Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 343 Inventory of the Harvest of the Longest Overseas Journey

Chapter 343 Inventory of the Harvest of the Longest Overseas Journey
Because of the car sponsorship of the 2008 Olympic Games, the relationship between Nanshan Group and Volkswagen is a bit stiff.

Although the cooperation between the two parties has not been completely cut off, it is rapidly cooling down.

In the past six months, Nanshan Group has not won almost a new project of Volkswagen.

As a luxury brand under Volkswagen, the importance of Audi is naturally beyond doubt.

As the design director of Volkswagen, De Silva is personally responsible for the design of Audi A6, Audi R8, Audi TT and other models.

Especially the Audi TT is Silva's proud work.

De Silva once said: "To find the correct proportions of the car, we made two one-to-one models, but it still felt like something was missing, it wasn't elegant enough."

"I don't remember exactly how many revisions were made to the waistline."

"But I'm sure I went into the studio several times, day after day, millimeter by millimeter, until I felt it was perfect."

"This representative waistline stretches from the front fender to the rear of the car, which is where the soft figure comes from."

However, such a classic Audi TT has now become the object of ridicule. How can he bear it?
"Silva, are you sure there is nothing wrong with the body design of the Audi TT, are you?"

The pictures of the collision between Audi TT and Ziwei Xing are rapidly fermenting throughout Germany and even Europe.

Even the chairman, Piëch, who has retreated behind the scenes, couldn't help but call Silva to confirm.

"I am very sure that there is no problem with the body structure of the Audi TT. The combination of an all-aluminum body and a part of the steel structure can fully achieve the purpose of weight reduction, and at the same time, the strength meets the requirements of the regulations."

This is not the first time this question has been asked.

So Silva's attitude is also very firm.

However, it is useless to be firm. After all, from a result-oriented perspective, the Audi TT cannot beat a coupe produced by a Chinese car company.

This made Piëch feel very ashamed.

"Is the concept of an all-aluminum body really the most suitable?"

"I heard that a lot of hot stamped parts are used in that Huaxia car, and the strength is very high."

"So there's very little deformation in the cockpit at the time of the crash."

German netizens know a lot about cars.

Therefore, various posts and reports will have some technical science popularization.

Otherwise, it will appear dry and devoid of content.

Therefore, the fact that Ziwei Star uses a large number of hot stamping parts has been thoroughly spread.

There is even a voice on the Internet that the aluminum body is not strong enough.

"I admit that hot stamping parts have their own unique advantages in terms of strength, so we have already begun to use them in large quantities on Volkswagen brand models."

"However, in terms of strength, the aluminum body can also meet the regulatory requirements."

Silva kept emphasizing that the all-aluminum body can meet the regulatory requirements, which gradually made Piech lose interest in listening.

"Consumers don't pay attention to whether you can meet the regulations. They pay more attention to our Audi TT, which is not as strong as Huaxia Automobile."

"The cost of an all-aluminum body is very high, and consumers don't think it is very good."

"Whether it is necessary to continue to expand the use of all-aluminum bodywork in the future, I hope the design department can think about it."

Invisibly, this collision caused Volkswagen to re-examine the necessity of an all-aluminum body more than ten years earlier.

However, Cao Yang is definitely not worried about this matter.

At this moment, he was listening to Zeng Tingting's report on Ziweixing's latest promotion plan.

"Mr. Cao, this accidental collision has made our Ziwei Star unexpectedly famous in Germany."

"I think I can take this opportunity to step on Audi."

"I have asked people to sort out a lot of German media reports, and have collected relevant pictures."

"After a simple re-editing, it can be released on the domestic Internet."

"But it's a pity that there is no video of the collision, otherwise it could be even more popular."

Naturally, Zeng Tingting would not miss the opportunity to take advantage of this hot news.

The Germans have provided propaganda ammunition for Xingchen Automobile so hard, it would be a pity to waste it.

"Anyway, our relationship with Volkswagen is very stiff, and they have no intention of continuing to expand their cooperation with us."

"Since this is the case, let's step on the Audi and let everyone know that Ziweixing's quality is excellent."

Although the North and South people will definitely be very popular in China in the future, Cao Yang is not afraid at all.

Nanshan Group is not a soft persimmon either.

On the surface, the relationship between the two parties began to cool down because Xingchen Motors snatched the meat of one of the most important reception cars among Volkswagen's Olympic car sponsors.

In fact, it also has a lot to do with Nanshan Group's support for the development of domestic independent brand car companies.

In the past, whether it was Santana or Jetta, or Passat and Magotan, Volkswagen sold very well.

However, as Great Wall, Chery, Geely, BYD and other self-owned brand car companies began to use a large number of parts of Nanshan engine and Nanshan gearbox, the quality level improved rapidly.

Naturally, sales have gone up as well.

As the leader of China's auto market, North and South Volkswagen was naturally the first to be hit.

The most troublesome thing is that the engine provided by Nanshan has much better parameters than the engine of Volkswagen at the same level.

So far, market complaints are very few.

However, the price of a model of the same size is twice as bad.

In this case, more and more Chinese consumers will definitely choose self-owned brand car companies.

"Mr. Cao, why don't we just find the best-selling Audi A6L in China, do the same thing that Great Wall Motor did back then, just have a high-speed collision and let everyone see which one is safer?"


Who wouldn't?

Zeng Tingting is not afraid of offending Volkswagen now.

"Your proposal is definitely effective, but it is easy to put everyone in danger and offend a bunch of car companies."

"If it is an accidental traffic accident, if there are suitable videos or photos, the effect will be much better."

"I suggest that the sales department can communicate with some insurance companies to see if they can get some first-hand pictures of car accidents from them."

"Maybe when it will bring us a pleasant surprise."

After all, Nanshan Group still needs to rely on outside customers for food.

Some methods can be used by Great Wall Motors, but if Nanshan Group uses them, the side effects will be a bit serious.

But if it is a photo of a normal car accident, there is not much to say.

"Then I'll make arrangements in this direction first."

"Then we'll go to England again tomorrow and we'll be ready to go home."

This business trip has been out for almost a month.

This long-term absence will naturally have a certain impact on the development of Nanshan Group.

Just like the development of new models of Xingchen No. [-] and Xingchen No. [-], a lot of technical bottlenecks have been accumulated recently, and Cao Yang needs to go back and give some guidance.

"IPO activities in the main several countries have been completed."

"Let's take a quick look at the rest of the countries."


People in the Huaxia auto industry are a little numb to Ziweixing's frequent headlines.

It seems that I haven't seen news related to Ziwei Star for several days, and I am a little unaccustomed to it.

However, for Liu Tianwu, this is a good thing.

It is said that the development of Star Motors is relatively smooth, and the future can be expected.

"Mr. Cao, didn't I bother you?"

Thinking that he had acquired the 1000 mu of land needed by the Xingchen Automobile Proving Ground, but the owner hadn't been with the company for a month, Liu Tianwu couldn't help but call Cao Yang himself to confirm.

He is still waiting for Cao Yang to hold a groundbreaking ceremony after returning to China, so that everyone can see Panyu's big moves in the automobile industry.

After all, a test track covering an area of ​​1000 mu is definitely a big move for Huaxia at this time.

Although the investment and output are not as exaggerated as those of car factories, they are more attractive to other car companies.

"Leader, I always answer your calls 24 hours a day, and there is no interruption."

Looking at the sun outside, Cao Yang knew that Liu Tianwu had fully considered the impact of jet lag.

Otherwise, he might have received a call while he was sleeping.

"The land for the test track has been approved, but this is different from building a factory. The district will not provide you with three connections and one leveling."

"You see when is the right time, let's do the cooperation agreement and the groundbreaking ceremony?"

Liu Tianwu actually wanted to ask Cao Yang when he would return to China.

But it's just a different way of asking.

As the most critical enterprise contributing to GDP in the district, Liu Tianwu would like to know the latest situation of Nanshan Group.

Although Cao Yang can go over to inspect when he is not around, but the people below dare not speak casually about a lot of news.

So Liu Tianwu simply didn't go to Nanshan Group to embarrass those executives.

"Thank you for the support and coordination of the leaders. This is the best news."

"I'm going back to China next week. I'll ask someone to contact Secretary Luo to check our time and arrange everything as soon as possible."

After hearing Cao Yang's accurate words, Liu Tianwu was not too wordy.

If you have anything to say, you can wait until you return to China next week.

And Cao Yang, who was about to return to China, also began to sort out the harvest of his overseas trip this time.

See if anything else is missing.

In order to avoid going abroad in a hurry after returning home.

The kind of plane that sits for more than ten hours at every turn, even in first class, is uncomfortable.

Especially for Cao Yang, he has always been willing to fly.

The feeling of weightlessness during takeoff and landing made him very uncomfortable.

"Mr. Cao, the main purpose of our going abroad this time is to participate in Ziweixing's listing activities and promote 8AT."

"Judging from the current situation, both of these tasks have been completed ideally."

"Especially in the United States, the engine business also had unexpected joy."

"According to this pace, the growth related to the engine export business alone next year can contribute more than 50 billion growth."

"At that time, 8AT can also start to exert its strength, and it should be able to contribute at least one billion yuan in turnover."

"As for the sales of Ziwei Star, as of yesterday, we sold 143 units in the United States, 162 units in Europe, and 52 units in the Middle East and other places. The sales volume in overseas markets has reached 357 units. car."

"Combined with the number of domestic sales, it has exceeded 1000."

"According to this rhythm, it does not take five years for us to complete the sales of 5 limited edition Ziwei Stars."

Zeng Tingting naturally knew what she had gained from this business trip.

During this period, she slept no more than 6 hours a day, and she gained several kilograms of weight.

"I think the biggest gain is that both Ziweixing and 8AT have gained fame."

"In the past, our Xingchen Motors only had a certain reputation in China, and no one overseas knew about it."

"But with all kinds of news in the past month, Ziwei Star has also gained a certain reputation overseas."

"Otherwise, no one would buy it."

Mi Ying feels that the intangible gains are the biggest gains.

This is something that is difficult to measure in money.

"Indeed, whether it is the results of the New Nordschleife, the collision with the Audi TT, or the implantation of "Transformers", it is of extraordinary significance to Ziweixing and Xingchen Automobile."

Ji Hua couldn't help but nodded beside him.

In his opinion, the 8AT of Nanshan gearbox will be more difficult to sell at the beginning.

After the market thoroughly proves its superiority, there is no need to take the initiative to sell, and customers will come to consult.

After all, there are no companies in this world that can do anything similar to Nanshan Group in terms of 8AT technology, and there will only be a few in the future.

And when the technical level is the same, the cost can be lower than Nanshan, so there is almost no shadow.

In this case, although it is meaningful to promote 8AT, the height is relatively limited.

"The cooperation with Ford Motor and General Motors on the engine should also be very beneficial to our cooperation in the next few years."

"At least until Xingchen Motors develops and grows, our group's auto parts business can continue to grow."

"But this time the relationship with Volkswagen should have gotten worse."

"Mercedes-Benz and BMW have not expressed their intention to use our 8AT."

"I estimate that these German car companies will take some actions against us in the future."

What everyone said just now is good news, but bad news cannot be regarded as invisible.

So Zeng Tingting directly showed the situation that everyone needs to face in the future.

"We can't make every car factory like it. If they want to do it, let them do it."

"It's time to see who has more means."

Cao Yang is not afraid of fighting other car companies at all.

He has a trick to deal with Dongying car companies.

He also has tricks to deal with German manufacturers such as Volkswagen.

Sure enough, when they returned to Yangcheng, Porsche's design director took the initiative to call him and shared the latest news he had heard.

"You mean that Volkswagen has made an internal decision that future new models will no longer use auto parts from Nanshan Group?"

Although Cao Yang knew that Volkswagen would definitely take action, he didn't expect the news to be confirmed.

"Yes, the collision between Audi TT and Ziwei Xing caused quite a stir inside Volkswagen."

"Even the chairman, Piëch, who has not shown up much, returned to the company to set up a board of directors."

"Volkswagen has already regarded Nanshan Group as the biggest obstacle and challenge for its development in China."

Although Lai Ping is the design director of Porsche, the relationship between Porsche and Volkswagen is complicated, and the senior management of each other knows a lot of news.

"It is also my honor to be able to make Volkswagen so inspiring."

Cao Yang didn't make any excuses.

Conflicts of interest are the most difficult to reconcile.

Unless the Nanshan Group fully backs down.

But how is that possible?

"Mr. Cao, Volkswagen still has a relatively large influence in China, especially their two partners, which cannot be underestimated."

"You should pay more attention."

"If there is a chance, I will go to Huaxia to communicate with you again."

Releasing his kindness in time, Lai Ping chatted with Cao Yang for a while, then hung up the phone.

But Cao Yang immediately started to make arrangements.


"Mr. Li, I heard that your Emgrand is about to launch a high-end version that uses a lot of hot stamping parts?"

As the second shareholder of Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory, Cao Yang naturally knows the situation of many other OEMs in the industry.

After all, for domestic hot stamping parts, if you don't want to buy expensive parts or use expensive parts from BENTELER, you can only buy them from Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory.

Great Wall Motors has already tried the sweetness, and other manufacturers are naturally tempted.

Especially after some comparison, it is found that although the cost of using hot stamping parts has increased, the increase is not exaggerated.

Therefore, whether it is Geely's Emgrand or BYD's S6, they all started to use hot stamping parts when they changed their models.

"Indeed, it will be officially launched next month."

"When it comes to the supply of parts, I still need to ask Mr. Cao to help communicate with Huaqiang Factory."

"Their production capacity is relatively tight now."

The production efficiency of hot stamping parts is relatively low, about 1 stampings per minute.

Not to mention the comparison with the PRG and TRF processes, even compared with the TDM process, it is still far behind.

In this way, the production capacity of a production line for a day is just like that.

It is normal that the supply exceeds the demand when the output increases rapidly.

Of course, this is definitely not what Li Su wants to see.

"Huaqiang factory is already adding production lines, and several factories will invest in new hot stamping production lines in the future."

"So the capacity problem should be resolved soon."

Cao Yang chatted with Li Su for a while, and the other party couldn't help asking: "Mr. Cao, do you have any marketing suggestions for the new Emgrand?"

Domestic OEMs have already felt the marketing level of Star Motors.

Obviously, they are a level higher than other manufacturers.

Just look at the popularity of topics related to Xingchen Automobile on the Internet, and you will know a thing or two.

"Don't tell me, I really have some ideas about this matter."

"Although the plan is a bit clichéd, the effect should be very good."

When Cao Yang said this, Li Su immediately became interested.

He is not afraid of clichés, as long as it works.

"In the current mid-level car market, Accord, Camry, Passat and Teana should be the most popular."

"Among them, Honda's Accord has begun to adopt some materials with a tensile strength of 6mpa in advance because of the previous collision between CRV and H980."

"For the Camry, as Toyota's leading model, the materials used are not bad."

"But the Passat of Modu Volkswagen, I think there is something to do."

"I heard that their own body design is based on the requirements of collision regulations."

"However, in order to reduce costs, some suppliers directly use some ordinary steel plates instead of high-strength steel plates."

"Of course, this is just a rumor, Mr. Li, just listen to it."

"However, I think we can let Emgrand and Passat meet each other to see how they perform."

When Cao Yang said this, Li Su immediately understood why he had to say "cliché".

Great Wall Motors has already used this trick.

Even in the past year, it is not that no car companies have engaged in similar actions.

However, the effect is not so ideal, and the contrast is not that big of a difference.

But if Passat really uses ordinary steel plates instead of high-strength steel plates as Cao Yang said, then the contrast between Emgrand and it may be huge.

The publicity effect will naturally come up.

"The China Automobile Center has suffered a loss before, and now it should be a little sensitive to such a collision, so you won't test it easily?"

Li Su was very moved, but felt that this plan might not be able to follow the original Great Wall Motors routine.

"Mr. Li, have you seen the relevant pictures and reports about the collision between Audi TT and Ziwei Star on the Internet a few days ago?"

Cao Yang did not answer Li Su's question directly, but changed his direction to guide.

Li Su is also a smart person, so of course he understood immediately.

"Mr. Cao, do you mean that we direct and stage a car accident by ourselves, and let Emgrand and Passat collide?"

"It seems that it is not impossible."

"It's just a little bit dangerous."

Li Su quickly weighed the feasibility of this matter in his mind.

Compared with the test in the laboratory, the performance in the actual car accident is sometimes more impactful.

Especially those who can afford a Passat these days are more or less rich.

And the richer the person, the more he cherishes his own life.

As long as everyone knows that Passat's safety performance is not as good as Geely's Emgrand, then not only will the sales of Passat drop a lot, but a market will be freed up.

The key is that Emgrand's popularity and trustworthiness can definitely rise to a higher level.

This matter can be done.

"For safety's sake, you don't need to sit on the seat, as long as you simply modify it."

"Anyway, the related news will be released by the 'netizens' and some passers-by themselves."

When Cao Yang said this, Li Su knew it in his heart.

No wonder Xingchen Motors made headlines every now and then this year. Cao Yang is very active.

(End of this chapter)

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