Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 352 The fourth car of Xingchen Motors is about to start development?

Chapter 352 The fourth car of Xingchen Motors is about to start development?

The crash test of Autohome has opened up a new situation in the confrontation between Huaxia's own brands and joint venture giants.

Each main engine factory is showing its own special skills, desperately trying to prove its own strength, other companies can't do it.

As the biggest promoter of this matter, Nanshan Group has begun to discuss some other matters.

"Mr. Cao, the development of Xingchen No. [-] and Xingchen No. [-] is now on the right track. Among them, the development of Xingchen No. [-] is considered complete, and there is still some finishing work left on Xingchen No. [-]."

"The new model project team discussed it and decided whether it is possible to consider starting the development of the Star IV, so that our new model project development team can maintain an efficient development state."

In the past year, the team of Xingchen Automobile Research Institute has also continued to grow and develop. The personnel engaged in research and development in the entire Nanshan Group accounted for about [-]% of all personnel.

This ratio is definitely high.

To maintain such a large-scale R&D personnel, the number of related projects must not be small.

For Xingchen Motors, it is necessary to add a few more new models.

According to Rao Yongxiang's idea, it is almost possible to add another SUV and sedan.

It is best to be a model that can support sales.

"Now the competition between domestic self-owned brand car companies and joint venture car companies has become a lot more intense."

"Although we are mainly targeting Volkswagen now, it will definitely affect our cooperation with other car companies such as Ford Motor and General Motors."

"In this case, in addition to promoting the development of self-owned brand car companies, it is necessary to increase the sales of Star Auto itself."

"Otherwise, it would have been difficult for us to get rid of the situation of being led by the nose."

"Don't look at the current relationship between self-owned brand car companies and us is very good, but after their own technical level improves in the future, they will definitely have some other ideas."

"He is Party A, and sooner or later he will return to the position that Party A should have."

Zeng Tingting also added next to it.

The ministerial meeting of Nanshan Group is held once a week.

This occasion is an important opportunity for various departments to communicate on cross-departmental projects or corporate projects.

Obviously, Zeng Tingting and Rao Yongxiang also talked about new models before.

Even mentioned this topic with Cao Yang.

It's just that today is officially thrown out for discussion.

"In the next two to three years, the auto parts business should continue to grow."

"However, in three to five years, self-owned brand car companies, whether it is BYD, which has a close cooperation with us, or Changan Automobile, which has only started in-depth cooperation this year, at least in the engine business, will definitely find a way to produce by itself."

"Some other large and important parts may also be produced by ourselves."

"I heard that BYD has established two new business divisions, which are responsible for the research and production of auto parts."

"So it is really important to increase the sales of Xingchen Automobile as soon as possible so that a virtuous circle can be formed within our group."

As the general manager of Nanshan Engine, Cheng Tao obviously has a little worry about the future.

Ordinary ESP and other parts, with the increase in sales of self-owned brand car companies, Nanshan will definitely benefit.

But the engine is no good.

Among all the businesses of Nanshan Group, the engine business may be the most vulnerable.

Even the gearbox business, due to the higher technical threshold, will not have much impact in a short period of time.

The engine is different. If the engine cannot be produced, it will always give people a feeling that the OEM is not strong enough.

This is also a component that all OEMs care about the most.

"Judging from our recent dealings with the procurement of various OEMs, everyone's attitude towards us has indeed undergone a subtle change."

"There are good and bad changes in this kind of change. It is indeed not harmful for our group to make some internal preparations."

Zeng Tingting added a further message.

The purchase of auto parts is a little different from general items.

This is a long-term project that needs to last for many years.

Whether it is the early quotation or the later mass production supply, it is not a one-shot deal.

Therefore, the relationship between parts suppliers and OEMs is quite special.

It also takes time to cut.

"Developing a new model itself is definitely not a problem."

"Since everyone feels that the time is ripe, let's determine the positioning of the new model as soon as possible."

Naturally, Cao Yang would not disagree with everyone on this matter.

In fact, he already had some big plans.

It's just that there are some things that I didn't tell the people below so early.

Now the people below have brought it up on their own initiative, which can also be said to be a kind of hard work by everyone.

"In terms of model positioning, the sales department also has some preliminary communication with the research institute."

Zeng Tingting glanced at Rao Yongxiang, and then began to introduce.

"According to the current market situation, the mainstream is still sedans, but the growth rate of SUV models is much higher than that of sedans."

"And for models of the same level, the premium of SUVs is also very obvious."

"So for the next car, we think it is more appropriate to launch a five-seater SUV."

"Whether it's Great Wall Motor's H6, BYD S6, Chery Tiggo or Honda's CRV, they all sell well."

"The performance of the BMW X5 in the world is also relatively impressive, and even the Porsche Cayenne is selling better than everyone imagined."

"These are also important reasons why we propose that the next car will be a 5-seater SUV."

Zeng Tingting said while watching Cao Yang's reaction.

Although this topic was brought up in front of Cao Yang before, it was not elaborated.

She also slowly felt that Cao Yang wanted to hear everyone's thoughts on the matter of planning a new model.

Otherwise, she would not have raised the topic directly at the ministerial meeting.

"The launch of a 5-seater SUV model has no problem with its positioning."

"But how to define the competitors of this model, how to define the price range, have you considered this aspect?"

Taking such an opportunity, Cao Yang also wanted to test the level of the company's executives.

Whether a car is successful or not is actually half decided during the early planning.

It’s like you are planning a traditional functional phone after five years, no matter how well you plan and prepare, the ending will not be much better.

"We have also discussed this. The BMW X5 and Porsche Cayenne are our main benchmark models."

"However, we think that domestic consumers still prefer large cars. Under the same circumstances, making the size of the car a little bigger may be more popular."

"For example, some models of Volkswagen and Audi have a taller and longer version in China, and they have been more successful."

"Even Mercedes-Benz and BMW will adopt this plan when they arrive in China."

"Our car is newly developed. Unlike them, it is very difficult to increase the length, width and height."

"So the sales department's proposal is that our SUV should be larger, longer and wider than the BMW X5 and Porsche Cayenne, and the starting price range should be around 100 million."

"Our low-end version can be equipped with the V8 engine under research, and the high-end version can use the W12 engine like the Xingchen II."

"In this way, in the future, we can form a high-end SUV model with a price range of 100 million to 150 million, or even 100 million to 200 million."

When Zeng Tingting said this, Cao Yang couldn't help but nodded.

This idea is similar to his own.

Even Cao Yang had already figured out in his mind which model the appearance of Xingchen [-] would refer to.

Taking Porsche as their main benchmarking company, they will naturally follow the path of Porsche, leaving them with nowhere to go.

Ziweixing has seized the position of Porsche Panamera, and Cayenne already has it.

But the Cayenne sold now is not elegant at all.

I took the appearance of the Cayenne from the later generations, and then enlarged the size appropriately to make it a luxury top-level SUV with five seats.

At that time, we can also form a similar front face style with Ziweixing, making people want to say that Xingchen Motors copied Porsche and can't say it.

"There is no problem with this general direction."

"According to your plan, part of the chassis parts of Star [-] can be shared with Ziwei Star."

"In the future, we will gradually form our own model platform, further reduce the model development cycle, and facilitate the launch of more models faster."

"I hope to launch this model as soon as possible in the first half of 2008."

"It would be best if it could be brought forward to the end of 2007."

The engine and gearbox basically do not need much development.

The rest is much easier.

The main reason is that Xingchen Automobile basically has the development experience of three models now, and it will be much easier to develop other models.

"Judging from the current situation, the main development task for next year is Xingchen [-]."

"The development of Xingchen [-] and Xingchen [-], which are more technically difficult, has basically been completed."

"Presumably the development difficulty of Xingchen [-] will not be particularly high."

"Most of the parts, apart from the need to adjust the size, have a certain shared relationship in other aspects."

"Under such circumstances, it is entirely possible to launch a new car by the end of next year."

Rao Yongxiang naturally needs to stand up and express his position at this time.

But this time he was more confident.

To some extent, Xingchen No. [-] is a smaller version of Xingchen No. [-], so it is naturally much simpler to set up.

"After joining the WTO, various foreign trade industries have developed very fast, and many small bosses have made money."

"These people also have demand for buying luxury models."

"I think this market will be quite large in the future."

Zeng Tingting once again added her opinion.

"In the past few years, most of the luxury cars have entered China, and the annual growth rate of luxury cars is also higher than the average growth rate."

"In this case, the Xingchen II, which we are going to launch soon, also needs to make various marketing preparations, and we must promote it as our flagship product of Xingchen Automobile."

After the general direction of Xingchen No. [-] is determined, there is no need to discuss the rest at this meeting.

And Xingchen No. [-], which will be officially launched this year, will become the protagonist of the next step.

"Mr. Cao, when it comes to Xingchen No. [-], we originally thought of using Wenquxing as its name."

"But after releasing this news on Autohome, everyone's response is generally not very good."

"After sorting out and summarizing the comments from netizens, Autohome suggested that we can refer to the car name Yangwang or Xingkong."

"It seems that the name is more popular with consumers."

Speaking of Xingchen No. [-], Zeng Tingting immediately asked a question.

That's the naming issue.

A good name is still very important.

As the head of the sales department, Zeng Tingting has a more direct feeling about this matter.

"Looking at the stars?"

Cao Yang was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that netizens would propose these two names.

It seems that it is indeed better than Wenquxing?
"Yes, I think these two names are actually somewhat consistent with the company name of our Xingchen Motors."

"In that case, let Xingchen No. [-] be regarded as looking up."

"The remaining Xingchen No. [-] can use the name Xingkong."

Cao Yang was not particularly entangled, and agreed to Zeng Tingting's proposal.

Although she proposed it in the name of Autohome, the sales department must have reviewed it.

Otherwise, he would not have brought it up so easily on this occasion.

However, Rao Yongxiang was a little depressed.

To change the name at this time, they have to redesign the shape of the name as soon as possible, and then notify the supplier to produce the corresponding parts.

Fortunately, the difficulty of this part is not high, and it will not affect the launch schedule of the model.

"By the way, Mr. Cao, our sales department has prepared some special arrangements for our Xingchen No. [-] marketing promotion this time."

"Last year was a good combination of lights and robots."

"This year we are going to change the model."

"In addition to the normal display at the auto show and the media test drive, we would like to invite "The Same Song" to the launch event, and hold a special event for our Star II."

After Zeng Tingting threw out this proposal, everyone's interest immediately came.

At this time, it was the time when "The Same Song" became famous, and every issue was watched by a lot of people.

If it can be done, the influence of Xingchen No. [-]'s listing activities will definitely be out of the circle.

"Mr. Cao, I think Minister Zeng's proposal is good and can be considered."

Rao Yongxiang was the first to stand up and express his support.

"It is estimated that the district will prefer this method, and it will not only be the activities of our Nanshan Group."

"Influence should indeed work!"

Mi Ying is obviously also very interested in such activities.

Cao Yang naturally had no objection to this.

At that time, I might be able to add drama to the event!

(End of this chapter)

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