, Cao Yang couldn't help showing a smile.

With cards in hand, don't panic.

"That's right, "Struggle" is already in the middle of intensive filming, and it will be released in the second half of the year."

"I heard that "Transformers" will officially start filming in two months, and then we can start another wave of promotion."

"I heard that Nanshan Film and Television is also negotiating some other film and television cooperation projects. By then, Ziweixing will definitely appear on the screen frequently."

"I think these actions are enough to support the improvement of Ziweixing's brand strength."

Naturally, Fang Sisi is also very much looking forward to the fact that Xingchen Automobile can successfully become the same existence as Porsche.

The meaning represented by that is much higher than that of car companies such as Chery and Geely.

The success of Xingchen Automobile can also effectively drive the sales of auto parts of Nanshan Group.

It can be said that one hair moves the whole body.

The automobile ecosystem of the entire Nanshan Group is slowly being built.

"hope so."

"Otherwise, if there is no achievement in burning money like this, it will be very detrimental to the development of Xingchen Automobile."

"After all, until now, the entire Nanshan Group, only Xingchen Motors, has been losing money, not a lot at all."

To engage in luxury brands, but not so easy.

So far, Xingchen Automobile has burned nearly 20 billion yuan.

But there is only one model in mass production, and two models are under development.

If it were an ordinary enterprise, they would not dare to burn money like this.

It is no wonder that those domestic independent brand car companies, or most of the world's car companies, will take the route of learning from other models in the early stages of development.

When Cao Yang and Fang Sisi were chatting about the hot search on Weibo on Ziwei Star, Porsche, a local German company, naturally knew the news.

"Mr. Cao, congratulations!"

"Ziweixing has this achievement, it is definitely killing countless mass-produced cars in seconds."

Lai Ping had dealt with Cao Yang several times before, but this time after hearing the news, he made a direct phone call.

He has already started to think about some arrangements after retirement, and there is no harm in building a good relationship with the bosses of domestic car companies.

"Fortunately, Ziwei Xing didn't embarrass us Xingchen Automobile."

"I heard that the Porsche 911 designed by you, Mr. Lai, once broke the record of the year."

"Xingchen Motors just stood on the shoulders of giants and made some achievements."

At this time, there is nothing to be proud of.

There's no harm in being humble.

"By the way, I heard that you are now recommending 8AT automatic transmissions to Mercedes-Benz and BMW. I can give you the contact information of the Purchasing Director of Porsche."

"At that time, we will see if Porsche also needs 8AT."

Lai Ping offered an olive branch.

He has already achieved success in Porsche, and it is difficult to make a higher contribution.

When people are old, they naturally have the idea of ​​returning home.

"Thank you, Mr. Lai. Later, I will visit you at Porsche headquarters and ask you some design questions."

Flower sedan chairs are carried by everyone.

Lai Ping took the initiative to express his kindness, and Cao Yang naturally accepted it.

Although Xingchen Motors has its own presence, the demand for design masters is not so strong.

But if there is a chance to recruit Lai Ping in the future, it will actually be a gimmick.

After all, the hat of Porsche Design Director is still very attractive.

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, then hung up the phone.

At the same time, the domestic automobile circle became lively because of the fact that Ziweixing set a new record in the circle in Niubei.

"Mr. Zhu, Ziweixing of Xingchen Motors ran a time of 7:29 on the Niubei Circuit. Now there are many trending news on Weibo related to this."

Tao Wen came to Zhu Zhengfeng's office early in the morning and reported to him about Ziweixing's circle-making.

Dahongqi uses the same powertrain of Ziwei Star, and it is currently under development in full swing.

Therefore, Zhu Zhengfeng attached great importance to news related to Ziweixing.

"What does this result represent?"

Although Zhu Zhengfeng was considered a professional in the automotive industry, he was naturally not that impressed with some specific data.

"Mr. Zhu, this is basically the most powerful achievement in the field of mass-produced cars."

"Even compared with the results of some sports cars, it is not far behind."

"Such as Porsche's Cayman, Mercedes-Benz and BMW's various sports cars, the results are not better than Ziwei Xing."

"So as soon as this news came out, it immediately became popular news."

"Netizens reacted very well to the news."

After Tao Wen said this, Zhu Zhengfeng immediately understood the meaning behind the news.

He knew that Nanshan Group's engine technology was very powerful, but he didn't expect the 3.0T engine to be so powerful.

This surprised him a little.

"Our Dahongqi uses the same powertrain as Ziweixing. If Dahongqi also goes to Niubei to do laps, do you think the results can be close to Ziweixing?"

Zhu Zhengfeng immediately had an idea of ​​following suit.

These days, the country is not keen on going to Niubei to make circles.

Now that Xingchen Motors had started this way, Zhu Zhengfeng naturally wondered if Dahongqi could get some light.

"The situation at the Niubei Circuit is very complicated, otherwise there would be no way to leave such a great reputation in the world."

"Because of the complexity of the track, the general model to achieve good results there is closely related to a series of factors such as the car's aerodynamic performance, braking performance, and chassis tuning, in addition to the powertrain being excellent enough. "

"The positioning of our big red flag is completely different from Ziweixing, and we are not taking the route of small steel cannons."

"So it is probably very difficult to get the same grade as Ziweixing."

"Even if you want to enter the score within 8 minutes, it is probably not enough."

"For models such as the Mercedes-Benz S-series and the BMW 7-series, they are not very keen on going to Niubei to make circles."

Tao Wen quickly poured cold water on Zhu Zhengfeng.

It would be embarrassing if Dahongqi really went to Niubei to make circles and got poor grades.

The pressure on her brand's public relations department will definitely be great.

"That would be a pity."

"However, in the future, we can publicize it to the outside world, saying that our Dahongqi uses the same powertrain as Ziweixing."

Anyway, this news must not be hidden.

Zhu Zhengfeng's current thinking is also very clear.

As long as Dahongqi can successfully become the flagship model of Hongqi sedan and become famous smoothly, everything else can be sacrificed.

"There is no problem with this, and we can even release some news in cooperation now."

"After all, if Dahongqi is the fastest, it will be listed in December this year."

Tao Wen changed the subject in time.

"You can have this, you can arrange it right away."


When China's auto circles and the Internet were discussing the matter of Ziwei Xing Niu Bei's brushing the circle, on a highway in Germany, Beruko drove the newly purchased Ziwei Xing all the way.

As a rich second generation, Bellucco saw this Ziwei star that was just launched last week by chance.

That stunning appearance conquered him immediately.

So without any hesitation, I bought it.

Many German highways have no speed limit, and the driving experience is completely different.

Belluco had a great time experiencing the power of Ziwei Star on the expressway, and then turned out of the expressway at one of the forks.

However, I am used to the speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour, even if I get off the high speed, the speed is definitely still 100 kilometers per hour.

And just as Belluco rushed down the highway, a red Audi TT on the opposite side also rushed over quickly.


Even if Belluco adjusted the direction urgently, there was no way to avoid the collision between Ziwei Xing and Audi TT.

It's just that the original frontal collision has become a 25% small-angle offset collision.

This time, the collision became even more serious.

Fortunately, the airbag popped out in an instant, and Belucco's face hurt a little.

After a few seconds of slowing down, Belluco finally came to his senses.

At this time, he quickly got out of the car and looked outside.

A corner of the front of Ziweixing must have been scrapped, the LED headlights were smashed to pieces, and the fender was also deformed and it didn't look recognizable.

However, it is the Audi TT that is even worse.

The entire engine compartment has been completely abolished, and even the cockpit has been deformed by the impact.

Belluco was shocked and called the police.

In this way, the driver in the Audi TT had no way to get out without the help of firefighters.

He even saw some blood.

Soon, firefighters and traffic police came.

The owner of the Audi TT was treated in time. Although the injury was serious, his life should have been saved.

It turned out that this was just an ordinary car accident.

It happened to be seen by a Ziweixing car dealer passing by.

Soon, the picture of the car accident was edited and posted on a forum in Germany.

That dealer is also one who understands marketing.

The reputation of Audi TT in Germany is still relatively large, and it can be regarded as a relatively classic coupe of Audi.

Now that the Audi TT collided with Ziwei Xing, Ziwei Xing was fine, and there was nothing wrong with the cockpit.

But the Audi TT was smashed to pieces, the engine compartment was destroyed, and the cockpit was also greatly deformed.

Comparing the two, naturally there are many articles to say.

Soon, this post became popular.

 On the first day of August, add another chapter and ask for a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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